Warning: Undefined variable $http_response_header in /var/www/html/new/skunity/library/skUnity/Util/HTTP.php on line 95


Created by WillCraftero

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	Prefix: &7[&6KitPvP&7]
	Welt: KitPvP
	LeaveCommand: hub

on rightclick with a chest:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		message "{@Prefix} &3Du kannst jetzt ein &aKit &3wählen"
		execute player command "kits"
on rightclick with a ender chest:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		message "{@Prefix} &3Du hast den &aShop &3geöffnet"
		execute player command "kitpvpshop"
on rightclick with a slimeball:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			message "{@Prefix} &cDieser Slimeball hat einen kleinen Cooldown!" to player
			apply speed 3 to player for 3 seconds
			wait 5 seconds
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDer Cooldown ist noch nicht vorbei!" to player
on rightclick with a 369:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			push player upwards at speed 3
			message "{@Prefix} &aSpaceJump!"
			wait 5 seconds
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDer Cooldown ist noch nicht vorbei!" to player	
on rightclick with a gold nugget:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			message "{@Prefix} &3Geld heilt alles! &cDiese Goldnuggets haben einen Cooldown!" to player
			heal the player
			wait 30 seconds
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDer Cooldown ist noch nicht vorbei!" to player
on rightclick with a beacon:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			message "{@Prefix} &cDieser Beacon hat einen Cooldown!"
			apply resistance to player for 8 seconds
			wait 10 seconds
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDer Cooldown ist noch nicht vorbei!" to player
on rightclick with a sword:
	if player is holding a sword named "&aBlocker-Kit":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			apply resistance 8 to player for 2 seconds
			message "{@Prefix} &aGeblockt!" 
			wait 4 seconds
			message "{@Prefix} &aBlocken bereit!"
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
on rightclick with 166:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		execute player command "{@LeaveCommand}"	
on rightclick with a gunpowder:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		create a safe explosion of force 10 at the player
on rightclick with a nether star:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
			set {cooldown.%player%} to true
			message "{@Prefix} &aPikachu, Donnerblitz!"
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			strike lightning at targeted block
			wait 2 seconds
			clear {cooldown.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu solltest dich kurz ausruhen!" to player
on respawn:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		set slot 1 of player's inventory to chest named "&3Kits"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to ender chest named "&aShop"
		set slot 8 of player's inventory to 166 named "&cVerlassen"
		wait 1 tick
		teleport player to {kitpvp.location}
on death:
	set death message to ""
on death:
	if victim is a player:
		if attacker is a player:
			if attacker is in world "{@Welt}":
				apply regeneration 2 to attacker for 4 seconds
				clear drops
				delete {cooldown.%player%}
				add 20 to {coins.%attacker%}
				set action bar of attacker to "&7[&a+20 &3Coins&7]"
				add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
				add 1 to {deaths.%victim%}
				set {kd.%attacker%} to {kills.%attacker%}/{deaths.%attacker%}
				set {kd.%victim%} to {kills.%victim%}/{deaths.%victim%}
				if {killer.%attacker%} is true:
					apply strength 2 to attacker for 8 seconds
					apply speed 2 to attacker for 8 seconds
on drop:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		cancel event
on damage:
	if victim is in world "{@Welt}":
		projectile is a snowball
		apply slowness 3 to the victim for 4 seconds
		apply blindness 5 to the victim for 4 seconds
on damage:
	if attacker is in world "{@Welt}":
		if attacker is holding diamond sword named "&aSkorpion-Kit":
			remove poison from victim
			wait 1 tick
			apply poison 2 to victim for 5 seconds
on damage:
	if attacker is in world "{@Welt}":
		if attacker is holding diamond sword named "&aFreezer-Kit":
			chance of 30:
				apply slowness 1000 to victim for 2 seconds
on damage:
	if victim is in world "{@Welt}":
		if damage cause is fall:
			cancel event
on quit:
	delete {cooldown.%player%}

on place:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if player does not have permission "kitpvp.admin":
			cancel event
on break:
	if player is in world "{@Welt}":
		if player does not have permission "kitpvp.admin":
			cancel event

