
Created by MatsGaming

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#UHC Skript by: MatsGaming on SpigotMC and skUnity

#- Skellett
#- SkQuery
#- skRayFall
#- Skript



#%player% = name of the player (meant to be used in: joinmessage, leavemessage and rejoinmessage)
#%amount of all players% = the amount of players online (meant to be used in: joinmessage)
#%{maxPlayers}% = the max players that can join your server (meant to be used in: joinmessage)
#%victim% = name of the victim (meant to be used in: timebombexplodemessage, playerdeathmessage and deathmessage)
#%attacker% = name of the attacker (meant to be used in: playerdeathmessage)
#%{winner}% = the winner of the game (meant to be used in: winmessage)


#Prefix for messages of this Skript
	prefix : &8[&4UHC&8]

#Message shown if a user uses a command, but doesn't have permission
	noperm : &cYou are not allowed to use this command

#Minecraft time at the start of the game (day, night, 0, 5000)
	time : 0
#Make the time stuck at the option above
	eternaltime : false

#The size of the worldborder
	worldborder : 500
#The size of the worldborder at the deathmatch
	deathmatchborder : 50

#The join message when the game hasn't started
	joinmessage : &b%player% &6has joined (%amount of all players%/%{maxPlayers}%)
#The leave message
	leavemessage : &b%player% &6has quit
#The rejoin message when the game has started
	rejoinmessage : &b%player% &6has rejoined!
#Enable or disable rejoin
	rejoin : true

#Enable or disable the starting items the people with the uhc.admin permission get
	startingitems : true
#Title of the starting items
	scenarios item : &6&lScenarios &7(Right Click)
	start item : &6&lStart the Game &7(Right Click)

#The minimum players required for the game to automatically start
	minplayerstostartgame : 8
#The message everyone gets when the game starts
	startmessage : &6Game has started!
#The countdown message everyone gets when there are enough players or when someone did /start
	startingtimer : &bStarting in
#The amount of seconds players have to wait until the game starts when there are enough players or when someone did /start (in seconds)
	timetostart : 15
#Effects players will get when the game starts
	Haste II : false
	Speed II : false
	Night Vision II : false
#Enable or disable these gamerules modified by this Skript
	mobGriefing : true
	doFireTick : true
	doMobSpawning : true
#Enable or disable spectating
	spectatormode : true
#Kick message you get when spectating is disabled and you die or try to join
	kickmessage : &6You can't join!

#The message that gets broadcasted when a player gets killed by another player
	playerdeathmessage : &b%victim% &6was slain by &b%attacker%
#The message that gets broadcasted when a player gets killed by anything other than a player
	deathmessage : &b%victim% &6died!

#The sound that gets played when an event (like the deathmatch) happens (the default sound id is ONLY for 1.9+)
#The sound that gets played when the start countdown starts (the default sound id is ONLY for 1.9+)
	startsoundid : BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
#The name of Golden Heads
	goldenheadname : &6Golden Head

#The time after the game has started until PvP will be enabled (in seconds)
	pvptime : 600
#The message everyone gets when PvP gets enabled
	pvpenabled : &6PvP has been enabled!
#The message in the action bar before the PvP timer
	pvptimer : &cPvP

#The time after the game has started until the deathmatch will start (in seconds)
	deathmatchtime : 900
#The message everyone gets when the deathmatch starts
	deathmatchstarted : &6Deathmatch has started!
#The message in the action bar before the deathmatch timer
	deathmatchtimer : &cDeathmatch

#The message a player gets when using the /revive command on an alive player
	alreadyalive : &cThis player is already alive!
#The message a player gets when they get revived
	revivemessage : &b%arg-1% &6has been revived!

#The message everyone gets when a TimeBomb corpse explodes
	timebombexplodemessage : &b%victim%&6's corpse has exploded!
#The time someone can't be attacked by a player when they killed someone if NoClean is enabled (in seconds)
	nocleanseconds : 10
#The message players get when they try to attack a player that killed someone if NoClean is enabled
	nocleanattack : &cYou can't attack this player!

#The message everyone gets when a scenario gets enabled
	scenarioenablemessage : &ahas been enabled
#The message everyone gets when a scenario gets disabled
	scenariodisablemessage : &ahas been disabled
#The colour of the scenarios
	scenarioprefix : &e
#The title of the scenario GUI
	scenariostitle : &6&lScenarios
#The message you get when trying to enable 2 scenarios that aren't compatible with each other
	notcompatible : &cis not compatible with

