Created by yea rite

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /todo [<text>]:
  permission: sk.todo
    if arg 1 is set:
      if arg 1 is "reset":
        clear {todo::%player%::*}
        send "&6To Do >&e Reset your &6/todo&e list" to player
      if arg 1 starts with "add ":
        set {_add::*} to arg 1
        set {_add::*} to split "%arg-1%" at "add "
        add {_add::2} to {todo::%player%::*}
        send "&6To Do >&e Added ""%{_add::2}%"" to your &6/todo&e list" to player
      if arg 1 starts with "remove ":
        set {_add::*} to arg 1
        set {_add::*} to split "%arg-1%" at "remove "
        if {todo::%player%::*} contains "%{_add::2}%":
          remove "%{_add::2}%" from {todo::%player%::*}
          send "&6To Do >&e Removed ""%{_add::2}%"" to your &6/todo&e list" to player
        else if {todo::%player%::*} does not contain "%{_add::2}%":
          send "&6To Do >&e Could not find ""%{_add::2}%"" in your &6/todo&e list" to player
      else if arg 1 does not start with "add ", "remove " or "reset":
        send "&6To Do > &e/todo <remove|add|reset> [action]"
    if arg 1 is not set:
      send "&6To Do > &eYour to do list..." to player
      loop {todo::%player%::*}:
        send " %nl%%loop-value%%nl% " to player
      send "&6To Do > &eYou can use /todo add/remove/reset to edit this"