Created by BaeFell

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#	Designed and created by BaeFell
#	Copyright (C) 2018

	P: &c&lbaeChat &7»&e
	W: &c&lbaeChat &7»&c

	# The default permission to access the main /chat command
	defaultCommandPermission: baechat.command.use
	# If players have this permission, then they can start a private conversation with other players
	privateConversationPermission: baechat.conversation.allow
	# Permission checks for creating channels
	# Must have this permission to delete a channel
	# Required permission to update a channel
	# Admin permission to run player info and clear chat command
	adminPermission: baechat.admin
	# This is the layout for the general chat. This channel is that everyone is in
	defaultChatLayout: &7[<<player>>]: &f<<message>>
	# The layout below is for group chats
	defaultGroupChatLayout: &a» <<player>>: <<message>>

	# Both layouts below support the normal parsing keywords
	# How it looks to the sender/reciever when they send a conversation message
	senderToRecieverConversation: &d[<<player>>] » [<<reciever>>]: <<message>>

	# How many blank messages would you like to send? 30 is a fairly decent amount
	clearChatTimes: 30
	# Would you like a message in chat to be sent after the chat is cleared?
	sendClearChatMessage: true
	# What's the message?
	clearChatMessage: &c&l<<player>> &6has cleared the chat!
	# The permission required to clear the chat:

	# This message will be broadcast when just normal Chat is locked
	chatLockMessage: &c&lChat has been locked
	# When Chat is locked Globally (inc. Groups and Conversations), this will be broadcast
	globalChatLockMessage: &c&lChat has been locked
	# And when chat is unlocked, this will be broadcast
	chatUnlockMessage: &a&lChat has been unlocked

function baeChat_createDefaultChannels(unused: string = none):
	if {bchat::channels::general::name} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::general::name} to "general"
	if {bchat::channels::general::creator} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::general::creator} to "baeChat - auto generated channel"
	if {bchat::channels::general::createdAt} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::general::createdAt} to now
	if {bchat::channels::general::permission} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::general::permission} to "none"
	if {bchat::channels::general::layout} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::general::layout} to "{@defaultChatLayout}"

	if {bchat::channels::group::name} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::group::name} to "group"
	if {bchat::channels::group::creator} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::group::creator} to "baeChat - auto generated channel"
	if {bchat::channels::group::createdAt} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::group::createdAt} to now
	if {bchat::channels::group::permission} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::group::permission} to "none"
	if {bchat::channels::group::layout} is not set:
		set {bchat::channels::group::layout} to "{@defaultGroupChatLayout}"

	set {bchat::defaultChannels::general} to "general"
	set {bchat::defaultChannels::group} to "group"

function baeChat_setupAPI(unused: string = none):
	delete {bchat::api::*}
	# baeChat_registerEventListener(event, command, script)
	#							the event to listen too 											name of the script for organisation
	#													command ran as console 								just putting 'script' works too
	# baeChat_registerEventListener("chat", "baechat_console <<event>> <<sender>> <<reciever>> <<message>>", "baeChat")
	set {bchat::api::events::chat-presend} to "chat-presend"
	set {bchat::api::events::chat-send} to "chat-send"
	set {bchat::api::events::conversation-start} to "conversation-start"
	set {bchat::api::events::conversation-send} to "conversation-send"
	set {bchat::api::events::conversation-end} to "conversation-end"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-create} to "group-create"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-join} to "group-join"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-presend} to "group-presend"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-send} to "group-send"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-leave} to "group-leave"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-prekick} to "group-prekick"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-kick} to "group-kick"
	set {bchat::api::events::group-disband} to "group-disband"
	set {bchat::api::events::clearchat-ran} to "clearchat-ran"

function baeChat_APICommandPrepare(code: string) :: string:
	loop {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::*}:
		set {_data::%loop-index%} to loop-value
	if {_data::command} is set:
		set {_command} to {_data::command}
		loop {_data::*}:
			replace all "<<%loop-index%>>" in {_command} with "%loop-value%"
		return {_command}
		loop {_data::*}:
			broadcast "%loop-index% -> %loop-value%"
		return ""

function baeChat_generateRandomString(length: integer = 6) :: string:
	set {_code} to ""
	loop {_length} times:
		set {_type} to a rounded random integer between 1 and 10
		if {_type} is equal to 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9:
			set {_rand} to a rounded random integer between 27 and {cga.max}
			set {_char} to {bchat::randomstring::list::%{_rand}%}
			set {_rand} to a rounded random integer between 1 and 26
			set {_char} to {bchat::randomstring::list::%{_rand}%}
		set {_code} to "%{_code}%%{_char}%"
	return {_code}

function baeChat_prepareRandomStringLetters(unused: string = none):
	set {bchat::randomstring::list::*} to split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" at ""