#BleedingSweets description
	bsline1 : &eWhen a player dies, they drop 1 diamond,
	bsline2 : &e5 gold, 16 arrows and 1 string
	bsline3 : &e
#BloodDiamonds description
	bdline1 : &eYou'll take half a heart of damage when mining a diamond
	bdline2 : &e
	bdline3 : &e
#Bowless description
	bowlessline1 : &ePlayers can't use or craft bows
	bowlessline2 : &e
	bowlessline3 : &e
#CutClean description
	ccline1 : &eOres and animal drops are automatically
	ccline2 : &esmelted, no furnaces needed
	ccline3 : &e
#Fireless description
	firelessline1 : &ePlayers don't take fire damage, but still take lava damage
	firelessline2 : &e
	firelessline3 : &e
#FlowerPower description
	fpline1 : &eWhen a player breaks any random flower,
	fpline2 : &ethe flower will drop a random item
	fpline3 : &e
#GoldenHeads description
	ghline1 : &eWhen a player dies, they will drop their head.
	ghline2 : &eWhen you put gold around it, you will get a Golden Head
	ghline3 : &e
#GoneFishing description
	gfline1 : &eEach player starts with an Unbreaking and Luck of the Sea
	gfline2 : &efishing rod along with 64 anvils and 1000 experience levels.
	gfline3 : &ePlayers also can't use or craft enchantment tables
#HasteyBoys description
	hbline1 : &eWhen you craft a tool, it will automatically
	hbline2 : &ebe enchanted with Efficiency III and Unbreaking I
	hbline3 : &e
#Horseless description
	horselessline1 : &ePlayers can't ride horses
	horselessline2 : &e
	horselessline3 : &e
#LuckyLeaves description
	llline1 : &eLeaves have a 1%% chance of dropping golden apples.
	llline2 : &eNormal apples still drop
	llline3 : &e
#NoClean description
	ncline1 : &eAfter killing someone you'll
	ncline2 : &ebe invincible for 10 seconds
	ncline3 : &e
#NoFall description
	nfline1 : &ePlayers don't take fall damage
	nfline2 : &e
	nfline3 : &e
#Rodless description
	rodlessline1 : &ePlayers can't use or craft fishing rods
	rodlessline2 : &e
	rodlessline3 : &e
#SkyHigh description
	shline1 : &eAny player below Y-101 will begin to take
	shline2 : &ehalf a heart of damage every 30 seconds
	shline3 : &e
#Timber description
	timberline1 : &eBreaking a log of a tree will cause
	timberline2 : &ethe whole tree to fall down
	timberline3 : &e
#TimeBomb description
	tbline1 : &eAfter killing a player, their loot will drop
	tbline2 : &einto a chest. 30 seconds later, the chest will explode
	tbline3 : &e
#TripleOres description
	toline1 : &eOres drop in threes
	toline2 : &e
	toline3 : &e

#The apple rate (in percentages)
	applerate : 10

#The message that gets broadcasted when someone wins the game
	winmessage : &b%{winner}% &6won the game!
#The message that gets broadcasted when no one wins the game (instead of %{winner}%)
	nowinner : &6No one
#The time for your server to stop after someone wins the game (set to 1 to disable) (in seconds)
	timetostop : 1
#The message players get when the game ends and they get kicked
	endmsg : &6The game has ended!




#Don't touch anything down here, unless you know what you're doing!	

