Warning: Undefined variable $http_response_header in /var/www/html/new/skunity/library/skUnity/Util/HTTP.php on line 95


Created by NotABot

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Author: NotABot
	#set this to yes or no if you want to kick the VPN user. Not sure why you would disable this, though...
	kick: true
	#changes the main admin command
	command: antivpn
	#changes the main admin permission
	permission: antivpn.admin
	#Permission to message staff if a player was kicked
	permission2: antivpn.staff
	#list of databases used, set to false to disable them
	iphub: true
	stopforumspam: true
on join:
	if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%player%} is set:
	set {_ip} to "%ip of player%"
	if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%ip of player%} is set:
	if {@iphub} is true:
		$ thread
		set {_info} to text from "http://legacy.iphub.info/api.php?ip=%{_ip}%&showtype=4"
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at ",""proxy"":"
		set {_info} to {_info::2}
		replace all "}" with "" in {_info}
		if {_info} is "1":
			if {@kick} is true:
				kick player due to "&3You might be using a vpn!%nl%&3%nl%Is this an error? Contact a staff member!"
				set join message to "" #!Due to limitations in the on connect event, I can not use it. This just makes sure chat isn't spammed with someone joining over and over. Fun fact: This still exists as of 2/14/17.
				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "{@permission2}":
						send "&c%player%&a was kicked for using a VPN!" to loop-player
	if {@stopforumspam} is true:
		$ thread
		set {_info} to text from "http://api.stopforumspam.org/api?ip=%{_ip}%"
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at "<appears>"
		set {_info} to {_info::2}
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at "</appears>"
		set {_info} to {_info::1}
		if {_info} is "yes":
			if {@kick} is true:
				kick player due to "&3You might be using a vpn!%nl%&3%nl%Is this an error? Contact a staff member!"
				set join message to "" #!Due to limitations in the on connect event, I can not use it. This just makes sure chat isn't spammed with someone joining over and over. Fun fact: This still exists as of 2/14/17.
				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "{@permission2}":
						send "&c%player%&a was kicked for using a VPN!" to loop-player
command /{@command} [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@permission}
		if arg-1 is "add":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} is not set:
					set {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} to true
					send "&aAdded &c%arg-2%&a to VPN Bypass list!"
					send "&aThat player is already on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} add <player>"
		else if arg-1 is "addip":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} is not set:
					set {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} to true
					send "&aAdded &c%arg-2%&a to VPN Bypass IP list!"
					send "&aThat IP is already on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} addip <ip>"
		else if arg-1 is "remove":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} is set:
					delete {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%}
					send "&aRemoved &c%arg-2%&a from VPN Bypass list!"
					send "&aThat player is not on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} remove <player>"
		else if arg-1 is "removeip":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} is set:
					delete {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%}
					send "&aRemoved &c%arg-2%&a from VPN Bypass IP list!"
					send "&aThat player is not on the VPN Bypass IP list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} removeip <ip>"
		else if arg-1 is "list":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				if (size of {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::*}) is greater than 8:
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::*}:
						add "%loop-index%" to {_Temp::*}
					send "&aVPNBypass List:"
					send "&a%{_Temp::*}%"
					send "&aVPNBypass List:"
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::*}:
						send "&a%loop-index%"
			else if arg-2 is "ip":
				if (size of {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::*}) is greater than 8:
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::*}:
						add "%loop-index%" to {_Temp::*}
					send "&aVPNBypass IP List:"
					send "&a%{_Temp::*}%"
					send "&aVPNBypass IP List:"
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::*}:
						send "&a%loop-index%"
			send "&a[] &2= &aOptional &2| &a<> &2= &aRequired"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} add <player> &2| &aAdds a players to the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} remove <player> &2| &aRemoves a player from the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} addip <ip> &2| &aAdds an IP to the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} removeip <ip> &2| &aRemoves an IP from the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} list [ip] &2| &aLists users [IPs] on the bypass list"