on sign change:
	if line 1 is "[kitpvp]":
		if line 2 is "join":
			if player has permission "kitpvp.admin":
				set line 1 to "&8&m----------------"
				set line 2 to "&8>> &6&lKitPvP &8<<"
				set line 3 to "&aJoin"
				set line 4 to "&8&m----------------"
		if line 2 is "leave":
			player has permission "Servermitglied.Mitglied":
				set line 1 to "&8&m----------------"
				set line 2 to "&8>> &6&lKitPvP &8<<"
				set line 3 to "&cLeave"
				set line 4 to "&8&m----------------"


on rightclick on sign:
	if line 2 of the clicked block is "&8>> &6&lKitPvP &8<<":
		if line 3 of the clicked block is "&aJoin":
			cancel event
			execute player command "kitpvp join"
		if line 3 of the clicked block is "&cLeave":
			cancel event
			execute player command "{@LeaveCommand}"
command /kits:
		if player is in world "{@Welt}":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			wait 1 tick
			open chest with 5 rows named "&3&lKits" to player
			wait 2 tick
			format slot 0 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 1 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 2 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 3 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 4 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 5 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 6 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 7 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 8 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 9 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 10 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 11 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 12 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 14 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 15 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 16 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 17 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 18 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 19 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 20 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 21 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 22 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 23 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 24 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 25 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 26 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 27 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 28 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 30 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 31 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 32 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 34 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 35 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 36 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 37 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 38 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 39 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 40 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 41 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 42 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 43 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 44 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 29 of player with iron chestplate named "&7[&aSpieler&7]" with lore "&7Spieler Kits." to run [execute player command "kit2"]
			format slot 33 of player with gold chestplate named "&7[&6Premium&7]" with lore "&7Premium Kits." to run [execute player command "kit3"]
			format slot 13 of player with paper named "&7[&cStats&7]" with lore "&8&m-------------- || &3Kills: &a%{kills.%player%}%|| &3Deaths: &c%{deaths.%player%}%|| &3K/D: &6%{kd.%player%}%||&8&m--------------" to be unstealable
			message "&7[&6KitPvP&7] &cDu befindest dich nicht in der Welt &6&n{@Welt}&c!"

command /kit2:
		if player is in world "{@Welt}":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			wait 1 tick
			open chest with 5 rows named "&a&lSpieler-Kits" to player
			wait 2 tick
			format slot 0 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 1 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 2 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 3 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 4 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 5 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 6 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 7 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 8 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 9 of player with diamond sword named "&cPvP" to run [execute player command "pvp"]
			format slot 10 of player with bow named "&cSniper" to run [execute player command "sniper"]
			format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&cTank" to run [execute player command "tank"]
			format slot 12 of player with fishing rod named "&cFisherman" to run [execute player command "fisherman"]
			format slot 13 of player with gold ingot named "&cMoneymaker" to run [execute player command "moneymaker"]
			format slot 14 of player with cobweb named "&cTroublemaker" to run [execute player command "troublemaker"]
			format slot 15 of player with iron sword named "&cAllstar" to run [execute player command "allstar"]
			format slot 16 of player with dead bush named "&cNoob" to run [execute player command "noob"]
			format slot 17 of player with invisibility potion named "&cGhost" to run [execute player command "ghost"]
			format slot 18 of player with tnt named "&cTNT" to run [execute player command "terror"]
			format slot 19 of player with zombie spawn egg named "&cZombie" to run [execute player command "zombie"]
			format slot 20 of player with ice named "&cIceman" to run [execute player command "iceman"]
			format slot 21 of player with slimeball named "&cKiddie" to run [execute player command "kiddie"]
			format slot 22 of player with carrot named "&cBunny" to run [execute player command "bunny"]
			format slot 23 of player with beacon named "&cWinston" to run [execute player command "winston"]
			format slot 24 of player with stick named "&cGrandpa" to run [execute player command "grandpa"]
			format slot 25 of player with strength potion named "&cHulk" to run [execute player command "hulk"]
			format slot 26 of player with golden carrot named "&cMage" to run [execute player command "mage"]
			format slot 44 of player with red dye named "&cZurück" to run [execute player command "kits"]
			format slot 28 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 29 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 34 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 35 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 36 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 37 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 38 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 39 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 40 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 41 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 42 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 43 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			format slot 27 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			if {kit.blocker.%player%} is set:
				format slot 30 of player with anvil named "&aBlocker" with lore "&7gekauft!" to run [execute player command "blocker"]
				format slot 30 of player with 166 named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			if {kit.spacejumper.%player%} is set:
				format slot 31 of player with diamond boots named "&aSpaceJumper" with lore "&7gekauft!" to run [execute player command "spacejumper"]
				format slot 31 of player with 166 named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			if {kit.skorpion.%player%} is set:
				format slot 32 of player with poison potion named "&aSkorpion" with lore "&7gekauft!" to run [execute player command "skorpion"]
				format slot 32 of player with 166 named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			if {kit.killer.%player%} is set:
				format slot 33 of player with gold sword named "&aKiller" with lore "&7gekauft!" to run [execute player command "killer"]
				format slot 33 of player with 166 named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			if {kit.freezer.%player%} is set:
				format slot 29 of player with snowball named "&aFreezer" with lore "&7gekauft!" to run [execute player command "freezer"]
				format slot 29 of player with 166 named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu befindest dich nicht in der Welt &6&n{@Welt}&c!"		

