Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.


# - Realcore
    RCprefix: [&bReal&3Core&r]
# - Server Prefix
    serverprefix: &a&lYourServerHere # - Server prefix - name of your server - edit to your liking, supports color codes

# - Teamspeak
    TSenabled: true #set to true or false, whether or not you want this enabled in your join messages
    TSmessage: &7ts.example.comm
# - Discord
    DSenabled: true #set to true or false, whether or not you want this enabled in your join messages
    DSmessage: &
# - Twitter
    TWITTERenabled: true #set to true or false, whether or not you want this enabled in your join messages
    TWITTERmessage: &7@ExampleNetwork
# - Website
    WEBSITEenabled: true #set to true or false, whether or not you want this enabled in your join messages
    WEBSITEmessage: &
# - Store
    STOREenabled: true #set to true or false, whether or not you want this enabled in your join messages
    STOREmessage: &

# - Punishment Messages
    banprefix: [&3RealCore Bans&r] # - Prefix for ban commands/messages
    kickmsg2: &cYou have been kicked for the reason # - The message a player sees when they are kicked
    banmsg: &chas been suspended from
    banmsg2: &cYou have been suspended from the server for
    banappeal: If you would like to Appeal your ban visit:%newline%& #Adjust the appeal to your liking
    warnmsg: &aYou have been &4&lWARNED # The message a player recieves when they are warned
# - Broadcasts
    BCtime: 60 # - Time in seconds for the auto braodcast to run
    bcprefix: [&aBROADCAST&r]
# - AntiSwear/Hack Messaging
    ASprefix: [&3AntiSwear&r] # The prefix used for anti swearing
    AHprefix: [&3AntiHack&r] # The prefix used for anti-hack talk


#   S C O R E B O A R D
on load:
    if {realcore.onlinecount} is not set:
        set {realcore.onlinecount} to 0
    if {realcore.onlinecount} is less than 0:
        set {realcore.onlinecount} to 0

on join:
    add 1 to {realcore.onlinecount}

on quit:
    remove 1 from {realcore.onlinecount}

every 10 ticks:
    loop all players:
        wipe loop-player's sidebar
        set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@serverprefix}"
        set score "&7&m-----------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
        set score "&aName:" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
        set score "&f%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
        set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
        set score "&aOnline:" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
        set score "&f%{realcore.onlinecount}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
        set score "&7&m-----------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 1

#   J O I N   M O T D

on join:
    set join message to "&8[&a+&8] &b%player%"
    wait 10 ticks
    loop 200 times:
        send ""
    send "&7-----------------------------------------------"
    send ""
    send "&7Welcome to the {@serverprefix}"
    if {@WEBSITEenabled} is true:
        send "&a&lWebsite: {@WEBSITEmessage}"
    if {@TSenabled} is true:
        send "&a&lTeamspeak: {@TSmessage}"
    if {@STOREenabled} is true:
        send "&a&lStore: {@STOREmessage}"
    if {@TWITTERenabled} is true:
        send "&a&lTwitter: {@TWITTERmessage}"
    if {@DSenabled} is true:
        send "&a&lDiscord: {@DSmessage}"
    send ""
    send "&7-----------------------------------------------"
    send ""

On quit:
	set leave message to "&8[&c-&8] &b%player%"

#   M E N T I O N

on chat:
	loop all players:
		if message contains "%loop-player%":
			replace all "%loop-player%" with "&b@%loop-player%&r " in message
			play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to player with volume 1 and pitch 10
			send "&aYou have been mentioned by %player%" to loop-player

#   G E N E R A L   C M D S

command /realcore [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /rc
	permission: realcore.core
	permission message: &fUnknown command. Type '/help' for help."
		if arg 1 is not set:
			wait 4 ticks
			send "&6Realcore &3by Pingusate"
			send "&6/rc help &3for help."
			send "&3Version: &63.1"
		if arg 1 is "help":
			wait 4 ticks
			send "&7&m---------------------------------------------"
			send "&3/staffhelp &7Shows admin's help commands."
			send "&3/cmc &7Clears self-chat."
			send "&3/cpc &7Clears general chat."
			send "&3/rcreload &7Reloads RealCore."
			send "&3/warn <player> <reason> &7Warns a specific player."
			send "&3/ban <player> <reason> &7Bans a specific player."
			send "&3/kick <player> <reason> &7Kicks a specific player."
			send "&3/unban <player> &7Unbans a specific player that is banned."
			send "&3/baninfo <player> &7Shows the player's ban informations."
			send "&3/bcadd <id> <message> &7Adds a new broadcast message."
			send "&3/bcremove <id> &7Removes a specific broadcast message."
			send "&3/bclist &7Shows the broadcast messages list."
			send "&7&m---------------------------------------------"

