Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
prefix: &8[&6Regions&8]
prefixErr: &8[&cRegions&8]
condition flag %string% in %string% is %string%:
if {Regions::%expression-2%} is set:
loop {Regions::Flag::%expression-2%::*}:
if loop-index is expression-1:
if expression-3 is "deny":
if {Regions::Flag::%expression-2%::%loop-index%} is "%expression-3%" or "false":
if expression-3 is "allow":
if {Regions::Flag::%expression-2%::%loop-index%} is "%expression-3%" or "true":
expression region of %player%:
loop blocks in radius 2 around expression-1:
loop {Regions::*}:
if {Regions::Location::%loop-value-2%::%location of loop-block%} is set:
if loop-value-2 is not "":
return loop-value-2
return "Wildrness"
return "Wildrness"
expression region of block %location%:
loop {Regions::*}:
if {Regions::Location::%loop-value%::%expression-1%} is set:
if loop-value-2 is not "":
return loop-value-2
return "Wildrness"
return "Wildrness"
expression region %string% corner number 1:
return {Regions::Pos1::%expression-1%}
expression region %string% corner number 2:
return {Regions::Pos2::%expression-1%}
command region [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
aliases: regions
if arg 1 is "create":
if {Regions::%arg 2%} is not set:
set {Regions::%arg 2%} to arg 2
send "{@prefix} Region &6%{Regions::%arg 2%}%&8 created!"
if arg 1 is "wand":
if {Regions::%arg 2%} is set:
give player stick named "&aWand For %{Regions::%arg 2%}%"
send "{@prefix} Region &6%{Regions::%arg 2%}%'s&8 wand has been given to you!"
send "{@prefixErr} Region &c%arg 2%&8 doesn't exist!"
if arg 1 is "setupregion" or "regionsetup" or "setup" or "save" or "saveregion" or "regionsave":
if {Regions::%arg 2%} is set:
if {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%::TEMP} is set:
if {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%::TEMP} is set:
if arg 3 is not set:
send "{@prefix} Running Checks..."
set {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} to {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%::TEMP}
set {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%} to {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%::TEMP}
set {_amountofblocks} to amount of blocks in {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} and {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%}
if {_amountofblocks} is bigger than or equal to 250:
send "{@prefix} Making proccess slower! &6(There is: &e%{_amountofblocks}% blocks&6!)"
send "{@prefix} Continuing with normal proccess &6(&eThere is: &e%{_amountofblocks}% blocks&6!)"
loop all blocks within {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} and {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%}:
if {_amountofblocks} is bigger than or equal to 250:
wait 1 tick
set {Regions::Location::%arg 2%::%location of loop-block%} to location of loop-block
set {Regions::RegionAt::%location of loop-block%} to arg 2
send "{@prefix} Finished!"
else if arg 3 is "-utd":
set {_amountofblocks} to amount of blocks in {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} and {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%}
set y coord of {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} to 255
set y coord of {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%} to 0
send "{@prefix} Making proccess slower! &6(There is: &e%{_amountofblocks}% blocks&6!)"
set {_time} to {_amountofblocks} / 0.2
if {_time} is bigger than 60:
send "{@prefix} Time to finish: %{_time} / 60% minutes (Not Exactly)"
else if {_time} is smaller than or equal to 60:
send "{@prefix} Time to finish: %{_time}% seconds"
loop all blocks within {Regions::Pos1::%arg 2%} and {Regions::Pos2::%arg 2%}:
wait 2 tick
set {Regions::Location::%arg 2%::%location of loop-block%} to location of loop-block
set {Regions::RegionAt::%location of loop-block%} to arg 2
send "{@prefix} Finished!"
send "{@prefixErr} Position 2 aren't set!"
send "{@prefixErr} Position 1 aren't set!"
send "{@prefixErr} Region &c%arg 2%&8 doesn't exist!"
if arg 1 is "flags" or "flag":
if {Regions::%arg 2%} is set:
if arg 4 is set:
if arg 4 is "true" or "false" or "allow" or "deny":
set {Regions::Flag::%arg 2%::%arg 3%} to arg 4
send "{@prefix} The flag &6%arg 3%&8 state is: &6%arg 4%&8 in region: &6%arg 2%"
send "{@prefixErr} You must put &c([true/false] or [allow/deny])"
send "{@prefixErr} You must put &c([true/false] or [allow/deny])"
send "{@prefixErr} Region &c%arg 2%&8 doesn't exist!"
if arg 1 is "saveinventory" or "inventory":
if {Regions::%arg 2%} is set:
set {_slot} to 0
loop 36 times:
set {Regions::Inventory::%arg 2%::%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of player
add 1 to {_slot}
set {Regions::Inventory::%arg 2%::Helmet} to helmet of player
set {Regions::Inventory::%arg 2%::Chestplate} to chestplate of player
set {Regions::Inventory::%arg 2%::Leggings} to leggings of player
set {Regions::Inventory::%arg 2%::Boots} to boots of player
set {Regions::HasInventory::%arg 2%} to true
send "{@prefix} Region &6%arg 2%&8 inventory saved!"
