
Created by Adam McGrogan

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Script developed by @Adxm#1343
# Released on SpigotMC.org


  version: 2.1
  P: &8[&3Mines&8]&7


command /mines [<text>] [<text>]:
  aliases: m, mine
  permission: mines.use
  permission message: "{@P} No permission."
    if arg-1 is not set:
      send ""
      send "{@P} Help Commands"
      send "&c> &3/m info"
      send ""
      send "&c> &3/m list"
      send "&c> &3/m wand"
      send "&c> &3/m create [mine-name]"
      send "&c> &3/m edit [mine-name]"
      send "&c> &3/m reset [mine-name]"
      send "&c> &3/m clear [mine-name]"
      send "&c> &3/m lobby [mine-name]"
      send ""
    else if arg-1 is "info":
      send ""
      send "{@P} This script was created by skAdam (@Adxm##1343)."
      send ""
      send "&c> &7Version: &3{@version}"
      send ""
    else if arg-1 is "list":
      set {_G} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "{@P} &8List"
      set {_S} to 0
      loop {mine::list::*}:
        set slot {_S} of {_G} to name tag named "&3%loop-value%" with lore "&7Click to enter &3%loop-value%&7's properties gui." and "" and "&7Blocks: &3%{mine::%loop-value%::blocks::*}%" and "&7Reset Delay: &3%{mine::%loop-value%::resetdelay}%" and "&7Announce on Reset: &3%{mine::%loop-value%::broadcastOnReset}%"
        add 1 to {_S}
      open {_G} to player
      set metadata "mines-gui" of player to "list"
    else if arg-1 is "create":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if (amount of {mine::list::*}) < 40: # changing this will BREAK the code.
          if {mine::setup::location-1} and {mine::setup::location-2} is set: 
            if {mine::list::*} does not contain arg-2:
              add arg-2 to {mine::list::*}
              set {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} to {mine::setup::location-1}
              set {mine::%arg-2%::loc-2} to {mine::setup::location-2}
              set {mine::%arg-2%::setblockdelay} to 0
              set {mine::%arg-2%::setblockdelay-display} to "None"
              set {mine::%arg-2%::resetdelay} to 1
              set {mine::%arg-2%::broadcastOnReset} to true
              set {mine::%arg-2%::blocks::*} to "stone"
              console command "mines reset %arg-2%"
              send ""
              send "{@P} Mine &3%arg-2%&7 created."
              send "&c> &7The default block has been set to &3stone&7, to edit this and other properties, use &3/mines edit %arg-2%&7."
              send ""
              send "{@P} This mine is already set."
            send "{@P} Mine location[s] are not set. Set them using the &3/mines wand&7."
          send "{@P} You have too many mines, please delete some. (This can be done easily with &3/mines list&7)"
        send "{@P} Enter a mine name."
    else if arg-1 is "edit":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} is set:
          if metadata "mines-inProcess" of player is not true:
            set {_G} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "{@P} &3%arg-2%&8's properties."
            set slot 4 of {_G} to barrier named "&c&lDelete Mine" with lore "&7&oDelete the mine."
            set slot 10 of {_G} to diamond ore named "&c&lBlock List" with lore "&7&oChange mine's blocks."
            set slot 12 of {_G} to oak sign named "&c&lAnnouncement" with lore "&7&oToggle announce on reset." and "&7Current Value: &3%{mine::%arg-2%::broadcastOnReset}%"
            set slot 14 of {_G} to ender pearl named "&c&lLobby" with lore "&7&oSet mine's lobby location."
            set slot 16 of {_G} to oak button named "&c&lReset" with lore "&7&oReset the mine."  
            set slot 28 of {_G} to painting named "&c&lHologram" with lore "&7&oSet the mine's hologram to your current location." 
            set slot 30 of {_G} to clock named "&c&lReset Delay" with lore "&7&oToggle how often the mine resets. [1, 5, 10 minutes]"   and "&7Current Value: &3%{mine::%arg-2%::resetdelay}%"
            set slot 32 of {_G} to clock named "&c&lBlock Set Delay" with lore "&7&oToggle the delay when setting blocks." and "&7&o[None = Instant, 1 = 1 tick per block]" and "&7Current Value: &3%{mine::%arg-2%::setblockdelay-display}%"
            set slot 34 of {_G} to ice named "&c&lClear" with lore "&7&oClear the mine." 
            open {_G} to player
            set metadata "mines-gui" of player to "properties"
            set metadata "mines-mine" of player to arg-2
            send "{@P} Unable to enter the edit gui, are you in the process of another setup?"
            send "&c> &7If this is a mistake, leave and rejoin."
          send "{@P} This mine is not set. 1 Create it by using &3/mines create %arg-2%&7."
        send "{@P} Enter a mine name."
    else if arg-1 is "lobby":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} is set:
          if {mine::%arg-2%::lobby} is set:
            if player has permission "mines.lobby.%arg-2%":
              teleport player to {mine::%arg-2%::lobby}
              send "{@P} Going to &3%arg-2%&7's lobby."
              send "{@P} Invalid permissions!"
            send "{@P} The mine &3%arg-2%&7 does not have a lobby set. One can be set using &3/mines edit %arg-2%&7."
          send "{@P} This mine is not set. Create it by using &3/mines create %arg-2%&7."
        send "{@P} Enter a mine name."
    else if arg-1 is "reset":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} is set:
          if {mine::%arg-2%::broadcastOnReset} is true:
            broadcast ""  
            broadcast "{@P} Mine &3%arg-2%&7 has been reset!"
            broadcast ""
            set {_D} to {mine::%arg-2%::setblockdelay}
          if {mine::%arg-2%::lobby} is set:
            loop all players:
              if minesPlayerbetween(loop-player, {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1}, {mine::%arg-2%::loc-2}) is true:
                player command "mines lobby %arg-2%"
          loop all blocks within {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} and {mine::%arg-2%::loc-2}:
            if {_D} = 1:
              wait 1 tick
            set {_block} to random element out of {mine::%arg-2%::blocks::*}
            set loop-block to {_block} parsed as material
          send "{@P} This mine is not set. Create it by using &3/mines create %arg-2%&7."
        send "{@P} Enter a mine name."
    else if arg-1 is "clear":
      if arg-2 is set:
        if {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} is set:
          if {mine::%arg-2%::broadcastOnReset} is true:
            broadcast ""  
            broadcast "{@P} Mine &3%arg-2%&7 has been cleared!"
            broadcast ""
            set {_D} to {mine::%arg-2%::setblockdelay}
          if {mine::%arg-2%::lobby} is set:
            loop all players:
              if minesPlayerbetween(loop-player, {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1}, {mine::%arg-2%::loc-2}) is true:
                player command "mines lobby %arg-2%"
          loop all blocks within {mine::%arg-2%::loc-1} and {mine::%arg-2%::loc-2}:
            if {_D} = 1:
              wait 1 tick
            set loop-block to air
          send "{@P} This mine is not set. Create it by using &3/mines create %arg-2%&7."
        send "{@P} Enter a mine name."
    else if arg-1 is "wand":
      give player stone axe named "{@P} &7Setup Wand"
      send ""
      send "{@P} You have been given your setup wand."
      send "&c> &3Gamemode creative is required!"
      send "&c> &7Right click to set location 1, and left click to set location 2."
      send ""

