Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#(Don't touch the code unless you know what you are doing.)

command /basicexpressions:
	permission: basic.expressions
	permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
		send "               &b&LBasicExpressions"
		send "&e---------------------------------------"
		send "&7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b/basicexpressionsreload (reloads the BasicExpressions Plugin)||ttp:&b/bereload||cmd:/bereload")
		send "&7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b/expressions (shows a list of all the expressions)||ttp:&b/expr||cmd:/expressions")
		send "&7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b/createexpression (creates your own expression)||ttp:&b/createexpr")
		send "&7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b/deleteexpression (deletes an expression you have created)||ttp:&b/deleteexpr")
		send "&7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b/serverexpressions (shows a list of the server's created expressions)||ttp:&b/serverexpr||cmd:/serverexpressions")
		send "&7&L "
		send "&e---------------------------------------"
command /expressions:
	aliases: /expr
	permission: expressions.list
	permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
		send "&8&m-----------------------------------"
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&c(╯°□°)╯&7︵ &7&L┻━┻||ttp:&f:&ctableflip&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&c❤||ttp:&c<3")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&6✮||ttp:&f:&6star&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&e¯\_(ツ)_/¯||ttp:&f:&eshrug&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&d( ゚◡゚)/||ttp:&do/")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&d☜(⌒▽⌒)☞||ttp:&d^u^")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&dᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ||ttp:&f:&dlook&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&5(&c▰&5˘◡˘&c▰&5)||ttp:&f:&5blush&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&6(ᴖᴥᴖ)||ttp:&f:&6woof&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&a1&e2&c3||ttp::&a1&e2&c3&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&dO&5w&dO||ttp::&do&5w&do&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&e✎&6...||ttp:&f:&etyping&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&e@&a'&e-&a'||ttp:&f:&asnail&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&b⊙&e_&b⊙||ttp:&f:&btotem&f:")
		send " &7&L "
		json("%player%", "&a√&e&L(&aπ&a&L+&a&Lx&e&L)&a&L=&c&LL||ttp:&f:&amaths&f:")
		send "&8&m-----------------------------------"
command /basicexpressionsreload:
	aliases: /bereload
	permission: basic.reload
	permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
		make console execute command "/sk reload %script%"
		wait 10 ticks
		send "&aSuccessfully reloaded BasicExpressions."

command /createexpression [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /createexpr
    permission: create.expression
    permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            json("%player%", "&cInvalid usage! Use: /createexpr (expression) (color) (emoji)||ttp:&c/createexpr (expression) (color) (emoji)")
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                add arg 1 to {expressions::*}
                set {replace.%arg 1%} to arg 2
                send "&aSuccessfully created emoji: %arg 2%" to player
                json("%player%", "&cInvalid usage! Use: /createexpr (expression) (color) (emoji)||ttp:&c/createexpr (expression) (color) (emoji)")

command /serverexpressions:
    aliases: /serverexpr
    permission: server.expressions
    permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
        loop {expressions::*}:
            json("%player%", "&f%loop-value%||ttp:%loop-value%")
            send "&7&L " to player

command /deleteexpression [<text>]:
    aliases: /deleteexpr
    permission: delete.expression
    permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions!
        if arg 1 is set:
            remove arg 1 from {expressions::*}
            delete {replace.%arg 1%}
            send "&aSuccessfully deleted expression: &f%arg 1%" to player
            json("%player%", "&cInvalid usage! Use: /deleteexpr (expression)||ttp:&c/deleteexpr (expression)")


	Replace: true
	Message: true 

on chat:
		if message contains ":tableflip:":
				if {@Replace} is true:           
						replace all ":tableflip:" in message with "&c(╯°□°)╯&7︵ &7&L┻━┻&f"

	Replace2: true
	Message2: true

on chat:
		if message contains "<3":
				if {@Replace2} is true:           
						replace all "<3" in message with "&c❤&f"

	Message3: true
	Replace3: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":star:":
				if {@Replace3} is true:           
						replace all ":star:" in message with "&6✮&f"

	Message4: true
	Replace4: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":shrug:":
				if {@Replace4} is true:           
						replace all ":shrug:" in message with "&e¯\_(ツ)_/¯&f"

	Message5: true
	Replace5: true

on chat:
		if message contains "o/":
				if {@Replace5} is true:           
						replace all "o/" in message with "&d( ゚◡゚)/&f"

	Message6: true
	Replace6: true

on chat:
		if message contains "^u^":
				if {@Replace6} is true:           
						replace all "^u^" in message with "&d☜(⌒▽⌒)☞&f"

	Message7: true
	Replace7: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":look:":
				if {@Replace7} is true:           
						replace all ":look:" in message with "&dᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ&f"

	Message8: true
	Replace8: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":blush:":
				if {@Replace8} is true:           
						replace all ":blush:" in message with "&5(&c▰&5˘◡˘&c▰&5)&f"

	Message9: true
	Replace9: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":woof:":
				if {@Replace9} is true:           
						replace all ":woof:" in message with "&6(ᴖᴥᴖ)&f"

	Message10: true
	Replace10: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":123:":
				if {@Replace10} is true:           
						replace all ":123:" in message with "&a1&e2&c3&f"

	Message11: true
	Replace11: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":owo:":
				if {@Replace11} is true:           
						replace all ":owo:" in message with "&dO&5w&dO&f"

	Message12: true
	Replace12: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":typing:":
				if {@Replace12} is true:           
						replace all ":typing:" in message with "&e✎&6...&f"

	Message13: true
	Replace13: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":snail:":
				if {@Replace13} is true:           
						replace all ":snail:" in message with "&e@&a'&e-&a'&f"

	Message14: true
	Replace14: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":totem:":
				if {@Replace14} is true:           
						replace all ":totem:" in message with "&b⊙&e_&b⊙&f"

	Message15: true
	Replace15: true

on chat:
		if message contains ":maths:":
				if {@Replace15} is true:           
						replace all ":maths:" in message with "&a√&e&L(&aπ&a&L+&a&Lx&e&L)&a&L=&c&LL&f"

on chat:
    loop {expressions::*}:
        if message contains "%loop-value%":
            replace all "%loop-value%" in message with "%colored {replace.%loop-value%}%"