Created by FireRoz

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

  # choose which player is exempted from freeze. WARNING: if you freeze the wrong player, your server can get easily ruined. RECOMMENDED: exempt only yourself.
  exemptedplayer: FireRoz
  cmdexe: /ban %player% Logged out while frozen. Go to the Discord for support. # this is the command that will be executed when a player logs out while frozen. (it's being executed from console)
command /itemsinvsee [<player>]:
  aliases: /inventory, /invsee
  permission: advancedcore.invsee
  permission message: &cNo permission
    arg-1 is not set:
      send "&3&lCorrect usage: /invsee <player>"
      send "&eResult: &fopen a player's inventory."
    arg-1 is set:
      wait a tick
      open arg-1's inventory to player
command /clearchat:
  aliases: /clearc, /cchat
  permission: advancedcore.clearchat
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if command sender is a player:
      loop all players:
        loop-player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.clearchat.bypass"
        loop 1000 times:
          send "" to loop-player
        send "&e&lThe chat has been cleared." to loop-player
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "advancedcore.clearchat.bypass"
        send "&d[S] &6%player% &e&lhas cleared globalchat." to loop-player
      loop all players:
        loop-player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.clearchat.bypass"
        loop 1000 times:
          send " " to loop-player
          send "&e&lThe chat has been cleared." to loop-player
        loop-player has permission "clearchat.use"
        send "&d[STAFF] &e&lThe chat has been cleared by &4&lConsole&e&l." to loop-player
command /muteglobalchat [<text="a">]:
  aliases: /mgc, /mutechat
  permission: advancedcore.mutechat
  permission message: &cNo permission
    arg-1 is "a":
      if command sender is a player:
        if {globalchat} is not set:
          set {globalchat} to true
          broadcast "&cThe chat has been silenced by %player's display name%&c."
          stop trigger
        if {globalchat} is set:
          set {globalchat} to false
          clear {globalchat}
          broadcast "&aThe chat has been un-silenced by %player's display name%&a."
    arg-1 is "-a":
      if command sender is a player:
        if {globalchat} is not set:
          set {globalchat} to true
          broadcast "&cThe chat has been silenced&c."
          stop trigger
        if {globalchat} is set:
          set {globalchat} to false
          clear {globalchat}
          broadcast "&aThe chat has been un-silenced&a."
    if arg-1 is "a":    
      if command sender is console:
        if {globalchat} is not set:
          set {globalchat} to true
          broadcast "&cThe chat has been silenced by &4&LConsole&c."
          stop trigger
        if {globalchat} is set:
          set {globalchat} to false
          clear {globalchat}
          broadcast "&aThe chat has been un-silenced by &4&lConsole&a."
    else if arg-1 is "-a":
      if command sender is console:
        if {globalchat} is not set:
          set {globalchat} to true
          broadcast "&cThe chat has been silenced&c."
          stop trigger
        if {globalchat} is set:
          set {globalchat} to false
          clear {globalchat}
          broadcast "&aThe chat has been un-silenced&a."
    if arg-1 is "usage":
      send "&cThe usage: /mutechat (usage = see the usage, -a = silence the chat without anyone knowing it's you. Useful for admins that can broadcast and don't want to be recognized." 
on chat:
  if {globalchat} is true:
    if player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.mutechat.bypass":
      cancel event
      send "&cThe chat is currently muted. Please try again later."
  if {globalchat} is false:
command /蘇達蘇達 [<player>] [<text>]: # i made some commands in chinese because my brain is not okay. and yes, it's from google translate i aint chinese
    if player doesn't have permission "":
      set {report} to difference between {report.%arg-1%} and now
      if {report} is less than 120 seconds:
        send "&cYou must wait %difference between {report} and 120 seconds% second before you report this player again."
      set {report.%arg-1%} to now
    arg-2 is "other":
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "reports.notify"
        send "&8[&dReports&8] &d%player% &7has reported &c%arg-1% &7for the reason '&5Other&7'." to loop-player
        send "&aYou've reported &f%arg-1% &afor the reason '&fOther&a'"
    arg-2 is "otherhacks":
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "reports.notify"
        send "&8[&dReports&8] &d%player% &7has reported &c%arg-1% &7for the reason '&5Other Hacks&7'." to loop-player
        send "&aYou've reported &f%arg-1% &afor the reason '&fOther Hacks&a'"
    arg-2 is "movementhacks":
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "reports.notify"
        send "&8[&dReports&8] &d%player% &7has reported &c%arg-1% &7for the reason '&5Movement Hacks&7'." to loop-player
        send "&aYou've reported &f%arg-1% &afor the reason '&fMovement Hacks&a'"    
    arg-2 is "combathacks":
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "reports.notify"
        send "&8[&dReports&8] &d%player% &7has reported &c%arg-1% &7for the reason '&5Combat Hacks&7'." to loop-player
        send "&aYou've reported &f%arg-1% &afor the reason '&fCombat Hacks&a'"
    arg-2 is "chatabuse":
      loop all players:
        loop-player has permission "reports.notify"
        send "&8[&dReports&8] &d%player% &7has reported &c%arg-1% &7for the reason '&5Chat Abuse&7'." to loop-player
        send "&aYou've reported &f%arg-1% &afor the reason '&fChat Abuse&a'"
command /report [<player>]:
    arg-1 is set:
      open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lChoose a reason" to player
      wait a tick
      format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 11 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 12 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 14 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 15 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 29 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 30 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 31 of player with golden apple named "&d&lReport this player for &5Other" to close then run [make player execute command "/蘇達蘇達 %arg-1% other"]
      format slot 32 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 33 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 35 of player with black stained glass pane named "&e&LChoose a reason" to be unstealable
      format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&d&lReport this player for &5Combat Hacks" to close then run [make player execute command "/蘇達蘇達 %arg-1% combathacks"]
      format slot 12 of player with golden boots named "&d&lReport this player for &5Movement Hacks" to close then run [make player execute command "/蘇達蘇達 %arg-1% movementhacks"]
      format slot 14 of player with diamond chestplate named "&d&lReport this player for &5Other Hacks" to close then run [make player execute command "/蘇達蘇達 %arg-1% otherhacks"]
      format slot 16 of player with empty map named "&d&lReport this player for &5Chat Abuse" to close then run [make player execute command "/蘇達蘇達 %arg-1% chatabuse"]
command /杜紹達:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {pvp} is not set:
      set {pvp} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ pvp deny"
      stop trigger
    if {pvp} is set:
      set {pvp} to false
      clear {pvp}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ pvp allow"
command /舒杜哈吉薩德:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {buildworldguard} is not set:
      set {buildworldguard} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ build deny"
      stop trigger
    if {buildworldguard} is set:
      set {buildworldguard} to false
      clear {buildworldguard}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ build allow"

