
Created by Aidanete

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

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# Enhanced HP 1.0 by Antikore
# See SkUnity Resource post for documentation
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	HealthBar: "&f%victim% [%{realhp.%victim%}% &cHP&f]"        # How the health bar is displayed above the player or entity.
	PlayerBar: "&f%victim% [%{realhp.%victim%}% &cHP&f]"         # How the health bar is displayed for players in case of different bars with entities
	PlayerAndMobDifferent: false         # Check this true if you want a different bar design for players and entities
	PlayerEnabled: true             # Check this true if you want players to have HP Bar
	EntityEnabled: true           # Check this true if you want entities to have HP Bar
	# %victim% is the name of the player/entity
	# %victim's health% is the number of hearts of the player/entity
	# %{realhp.%victim%}% is the real health number of the player/entity
	# %{percentagehp.%victim%}% is the health percentage. 100% it's at max health and 0% is dead.
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on damage:
	victim is a living entity:
		if {@PlayerAndMobDifferent} is true:
			victim is a player:
				if {@PlayerEnabled} is true:
					set {realhp.%victim%} to victim's health * 2
					set {percentagehp.%victim%} to (victim's health * 100) / victim's max health 
					set victim's display name to {@PlayerBar}
				if {@EntityEnabled} is true:
					set {realhp.%victim%} to victim's health * 2
					set {percentagehp.%victim%} to (victim's health * 100) / victim's max health 
					set victim's display name to {@HealthBar}
			victim is a player:
				if {@PlayerEnabled} is true:
					set {realhp.%victim%} to victim's health * 2
					set {percentagehp.%victim%} to (victim's health * 100) / victim's max health 
					set victim's display name to {@HealthBar}
				if {@EntityEnabled} is true:
					set {realhp.%victim%} to victim's health * 2
					set {percentagehp.%victim%} to (victim's health * 100) / victim's max health 
					set victim's display name to {@HealthBar}
command /eh:
		make player execute command "/skript reload EnhancedHP"
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