command /pvp:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player	
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cPvP-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cPvP-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cPvP-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cPvP-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&cPvP-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
		set {_slot} to 1
		loop 35 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cPvP-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /sniper:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		apply speed to player for 999 days
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to leather helmet named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 39 with protection 4
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to leather chestplate named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 38 with protection 4
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to leather leggings named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 37 with protection 4
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to leather boots named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 36 with protection 4
		set slot 0 of player to gold sword named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
		set slot 1 of player to bow named "&cSniper-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 1 with power 5
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cSniper-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		set slot 16 of player to 64 arrow
		set slot 17 of player to 64 arrow
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /tank:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		apply slowness to player for 999 days
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to diamond helmet named "&cTank-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to diamond chestplate named "&cTank-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to diamond leggings named "&cTank-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to diamond boots named "&cTank-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to iron sword named "&cTank-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 1
		loop 35 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cTank-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /fisherman:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to diamond helmet named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to iron chestplate named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to gold leggings named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to iron boots named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to fishing rod named "&cFisherman-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cFisherman-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /moneymaker:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to iron helmet named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to gold chestplate named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to iron leggings named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to iron boots named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to gold sword named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 3
		set slot 1 of player to 64 gold nugget named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 1 with knockback 3
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cMoneyMaker-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /troublemaker:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to iron helmet named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to iron chestplate named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to iron leggings named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to iron boots named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to iron sword named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to  cobweb named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 1 with fire aspect 4
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cTroubleMaker-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /allstar:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to iron helmet named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to diamond chestplate named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to iron leggings named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to diamond boots named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to bow named "&cAllstar-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 1 with power 2
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cAllstar-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		set slot 17 of player to 16 arrow
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /noob:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player's inventory to leather helmet named "&cNoob-Kit"
		set slot 38 of player's inventory to gold chestplate named "&cNoob-Kit"
		set slot 37 of player's inventory to leather leggings named "&cNoob-Kit"
		set slot 36 of player's inventory to leather boots named "&cNoob-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player's inventory to stone sword named "&cNoob-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to gold sword named "&cNoob"
		enchant the player's slot 1 with sharpness 5
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cNoob-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /ghost:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		apply invisibility 4 to player for 999 days
		set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&cGhost-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 5
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cGhost-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /terror:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		equip player with diamond chestplate named "&cTNT-Kit"
		set slot 39 of player to tnt named "&cTNT-Kit"
		apply speed 3 to player for 999 days
		set slot 0 of player to gold sword named "&cTNT-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 3
		set slot 1 of player to gunpowder named "&cTNT-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cTNT-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /zombie:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cZombie-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cZombie-Kit"
		equip player with chain leggings named "&cZombie-Kit"
		equip player with chain boots named "&cZombie-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to iron shovel named "&cZombie-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 6
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cZombie-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /iceman:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player to ice named "&cIceman-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cIceman-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cIceman-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cIceman-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&cIceman-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to 20 snowball
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cIceman-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /kiddie:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		set slot 39 of player to iron helmet named "&cKiddie-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cKiddie-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cKiddie-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cKiddie-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&cKiddie-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to slimeball named "&cKiddie-Kit" 
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cKiddie-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /bunny:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		apply jump boost 3 to player for 999 days
		apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cBunny-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cBunny-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cBunny-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cBunny-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to carrot named "&cBunny-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 6
		set {_slot} to 1
		loop 35 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cFisherman-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /winston:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cWinston-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cWinston-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cWinston-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cWinston-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&cWinston-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
		set slot 1 of player to beacon named "&cWinston-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cWinston-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /grandpa:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
		equip player with iron chestplate named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
		equip player with iron boots named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to stick named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
		enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 5
		set slot 1 of player to strength potion 1
		enchant the player's slot 0 with knockback 4
		enchant the player's slot 0 with fire aspect 3
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cGrandpa-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}
command /hulk:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		apply strength 4 to player for 999 days
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cHulk-Kit"
		equip player with diamond chestplate named "&cHulk-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cHulk-Kit"
		equip player with diamond boots named "&cHulk-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 1
		loop 35 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cHulk-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /mage:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		clear player's inventory
		remove invisibility from player
		remove slowness from player
		remove strength from player
		remove speed from player
		remove nausea from player
		remove jump boost from player
		equip player with iron helmet named "&cMage-Kit"
		equip player with diamond chestplate named "&cMage-Kit"
		equip player with iron leggings named "&cMage-Kit"
		equip player with diamond boots named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 1 of player to speed potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set {_slot} to 2
		loop 34 times:
			set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
			add 1 to {_slot}
		set slot 2 of player to splash poison potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 3 of player to splash poison potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 10 of player to speed potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 12 of player to splash poison potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 19 of player to speed potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 21 of player to splash poison potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 28 of player to speed potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		set slot 30 of player to splash poison potion 2 named "&cMage-Kit"
		delete {killer.%player%}