function baeChat_executeEvent(event: string, code: string) :: boolean:
	if {bchat::api::events::%{_event}%} is set:
		loop {bchat::api::listeners::%{_event}%::*}:
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::cancel} to false
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::command} to loop-value
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::code} to {_code}
			set {_cmd} to baeChat_APICommandPrepare({_code})
			execute console command "%{_cmd}%"
			set {_cancel} to {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::cancel}
			delete {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::*}
			if {_cancel} is true:
				return true
	return false

function baeChat_registerEventListener(event: string, command: string):
	if {bchat::api::events::%{_event}%} is set:
		add {_command} to {bchat::api::listeners::%{_event}%::*}
		#set {bchat::api::data::%{_script}%::events::%{_event}%} to {_event}
		#add {_command} to {bchat::api::data::%{_script}%::commands::%{_event}%::*}

on script load:
	# these channel names are restricted because they're used as arguments in the main command
	# and creating a channel named this would not work... so it's just for ease of use
	set {bchat::settings::restricted::channels::channel} to "channel"
	set {bchat::settings::restricted::channels::all} to "all"
	set {bchat::settings::version} to "1.2"

function baeChat_channelExists(channel: text) :: boolean:
	if {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::name} is set:
		return true
		return false

on join:
	loop {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::in-channels::*}:
		if baeChat_channelExists(loop-value) is false:
			delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::in-channels::%loop-value%}
	if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::active-channel} is not set:
		set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::active-channel} to "general"
	if size of {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::in-channels::*} is 0:
		set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::in-channels::general} to "general"

function baeChat_canSendConversation(conversation_starter: player, conversation_reciever: player) :: boolean:
	set {_csu} to uuid of {_conversation_starter}
	set {_cru} to uuid of {_conversation_reciever}
	if {bchat::player::%{_csu}%::blocklist::%{_cru}%} is set:
		return false
	if {bchat::player::%{_cru}%::blocklist::%{_csu}%} is set:
		return false
	if {bchat::player::%{_csu}%::chatstatus} is "disabled":
		return false
	if {bchat::player::%{_cru}%::chatstatus} is "disabled":
		return false
	return true

function baeChat_sendMessage(messageFrom: player, messageTo: player, message: string):
	if baeChat_canSendConversation({_messageFrom}, {_messageTo}) is false:
	send "%{_message}%" to {_messageTo}

function baeChat_parser(p: player, message: text, forcedLayout: string = none) :: string:
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	if {_forcedLayout} is "none":
		set {_channel} to {bchat::player::%{_u}%::active-channel}
		set {_replaceAble} to {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::layout}
		set {_replaceAble} to {_forcedLayout}

	replace all "<<player>>" in {_replaceAble} with "%{_p}%"
	replace all "<<message>>" in {_replaceAble} with "%{_message}%"
	replace all "<<channel>>" in {_replaceAble} with "%{_channel}%"
	return {_replaceAble}

function baeChat_movePlayer(p: player, new_channel: text):
	if {bchat::channels::%{_new_channel}%::name} is set:
		set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
		set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::active-channel} to {_new_channel}
		set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::in-channels::%{_new_channel}%} to {_new_channel}
		send "{@W} You've been moved to %{_new_channel}%!" to {_p}

function baeChat_activeChannel(p: player, possible_channel: text = "channel") :: string:
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	if {_possible_channel} is "channel":
		return {bchat::player::%{_u}%::active-channel}
		baeChat_movePlayer({_p}, {_possible_channel})
		return {bchat::player::%{_u}%::active-channel}

function baeChat_leaveAllChannels(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	delete {bchat::player::%{_u}%::in-channels::*}
	send "{@W} You left all the channels you were in" to {_p}
	baeChat_movePlayer({_p}, "general")

function baeChat_leaveChannel(p: player, channel: text):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	delete {bchat::player::%{_u}%::in-channels::%{_channel}%}
	send "{@W} You left the channel %{_channel}%" to {_p}
	baeChat_movePlayer({_p}, "general")

function baeChat_inChannel(p: player, channel: string) :: boolean:
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	if {bchat::player::%{_u}%::in-channels::%{_channel}%} is set:
		return true
		return false

function baeChat_startConversation(conversation_starter: player, conversation_reciever: player):
	if {_conversation_starter} doesn't have permission "{@privateConversationPermission}":
		send "{@W} You don't have permission to start a conversation" to {_conversation_starter}
	if {_conversation_starter} is {_conversation_reciever}:
		message "{@P} You can't start a conversation with yourself!" to {_conversation_starter}
	if baeChat_canSendConversation({_conversation_starter}, {_conversation_reciever}) is false:
		message "{@P} You can't start a conversation with %{_conversation_reciever}%. They might have conversations disabled" to {_conversation_starter}
	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_conversation_starter}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::reciever} to {_conversation_reciever}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("conversation-start", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	#set {_cru} to uuid of {_conversation_reciever}
	set {bchat::conversations::%{_csu}%::to} to {_conversation_reciever}
	#set {bchat::conversations::%{_cru}%} to {_conversation_reciever}
	send "{@P} You're now chatting with %{_conversation_reciever}%" to {_conversation_starter}

