Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#   O P T I O N S   &   V A R I A B L E S

    prefix: &6&lDelza &8|
    name: &6Delza
    broadcastmessage1: {@prefix} &7Don't forget to purchase anything on our store for goodies! &6/buy
    broadcastmessage2: {@prefix} &7High-Level Donators can host &aSUMO&7 events via &6/host
    broadcastmessage3: {@prefix} &7You're playtime can help your staff-application! It must be more than &61h &7and 5m
	{levels} = 0
	{logincount} = 0
	{onlineplayers} = 0
#   C O M M A N D S
command /sethub [<text>]:
	permission: delza.sethub
	permission message: {@prefix} &7You're blocked from executing this command.
		if arg 1 is not set:
			set {delza.hub} to location of player
			send "{@prefix} &aHub has been set to your location!"
command /hub [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			teleport player to {delza.hub}
			send "{@prefix} &aYou have been sent to the &bHUB"
command /delza [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission message: {@prefix} &7Sorry, You have been blocked for viewing this command.
		if arg 1 is "help":
			wait 2 real seconds
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/delza reload &7Reloads the script"
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/delza options &7Displays the options gui."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/delza sethub &7Sets the main hub location of the server."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/delza cc &7Clears the general chat for you."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/delza events &7Shows the events."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/sumo &7Shows the information about the SUMO minigame."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "&6Delza &3is created by DarkTeam"
			send "&3Use &6/delza help &3for help."
			send "&3Version: A1.5"
		if arg 1 is "cc":
			loop 100 times:
				send ""
			send "{@prefix} &aChat has been cleared by %player%"
		if arg 1 is "reload":
			make console execute "sk reload Delza"
			send ""  
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1
		if arg 1 is "options":
			open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lDelza options" to player
			wait 4 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 1 of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&c&lReload"
			wait 4 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 7 of player's current inventory to diamond named "&aClearChat"
			wait 4 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 13 of player's current inventory to stone pressure plate named "&aSet hub location"
			wait 4 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 15 of player's current inventory to apple named "&cMaintenance Mode"
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 11 of player's current inventory to clock named "&aEvents"
		if arg 1 is "events":
			open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lEVENTS" to player
			wait 4 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			set slot 1 of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&c&lSumo"
			set slot 0 of player's current inventory to diamond sword named "&c&lFFA"
		if arg 1 is "launchevent":
			broadcast "{@prefix} &a2 Random players will be chosen for a SUMO event! After 30 seconds."
			set {_player2} to random element of all players in world "world" # REPLACE "world" TO YOUR SUMO SPAWNS WORLD NAME. Example: "sumo"
			set {_player} to random element of all players in world "world" #  REPLACE "world" TO YOUR SUMO SPAWNS WORLD NAME. Example: "sumo"
			wait 30 real seconds
			broadcast "{@prefix} &aChosen players are &c%{_player}% &aand &c%{_player2}%"
			wait 2 real seconds
			teleport {_player} to {delza.sumo.1}
			teleport {_player2} to {delza.sumo.2}
		if arg 1 is "ffa":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
				send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
				send "&6/delza ffaadmin &7Shows admin's command list"
				send "&6/delza ffa join &7Join's the ffa arena"
				send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
			if arg 2 is "join":
				wait 4 ticks
				if {ffaspawn} is not set:
					wait 4 ticks
					send "{@prefix} &cFFA is in maintenance, and will be back soon, i promise %player%."
				if {ffaspawn} is set:
					teleport player to {ffaspawn}
					send "{@prefix} &aYou have been transfered to FFA."
					wait 4 ticks
					send "{@prefix} &aSelected kit: &eBuildUHC"
					if player is in world "FFA": #Replace "FFA" to your FFA world. example: "FFAWorld"
						wait 4 ticks
						give 1 diamond sword of unbreaking 3, sharpness 1 to player
						add 1 bow of unbreaking 3 and 1 fishing rod of unbreaking 3 and 4 golden apple and 64 arrows to the player
						equip player with iron helmet of unbreaking 1, protection 2
						equip player with diamond chestplate of unbreaking 1, protection 1
						equip player with diamond leggings of unbreaking 1, protection 1
						equip player with iron boots of unbreaking 1, protection 2
			if arg 2 is "setspawn":
				wait 4 ticks
				set {ffaspawn} to location of player
				send "{@prefix} &aFFA Spawn has been set! &6/delza ffa join &ato join."
		if arg 1 is "ffaadmin":
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
			send "&6/delza ffa setspawn &7Sets the spawn of the arena"
			send ""
			send "&aFFA is fully automated, The kit is BuildUHC, All you"
			send "&aHave to do is set the spawn of the arena, Thats why"
			send "&aTheres no much commands."
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
Command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /m, /mess, /tell, /t, /w, /m
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "&cWrong Usage, Use /msg <player> <message>"
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "&cWrong Usage, Use /msg <player> <message>"
			if arg 2 is set:
				send "&8[%arg 1% &a≫ &dme&8] &f%arg 2%" to player
				send "&8[%sender% &a≫ &d%arg 1%&8] &f%arg 2%" to arg 1
				set {rep.%arg 1%} to player