command /kit3:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		wait 1 tick
		open chest with 3 row named "&6&lPremium-Kits" to player
		wait 2 tick
		format slot 0 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 1 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 2 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 3 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 4 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 5 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 6 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 7 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 8 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 9 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 10 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 11 of player with water bottle named "&6Drunk" to run [execute player command "drunk"]
		format slot 12 of player with bow named "&6Flameslinger" to run [execute player command "flameslinger"]
		format slot 13 of player with nether star named "&6Pikachu" to run [execute player command "pikachu"]
		format slot 14 of player with ender pearl named "&6Enderman" to run [execute player command "enderman"]
		format slot 15 of player with feather named "&6Sonic" to run [execute player command "sonic"]
		format slot 16 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 17 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 18 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 19 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 20 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 21 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 22 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 23 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 24 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 25 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 26 of player with red dye named "&cZurück" to run [execute player command "kits"]

command /drunk:
		if player has permission "kitpvp.vip":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			apply nausea to player for 999 days
			apply strength to player for 999 days
			equip player with iron helmet named "&6Drunk-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&6Drunk-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&6Drunk-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&6Drunk-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to stone sword named "&6Drunk-Kit"
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&6Drunk-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu benötigst für dieses Kit den Rang &6&nVIP&c!"

command /flameslinger:
		if player has permission "kitpvp.vip":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
			equip player with iron helmet named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			equip player with diamond chestplate named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
			set slot 1 of player to bow named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 1 with power 5
			enchant the player's slot 1 with flame 1
			enchant the player's slot 1 with infinity
			set {_slot} to 2
			loop 34 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&6Flameslinger-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			set slot 17 of player to arrow
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu benötigst für dieses Kit den Rang &6&nVIP&c!"