function baeChat_inConversation(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_csu} to uuid of {_p}
	if {bchat::conversations::%{_csu}%::to} is set:
		return true
		return false

function baeChat_sendConversationMessage(conversation_starter: player, message: string, conversation_reciever: object = none):
	if {_conversation_starter} doesn't have permission "{@privateConversationPermission}":
		send "{@W} You don't have permission to start a conversation" to {_conversation_starter}
	if baeChat_canSendConversation({_conversation_starter}, {_conversation_reciever}) is false:
		message "{@P} You can't start a conversation with %{_conversation_reciever}%. They might have conversations disabled" to {_conversation_starter}
	set {_u} to uuid of {_conversation_starter}
	if {_conversation_reciever} is air:
		if baeChat_inConversation({_conversation_starter}) is true:
			set {_conversation_reciever} to {bchat::conversations::%{_u}%::to}
			send "{@W} You must put someone to send a message to" to {_conversation_starter}
	set {_msg} to {_message}

	set {_layout} to "{@senderToRecieverConversation}"
	replace all "<<reciever>>" in {_layout} with "%{_conversation_reciever}%"
	set {_message} to baeChat_parser({_conversation_starter}, {_message}, {_layout})

	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_conversation_starter}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::reciever} to {_conversation_reciever}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::message} to {_msg}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::parsedmessage} to {_message}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("conversation-send", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:

	send "%{_message}%" to {_conversation_starter}
	send "%{_message}%" to {_conversation_reciever}

	set {_ur} to uuid of {_conversation_reciever}
	set {bchat::conversations::%{_ur}%::lastrecieved} to {_u}
	set {bchat::conversations::%{_ur}%::lastrecievedplayer} to {_conversation_starter}

function baeChat_endConversation(p: player):
	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_p}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("conversation-end", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:

	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	send "{@P} You're no longer in a conversation with %{bchat::conversations::%{_u}%::to}%" to {_p}
	delete {bchat::conversations::%{_u}%::to}

function baeChat_getPlayersGroup(p: player) :: player:
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	return {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup}
function baeChat_getGroupMembers(groupOwner: player) :: players:
	return {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::members::*}

function baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement(group: player, message: string):
	set {_members::*} to baeChat_getGroupMembers({_group})
	loop {_members::*}:
		send "&a» %{_message}%" to loop-value

function baeChat_groupAutoAssign(groupOwner: player) :: player:
	set {_members::*} to baeChat_getGroupMembers({_groupOwner})
	if {_members::1} is {_groupOwner}:
		set {_newOwner} to {_members::2}
		set {_newOwner} to {_members::1}
	loop {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::members::*}:
		set {bchat::groups::%{_newOwner}%::members::%loop-index%} to loop-value
	delete {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::members::*}
	loop {bchat::groups::%{_newOwner}%::members::*}:
		set {_u} to uuid of loop-value
		set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup} to {_newOwner}
	return {_newOwner}

function baeChat_groupLeave(p: player):
	set {_group} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_p})
	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_p}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-leave", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	if {_group} is set:
		set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
		delete {bchat::groups::%{_group}%::members::%{_p}%}
		delete {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup}
		if {_group} is {_p}:
			set {_members::*} to baeChat_getGroupMembers({_group})
			if size of {_members::*} is greater than 1:
				set {_newOwner} to baeChat_groupAutoAssign({_group})
				baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement({_newOwner}, "%{_p}% has left the group. %{_newOwner}% is now the group leader")
				send "{@P} You left your current group" to {_p}
				set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
				set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_p}
				set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
				set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-disband", {_code})
				if {_cancel} is true:
					set {bchat::groups::%{_group}%::members::%{_p}%} to {_p}
					set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup} to {_group}
				baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement({_group}, "%{_p}% has left the group and the group has been disbanded")
				loop {bchat::groups::%{_group}%::members::*}:
					set {_lu} to uuid of loop-value
					delete {bchat::player::%{_lu}%::currentgroup}
				delete {bchat::groups::%{_group}%::members::*}
				send "{@P} Your group has been disbanded" to {_p}
			send "{@P} You left your current group" to {_p}
			baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement({_group}, "%{_p}% has left the group")
		send "{@W} You're not in a group to leave" to {_p}
function baeChat_groupJoin(groupOwner: player, invitedPlayer: player):
	set {_currentGroup} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_invitedPlayer})
	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_groupOwner}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::invitedplayer} to {_invitedPlayer}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_groupOwner}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-join", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	if {_currentGroup} is set:
	if {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::members::%{_invitedPlayer}%} is set:
		send "{@P} You're already in %{_groupOwner}%'s group!" to {_invitedPlayer}
	delete {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::invites::%{_invitedPlayer}%}
	set {_u} to uuid of {_invitedPlayer}
	set {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::members::%{_invitedPlayer}%} to {_invitedPlayer}
	set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup} to {_groupOwner}
	send "{@P} You've joined %{_groupOwner}%'s group!" to {_invitedPlayer}
	baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement({_groupOwner}, "%{_invitedPlayer}% has joined the group")