command /start:
	description: Starts the game
	usage: /start
	permission: uhc.admin
	permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		if {startused} is false:
			set {startused} to true
			set action bar of all players to "{@startingtimer} {@timetostart}"
			loop {@timetostart} times:
				play "{@startsoundid}" to all players at volume 100
				wait 1 second
				reduce {timestart} by 1
				set action bar of all players to "{@startingtimer} %{timestart}%"
			set action bar of all players to ""
			set {start} to true
			play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
			if {@eternaltime} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:gamerule doDaylightCycle false"
			execute console command "/minecraft:time set 0 {@time}"
			clear all items of all players
			execute console command "/minecraft:worldborder set {@worldborder}"
			broadcast "{@prefix} {@startmessage}"
			clear all effects from all players
			if {@Haste II} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:effect @a minecraft:haste 10000 1 true"				
			if {@Speed II} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:effect @a minecraft:speed 10000 1 true"				
			if {@Night Vision II} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:effect @a minecraft:night_vision 10000 1 true"	
			if {gonefishing} is true:
				give (fishing rod of luck of the sea 32767 and lure 8) to be unbreakable to all players
				give 64 anvil to all players
				set level of all players to 1000
			loop all players:
				add 1 to {totalalive}
				set {alive::%loop-player's uuid%} to true
				send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@startmessage}" for 3 seconds
			execute console command "/minecraft:spreadplayers 0 0 %{spreaddistance}% %{maxrange}% false @a"
			execute console command "/minecraft:tp @a ~ 256 ~"
			set gamemode of all players to survival
			set weather to clear	
			if {@doFireTick} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:gamerule doFireTick true"
			if {@mobGriefing} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:gamerule mobGriefing true"
			if {@doMobSpawning} is true:
				execute console command "/minecraft:gamerule doMobSpawning true"
			if {@pvptime} is higher than {@deathmatchtime}:
				loop {@pvptime} times:
					wait 1 second
					reduce {deathmatch} by 1
					reduce {pvp} by 1
					set action bar of all players to "{@deathmatchtimer}: %{deathmatch}%  {@pvptimer}: %{pvp}%"
					if {deathmatch} is higher than 0:
						set action bar of all players to "{@deathmatchtimer}: %{deathmatch}%  {@pvptimer}: %{pvp}%"
						set action bar of all players to "{@pvptimer}: %{pvp}%"
						if {dmdone} is false:
							set {dmdone} to true
							execute console command "/minecraft:worldborder set {@deathmatchborder}"
							execute console command "/minecraft:spreadplayers 0 0 %{spreaddistancedm}% %{maxrangedm}% false @a"
							execute console command "/minecraft:tp @a ~ 256 ~"
							broadcast "{@prefix} {@deathmatchstarted}"
							loop all players:
								send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@deathmatchstarted}" for 3 seconds
							set {deathmatchstart} to true
							play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
					if {pvp} is less than 1:
						set action bar of all players to ""
						enable pvp in all worlds
						broadcast "{@prefix} {@pvpenabled}"
						play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
						loop all players:
							send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@pvpenabled}" for 3 seconds
				loop {@deathmatchtime} times:
					wait 1 second
					reduce {deathmatch} by 1
					reduce {pvp} by 1
					if {pvp} is higher than 0:
						set action bar of all players to "{@deathmatchtimer}: %{deathmatch}%  {@pvptimer}: %{pvp}%"
						set action bar of all players to "{@deathmatchtimer}: %{deathmatch}%"
						enable pvp in all worlds
						if {pvpdone} is false:
							set {pvpdone} to true
							play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
							broadcast "{@prefix} {@pvpenabled}"
							loop all players:
								send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@pvpenabled}" for 3 seconds
					if {deathmatch} is less than 1:
						set action bar of all players to ""
						execute console command "/minecraft:worldborder set {@deathmatchborder}"
						execute console command "/minecraft:spreadplayers 0 0 %{spreaddistancedm}% %{maxrangedm}% false @a"
						execute console command "/minecraft:tp @a ~ 256 ~"
						broadcast "{@prefix} {@deathmatchstarted}"
						play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
						loop all players:
							send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@deathmatchstarted}" for 3 seconds
						set {deathmatchstart} to true

on command "/minecraft:tp @a ~ 256 ~":
	set {falldamage} to false
	wait 10 seconds
	set {falldamage} to true

on command "/minecraft:tp @a ~ 256 ~":
	if {deathmatchstart} is false:
		set {firedamage} to false
		wait 30 seconds
		set {firedamage} to true

command /revive <player>:
	description: Revives a player
	usage: /revive [player]
	permission: uhc.admin
	permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
	aliases: /resurrect
		if {start} is true:
			if {deathmatchstart} is false:
				if {alive::%arg-1's uuid%} is false:
					clear all effects from player
					if {@Haste II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:haste 10000 1 true"				
					if {@Speed II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:speed 10000 1 true"				
					if {@Night Vision II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:night_vision 10000 1 true"				
					add 1 to {totalalive}
					set {alive::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
					set arg-1's gamemode to survival
					execute console command "/spreadplayers 0 0 %{spreaddistance}% %{maxrange}% false %arg-1%"
					send "{@prefix} {@revivemessage}" to arg-1 and player
					send arg-1 and player title "{@prefix} {@revivemessage}" for 3 seconds
					play "{@soundid}" to arg-1 and player at volume 100
					if {gonefishing} is true:
						give (fishing rod of luck of the sea 32767 and lure 8) to be unbreakable to arg-1
						give 64 anvil to arg-1
						set level of arg-1 to 1000
					message "{@prefix} {@alreadyalive}"
				if {alive::%arg-1's uuid%} is false:
					clear all effects from player
					if {@Haste II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:haste 10000 1 true"				
					if {@Speed II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:speed 10000 1 true"				
					if {@Night Vision II} is true:
						execute console command "minecraft:effect %arg-1% minecraft:night_vision 10000 1 true"				
					add 1 to {totalalive}
					set {alive::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
					set arg-1's gamemode to survival
					execute console command "/spreadplayers 0 0 %{spreaddistancedm}% %{maxrangedm}% false %arg-1%"
					send "{@prefix} {@revivemessage}" to arg-1 and player
					send arg-1 and player title "{@prefix} {@revivemessage}" for 3 seconds
					if {gonefishing} is true:
						give (fishing rod of luck of the sea 32767 and lure 8) to be unbreakable to arg-1
						give 64 anvil to arg-1
						set level of arg-1 to 1000
					message "{@prefix} {@alreadyalive}"
on death of a player:
	if attacker is a player:
		set the death message to "{@prefix} {@playerdeathmessage}"
		set the death message to "{@prefix} {@deathmessage}"
on Skript start:
	set {start} to false
	execute console command "/worldborder set 60000000"
	execute console command "/gamerule mobGriefing false"
	execute console command "/gamerule doFireTick false"
	execute console command "/gamerule doMobSpawning false"
	set {maxrange} to {@worldborder} / 2
	set {spreaddistance} to {maxrange} / 2
	set {maxrangedm} to {@deathmatchborder} / 2
	set {spreaddistancedm} to {maxrangedm} / 5
	set {startused} to false
	set {pvp} to {@pvptime}
	set {deathmatch} to {@deathmatchtime}
	set {timestart} to {@timetostart}
	set {pvpdone} to false
	set {dmdone} to false
	set {nf} to false
	set {cc} to false
	set {timber} to false
	set {Timebomb} to false
	set {flowerpower} to false
	set {goldenheads} to false
	set {hb} to false
	set {fireless} to false
	set {bowless} to false
	set {horseless} to false
	set {rodless} to false
	set {skyhigh} to false
	set {gonefishing} to false
	set {luckyleaves} to false
	set {noclean} to false
	set {bleedingsweets} to false
	set {blooddiamonds} to false
	set {tripleores} to false
	set {winnerbroadcasted} to false
	set {totalalive} to 0
	set {playercount} to 0
	set {damagecounter} to {@timetostart}
	add 30 to {damagecounter}
	set {falldamage} to true
	set {firedamage} to true
	set {damage} to true
	set {deathmatchstart} to false
	set {awinner} to false
	execute console command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle true"
	clear {winner}
	clear {alive::*}
	clear {invincible::*}
	clear {diamondblock}
	disable pvp in all worlds