command /pikachu:
		if player has permission "kitpvp.vip":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			apply speed to player for 999 days
			equip player with iron helmet named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 39 with protection 1
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 38 with protection 1
			equip player with iron leggings named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 37 with protection 1
			equip player with iron boots named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 36 with protection 1
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
			set slot 1 of player to nether star named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
			set {_slot} to 2
			loop 34 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&6Pikachu-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu benötigst für dieses Kit den Rang &6&nVIP&c!"
command /enderman:
		if player has permission "kitpvp.vip":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			equip player with iron helmet named "&6Enderman-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&6Enderman-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&6Enderman-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&6Enderman-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&6Enderman-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
			set slot 1 of player to 64 ender pearl
			set {_slot} to 2
			loop 34 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&6Enderman-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu benötigst für dieses Kit den Rang &6&nVIP&c!"
command /sonic:
		if player has permission "kitpvp.vip":
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			apply speed 5 to player for 999 days
			equip player with iron helmet named "&6Sonic-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&6Sonic-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&6Sonic-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&6Sonic-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&6Sonic-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&6Sonic-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu benötigst für dieses Kit den Rang &6&nVIP&c!"
command /kitpvpshop:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		wait 1 tick
		open chest with 3 row named "&a&lShop" to player
		wait 2 tick
		format slot 0 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 1 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 2 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 3 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 4 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 5 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 6 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 7 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 8 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 9 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 10 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 11 of player with snowball named "&aFreezer" with lore "&8kosten: &7800" to run [execute player command "kitshop5"]
		format slot 12 of player with anvil named "&aBlocker" with lore "&8kosten: &7800" to run [execute player command "kitshop1"]
		format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&aSpaceJumper" with lore "&8kosten: &71000" to run [execute player command "kitshop2"]
		format slot 14 of player with poison potion named "&aSkorpion" with lore "&8kosten: &71200" to run [execute player command "kitshop3"]
		format slot 15 of player with gold sword named "&aKiller" with lore "&8kosten: &71500" to run [execute player command "kitshop4"]
		format slot 16 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 17 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 18 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 19 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 20 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 21 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 22 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 23 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 24 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 25 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable
		format slot 26 of player with black glass pane named "&7-&8/&7-" to be unstealable

command /kitshop1:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		if {kit.blocker.%player%} is set:
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast dieses Kit bereits gekauft!"
			if {coins.%player%} is bigger than 799.9:
				message "{@Prefix} &3Du hast das Kit &aBlocker &3erfolgreich gekauft!"
				set {kit.blocker.%player%} to true
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast nicht genügend coins!"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"

command /kitshop2:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		if {kit.spacejumper.%player%} is set:
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast dieses Kit bereits gekauft!"
			if {coins.%player%} is bigger than 999.9:
				message "{@Prefix} &3Du hast das Kit &aSpaceJumper &3erfolgreich gekauft!"
				set {kit.spacejumper.%player%} to true
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast nicht genügend coins!"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"

command /kitshop3:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		if {kit.skorpion.%player%} is set:
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast dieses Kit bereits gekauft!"
			if {coins.%player%} is bigger than 1199.9:
				message "{@Prefix} &aDu hast das Kit &cSkorpion &aerfolgreich gekauft!"
				set {kit.skorpion.%player%} to true
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast nicht genügend coins!"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"

command /kitshop4:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		if {kit.killer.%player%} is set:
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast dieses Kit bereits gekauft!"
			if {coins.%player%} is bigger than 1499.9:
				message "{@Prefix} &aDu hast das Kit &cKiller &aerfolgreich gekauft!"
				set {kit.killer.%player%} to true
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast nicht genügend coins!"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"
command /kitshop5:
		play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
		if {kit.freezer.%player%} is set:
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast dieses Kit bereits gekauft!"
			if {coins.%player%} is bigger than 799.9:
				message "{@Prefix} &aDu hast das Kit &cFreezer &aerfolgreich gekauft!"
				set {kit.freezer.%player%} to true
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu hast nicht genügend coins!"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"

command /blocker:
		if {kit.blocker.%player%} is set:
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			remove speed from player
			equip player with iron helmet named "&aBlocker-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&aBlocker-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&aBlocker-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&aBlocker-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&aBlocker-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&aBlocker-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu musst dieses Kit im &6&nShop &ckaufen!"

command /spacejumper:
		if {kit.spacejumper.%player%} is set:
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			remove speed from player
			equip player with iron helmet named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
			set slot 1 of player to 369 named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
			set {_slot} to 2
			loop 34 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&aSpaceJumper-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu musst dieses Kit im &6&nShop &ckaufen!"

command /skorpion:
		if {kit.skorpion.%player%} is set:
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			remove speed from player
			equip player with diamond helmet named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
			equip player with diamond boots named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&aSkorpion-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu musst dieses Kit im &6&nShop &ckaufen!"