command /杜亞達斯:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {mobspawn} is not set:
      set {mobspawn} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ mob-spawning deny"
      stop trigger
    if {mobspawn} is set:
      set {mobspawn} to false
      clear {mobspawn}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ mob-spawning allow"
command /陶索:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {otherexplosion} is not set:
      set {otherexplosion} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ other-explosion deny"
      stop trigger
    if {otherexplosion} is set:
      set {otherexplosion} to false
      clear {otherexplosion}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ other-explosion allow"
command /灰色:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {hunger} is not set:
      set {hunger} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ feed-amount 20"
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ feed-delay 1"
      stop trigger
    if {hunger} is set:
      set {hunger} to false
      clear {hunger}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ feed-amount 10"
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ feed-delay 10"
command /乌达:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if {falldamage} is not set:
      set {falldamage} to true
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ fall-damage deny"
      stop trigger
    if {falldamage} is set:
      set {falldamage} to false
      clear {falldamage}
      make player execute command "/rg flag __global__ fall-damage allow"
command /globalsettings:
  permission: advancedcore.globalsettings
  permission message: &cNo permission
    wait 3 ticks
    open chest with 6 rows named "&cGlobal settings &8(&6Worldguard&8)" to player
    set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 1 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 2 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 3 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 4 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 5 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 6 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 7 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 9 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 18 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 17 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 27 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 26 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 36 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 35 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 45 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 44 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 46 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 47 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 48 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 49 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 50 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 51 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 52 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&f"
    set slot 53 of player's current inventory to white stained glass pane named "&f"
    format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lToggle PVP" to close then run [make player execute command "/杜紹達"]
    format slot 12 of player with bricks block named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lToggle build" to close then run [make player execute command "/舒杜哈吉薩德"]
    format slot 14 of player with zombie spawn egg named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lToggle mob spawning" to close then run [make player execute command "/杜亞達斯"]
    format slot 16 of player with tnt named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lToggle explosions" to close then run [make player execute command "/陶索"]
    format slot 30 of player with steak named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lEnable / Disable hunger" to close then run [make player execute command "/灰色"]
    format slot 32 of player with anvil:1 named "&8(&7!&8) &b&lToggle fall damage" to close then run [make player execute command "/乌达"]
on inventory click:    
    inventory name of player's current inventory is "&cGlobal settings &8(&6Worldguard&8)"
    cancel event
command /freeze [<player>]:
  permission: advancedcore.freeze
  permission message: &cNo permission
    arg-1 is not set:
      send "&3&lCorrect usage: /freeze <player>"
      send "&eResult: &ffreeze a player & screenshare them." 
    arg-1 is set:
      arg-1 is "{@exemptedplayer}":
        send "&cYou can't freeze this player as he is exempted!"
      arg-1 is not "{@exemptedplayer}":
        if {freeze.%arg-1%} is not set:
          set {freeze.%arg-1%} to true
          send "&7You've frozen &b%arg-1%&7." to player
          send "&c&lYou've been frozen by %player%. Join the Discord for more info." to arg-1
          wait 1 tick
          open chest with 3 rows named "&cYou are frozen." to arg-1
          format slot 13 of arg-1 with red wool named "&7Click to join the &9&lDiscord&7." to close then run [send "&c&lCOPY THIS TO YOUR BROWSER &7- &f{@discordinvite}" to arg-1]
      if {freeze.%arg-1%} is set:
        set {freeze.%arg-1%} to false
        clear {freeze.%arg-1%}
        send "&a&lYou've unfrozen &a%arg-1%&a&l!" to player
        send "&aYou've been unfrozen by &7%player%&a!" to arg-1
on inventory close:
  if {freeze.%player%} is true:
    wait 1 tick
    open chest with 3 rows named "&cYou are frozen." to player
    format slot 13 of player with red wool named "&7Click to join the &9&lDiscord&7." to close then run [send "&c&lCOPY THIS TO YOUR BROWSER &7- &f{@discordinvite}" to player]