on join:
	if {start} is false:
		clear player's inventory
		set the player's level to 0
		if {@startingitems} is true:
			if player has permission "uhc.admin":
				set slot 2 of player to compass named "{@scenarios item}"
				set slot 6 of player to paper named "{@start item}"
on rightclick with compass:
	if {start} is false:
		if {@startingitems} is true:		
			if name of tool of player is "{@scenarios item}":
				make player execute command "/scenarios"
on rightclick with paper:
	if {start} is false:
		if {@startingitems} is true:		
			if name of tool of player is "{@start item}":
				make player execute command "/start"
on damage of player:
	if {falldamage} is false:
		damage cause is fall:
			cancel event
on damage of player:
	if {firedamage} is false:
		damage cause is burning:
			cancel event
on damage of player:
	if {damage} is false:
		cancel event
on death of a player:
	if {start} is true:
		set {alive::%player's uuid%} to false
		remove 1 from {totalalive}
		if {totalalive} is less than 2:
			set {damage} to false
			set {alive::%player's uuid%} to false
			loop all players:
				if {alive::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
					set {winner} to loop-player
					set {awinner} to true
				if {awinner} is false:
					set {winner} to "{@nowinner}"
			if {winnerbroadcasted} is false:
				wait 1 tick
				play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
				broadcast "{@prefix} {@winmessage}"
				loop all players:
					send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@winmessage}" for 3 seconds
			set {winnerbroadcasted} to true
			if {@timetostop} is not 1:
				wait {@timetostop} seconds
				kick all players due to "{@prefix} {@endmsg}"
				execute console command "/stop"

on kick:
	if {start} is true:
		if {alive::%player's uuid%} is true:
			remove 1 from {totalalive}
		if {totalalive} is less than 2:
			set {damage} to false
			set {alive::%player's uuid%} to false
			loop all players:
				if {alive::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
					set {winner} to loop-player
					set {awinner} to true
				if {awinner} is false:
					set {winner} to "{@nowinner}"
			if {winnerbroadcasted} is false:
				wait 1 tick
				play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
				broadcast "{@prefix} {@winmessage}"
				loop all players:
					send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@winmessage}" for 3 seconds
			set {winnerbroadcasted} to true
			if {@timetostop} is not 1:
				wait {@timetostop} seconds
				kick all players due to "{@prefix} {@endmsg}"
				execute console command "/stop"
on quit:
	if {start} is true:
		if {alive::%player's uuid%} is true:
			remove 1 from {totalalive}
		if {totalalive} is less than 2:
			set {damage} to false
			set {alive::%player's uuid%} to false
			loop all players:
				if {alive::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
					set {winner} to loop-player
					set {awinner} to true
				if {awinner} is false:
					set {winner} to "{@nowinner}"
			if {winnerbroadcasted} is false:
				wait 1 tick
				play "{@soundid}" to all players at volume 100
				broadcast "{@prefix} {@winmessage}"
				loop all players:
					send loop-player title "{@prefix} {@winmessage}" for 3 seconds
			set {winnerbroadcasted} to true
			if {@timetostop} is not 1:
				wait {@timetostop} seconds
				kick all players due to "{@prefix} {@endmsg}"
				execute console command "/stop"
on damage:		
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on death:
	if {@spectatormode} is true:
		set player's gamemode to spectator
		kick player due to "{@prefix} {@kickmessage}"