function baeChat_groupInvite(invitingPlayer: player, invitedPlayers: players):
	set {_groupOwner} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_invitingPlayer})
	if {_groupOwner} is not set:
	loop {_invitedPlayers::*}:
		if {_groupOwner} is not loop-value:
			set {_invitedPlayer} to loop-value
			set {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::invites::%{_invitedPlayer}%} to {_invitedPlayer}
			send "{@P} You've been invited to join %{_groupOwner}%'s group! Do /group join %{_groupOwner}% - to join it" to {_invitedPlayer}

#	if {_groupOwner} is not set:
#		set {_y} to true
#	else if {_groupOwner} is {_invitingPlayer}:
#		set {_y} to true
#	if {_y} is true:
#		set {bchat::groups::%{_groupOwner}%::invites::%{_invitedPlayer}%} to {_invitedPlayer}
#		send "{@P} You've been invited to join %{_groupOwner}%'s group! Do /group join %{_groupOwner}% - to join it" to {_invitedPlayer}

function baeChat_groupCreate(p: player, otherPlayers: players):
	set {_maybeGroup} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_p})

	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_conversation_starter}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::otherplayers::*} to {_otherPlayers::*}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_maybeGroup}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-create", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	if "%{_maybeGroup}%" is not "<none>":

	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	set {bchat::groups::%{_p}%::members::%{_p}%} to {_p}
	set {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup} to {_p}

	#loop {_otherPlayers::*}:
	#	baeChat_groupInvite({_p}, loop-value)
	baeChat_groupInvite({_p}, {_otherPlayers::*})

	#send "{@P} Invited %{_otherPlayers::*}% to your group" to {_p}
function baeChat_sendGroupMessage(sendingPlayer: player, message: string):
	set {_msg} to baeChat_parser({_sendingPlayer}, {_message}, {bchat::channels::group::layout})
	set {_group} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_sendingPlayer})
	set {_members::*} to baeChat_getGroupMembers({_group})

	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_sendingPlayer}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::message} to {_message}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-presend", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:

	loop {_members::*}:
		#send "%{_msg}%" to loop-value
		set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_sendingPlayer}
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::reciever} to loop-value
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::message} to {_message}
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
		set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-presend", {_code})
		if {_cancel} is true:
		baeChat_sendMessage({_sendingPlayer}, loop-value, {_msg})

function baeChat_inGroup(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_maybeGroup} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_p})
	if {_maybeGroup} is set:
		return true
		return false

function baeChat_isGroupOwner(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_maybeGroup} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_p})
	if {_maybeGroup} is not set:
		return false

	if {_maybeGroup} is {_p}:
		return true
		return false

function baeChat_groupkickPlayer(kickingPlayer: player, kickedPlayers: players):
	if baeChat_isGroupOwner({_kickingPlayer}) is true:
		set {_group} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_kickingPlayer})

		set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_kickingPlayer}
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::kickedplayers::*} to {_kickedPlayers::*}
		set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
		set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-prekick", {_code})
		if {_cancel} is true:
		loop {_kickedPlayers::*}:
			if loop-value is not {_kickingPlayer}:
				set {_kGroup} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup(loop-value)
				if {_kGroup} is {_group}:
					set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
					set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_kickingPlayer}
					set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::kickedplayer} to loop-value
					set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::group} to {_group}
					set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("group-kick", {_code})
					if {_cancel} is true:
					set {_u} to uuid of loop-value
					set {_p} to loop-value
					delete {bchat::groups::%{_group}%::members::%{_p}%}
					delete {bchat::player::%{_u}%::currentgroup}
					send "{@P} You were kicked from the %{_group}%'s group" to {_p}
					set {_kicked::%{_p}%} to {_p}
		baeChat_sendGroupAnnouncement({_group}, "%{_kicked::*}% was kicked from the group")
		send "{@W} You're not the group leader, so can't kick other members" to {_kickingPlayer}