on disconnect:
  if {freeze.%player%} is true:
    make console execute command "{@cmdexe}"
on inventory click:
  inventory name of player's current inventory is "&cYou are frozen."
  cancel event
command /slowchat [<number>]:
  permission: advancedcore.slowchat
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if arg-1 is not set:
      send "&3&lCorrect usage: /slowchat <cooldown in seconds>"
      send "&eResult: &fwill set a cooldown in seconds. Players with the permission advancedcore.slowchat.bypass can bypass the slowchat."
    if arg-1 is set:
      set {wait} to "%arg-1% seconds" parsed as timespan
      send "&aYou've set the slowchat cooldown to &2%arg-1% seconds&a!"
on chat:    
  if player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.slowchat.bypass":
    set {slowchat} to difference between {slowchat.%player%} and now
    if {slowchat} is less than {wait}:
      cancel event
      send "&cYou're on chat cooldown (&4%{wait}%&c)"
    set {slowchat.%player%} to now

command /slowchatgui:
  permission: advancedcore.slowchat
  permission message: &cNo permission
    send "&aType in chat what you'd like the chat cooldown to be."
    send "&aType &ccancel &ato cancel."
    set {slowchat::%player%} to true
on chat:
  if {slowchat::%player%} is true:
    if message = "cancel":
      send "&6Stopped chat cooldown process." to player
      cancel event
      set {slowchat::%player%} to false
    if message is not "cancel":
      cancel event
      make player execute command "/slowchat %message%"
      set {slowchat::%player%} to false
command /freezegui:
  permission: advancedcore.freeze
  permission message: &cNo permission
    send "&aType in chat which player you'd like to freeze."
    send "&aType &ccancel &ato cancel."
    set {freeze::%player%} to true
on chat:
  if {freeze::%player%} is true:
    if message = "cancel":
      send "&6Stopped freezing process." to player
      cancel event
      set {freeze::%player%} to false
    if message is not "cancel":
      cancel event
      make player execute command "/freeze %message%"
      set {freeze::%player%} to false