command /rcreload:
		if player has permission "realcore.reload":
			make console execute command "/sk reload"
			send "{@RCprefix} - &6&lREALCORE &aHas been reloaded!"
		sender is console:
			make console execute command "/sk reload"
			send "{@RCprefix} - &6Realcore has been reloaded!"

command /staffhelp [<text>]:
	permission: realcore.staffhelp
	permission message: &fUnknown command
		send "&7-----------------------------------------------"
		send "&6&lAdmin commands and informations:"
		send ""
		send "&cCommands:"
		send "&a/cmc &7Clear your own chat!"
		send "&a/cpc &7Clear general chat!"
		send "&a/staff &7Toggles staff mode on / off"
		send ""
		send "&cInformations:"
		send "&aYour job is important, you have to stay active, And you should be very successful on your work:"
		send "&aDetect cheaters"
		send "&aDetect Buggs / Glitch creators"
		send "&aDetect Abuses"
		send "&aNotice every anti-cheat norification, and check the player if cheating."
		send "&7-----------------------------------------------"

command /cmc [<text>]:
	aliases: clearmychat
		send "&8Clearing Chat.."
		loop 200 times:
			send ""
		send "&aYour chat has been cleared!"

command /clearpublicchat [<text>]:
	aliases: /cpc
	permission: realcore.cpc
	permission message: &cYou have no rights to use this command
		loop 200 times:
			broadcast ""
		broadcast "&aChat has been cleared by %player%"

command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
    permission: realcore.warn
    permission message: {@serverprefix} &cYou do not have the rights to do that command.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                message " " to arg 1
                message "&7&m--------------&8>[ {@serverprefix} &8]<&7&m--------------" to arg 1
                message "{@warnmsg}" to arg 1
                message "&7Reason: &c%arg-2%" to arg 1
                message "&7&m-----------------------------------------------" to arg 1
                message " " to arg 1
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player has permission "realcore.warn":
                        message "{@banprefix} &c%arg-1% &7has been successfully warned by %player%" to loop-player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "{@banprefix} &cWrong Usage, /warn <player> <reason>"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "{@banprefix} &cWrong Usage, /warn <player> <reason>"

command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
	aliases: suspend
	permission: realcore.ban
	permission message: {@banprefix} &cYou do not have the rights to do that command.
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 2 is set:
				set {banned.%arg 1%} to true
				set {ban.time.%arg 1%} to now
				set {ban.reason.%arg 1%} to arg 2
				set {ban.expire.%arg 1%} to "Never"
				set {ban.bannedby.%arg 1%} to player
				set {BanIP.%arg 1%} to false
				kick arg 1 due to "&a{@serverprefix}%newline%&c{@banmsg2}%newline%&f""&c%arg-2%&f""%newline%&6{@banappeal}"
				ban arg 1 due to "&f""&c%arg-2%&f""%newline%&6{@banappeal}"
				broadcast "&7&m-----------------------------------"
				broadcast ""
				broadcast "{@serverprefix} &c%arg-1% {@banmsg} {@serverprefix}"
				broadcast "&cReason: &f%arg-2%"
				broadcast ""
				broadcast "&7&m-----------------------------------"
				message "{@banprefix} &aSuccessfully ipbanned &c%arg-1%"
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@banprefix} &cWrong Usage, /ipban (player) (reason)"
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@banprefix} &cWrong Usage, /ipban (player) (reason)"

command /unban [<offlineplayer>]:
    permission: realcore.unban
    permission message: {@banprefix} &cYou do not have the rights to do that command.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
                unban arg 1
                unban ip of arg 1
                set {banned.%arg-1%} to false
                message "{@banprefix} &aYou successfuly unbanned %arg-1%"
            if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
                message "{@banprefix} &c%arg 1% is not banned."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "{@banprefix} &cWrong Usage, &cUse /unban (player)"