on heal:
	if heal cause is not magic_regen or magic:
		cancel event
on break:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on entity block modify:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on vehicle destroy:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on shoot:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on vehicle enter:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on burn:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on click:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on entity target:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on inventory click:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on join:
	if {start} is false:
		set player's gamemode to adventure
		set player's health to 10
		set the player's food level to 10
		set join message to "{@prefix} {@joinmessage}"
		remove all effects from player
		set level of player to 0
		add 1 to {playercount}
		if {playercount} is equal to {@minplayerstostartgame}:
			execute console command "/start"
		if {playercount} is more than {@minplayerstostartgame}:
			execute console command "/start"

on quit:
	if {start} is false:
		remove 1 from {playercount}
on kick:
	if {start} is false:
		remove 1 from {playercount}
on quit:
	set quit message to "{@prefix} {@leavemessage}"
on server ping:
	set {maxPlayers} to max player count
on join:
	if {@rejoin} is true:
		if {start} is true:
			if {alive::%player's uuid%} is true:
				if {totalalive} is more than 1:
					set join message to "{@rejoinmessage}"
					add 1 to {totalalive}
				if {@spectatormode} is true:
					set player's gamemode to spectator
					clear inventory of player
					set player's health to 10
					set the player's food level to 10
					set join message to ""
					remove all effects from player
					set level of player to 0
					kick player due to "{@prefix} {@kickmessage}"
on join:
	if {@rejoin} is false:
		if {start} is true:
			if {@spectatormode} is true:
				set player's gamemode to spectator
				clear inventory of player
				set player's health to 10
				set the player's food level to 10
				set join message to ""
				remove all effects from player
				set level of player to 0
				kick player due to "{@prefix} {@kickmessage}"
on quit:
	if {start} is true:
		if {alive::%player's uuid%} is not true:
			set quit message to ""
on pick up:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on hunger meter change:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
on drop:
	if {start} is false:
		cancel event
command /cutclean <text="toggle">:
		description: CutClean scenario
		usage: /cutclean
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /kutklean, /kk, /cc
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {cc} is true:
								set {cc} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}CutClean {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {cc} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}CutClean {@scenarioenablemessage}"

on mine of emerald ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 emerald at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 5 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of diamond ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 diamond at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 5 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of iron ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 iron ingot at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of gold ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 gold ingot at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of redstone ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 5 redstone at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 3 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of nether quartz ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 nether quartz at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 4 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of coal ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 1 coal at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of lapis ore:
	if {cc} is true:
		if {tripleores} is false:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 6 lapis lazuli at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 2 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of gravel:
	if {cc} is true:
		cancel event
		clear dropped items
		set block to air
		drop 1 flint at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1

on death of a pig:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop (random integer between 1 and 3) of cooked porkchop at the pig

on death of a chicken:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop 1 cooked chicken at the chicken
		drop (random integer between 0 and 2) of feather at the chicken

on death of a cow:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop (random integer between 1 and 3) of steak at the cow
		drop (random integer between 0 and 2) of leather at the cow
on death of a sheep:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop (random integer between 1 and 2) of cooked mutton at the sheep

on death of a rabbit:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop (random integer between 0 and 1) of cooked rabbit at the rabbit
		drop (random integer between 0 and 1) of rabbit hide at the rabbit
on death of a mooshroom:
	if {cc} is true:
		clear drops
		drop (random integer between 1 and 3) of steak at the mooshroom
		drop (random integer between 0 and 2) of leather at the mooshroom

command /nofall <text="toggle">:
		aliases: /nf
		description: NoFall scenario
		usage: /nofall
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {nf} is true:
								set {nf} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}NoFall {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {nf} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}NoFall {@scenarioenablemessage}"		

on damage of a player:
	damage cause is fall:
		if {nf} is true:
			cancel event
on mine:
    event-block is oak log or birch log or acacia log or dark oak log or spruce log:
        {timber} is true:
            if player's gamemode is survival:
                if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
                    damage player's tool by 1
            set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to location 20 meters below event-block
            set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.2} to location 20 meters above event-block
            set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.3} to location 5 meters above event-block
            loop blocks within {_tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to {_tloc.%player's uuid%.2}:
                block below loop-block is dirt or grass block:
                    block above loop-block is oak log or birch log or acacia log or dark oak log or spruce log:
                        set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to location 20 meters below event-block
                        set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.2} to location 20 meters above loop-block
                        set {_tloc.%player's uuid%.3} to location 5 meters above loop-block
    loop blocks within {_tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to {_tloc.%player's uuid%.2}:
        loop-block is oak log or birch log or acacia log or dark oak log or spruce log:
            break loop-block naturally
            play raw sound "dig.wood" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
            wait 1 tick
            loop blocks in radius 3 of loop-block:
                loop-block-2 is oak log or birch log or acacia log or dark oak log or spruce log:
                    break loop-block-2 naturally
                    play raw sound "dig.wood" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
                    wait 1 tick
on mine of jungle log:
    block above event-block is jungle log:
        block below event-block is dirt or grass block:
            {timber} is true:
                if player's gamemode is survival:
                    if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
                        damage player's tool by 1
                set {tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to location of event-block
                set {tloc.%player's uuid%.2} to location 40 meters above event-block
                set {tloc.%player's uuid%.3} to location 23 meters above event-block
    loop blocks within {tloc.%player's uuid%.1} to {tloc.%player's uuid%.2}:
        wait 1 ticks
        loop-block is jungle log:
            break loop-block naturally
            play raw sound "dig.wood" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
    loop blocks in radius 10 around {tloc.%player's uuid%.3}:
        wait 1 tick
        loop-block is jungle leaves:
            break loop-block naturally
            play raw sound "dig.wood" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
    delete {tloc.%player's uuid%.1}
    delete {tloc.%player's uuid%.2}
    delete {tloc.%player's uuid%.3}
command /timber <text="toggle">:
        description: Timber scenario
        usage: /timber
        permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
        permission: uhc.admin
                if arg 1 is "toggle":
                        if {timber} is true:
                                set {timber} to false
                                broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Timber {@scenariodisablemessage}"
                                set {timber} to true
                                broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Timber {@scenarioenablemessage}"	
command /timebomb <text="toggle">:
        description: TimeBomb scenario
        usage: /timebomb
        permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
        permission: uhc.admin
        aliases: /tb
                if arg 1 is "toggle":
                        if {Timebomb} is true:
                                set {Timebomb} to false
                                broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}TimeBomb {@scenariodisablemessage}"
                                set {Timebomb} to true
                                broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}TimeBomb {@scenarioenablemessage}"	