on rightclick:
  player is holding a fishing rod named "&8» &dBoost":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      cancel event
      push player forwards with speed 5
on rightclick on player:
  player is holding ice named "&8» &dFreeze / Unfreeze":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      make player execute command "/freeze %clicked entity%"
on rightclick on player:
  player is holding chest named "&8» &dOpen player's inventory":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      make player execute command "/invsee %clicked entity%"
on rightclick:
  player is holding diamond axe named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      open chest with 4 rows named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI" to player
      wait a tick
      format slot 10 of player with red stained glass named "&cMute chat" to close then run [make player execute command "/anonymousmutechatornot"]
      format slot 12 of player with white stained glass named "&cClear chat" to close then run [make player execute command "/clearchat"]
      format slot 14 of player with beacon named "&cGamemodes" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemodes"]
      format slot 16 of player with redstone named "&cGlobal settings" to close then run [make player execute command "/globalsettings"]
      format slot 19 of player with slime named "&cSlowchat" to close then run [make player execute command "/slowchatgui"]
      format slot 21 of player with ice named "&cFreeze / Unfreeze player" to close then run [make player execute command "/freezegui"]
      format slot 23 of player with map named "&cToggle staffchat" to close then run [make player execute command "/sc"]
      format slot 25 of player with empty map named "&cToggle staffchat messages" to close then run [make player execute command "/sctoggle"]