function baeChat_argsToPlayers(arg: string) :: players:
	set {_players::*} to {_arg} split at " "
	loop {_players::*}:
		set {_p} to loop-value parsed as player
		if {_p} is set:
			set {_returnPlayers::%{_p}%} to {_p}
	return {_returnPlayers::*}

function baeChat_clearChat(p: player):
	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to {_p}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("clearchat-ran", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	loop {@clearChatTimes} times:
		broadcast ""
	if {@sendClearChatMessage} is true:
		set {_msg} to baeChat_parser({_p}, "{@clearChatMessage}", "{@clearChatMessage}")
		broadcast "%{_msg}%"

function baeChat_chatLock(mode: string = "chat"):
	if {_mode} is "global":
		set {bchat::chat::islocked} to "global"
		set {_msg} to baeChat_parser({_p}, "{@globalChatLockMessage}", "{@globalChatLockMessage}")
		set {bchat::chat::islocked} to "chat"
		set {_msg} to baeChat_parser({_p}, "{@chatLockMessage}", "{@chatLockMessage}")
	broadcast "%{_msg}%"

function baeChat_chatUnlock(unused: string = "none"):
	delete {bchat::chat::islocked}
	set {_msg} to baeChat_parser({_p}, "{@chatUnlockMessage}", "{@chatUnlockMessage}")
	broadcast "%{_msg}%"

on quit:
	if baeChat_inConversation(player) is true:
	if baeChat_inGroup(player) is true:

command /chat [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /bchat, /baechat
	permission: {@defaultCommandPermission}
		if arg 1 is "help":
			if arg 2 is "@" or "@@":
				message "{@P} How to use @Chat:"
				message "{@P} Start a conversation with a player: @player"
				message "{@P} Create a conversation with the player who last messaged you: @@"
				message "{@P} Quickly reply to the last message you recieved: @@<message>"
				message "{@P} Leave a conversation: @"
			else if arg 2 is "chat":
				message "{@P} /chat..."
				if player has permission "{@channelCreatePermission}":
					message "{@P}"
					message "{@P}         channel <create|update|delete> <channel>"
					message "{@P} - create, update or delete a channel"
					message "{@P}"
					message "{@P}         channels refresh"
					message "{@P} - refreshes any default channels (general, group chat...)"
				if player has permission "{@adminPermission}":
					message "{@P}"
					message "{@P}         clear [<channel>]"
					message "{@P} - clears the provided channel or everyones chat (sends 30 blank messages)"
					message "{@P}"
					message "{@P}         player <player>"
					message "{@P} - get info on a player"
					message "{@P}"
					message "{@P}         lock [chat|global]"
					message "{@P} - lock the chat for just chat messages or block everyones chat including Groups and Conversations"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         <leave> [channel|all]"
				message "{@P} - leave a specific channel, all channels or active channel (if no channel provided)"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         <channel> [leave]"
				message "{@P} - join that specific channel or leave it"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         <enable/disable/toggle>"
				message "{@P} - enable or disable chat"
			else if arg 2 is "pm":
				message "{@P} /pm..."
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         no arguments provided"
				message "{@P} - stop being in the current conversation you're in"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         <player> [message]"
				message "{@P} - start a conversation with that player or send a private message (if message is provided)"
			else if arg 2 is "group":
				message "{@P} /group..."
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         no arguments provided"
				message "{@P} - get info on the group you're currently in"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         create <player[s]>"
				message "{@P} - create a group with the players provided"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         join <player>"
				message "{@P} - join a group which you were invited too"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         invite <player[s]>"
				message "{@P} - invite players to join your group (only if you're group leader)"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         leave"
				message "{@P} - leave your current group"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         kick <player[s]>"
				message "{@P} - removes the provided players from the group (only if you're group leader)"
			else if arg 2 is "[un]ignore", "[un]block", "unignore", "unblock", "ignore" or "block":
				message "{@P} /%arg 2%..."
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         no arguments provided"
				message "{@P} - shows your current block list"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P}         <player>"
				message "{@P} - block or unblock the provided player"
				message "{@P} Welcome to baeChat's help page!"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} To access specific information do /help <keyword>"
				message "{@P} chat - main command used by baeChat"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} @ - @Chat is an easy way to chat with other players"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} pm - a command way to start a conversation with other players"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} group - talk with multiple players privately"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} [un]ignore/[un]block - block or unblock a person from messaging you, seeing your messages and you seeing their messages"
				message "{@P}"
				message "{@P} keyword - description"
		else if arg 1 is "enable":
			if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} is "enabled":
				message "{@P} You already have chat enabled!"
				set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} to "enabled"
				message "{@P} Enabled chat"
		else if arg 1 is "disable":
			if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} is "disabled":
				message "{@P} You already have chat disabled!"
				set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} to "disabled"
				message "{@P} Disabled chat"
		else if arg 1 is "toggle":
			if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} is "disabled":
				set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} to "enabled"
				message "{@P} Enabled chat"
				set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::chatstatus} to "disabled"
				message "{@P} Disabled chat"
		else if arg 1 is "channel":
			if arg 2 is "create":
				if player has permission "{@channelCreatePermission}":
					if arg 3 is not set:
						message "{@P} You must provide a name for the channel you'd like to create"
					else if {bchat::channels::%arg 3%::name} is set:
						message "{@P} That channel already exists. If you'd like to make changes just do /chat channel update %arg 3%"
					else if {bchat::settings::restricted::channels::%arg 3%} is set:
						message "{@P} Oops! That channel name is restricted. Try a different one"
						set {bchat::channels::%arg 3%::name} to arg 3
						set {bchat::channels::%arg 3%::creator} to player
						set {bchat::channels::%arg 3%::createdAt} to now
						message "{@P} Woo, that's the start of the channel creation done!"
						message "{@P} As a normal chat message, say what permission you'd like the channel to run on"
						message "{@P} Use ""none"" for no permission required"
						set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::channel} to arg 3
						set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} to "permission"
					message "{@P} You don't have permission to access that command set"
			else if arg 2 is "update":
				if player has permission "{@channelUpdatePermission}":
					message "{@P} Lets update %arg 3%..."
					message "{@P} As a normal chat message, say what permission you'd like the channel to run on"
					message "{@P} Use ""none"" for no permission required"
					message "{@P} Or use ""same"" for what's already set"
					set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::channel} to arg 3
					set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} to "permission"
					message "{@P} You don't have permission to access that command set"
			else if arg 2 is "delete":
				if player has permission "{@channelDeletePermission}":
					if {bchat::defaultChannels::%arg 3%} is set:
						message "{@W} Default channels cannot be deleted"
					message "{@P} Woah! Are you sure you want to do that? Deleting %arg 3% cannot be undone."
					message "{@P} If you're completely sure, please now type the channel name in chat to confirm deletion"
					message "{@P} You have 10 seconds to do this."
					set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} to "delete-channel"
					set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::delete::channel} to arg 3
					set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::delete::time} to now
					wait 10 seconds
					if {bchat::channels::%arg 3%::name} is set:
						message "{@W} Channel deletion canceled"
					delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::*}
					message "{@W} You don't have permission to access that command set"
				message "{@W} That's not right... try a different sub-command"
		else if arg 1 is "channels":
			if arg 2 is "refresh":
				loop {bchat::defaultChannels::*}:
					delete {bchat::channels::%loop-value%::*}
		else if arg 1 is "leave":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				baeChat_leaveChannel(player, baeChat_activeChannel(player))
			else if arg 2 is "all":
			else if baeChat_activeChannel(player) is arg 2:
				baeChat_leaveChannel(player, arg 2)
				message "{@W} Sorry! That sub-command or channel isn't recongised"
		else if arg 1 is "clear":
			if player has permission "{@clearChatPermission}":
				message "{@P} Clearing chat..."
				message "{@W} You don't have permission to access that command set"
		else if arg 1 is "player":
			if player has permission "{@adminPermission}":
				if arg 2 is set:
					set {_p} to arg 2 parsed as player
					if {_p} is not set:
						set {_p} to player
					else if {_p} is not online:
						set {_p} to player
					set {_p} to player
				set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
				message "{@P} Player: %{_p}% (%{_u}%)"
				message "{@P} In-group: %baeChat_inGroup({_p})% / %baeChat_getPlayersGroup({_p})%"
				message "{@P} Active channel: %baeChat_activeChannel({_p})%"
				message "{@P} In channels: %{bchat::player::%{_u}%::*}%"
				message "{@P} Chat status: %{bchat::player::%{_u}%::chatstatus}%"
				message "{@P} You don't have permission to use this command"
		else if arg 1 is "lock":
			if player has permission "{@adminPermission}":
				baeChat_chatLock(arg 1)
				if arg 2 is "global":
					message "{@P} Chat has been locked Globally. This prevents messages being sent anywhere, including Groups and Conversations"
					message "{@P} Just the normal Chat has been locked. People can still use Groups and Conversations"
				message "{@P} Use /chat unlock - to unlock the chat"
				message "{@P} You don't have permission to lock the chat"
		else if arg 1 is "unlock":
			if player has permission "{@adminPermission}":
				message "{@P} Chat has been unlocked."
				message "{@P} You don't have permission to unlock the chat"
		else if {bchat::channels::%arg 1%::name} is set:
			set {_channel} to arg 1
			if arg 2 is set:
				set {_channel} to "%{_channel}% %arg 2%"
				if arg 3 is set:
					set {_channel} to "%{_channel}% %arg 3%"
			if arg 2 is "leave":
				if baeChat_activeChannel(player) is "general":
					message "{@P} You can't leave the main general channel"
				else if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::in-channels::%{_channel}%} is not set:
					message "{@P} You can't leave a channel you're not in..."
					baeChat_leaveChannel(player, {_channel})
			if {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::permission} is "none":
				baeChat_activeChannel(player, {_channel})
				message "{@P} Welcome to %{_channel}%! Feel free to have a chat"
			else if player has permission "%{bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::permission}%":
				baeChat_activeChannel(player, {_channel})
				message "{@P} Welcome to %{_channel}%! Feel free to have a chat"
				message "{@P} Sorry! You don't have permission to access that channel"
			make player execute command "baechat help"