on inventory click:
  if metadata "mines-gui" of player is "properties":
    clear metadata "mines-gui" of player
    cancel event
    if clicked slot is 4:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      delete {mine::%{_M}%::*}
      remove {_M} from {mine::list::*}
      close player's inventory
      send ""
      send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7 has been deleted."
      send ""
      clear metadata "mines-gui" of player
      clear metadata "mines-mine" of player
    if clicked slot is 10:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      set {_G} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "{@P} &3%{_M}%&8's blocks."
      set slot 4 of {_G} to redstone block named "&c&lADD BLOCKS" with lore "&7&oThis will clear all the blocks and all blocks + the new ones will need to be added."
      set {_S} to 9
      loop {mine::%{_M}%::blocks::*}:
        set slot {_S} of {_G} to loop-value parsed as material named "&3%loop-value%"
        add 1 to {_S}
      open {_G} to player
      set metadata "mines-gui" of player to "blocks"
    if clicked slot is 12:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      if {mine::%{_M}%::broadcastOnReset} is true:
        delete {mine::%{_M}%::broadcastOnReset}
        send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7 will no longer announce on reset."
        set {mine::%{_M}%::broadcastOnReset} to true
        send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7 will now announce on reset."
      player command "mines edit %{_M}%"
    if clicked slot is 14:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      set {mine::%{_M}%::lobby} to player's location
      send "{@P} Lobby location of mine &3%{_M}%&7 has been set."
      send "&c> &7Players need the permission &3mines.lobby.%{_M}%&7 to warp to it."
    if clicked slot is 16:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      console command "mines reset %{_M}%"
    if clicked slot is 28:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      set {_L} to player's location
      add 2 to y-loc of {_L}
      send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7's hologram has been set to your location!"
      if {mine::%{_M}%::holo} is set:
        delete hologram {mine::%{_M}%::holo}
      create a new hologram with lines "{@P} &3Information" and "&7Mine: &3&l%{_M}%", "&7Reset Delay: &3every &l%{mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay}%&3 minutes" and "&7Blocks: &3&l%{mine::%{_M}%::blocks::*}%" at {_L} and store in {mine::%{_M}%::holo}
    if clicked slot is 30:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      if {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} is 1:
        set {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} to 5
        send "{@P} Reset delay for mine &3%{_M}%&7 has been set to 5 minutes."
      else if {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} is 5:
        set {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} to 10
        send "{@P} Reset delay for mine &3%{_M}%&7 has been set to 10 minutes."
      else if {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} is 10:
        set {mine::%{_M}%::resetdelay} to 1
        send "{@P} Reset delay for mine &3%{_M}%&7 has been set to 1 minutes."
      player command "mines edit %{_M}%"
    if clicked slot is 32:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      if {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay} is 0:
        set {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay} to 1
        set {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay-display} to 1
        send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7's set block on reset delay is now 1 tick."
      else if {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay} is 1:
        set {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay} to 0
        set {mine::%{_M}%::setblockdelay-display} to "None"
        send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7's set block on reset delay is now 0 ticks (none)."
      player command "mines edit %{_M}%"
    if clicked slot is 34:
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      console command "mine clear %{_M}%"
  if metadata "mines-gui" of player is "blocks":
    cancel event
    if clicked slot is 4:
      close player's inventory
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      set metadata "mines-inProcess" of player to true
      set metadata "mines-blockSetup" of player to true
      send ""
      send "{@P} Enter in chat what block types you want in mine &3%{_M}%&7."
      send "&c> &7Don't use spaces to seperate them, use "";"" (eg ""stone;grass block"")"
      send ""
  if metadata "mines-gui" of player is "list":
    cancel event
    set {_N} to clicked slot's name
    if {_N} is set:
      replace all "&3" with "" in {_N}
      player command "/mines edit %{_N}%"
    clear metadata "mines-gui" of player
    clear metadata "mines-properties" of player