on death of player:
    {Timebomb} is true
    set block at block at victim's location to chest
    set {_loc} to the block at victim's location
    set {_chest} to block at victim's location
    set block at block left of {_chest} to chest
    if {bleedingsweets} is true:
        add 1 diamond, 5 gold ingots, 16 arrows and 1 string to the block at {_chest}
    if {goldenheads} is true:
        add victim's skull to the block at {_chest}
    add victim's inventory to the block at {_chest}
    add the victim's helmet slot to the inventory of the block at {_chest}
    add the victim's chestplate slot to the inventory of the block at {_chest}
    add the victim's leggings slot to the inventory of the block at {_chest}
    add the victim's boots slot to the inventory of the block at {_chest}
    clear drops
    set {_time.%victim%} to 30
    loop 30 times:
        add -1 to {_time.%victim%}
        wait 1 second
    set block at {_chest} to air
    set block at {_loc} to air
    wait 3 ticks
    create an explosion of force 20 at {_chest}
    strike lightning effect at {_chest}
    broadcast "{@prefix} {@timebombexplodemessage}"
command /flowerpower <text="toggle">:
		description: FlowerPower scenario
		usage: /flowerpower
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /fp
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {flowerpower} is true:
								set {flowerpower} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}FlowerPower {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {flowerpower} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}FlowerPower {@scenarioenablemessage}"
on item spawning of all flowers:
	if {flowerpower} is true:
		cancel event
		drop (random number between 1 and 9) of random item out of all items at (location 0.5 above)
		drop 1 xp
on break of dead bush:
	if {flowerpower} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop (random number between 1 and 9) of random item out of all items at (location 0.5 above)
		drop 1 xp
on script load:
    register new shaped recipe for golden apple named "{@goldenheadname}" using gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, player head, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot

command /goldenheads <text="toggle">:
		description: GoldenHeads scenario
		usage: /goldenheads
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /gh, /goldenhead, /goldhead
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {goldenheads} is true:
								set {goldenheads} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}GoldenHeads {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {goldenheads} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}GoldenHeads {@scenarioenablemessage}"
on craft of golden apple:
    name of item contains "{@goldenheadname}":
        {goldenheads} is false
        cancel event
on consume of golden apple:
    name of player's tool contains "{@goldenheadname}":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds
command /hasteyboys <text="toggle">:
		description: HasteyBoys scenario
		usage: /hasteyboys
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /hb
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {hb} is true:
								set {hb} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}HasteyBoys {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {hb} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}HasteyBoys {@scenarioenablemessage}"
on inventory click:
	{hb} is true
	wait 1 tick
	loop all items in the player's inventory:
		loop-item is axe or pickaxe or shovel
		enchant loop-item with efficiency 3 and unbreaking 1
command /fireless <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: Fireless scenario
		usage: /fireless
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {fireless} is true:
								set {fireless} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Fireless {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {fireless} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Fireless {@scenarioenablemessage}"		