send "{@prefixErr} Region &c%arg 2%&8 doesn't exist!"
on place:
if {Regions::%region of player%} is set:
loop {Regions::Flag::%region of player%::*}:
if loop-index is "place":
if {Regions::Flag::%region of player%::%loop-index%} is "deny" or "false":
cancel event
on break:
if {Regions::%region of player%} is set:
loop {Regions::Flag::%region of player%::*}:
if loop-index is "break":
if {Regions::Flag::%region of player%::%loop-index%} is "deny" or "false":
cancel event
on damage:
if {Regions::%region of victim%} is set:
loop {Regions::Flag::%region of victim%::*}:
if loop-index is "damage":
if {Regions::Flag::%region of victim%::%loop-index%} is "deny" or "false":
cancel event
every 0.8 seconds:
if amount of all players is not 0:
loop all players:
set {_oldregion} to region of loop-player
wait 0.8 seconds
set {Regions::Delay::%loop-player%} to true
if region of loop-player != {_oldregion}:
if region of loop-player is set:
if {_oldregion} is not "":
send "{@prefix} Exiting region: &6%{_oldregion}%" to loop-player
if {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%} is true:
clear {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%}
set {_slot} to 0
loop 36 times:
set slot {_slot} of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::%{_slot}%}
add 1 to {_slot}
set helmet of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Helmet}
set chestplate of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Chestplate}
set leggings of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Leggings}
set boots of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Boots}
send "{@prefix} Gived back your inventory!" to loop-player
if region of loop-player is not "":
send "{@prefix} Entering region: &6%region of loop-player%" to loop-player
send loop-player title "&8Entering Region" with subtitle "&6%region of loop-player%" for 1.5 seconds
if {Regions::HasInventory::%region of loop-player%} is true:
send "{@prefix} Giving you inventory of region &6%region of loop-player%" to loop-player
set {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%} to true
set {_slot} to 0
loop 36 times:
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of loop-player
add 1 to {_slot}
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Helmet} to helmet of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Chestplate} to chestplate of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Leggings} to leggings of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Boots} to boots of loop-player
clear loop-player's inventory
set {_slotV2} to 0
loop 36 times:
set slot {_slotV2} of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::%{_slotV2}%}
add 1 to {_slotV2}
set helmet of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Helmet}
set chestplate of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Chestplate}
set leggings of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Leggings}
set boots of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Boots}
stop trigger
send "{@prefix} Entering Wildrness" to loop-player
send "{@prefix} Exiting Wildness" to loop-player
send "{@prefix} Entering region: &6%region of loop-player%" to loop-player
send loop-player title "&8Entering Region" with subtitle "&6%region of loop-player%" for 1.5 second
if {Regions::HasInventory::%region of loop-player%} is true:
send "{@prefix} Giving you inventory of region &6%region of loop-player%" to loop-player
set {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%} to true
set {_slot} to 0
loop 36 times:
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of loop-player
add 1 to {_slot}
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Helmet} to helmet of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Chestplate} to chestplate of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Leggings} to leggings of loop-player
set {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Boots} to boots of loop-player
clear loop-player's inventory
set {_slotV2} to 0
loop 36 times:
set slot {_slotV2} of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::%{_slotV2}%}
add 1 to {_slotV2}
set helmet of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Helmet}
set chestplate of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Chestplate}
set leggings of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Leggings}
set boots of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%region of loop-player%::Boots}
clear {inWamd::%loop-player%}
if {inWamd::%loop-player%} is true:
stop trigger
if {inWamd::%loop-player%} is not set:
set {inWamd::%loop-player%} to true
send "{@prefix} Entering Wildness" to loop-player
if {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%} is true:
clear {Regions::IsinRegionWithInventory::%loop-player%}
set {_slot} to 0
loop 36 times:
set slot {_slot} of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::%{_slot}%}
add 1 to {_slot}
set helmet of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Helmet}
set chestplate of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Chestplate}
set leggings of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Leggings}
set boots of loop-player to {Regions::Inventory::%loop-player%::Boots}
send "{@prefix} Gived back your inventory!" to loop-player
stop trigger
on left click:
if name of player's held item contains "&aWand For":
cancel event
set {_name} to name of player's held item
replace all "&aWand For " in {_name} with ""
set {Regions::Pos1::%{_name}%::TEMP} to location of clicked block
send "{@prefix} Sucessfully set the location of &6Position 1"
on right click:
if name of player's held item contains "&aWand For":
cancel event
set {_name} to name of player's held item
replace all "&aWand For " in {_name} with ""
set {Regions::Pos2::%{_name}%::TEMP} to location of clicked block
send "{@prefix} Sucessfully set the location of &6Position 2"