command /r [<text>]:
	aliases: /rep, /reponce, /reply, /re
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "&cWrong Usage, Use /r <message>"
		if arg 1 is set:
			if {rep.%player%} is set:
				send "%{rep.%player%}% &a≫ &f%arg 1%" to player
				send "%sender% &a≫ &f%arg 1%" to {rep.%player%}
				set {rep.%{rep.%player%}%} to player
			if {rep.%player%} is not set:
				message "&f%player% &cis offline!"
command /sumo [<text>]:
	permission: delza.sumo
	permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
		if arg 1 is "setspawn1":
			set {delza.sumo.1} to location of player
			send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully set first spawn of sumo!"
		if arg 1 is "setspawn2":
			set {delza.sumo.2} to location of player
			send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully set second spawn of sumo!"
		if arg 1 is "help":
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/sumo setspawn1 &7Sets the first spawn of the sumo minigame."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&6/sumo setspawn2 &7Sets the second spawn of the sumo minigame."
			wait 8 ticks
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
			send "&7&m------------------------&c&m------&7&m------------------------"
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} &7This is the &aSUMO &7minigame, And this minigame was created by Pingusate, MY OWNER!"

#[											]
#[  A N I M A T E D   S C O R E B O A R D   ]
#[											]
every 80 ticks:
	loop all players:
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lDelza"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lDelza"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lD&6&le&e&llza"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lDe&6&ll&e&lza"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lDel&6&lz&e&la"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lDelz&6&la"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
		wait 3 ticks
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lDelza"
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
		set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
		set score "&fOnline: &a%{onlineplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
		set score "&fName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
		set score "&fLevel: &a%{levels}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
#   E V E N T S   &   O T H E R S

on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lDelza options":
        if clicked slot is 1:
            close inventory of player
            send "{@prefix} &7I'm about to be reloaded in 5 seconds! I will see you later..."
            wait 5 real second
            execute player command "/delza reload"
        else if clicked slot is 7:
            execute player command "/delza cc"
            close inventory of player
            play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1
        else if clicked slot is 13:
            execute player command "/delza sethub"
            close inventory of player
            play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1
        else if clicked slot is 15:
            execute player command "/whitelist on"
            close inventory of player
            play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1
        else if clicked slot is 11:
            broadcast "{@prefix} &a2 Random players will be chosen for a SUMO event! After 30 seconds."
            close inventory of player
            wait 30 real seconds
            broadcast "{@prefix} &aChosen players are &c%{_player}% and &c%{_player2}%"
            wait 2 real seconds
            execute player command "/sumo event"
            execute player command "/sumo event2"
            wait 4 ticks
            send "{@prefix} &a2 Random players has been sent to the event arena."
            play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1
on death:
	if player is in world "FFA":
		wait 4 ticks
		give 1 diamond sword of unbreaking 3, sharpness 1 to player
		add 1 bow of unbreaking 3 and 1 fishing rod of unbreaking 3 and 4 golden apple and 64 arrows to the player
		equip player with iron helmet of unbreaking 1, protection 2
		equip player with diamond chestplate of unbreaking 1, protection 1
		equip player with diamond leggings of unbreaking 1, protection 1
		equip player with iron boots of unbreaking 1, protection 2
on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lEVENTS":
        if clicked slot is 1:
            close inventory of player
            broadcast "{@prefix} &a2 Random players will be chosen for a SUMO event! After 30 seconds."
            wait 30 real seconds
            broadcast "{@prefix} &aChosen players are &c%{_player}% and &c%{_player2}%"
            wait 2 real seconds
            execute player command "/sumo event"
            execute player command "/sumo event2"
		else if clicked slot is 0:
            execute player command "/delza launchevent"
            close inventory of player
            play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 3 and pitch 1		

on pressure plate:
	if event-block is stone pressure plate:
		if block below event-block is redstone block:
			cancel event
			make console execute command "launch %player%"
			push the player upwards at speed 0.2
			push the player forwards at speed 0.3
			play raw sound "NOTE_PLING" at event-block with pitch 1 volume 1
			play mobspawner flames at event-block
every 120 seconds:
	make console execute "delza launchevent"
	wait 60 real seconds
	broadcast "{@prefix} &aAn endless event is running! Which is FFA, Join with &6/delza ffa join"
on damage:
	if damage cause is fall:
		cancel event
on explode:
	cancel event

