Created by CyrotechV2

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Report Skript
# Made by xCerialPvP_

# Please note that it is a GUI report.
# Required addons: TuSKe (for GUI's), Vixio (for Discord reporting)

# To make Discord reporting work, please add the code below to your Discord skript and remove the #'s. Otherwise, remove it from this skript.

#function discordReport(reporter: player, arg: player, reason: text, channel: numbers):
#	create embed:
#		set title of the embed to "NEW REPORT"
#		add field named "Reporter:" with value "%{_reporter}%" to embed
#		add field named "Cheater:" with value "%{_arg}%" to embed
#		add field named "Reason:" with value {_reason} to embed
#		set timestamp of the embed to now
#		set the footer of embed to footer with text "The report system uses xCerialPvP_'s report skript."
#		send the embed to channel with id "%{_channel}%" with event-bot

	usageReport: &cUsage: &7/report <player>

command /report [<player>]:
	usage: {@usageReport}
		if {report.lastUsed::%player%} was less then 119 seconds ago:
			send "&cYou are in a cooldown. Please wait another &6%difference between 119 seconds and {report.lastUsed::%player%}% &cto execute the command again."

			if arg 1 is set:
				open virtual chest with size 1 named "Report %arg 1%" to player
				format gui slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lCombat Hacks" to close:
					send "&eYour report has been sent to staff members for &b&lCombat Hacks&e. Staff will review it soon."
					set {report.lastUsed::%player%} to now
					discordReport(player, arg 1, "Combat Hacks", {@channelID}) # The Discord report function, if you won't use it remove it.
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "report.seelogs":
							send "&7%player% &6has reported &7%arg 1% &6for &bCombat Hacks. &6You may teleport to them."


				format gui slot 1 of player with feather named "&f&lMovement Hacks" to close:
					send "&eYour report has been sent to staff members for &f&lMovement Hacks&e. Staff will review it soon."
					set {report.lastUsed::%player%} to now
					discordReport(player, arg 1, "Combat Hacks", {@channelID}) # The Discord report function, if you won't use it remove it.
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "report.seelogs":
							send "&7%player% &6has reported &7%arg 1% &6for &fMovement Hacks. &6You may teleport to them."


				format gui slot 2 of player with book and quill named "&6&lBug Abusing" to close:
					send "&eYour report has been sent to staff members for &6&lBug Abusing&e. Staff will review it soon."
					set {report.lastUsed::%player%} to now
					discordReport(player, arg 1, "Combat Hacks", {@channelID}) # The Discord report function, if you won't use it remove it.
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "report.seelogs":
							send "&7%player% &6has reported &7%arg 1% &6for &lBug Abusing&6. &6You may teleport to them."


				format gui slot 3 of player with slime ball named "&3Other" to close:
					send "&eYour report has been sent to staff members for &3&lOther&e. Staff will review it soon."
					set {report.lastUsed::%player%} to now
					discordReport(player, arg 1, "Combat Hacks", {@channelID}) # The Discord report function, if you won't use it remove it.
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "report.seelogs":
							send "&7%player% &6has reported &7%arg 1% &6for &3Other&6. &6You may teleport to them."


				format gui slot 7 of player with arg 1's skull named "&6Target &e(%arg 1%&e)" to do nothing

				format gui slot 8 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit this menu" to close