on rightclick:
  player is holding barrier named "&8» &dExit modmode":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      make player execute command "/mod"
on rightclick:
  player is holding gunpowder named "&8» &dVanish / Unvanish":
    if {modmode.%player%} is true:
      make player execute command "/v"
command /anonymousmutechatornot:
  permission: advancedcore.mutechat
  permission message: &cNo permission
    wait 3 ticks
    open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lMutechat GUI" to player
    format slot 11 of player with light gray wool named "&7&lMute the chat anonymously" to close then run [make player execute command "/mutechat -a"]
    format slot 15 of player with red wool named "&c&lMute the chat publicly" to close then run [make player execute command "/mutechat"]
command /gamemodes:
  permission: advancedcore.modmode
  permission message: &cNo permission
    wait 3 ticks
    open chest with 1 row named "&c&lGamemodes" to player
    format slot 0 of player with grass block named "&cCreative" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode creative"]
    format slot 1 of player with bars named "&f" to be unstealable
    format slot 2 of player with bars named "&f" to be unstealable
    format slot 3 of player with glass pane named "&cSpectator" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode spectator"]
    format slot 4 of player with bars named "&f" to be unstealable
    format slot 5 of player with golden apple named "&cSurvival" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode survival"]
    format slot 6 of player with bars named "&f" to be unstealable
    format slot 7 of player with bars named "&f" to be unstealable
    format slot 8 of player with ender pearl named "&cAdventure" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode adventure"]
command /modmode [<offlineplayer>]:
  aliases: /staff, /mod
  permission: advancedcore.modmode
  permission message: &cNo permission
    if arg-1 is online:
      if {modmode.%arg-1%} is not set:
        set {modmode.%arg-1%} to true
        send "&eYou're now &amodmoded&e." to arg-1
        send "&eYou've modmoded %arg-1%." to player
        make console execute command "/v on %arg-1%"
        clear arg-1's inventory
        wait 1 tick
        set slot 0 of arg-1's inventory to compass named "&8» &dPhase"
        set slot 1 of arg-1's inventory to fishing rod named "&8» &dBoost"
        set slot 3 of arg-1's inventory to ice named "&8» &dFreeze / Unfreeze"
        set slot 4 of arg-1's inventory to chest named "&8» &dOpen player's inventory"
        set slot 5 of arg-1's inventory to diamond axe named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI"
        set slot 8 of arg-1's inventory to barrier named "&8» &dExit modmode"
        set slot 7 of arg-1's inventory to gunpowder named "&8» &dVanish / Unvanish"
        loop all players:
          loop-player has permission "advancedcore.modmode.notify"
          send "&d&o[&7&o%player%: &emodmoded %arg-1%&d&o]" to loop-player
          stop trigger
      if {modmode.%arg-1%} is set:
        set {modmode.%arg-1%} to false
        clear {modmode.%arg-1%}
        send "&eYou're now &cunmodmoded&e." to arg-1
        send "&eYou've unmodmoded %arg-1%." to player
        loop all players:
          loop-player has permission "advancedcore.modmode.notify"
          send "&d&o[&7&o%player%: &eunmodmoded %arg-1%&d&o]" to loop-player
          clear arg-1's inventory
    else if arg-1 is not set:
      if {modmode.%player%} is not set:
        set {modmode.%player%} to true
        send "&eYou're now &amodmoded&e." to player
        make player execute command "/v on"
        clear player's inventory
        wait 1 tick
        set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&8» &dPhase"
        set slot 1 of player's inventory to fishing rod named "&8» &dBoost"
        set slot 3 of player's inventory to ice named "&8» &dFreeze / Unfreeze"
        set slot 4 of player's inventory to chest named "&8» &dOpen player's inventory"
        set slot 5 of player's inventory to diamond axe named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI"
        set slot 8 of player's inventory to barrier named "&8» &dExit modmode"
        set slot 7 of player's inventory to gunpowder named "&8» &dVanish / Unvanish"
        loop all players:
          loop-player has permission "advancedcore.modmode.notify"
          send "&d&o[&7&o%player%: &emodmoded&d&o]" to loop-player
          stop trigger
      if {modmode.%player%} is set:
        set {modmode.%player%} to false
        clear {modmode.%player%}
        send "&eYou're now &cunmodmoded&e." to player
        loop all players:
          loop-player has permission "advancedcore.modmode.notify"
          send "&d&o[&7&o%player%: &eunmodmoded&d&o]" to loop-player
          clear player's inventory
on join:
  if player has permission "advancedcore.modmode":
    set {modmode.%player%} to true
    clear player's inventory
    wait 1 tick
    set slot 0 of player's inventory to compass named "&8» &dPhase"
    set slot 1 of player's inventory to fishing rod named "&8» &dBoost"
    set slot 3 of player's inventory to ice named "&8» &dFreeze / Unfreeze"
    set slot 4 of player's inventory to chest named "&8» &dOpen player's inventory"
    set slot 5 of player's inventory to diamond axe named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI"
    set slot 8 of player's inventory to barrier named "&8» &dExit modmode"
    set slot 7 of player's inventory to gunpowder named "&8» &dVanish / Unvanish"
    stop trigger
on place:
  if {modmode.%player%} is true:
    cancel event
on break:
  if {modmode.%player%} is true:
    cancel event
on damage:
  victim is a player
  attacker is a player
  if {modmode.%attacker%} is true:
    cancel event
    set slot 5 of attacker's inventory to diamond axe named "&8» &dAdmin / Mod GUI"
command /advancedcore [<text>]:
  aliases: /acore
    if player doesn't have permission "":
      send "&c&ladvancedcore by FireRoz"
      send "&3You do not have permission to use any of the sub commands."
      send "&aAvailable on spigot & skunity."
# I spent a lot of time on this script, i'd really appreciate if you leave this part to be.
# Thanks :D      
    if arg-1 is not set:
      if player has permission "":
        send "&3&lCorrect usage: /advancedcore <Page 1 or 2 or 3> OR /advancedcore reload"
        send "&eResult: &fsee all of the available commands, 1 for page 1, 2 for page 2 etc..."
    if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-1 is "1":
        if player has permission "":
          send ""
          send "&d&m---&5Page 1 (help)&d&m---"
          send "&d&o/modmode &7gets you into modmode."
          send "&d&o/freeze &7freezes a player. only way they can unfreeze themselves is by closing their client. To exempt yourself, go to the options in the top of the script."
          send "&d&o/mutechat [-a] &7mute the chat anounymosuly or not. Players with the perm advancedcore.mutechat.bypass will be able to talk while chat is muted."
          send "&d&o/clearchat &7clear the chat. players with the perm advancedcore.clearchat.bypass will have their chat NOT cleared."
    if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-1 is "2":
        if player has permission "":
          send ""
          send "&d&m---&5Page 2 (help)&d&m---"
          send "&d&o/globalsettings &7control all of important worldguard settings in a nice GUI."
          send "&d&o/report &7report a player."
          send "&d&o/invsee &7view a player's inventory."
          send "&d&o/slowchat &7slow the chat. Players with the permission advancedcore.slowchat.bypass can bypass slowchat."
      if arg-1 is set:
        if arg-1 is "3":
          if player has permission "":
            send ""
            send "&d&m---&5Page 3 (help)&d&m---"
            send "&d&o/advancedcore reload &7As you can imagine, it will reload the script automatically !"
            send "&d&o/staffchattoggle &7To disable staff chat messages. No support for disabling admin chat or manager chat."
            send "&d&o/staffchat &d&o(&c/adminchat&d&o, &4/managerchat&d&o] or start your message with ## &7send a message in staffchat or admin chat or manager chat."
    if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-1 is "reload":
        if player has permission "advancedcore.reload":
          send "&aThe script has been reloaded!" to player
          make console execute command "/sk reload advancedcore"
    if arg-1 is not "1" or "2" or "3" or "reload":
      send "&cThis argument isn't valid."