command /pm [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			set {_otherPlayer} to arg 1 parsed as player
			if {_otherPlayer} is set:
				if arg 2 is set:
					baeChat_sendConversationMessage(player, arg 2, {_otherPlayer})
					baeChat_startConversation(player, {_otherPlayer})
				message "{@W} Sorry, but that player isn't online"
		else if baeChat_inConversation(player) is true:
			message "{@W} You're not in a conversation right now"

command /block [<text>]:
	aliases: /ignore,
		if arg 1 is set:
			set {_p} to arg 1 parsed as player
			if {_p} is not set:
				set {_p} to arg 1
			set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
			if {_u} is not set:
				message "{@P} Can't find that player..."
			set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::blocklist::%{_u}%} to {_u}
			message "{@P} Successfully blocked %{_p}%. You won't see their messages, they can't see yours"
		else if size of {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::blocklist::*} is greater than 0:
			message "{@P} Here is your block list:"
			loop {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::blocklist::*}:
				message "{@P} %loop-value%"
			message "{@P} You haven't blocked anyone"

command /unblock [<text>]:
	aliases: /unignore,
		if arg 1 is set:
			set {_p} to arg 1 parsed as player
			if {_p} is not set:
				set {_p} to arg 1
			set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
			if {_u} is not set:
				message "{@P} Can't find that player..."
			delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::blocklist::%{_u}%}
			message "{@P} Successfully unblocked %{_p}%"
			message "{@W} You must provide a username to unblock"

command /group [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is "join":
			if arg 2 is set:
				set {_p} to arg 2 parsed as player
				if {_p} is set:
					if {bchat::groups::%{_p}%::invites::%player%} is set:
						baeChat_groupJoin({_p}, player)
						message "{@W} You haven't been invited to that group"
					message "{@W} You haven't been invited to that group"
				message "{@W} Please provide a group name to join"
		else if arg 1 is "leave":
		else if arg 1 is "create":
			set {_players::*} to baeChat_argsToPlayers(arg 2)
			if size of {_players::*} is 0:
				message "{@W} The players you provided aren't valid"
				baeChat_groupCreate(player, {_players::*})
				message "{@P} Invited %{_players::*}% to join your group"
		else if arg 1 is "invite":
			if baeChat_isGroupOwner(player) is true:
				set {_players::*} to baeChat_argsToPlayers(arg 2)
				if size of {_players::*} is 0:
					message "{@W} The players you provided aren't valid"
					baeChat_groupInvite(player, {_players::*})
					message "{@P} Invited %{_players::*}% to join your group"
				send "{@W} You're not able to invite people to this group"
		else if arg 1 is "kick":
			if arg 2 is set:
				if baeChat_isGroupOwner(player) is true:
					set {_players::*} to baeChat_argsToPlayers(arg 2)
					if size of {_players::*} is 0:
						message "{@W} The players you provided aren't valid"
						baeChat_groupkickPlayer(player, {_players::*})
						message "{@P} Kicked %{_players::*}% from your group"
					send "{@W} You're not able to invite people to this group"
		else if baeChat_inGroup(player) is true:
			set {_group} to baeChat_getPlayersGroup(player)
			message "{@P} Group leader: %{_group}%"
			message "{@P} Group members: %baeChat_getGroupMembers({_group})%"
			message "{@W} That sub-command isn't supported..."
# Chat handling priority:
#	[1] channel creation/updating
#	[1.1] global chat block
#	[2] private messaging
#	[3] group chat
#	[3.9] chat block
#	[4] processed into chat channel
on chat:
	cancel event
	# [1] Handle channel creation
	if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::channel} is set:
		set {_channel} to {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::channel}
		if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} is "permission":
			if message is "same":
				if {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::permission} is not set:
					message "{@W} There is no permission currently set for %{_channel}%. Please enter a permission"
					message "{@W} You can use ""none"" for no permission required"
				set {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::permission} to message
			message "{@P} That's the permission set! Now just do the same for the chat layout"
			message "{@P} Use ""default"" for the default chat layout"
			message "{@P} Or use ""same"" for what's already set (if there is a layout set)"
			set {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} to "layout"
		else if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} is "layout":
			set {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::layout} to message
			message "{@P} All done! If you'd like to make any changes just do /chat channel update %{_channel}%"
			message "{@P} The permission required is %{bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::permission}%"
			message "{@P} And it uses this chat layout: %uncoloured {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::layout}%"
			message "{@P} Here's an example message for you:"
			set {_last_active} to baeChat_activeChannel(player)
			baeChat_movePlayer(player, {_channel})
			set {_msg} to baeChat_parser(player, "this is just an example message")
			message "%{_msg}%"
			baeChat_movePlayer(player, {_last_active})
			delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::*}
		else if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage} is "delete-channel":
			if {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::delete::channel} is set:
				if message is {_channel}:
					delete {bchat::channels::%{_channel}%::*}
					message "{@P} %{_channel}% has been deleted"
					loop all players:
						if {bchat::player::%uuid of loop-player%::in-channels::%{_channel}%} is set:
							delete {bchat::player::%uuid of loop-player%::in-channels::%{_channel}%}
							if baeChat_activeChannel(loop-player) is {_channel}:
								baeChat_leaveChannel(loop-player, {_channel})
					delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::*}
					message "{@W} Message provided doesn't match the channel name"
				message "{@W} Something wen't wrong. Please run the deletion command again"
				delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::*}
			delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::channel}
			delete {bchat::player::%uuid of player%::channel-creation::stage}
			message "{@W} That stage of channel creation isn't recongised... the variables have been unset. Please try again!"
	# [1.1] Global chat locking
	if {bchat::chat::islocked} is "global":
		message "{@P} Your message wasn't sent as Chat is currently locked"
	# [2] Private messaging via @
	if message is "@@":
		if {bchat::conversations::%uuid of player%::lastrecievedplayer} is set:
			baeChat_startConversation(player, {bchat::conversations::%uuid of player%::lastrecievedplayer})
			message "{@W} You haven't recieved any messages to start a conversation"
	set {_checkAt} to first character of message
	if {_checkAt} is "@":
		set {_doubleAt} to subtext of message from 1 to 2
		if {_doubleAt} is "@@":
			if {bchat::conversations::%uuid of player%::lastrecievedplayer} is not set:
				message "{@W} You haven't recieved any messages to start a conversation"