every 1 minute:
  loop {mine::list::*}:
    if {mine::%loop-value%::resetdelay} is 1:
      console command "mines reset %loop-value%"
every 5 minutes:
  loop {mine::list::*}:
    if {mine::%loop-value%::resetdelay} is 5:
      console command "mines reset %loop-value%"
every 10 minutes:
  loop {mine::list::*}:
    if {mine::%loop-value%::resetdelay} is 10:
      console command "mines reset %loop-value%"
on chat:
  if metadata "mines-blockSetup" of player is true:
    cancel event
    set {_blocks} to message
    set {_S::*} to split {_blocks} at ";"
    if amount of {_S::*} < 35:
      clear metadata "mines-blockSetup" of player
      clear metadata "mines-inProcess" of player
      set {_M} to metadata "mines-mine" of player
      set {_blocks} to message
      set {mine::%{_M}%::blocks::*} to split {_blocks} at ";"
      console command "mines reset %{_M}%"
      send ""
      send "{@P} Mine &3%{_M}%&7's blocks have been set to &3%{mine::%{_M}%::blocks::*}%&7, and the mine has been reset."
      send ""
      clear metadata "mines-mine" of player
      send ""
      send "{@P} Error, there is a maximum of 35 blocks allowed in each mine."
      send ""

on join:
  clear metadata "mines-inProcess" of player
  clear metadata "mines-mine" of player
  clear metadata "mines-blockSetup" of player
  clear metadata "mines-gui" of player

on right click with stone axe:
  if name of player's held item is "{@P} &7Setup Wand":
    if player has permission "mines.wand":
      cancel event
      set {mine::setup::location-1} to location of event-block
    send "{@P} Location 1 set to &3%{mine::setup::location-1}%"


on break:
  if held item is stone axe:
    if name of player's held item is "{@P} &7Setup Wand":
      if player has permission "mines.wand":
        cancel event
        set {mine::setup::location-2} to location of event-block
        send "{@P} Location 2 set to &3%{mine::setup::location-2}%"


function minesPlayerbetweenCheck(a: number, b: number, c: number) :: boolean:
    if {_a} is between {_b} and {_c}:
        return true
    else if {_a} is between {_c} and {_b}:
        return true

function minesPlayerbetween(p: player, l1: location, l2: location) :: boolean:
    if minesPlayerbetweenCheck(x coord of location of {_p}, x coord of {_l1}, x coord of {_l2}) = true:
        if minesPlayerbetweenCheck(y coord of location of {_p}, y coord of {_l1}, y coord of {_l2}) = true:
            if minesPlayerbetweenCheck(z coord of location of {_p}, z coord of {_l1}, z coord of {_l2}) = true:
                return true