on death of player:
	wait 0.2 seconds
	force victim to respawn

on death of player:
	if {goldenheads} is true:
		if {Timebomb} is false:
			drop victim's skull at location of victim
on damage of a player:
	damage cause is burning:
		if {fireless} is true:
			cancel event
on damage of a player:
	damage cause is lava:
		if {fireless} is true:
			cancel event
command /bowless <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: Bowless scenario
		usage: /bowless
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {bowless} is true:
								set {bowless} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Bowless {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {bowless} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Bowless {@scenarioenablemessage}"	
on right click:
	if {bowless} is true:
		if player's tool is a bow:
			remove bow from player's inventory
on crafting of bow:
	if {bowless} is true:
		cancel event
command /rodless <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: Rodless scenario
		usage: /rodless
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {rodless} is true:
								set {rodless} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Rodless {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								if {gonefishing} is false:
										set {rodless} to true
										broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Rodless {@scenarioenablemessage}"	
										set {rodless} to false
										broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Rodless {@notcompatible} {@scenarioprefix}GoneFishing"
on right click:
	if {rodless} is true:
		if player's tool is a fishing rod:
			remove fishing rod from player's inventory
on crafting of fishing rod:
	if {rodless} is true:
		cancel event
command /horseless <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: Horseless scenario
		usage: /horseless
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {horseless} is true:
								set {horseless} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Horseless {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {horseless} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}Horseless {@scenarioenablemessage}"		
on rightclick on horse:
	if {horseless} is true:
		cancel event
command /gonefishing <text="toggle">:
		aliases: /gf
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: GoneFishing scenario
		usage: /gonefishing
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {gonefishing} is true:
								set {gonefishing} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}GoneFishing {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								if {start} is true:
										remove (fishing rod of luck of the sea 32767 and lure 8) to be unbreakable from all players
										remove 64 anvil from all players
										set level of all players to 0
								set {gonefishing} to true
								if {rodless} is false:
										broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}GoneFishing {@scenarioenablemessage}"
										if {start} is true:
												give (fishing rod of luck of the sea 32767 and lure 8) to be unbreakable to all players
												give 64 anvil to all players
												set level of all players to 1000
										set {gonefishing} to false
										broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}GoneFishing {@notcompatible} {@scenarioprefix}Rodless"
on right click on enchantment table:
	if {gonefishing} is true:
		cancel event
on place of enchantment table:
	if {gonefishing} is true:
		cancel event
		remove enchantment table from player's inventory
on crafting of enchantment table:
	if {gonefishing} is true:
		cancel event
command /luckyleaves <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: LuckyLeaves scenario
		usage: /luckyleaves
		aliases: /ll
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {luckyleaves} is true:
								set {luckyleaves} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}LuckyLeaves {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {luckyleaves} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}LuckyLeaves {@scenarioenablemessage}"	
on break of leaves:
	if {luckyleaves} is true:
		chance of 1%:
			drop 1 golden apple
on leaves decay:
	if {luckyleaves} is true:
		chance of 1%:
			drop 1 golden apple
on break of leaves:
	chance of {@applerate}%:
		drop 1 apple
on leaves decay:
	chance of {@applerate}%:
		drop 1 apple
command /noclean <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: NoClean scenario
		usage: /noclean
		aliases: /nc
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {noclean} is true:
								set {noclean} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}NoClean {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {noclean} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}NoClean {@scenarioenablemessage}"	
on death:	
	if {noclean} is true:
		if victim is a player:
			set {invincible::%attacker%} to true
			wait {@nocleanseconds} seconds
			set {invincible::%attacker%} to false			
on damage:
	if {noclean} is true:
		if attacker is player:
			if victim is player:
				if {invincible::%attacker%} is true:
					cancel event
					message "{@prefix} {@nocleanattack}"
on damage:
	if {noclean} is true:
		if attacker is player:
			if victim is player:
				if {invincible::%victim%} is true:
					cancel event
					message "{@prefix} {@nocleanattack}"
command /blooddiamonds <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: BloodDiamonds scenario
		usage: /blooddiamonds
		aliases: /bd
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {blooddiamonds} is true:
								set {blooddiamonds} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}BloodDiamonds {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {blooddiamonds} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}BloodDiamonds {@scenarioenablemessage}"	

on mine of diamond ore:
	if {blooddiamonds} is true:
		damage player by 1/2 hearts

command /bleedingsweets <text="toggle">:
		permission: uhc.admin
		description: BleedingSweets scenario
		usage: /bleedingsweets
		aliases: /bs
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {bleedingsweets} is true:
								set {bleedingsweets} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}BleedingSweets {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {bleedingsweets} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}BleedingSweets {@scenarioenablemessage}"		
on death of player:
	if {bleedingsweets} is true:
		if {Timebomb} is false:
			drop 1 diamond, 5 gold ingots, 16 arrows and 1 string at the victim
command /tripleores <text="toggle">:
		description: TripleOres scenario
		usage: /tripleores
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /to
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {tripleores} is true:
								set {tripleores} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}TripleOres {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {tripleores} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}TripleOres {@scenarioenablemessage}"
command /timeleft:
	description: Shows the timers in chat
	usage: /timeleft
	aliases: /tl
		if {start} is true:
			if {deathmatchstart} is false:
				message "{@deathmatchtimer}: %{deathmatch}%"
			if {pvpdone} is false:
				message "{@pvptimer}: %{pvp}%"
			if {startused} is true:
				message "{@startingtimer} %{timestart}%"