command /kick [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: realcore.kick
    permission message: {@banprefix} &cYou do not have the rights to use that command.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                kick arg 1 due to "{@serverprefix}%newline%{@kickmsg2}:%newline% &f""&c%arg-2%&f"""
                loop players:
                    if loop-player has permission "realcore.kick":
                        send "&7&m-----------------------------------" to loop-player
                        send "" to player
                        send "&a%arg-1% &chas been kicked from the server" to loop-player
                        send "&6Reason: &c%arg-2%" to loop-player
                        send "" to loop-player
                        send "&7&m-----------------------------------" to loop-player
                send "{@banprefix} - &aYou have successfully kicked %arg-1%" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "{@banprefix}Wrong Usage, Use /kick (player) (reason)"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "{@banprefix} Wrong Usage, Use /kick (player) (reason)"

command /baninfo [<offlineplayer>]:
	aliases: baninfo, pinfo
	permission: realcore.baninfo
	permission message: {@banprefix} &cYou do not have the rights to use that command.
		if arg 1 is set:
			if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
				message "&7&m-------------&8>[ Ban Information &8]<&7&m-------------"
				message " &cPlayer &7| &7%arg-1%"
				message " &cBanned by &7| &7%{ban.bannedby.%arg 1%}%"
				message " &cReason of Ban &7| &7%{ban.reason.%arg 1%}%"
				message " &cTime of Ban &7| &7%{ban.time.%arg 1%}%"
				message " &cBanned-IP &7| &7%{BanIP.%arg 1%}%"
				message " &cDuration &7| &7%{ban.expire.%arg 1%}%"
				message "&7&m--------------------------"
			if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
				message "{@serverprefix} &c%arg-1% is not banned"
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@serverprefix} &cWrong Usage, Use /punishinfo (player)"

#   B R O A D C A S T   C O M M A N D S

every {@BCtime} seconds:
	if {realcore::bc::*} is set:
		set {_BC} to a random element of {realcore::bc::*}
		send "{@bcprefix} - %{_BC}%" to all players

command /bc [<text>]:
	aliases: /broadcast
	permission: realcore.broadcast
	permission message: &cNo permissions
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@serverprefix} &cWrong Usage, Use /bc <text>"
		if arg 1 is set:
			wait 4 ticks
			send "{@serverprefix} &7%arg 1%" to all players

command /bcadd <number> <text>:
	permission: realcore.broadcast.admin
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {realcore::bc::*} is set:
					loop {realcore::bc::*}:
						if {realcore::bc::%arg-1%} is set:
							send "{@RCprefix} - ##%arg-1% has already been set" to player
							set {realcore::bc::%arg-1%} to arg-2
							send "{@RCprefix} - ##%arg-1% set as ""%arg-2%""" to player
					set {realcore::bc::%arg-1%} to arg-2
					send "{@RCprefix} - ##%arg-1% set as ""%arg-2%""" to player

command /bcremove <number>:
	permission: realcore.broadcast.admin
		if arg-1 is set:
			loop {realcore::bc::*}:
				if {realcore::bc::%arg-1%} is set:
					clear {realcore::bc::%arg-1%}
					send "{@RCprefix} - ##%arg-1% has been removed" to player
					send "{@RCprefix} - ##%arg-1% is not set" to player

command /bclist:
	permission: realcore.broadcast.admin
		send "{@RCprefix} - Broadcasts:"
		loop {realcore::bc::*}:
			send "%loop-index%: %{realcore::bc::%loop-index%}%" to player

#   A N T I   S W E A R
on chat:
	if message contains "fuck" or "nigga" or "fk" or "nigger" or "n1gga" or "n1gg4" or "cunt" or "your mom" or "shit":
		cancel event
		send "{@ASprefix} &7Your message has been blocked, try tone down the swearing."

on chat:
	if message contains "hacker" or "cheater" or "hacks" or "cheat" or "hack" or "cheats":
		cancel event
		send "{@AHprefix} &7Your message has been blocked, try not talking about hacking."

#   A N T I   P L U G I N   L I S T
function command(p: player):
    send "&7&m--------------------------" to {_p}
    send "" to {_p}
    send "&6&lPLUGINS&7:" to {_p}
    send "&cViewing plugins has been blocked." to {_p}
    send "" to {_p}
    send "&7&m--------------------------" to {_p}
on command "/pl":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/ver":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/version":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/about":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/?":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/icanhasbukkit":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:plugin":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:about":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:version":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:ver":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event
on command "/bukkit:me":
    if player does not have permission "realcore.admin":
        cancel event