on damage:
	if damage cause is tnt:
		cancel event
on load:
	send "{@prefix} &aLoaded script." to console
	send "{@name} &aby DarkTeam" to console
	send "&aRate this 5 stars please :)" to console
on quit:
	teleport player to {delza.hub}
	set leave message to ""
	remove 1 from {onlineplayers}	
on first join:
	add 1 to {onlineplayers}
	set join message to ""
	teleport player to {delza.hub}
	add 1 to {levels.%player%}
	add 1 to {logincount.%player%}
	set {_join} to true
	if {_join} is true:
		loop 100 times:
			send ""
		send ""
		wait 3 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&a&lWELCOME! &7This is your first join, I'm {@name} ,"
		send "&7And now, I'm one of your friends!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7As a gift, i added 1 level to your levels!"
		send "&7I will give you 10 seconds to look at our NEW HUB!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 10 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7So, what's your name? Oh, I'm stupid, I can see it over"
		send "&7Your head, Nice to meet you %player%"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7So if you got any problem, Use /help, If you want to report"
		send "&7A specific player, Use /report <player> <reason>"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7Go start the journey! explore the server, Play & win"
		send "&7Minigames! Collect levels, Do whatever you want in here!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7In your inventory, You have some magical items, Use them"
		send "&7To have fun in the hub, Use the compass to teleport to a game-lobby"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 2
		send "&7Well, i think its time to &cleave &7for me, I hope you enjoyed"
		send "&7This little conversation, Use &6/delza &7to see more info about me, &bBye!"
on join:
	add 1 to {onlineplayers}
	set join message to ""
	teleport player to {delza.hub}
	add 1 to {logincount.%player%}
	set {_join} to false
	if {_join} is false:
		loop 100 times:
			send ""
		send ""
		wait 3 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&a&lWELCOME BACK! &7This is your &a%{logincount}% &7join!, If you don't know. I'm {@name} "
		send "&7And i'm already one of your friends, And i will help you with everything you want."
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7Your level now is &a%{levels}%! Congratz!"
		send "&7I'm really happy with you now %player%."
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7So, we have gotten some &aNEWS &7here today!"
		send "&7We have added events, Which can be hosted via /delza events!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7High-Level donators only can host events, For a specific reason."
		send "&7Events that can be hosted for now is &aSUMO."
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7So, Stay for some minutes and you may notice a event!"
		send "&7You can level-up via playing minigames!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7Use the magical items i've told you about before ;)"
		send "&7And we may add a &aCOSMETICS &7menu!"
		send ""
		send ""
		wait 5 real seconds
		play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
		send "&7It's time to leave, Sorry gotta do some work, if you need me in anything,"
		send "&7Use &6/delza &7OH! I got to hurry, &bBye!"
#   C H A T   E V E N T S
on chat: #other gonna be updating soon...
	cancel event
	loop all players:
		broadcast "&7%player% &8> &f%message%"
		if "%message%" contains "time":
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
			wait 8 ticks
			send "{@prefix} &7%now%"
		if "%message%" contains "%loop-player%":
			replace all "%loop-player%" with "&a@%loop-player% " in message
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with pitch 2 volume 10
			send "&aYou have been mentioned!" to loop-player
		if "%message%" contains ".com" or ".us" or ".net" or ".org" or ".rip" or ".eu" or "eu." or "play." or "mc." or "" or "serv." or "serv" or "server." or ".nl" or ".tk":
			cancel event
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
			send "{@prefix} &7I blocked your message, Does this server looks like it allows advertising?!?!"
		if "%message%" contains "hacks" or "h4acks" or "hack" or "h4cks" or "cheat" or "ch34t" or "ch3at" or "che4t":
			cancel event
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
			send "{@prefix} &7I blocked your message, Because you always can do /report."
		if "%message%" contains "fuck" or "cunt" or "nigga" or "n1gga" or "n1gg4" or "kill yourself" or "fk" or "fu" or "shit" or "gay" or "sex" or "sexy" or "boobs" or "ass" or "penis" or "dick":
			cancel event
			play sound "NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 1
			send "{@prefix} &7I blocked your message! Stop being rude."
		player has permission "delza.adminformat": # WARNING: If player is op, Its gonna broadcast 5 messages with same text, Please do not use OP!
			cancel event
			broadcast "&4&lADMIN &7%player% &8> &f%message%"
		player has permission "delza.ownerformat": # WARNING: If player is op, Its gonna broadcast 5 messages with same text, Please do not use OP!
			cancel event
			broadcast "&c&lOWNER &7%player% &8> &f%message%"
		player has permission "delza.builderformat": # WARNING: If player is op, Its gonna broadcast 5 messages with same text, Please do not use OP!
			cancel event
			broadcast "&b&lBUILDER &7%player% &8> &f%message%"
		player has permission "delza.modformat": # WARNING: If player is op, Its gonna broadcast 5 messages with same text, Please do not use OP!
			cancel event
			broadcast "&a&lMOD &7%player% &8> &f%message%"
#   E N D   O F   S C R I P T