on chat:
  if message contains "fuck" or " fuck " or "fuck " or " fuck" or " dick" or "dick" or " dick " or "dick " or "f u" or "fuck u" or "fuck you" or "f you":
    player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.antiswear.bypass"
    replace all "fuck" and "dick" and "f u" and "f you" and "fuck u" and "fuck you" in message with "***" 
  if message contains "bitch" or "cum" or "kkk" or "dickhead" or "pinnes" or "idiot" or "dumb" or "dumbass" or "arsehole" or "asshole" or "stfu" or "shut up" or "pornhub" or "porn":
    player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.antiswear.bypass"
    replace all "bitch" and "cum" and "kkk" and "pinnes" and "idiot" and "dumb" and "dumbass" and "arsehole" and "asshole" and "stfu" and "shutup" and "pornhub" and "porn" in message with "***"
  if message contains "give me nudes" or "send me nudes" or "i wanna see you naked" or "i want to see u naked" or "naked" or "nudes":
    player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.antiswear.bypass"
    cancel event
    send "&cDon't send that silly."
    loop all players:
      loop-player has permission "advancedcore.antiswear.notify"
      send "&d[S] &5[%player's world%] &d%player% &fhas sent this message: &7'&d&o%message%&7'. &dtheir message wasn't sent to the public." to loop-player

command /sctoggle:
  permission: advancedcore.staffchat
  permission message: &cNo permission
  aliases: /staffchattoggle
    if {tsc::%player%} is not set:
      set {tsc::%player%} to true
      send "&cYou can no longer see staff messages."
      remove player from {tsc::*}
      stop trigger
    if {tsc::%player%} is set:
      set {tsc::%player%} to false
      clear {tsc::%player%}
      send "&aYou can now see staff messages."
      add player to {tsc::*}
on join:
  if player has permission "advancedcore.staffchat":
    wait a tick
    set {tsc::%player%} to false
    clear {tsc::%player%}
    add player to {tsc::*}
on chat: 
  first character of message = "##"
  if {tsc::%player%} is true:
    cancel event
    send "&cYou have staff messages off. Do /sctoggle to talk and see staff messages again."
  set {mlength} to length of message
  first character of message = "##"
  player has permission "advancedcore.staffchat"
  cancel event
  length of message > 1
  loop {tsc::*}:
    send "&d[S] &5[%player's world%] %player's suffix%%player%&7: &b%subtext of message from characters 2 to {mlength}%" to {tsc::%loop-index%}
command /sc:
  aliases: /staffchat
    if player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.staffchat":
      send "&cNo permission"
      if {sc::%player%} is not set:
        set {sc::%player%} to true
        send "&aYou are now talking in staffchat."
        stop trigger
      if {sc::%player%} is set:
        set {sc::%player%} to false
        clear {sc::%player%}
        send "&cYou are no longer talking in staffchat."
on join:
  if player has permission "advancedcore.staffchat":
    set {sc::%player%} to false
    clear {sc::%player%}
on chat:
  if {sc::%player%} is true:
    if first character of message = "##":
      if {tsc::*} doesn't contain player:
        cancel event
        send "&cYou have staff messages off. Do /sctoggle to talk and see staff messages again."
        cancel event
        loop {tsc::*}:
          send "&b[S] &3[%player's world%] %player's display name%&7: &b%message%" to {tsc::%loop-index%}    
command /achat:
  aliases: /adminchat
    if player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.adminchat":
      send "&cNo permission"
      if {achat::%player%} is not set:
        set {achat::%player%} to true
        send "&aYou are now talking in admin chat."
        stop trigger
      if {achat::%player%} is set:
        set {achat::%player%} to false
        clear {achat::%player%}
        send "&cYou are no longer talking in admin chat."
on chat:
  if {achat::%player%} is true:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
      loop-player has permission ""
      send "&c[A] &3[%player's world%] %player's display name%&7: &b%message%" to loop-player     

on join:
  if player has permission "advancedcore.adminchat":
    set {achat::%player%} to false
    clear {achat::%player%}
command /mchat:
  aliases: /managerchat
    if player doesn't have permission "advancedcore.managerchat":
      send "&cNo permission"
      if {mchat::%player%} is not set:
        set {mchat::%player%} to true
        send "&aYou are now talking in manager chat."
        stop trigger
      if {mchat::%player%} is set:
        set {mchat::%player%} to false
        clear {mchat::%player%}
        send "&cYou are no longer talking in manager chat."
on chat:
  if {mchat::%player%} is true:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
      loop-player has permission ""
      send "&4[M] &3[%player's world%] %player's display name%&7: &b%message%" to loop-player     

on join:
  if player has permission "advancedcore.managerchat":
    set {mchat::%player%} to false
    clear {mchat::%player%}