on mine of emerald ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 emeralds at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 5 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
on mine of diamond ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 diamonds at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 5 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
on mine of iron ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		if {cc} is true:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 3 iron ingots at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 3 iron ore at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of gold ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		if {cc} is true:
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 3 gold ingots at (location 0.5 above player)
			drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
			cancel event
			set block to air
			drop 3 gold ore at (location 0.5 above player)
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
					damage player's tool by 1
on mine of redstone ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 redstone at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 3 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
on mine of nether quartz ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 nether quartz at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 4 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
on mine of coal ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 coal at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 1 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
on mine of lapis ore:
	if {tripleores} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop 3 lapis lazuli at (location 0.5 above player)
		drop 2 xp at (location 0.5 above player)
		if player's gamemode is survival:
			if player's tool is a sword, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe or a hoe:
				damage player's tool by 1
command /skyhigh <text="toggle">:
		description: SkyHigh scenario
		usage: /skyhigh
		permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
		aliases: /sh
		permission: uhc.admin
				if arg 1 is "toggle":
						if {skyhigh} is true:
								set {skyhigh} to false
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}SkyHigh {@scenariodisablemessage}"
								set {skyhigh} to true
								broadcast "{@prefix} {@scenarioprefix}SkyHigh {@scenarioenablemessage}"
every 30 seconds:
	if {skyhigh} is true:
		loop all players:
			if loop-player is in "world":
				if loop-player's y-coordinate is between 0 and 101:
					damage loop-player by 0.5 hearts
command /scenarios:
	description: Enable and disable the scenarios
	usage: /scenarios
	permission: uhc.admin
	permission message: {@prefix} {@noperm}
	aliases: /scenario
		open chest with 3 rows named "{@scenariostitle}" to player
		wait 1 tick
		format slot 0 of player with sugar named "{@scenarioprefix}BleedingSweets" with lore "{@bsline1}", "{@bsline2}" and "{@bsline3}" to run "bs"
		format slot 1 of player with diamond named "{@scenarioprefix}BloodDiamonds" with lore "{@bdline1}", "{@bdline2}" and "{@bdline3}" to run "bd"
		format slot 2 of player with bow named "{@scenarioprefix}Bowless" with lore "{@bowlessline1}", "{@bowlessline2}" and "{@bowlessline3}" to run "bowless"
		format slot 3 of player with iron ingot named "{@scenarioprefix}CutClean" with lore "{@ccline1}", "{@ccline2}" and "{@ccline3}" to run "cc"
		format slot 4 of player with flint and steel named "{@scenarioprefix}Fireless" with lore "{@firelessline1}" and "{@firelessline2}", "{@firelessline3}" to run "fireless"
		format slot 5 of player with dandelion named "{@scenarioprefix}FlowerPower" with lore "{@fpline1}", "{@fpline2}" and "{@fpline3}" to run "fp"
		format slot 6 of player with golden apple named "{@scenarioprefix}GoldenHeads" with lore "{@ghline1}", "{@ghline2}" and "{@ghline3}" to run "gh"
		format slot 7 of player with raw fish named "{@scenarioprefix}GoneFishing" with lore "{@gfline1}", "{@gfline2}" and "{@gfline3}" to run "gf"
		format slot 8 of player with iron pickaxe named "{@scenarioprefix}HasteyBoys" with lore "{@hbline1}", "{@hbline2}" and "{@hbline3}" to run "hb"
		format slot 9 of player with saddle named "{@scenarioprefix}Horseless" with lore "{@horselessline1}", "{@horselessline2}" and "{@horselessline3}" to run "horseless"
		format slot 10 of player with oak leaves named "{@scenarioprefix}LuckyLeaves" with lore "{@llline1}", "{@llline2}" and "{@llline3}" to run "ll"
		format slot 11 of player with nether quartz named "{@scenarioprefix}NoClean" with lore "{@ncline1}", "{@ncline2}" and "{@ncline3}" to run "nc"
		format slot 12 of player with diamond boots named "{@scenarioprefix}NoFall" with lore "{@nfline1}", "{@nfline2}" and "{@nfline3}" to run "nf"
		format slot 13 of player with fishing rod named "{@scenarioprefix}Rodless" with lore "{@rodlessline1}", "{@rodlessline2}" and "{@rodlessline3}" to run "rodless"
		format slot 14 of player with grass block named "{@scenarioprefix}SkyHigh" with lore "{@shline1}", "{@shline2}" and "{@shline3}" to run "skyhigh"
		format slot 15 of player with diamond axe named "{@scenarioprefix}Timber" with lore "{@timberline1}", "{@timberline2}" and "{@timberline3}" to run "timber"
		format slot 16 of player with tnt named "{@scenarioprefix}TimeBomb" with lore "{@tbline1}", "{@tbline2}" and "{@tbline3}" to run "tb"
		format slot 17 of player with gold ore named "{@scenarioprefix}TripleOres" with lore "{@toline1}", "{@toline2}" and "{@toline3}" to run "to"