			set {_allSplit::*} to message split at " "
			set {_atSplit::*} to {_allSplit::1} split at "@@"
			if {_atSplit::2} is not set:
				baeChat_startConversation(player, {bchat::conversations::%uuid of player%::lastrecievedplayer})
				set {_msg} to the subtext of message from 3 to (the length of message)
				baeChat_sendConversationMessage(player, {_msg}, {bchat::conversations::%uuid of player%::lastrecievedplayer})
			set {_allSplit::*} to message split at " "
			set {_atSplit::*} to {_allSplit::1} split at "@"
			if {_atSplit::2} is "":
				if baeChat_inConversation(player) is true:
					message "{@P} You're not in a conversation to end"

			set {_otherPlayer} to {_atSplit::2} parsed as player
			if {_otherPlayer} is set:
				if {_allSplit::2} is set:
					delete {_allSplit::1}
					set {_msg} to join {_allSplit::*} with " "
					baeChat_sendConversationMessage(player, {_msg}, {_otherPlayer})
					baeChat_startConversation(player, {_otherPlayer})
				message "{@W} Sorry, but that player isn't online"
	# [2] Player is in a private conversation
	if baeChat_inConversation(player) is true:
		baeChat_sendConversationMessage(player, message)

	# [3] Group chat messaging
	if baeChat_inGroup(player) is true:
		baeChat_sendGroupMessage(player, message)

	# [3.9] Normal chat lock
	if {bchat::chat::islocked} is "chat":
		message "{@P} Your message wasn't sent as Chat is currently locked"

	# [4] The message is nothing else so just show to everyone as intended
	set {_message} to baeChat_parser(player, message)
	set {_channel} to baeChat_activeChannel(player)

	set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to player
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::message} to message
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::parsedmessage} to {_message}
	set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::channel} to {_channel}
	set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("chat-presend", {_code})
	if {_cancel} is true:
	loop all players:
		if {bchat::player::%uuid of loop-player%::in-channels::%{_channel}%} is set:
			#send "%{_message}%" to loop-player
			set {_code} to baeChat_generateRandomString()
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::player} to player
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::reciever} to loop-player
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::message} to message
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::parsedmessage} to {_message}
			set {bchat::temp::%{_code}%::channel} to {_channel}
			set {_cancel} to baeChat_executeEvent("chat-send", {_code})
			if {_cancel} is true:
			baeChat_sendMessage(player, loop-player, {_message})