command /killer:
		if {kit.killer.%player%} is set:
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			remove speed from player
			equip player with iron helmet named "&aKiller-Kit"
			equip player with iron chestplate named "&aKiller-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&aKiller-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&aKiller-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&aKiller-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 2
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&aKiller-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			set {killer.%player%} to true
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu musst dieses Kit im &6&nShop &ckaufen!"

command /freezer:
		if {kit.freezer.%player%} is set:
			play "CLICK" to player at volume 1
			clear player's inventory
			remove invisibility from player
			remove slowness from player
			remove strength from player
			remove speed from player
			remove nausea from player
			remove jump boost from player
			remove speed from player
			equip player with iron helmet named "&aFreezer-Kit"
			equip player with diamond chestplate named "&aFreezer-Kit"
			equip player with iron leggings named "&aFreezer-Kit"
			equip player with iron boots named "&aFreezer-Kit"
			set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&aFreezer-Kit"
			enchant the player's slot 0 with sharpness 1
			set {_slot} to 1
			loop 35 times:
				set slot {_slot} of player to splash healing potion 2 named "&aFreezer-Kit"
				add 1 to {_slot}
			delete {killer.%player%}
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu musst dieses Kit im &6&nShop &ckaufen!"

command /kitpvp [<text>]:
		if argument is "setspawn":
			if player has permission "kitpvp.admin":
				set {kitpvp.location} to player's location	
				message "{@Prefix} &3Du hast den &aSpawn-Punkt &3erfolgreich gesetzt!"
		if argument is "join":
			if player is not in world "{@Welt}":
				teleport player to {kitpvp.location}
				clear player's inventory
				wait 1 tick
				set slot 0 of player to ender chest named "&aShop"
				set slot 1 of player to chest named "&3Kits"
				set slot 8 of player to 166 named "&cVerlassen"
				message "{@Prefix} &3Du hast das &aSpiel &3erfolgreich betreten!"
				if {kills.%player%} is not set:
					set {kills.%player%} to 0
				if {deaths.%player%} is not set:
					set {deaths.%player%} to 0
				if {kd.%player%} is not set:
					set {kd.%player%} to 0
				if {coins.%player%} is not set:
					set {coins.%player%} to 100
				if {_spieler} is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} &cDu befindest dich bereits in &6&nKitPvP&c!"
			message "{@Prefix} &c/kitpvp (setspawn/join)"
command /stats [<player>]:
		if player is in world "{@Welt}":
			if argument 1 is set:
				message "&8&m---------&r&8[&6KitPvP-Stats&8]&8&m---------"
				message "&3Spieler: &b%arg-1%"
				message "&3Kills: &a%{kills.%arg-1%}%"
				message "&3Deaths: &c%{deaths.%arg-1%}%"
				message "&3K/D: &6%{kd.%arg-1%}%"
				message "&8&m---------&r&8[&6KitPvP-Stats&8]&8&m---------"
				message "&8&m---------&r&8[&6KitPvP-Stats&8]&8&m---------"
				message "&3Deine Stats:"
				message "&3Kills: &a%{kills.%player%}%"
				message "&3Deaths: &c%{deaths.%player%}%"
				message "&3K/D: &6%{kd.%player%}%"
				message "&8&m---------&r&8[&6KitPvP-Stats&8]&8&m---------"
command /coins:
		if player is in world "{@Welt}":
			message "{@Prefix} &3Deine Coins: &a%{coins.%player%}%"
on command:
	if player is not in world "{@Welt}":
		if command is "Kit3" or "bug" or "kitpvpshop" or "PvP" or "Sniper" or "Tank" or "Fisherman" or "Moneymaker" or "Toublemaker" or "Allstar" or "Noob" or "Ghost" or "terror" or "zombie" or "iceman" or "kiddy" or "bunny" or "winston" or "grandpa" or "hulk" or "mage" or "freezer" or "blocker" or "spacejumper" or "Skorpion" or "Killer" or "drunk" or "flameslinger" or "pikachu" or "enderman" or "sonic":
			cancel event
			message "{@Prefix} &cDu befindest dich nicht in der Welt &6{@Welt}&c!"