Created by Proxy

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Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /dec2bin <integer>:
		set {num} to arg-1
		set {_binary} to Integer.toBinaryString({num})
		message "%{_binary}%"
command /bin2dec <integer>:
		set {_decimal} to Integer.valueOf("%arg-1%",2)
		if {_decimal} is set:
			message "%{_decimal}%"
		if {_decimal} is not set:
			message "Error, please use only 1's and 0's"
on place of piston:
	if player is sneaking:
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		set {_x} to block's x-coord
		set {_y} to block's y-coord
		set {_z} to block's z-coord
		subtract 1 from {_x}
		subtract 1 from {_y}
		subtract 1 from {_z}
		broadcast "detected place of piston"
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360: #south
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=south]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45: #south
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=south]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135: #west
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=west]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225: #north
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=north]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315: #east
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=east]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if player's facing is up:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=up]"
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if player's facing is down:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:piston[facing=down]"
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
on place of sticky piston:
	if player is sneaking:
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		set {_x} to block's x-coord
		set {_y} to block's y-coord
		set {_z} to block's z-coord
		subtract 1 from {_x}
		subtract 1 from {_y}
		subtract 1 from {_z}
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360: #south
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=south]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45: #south
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=south]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135: #west
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=west]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225: #north
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=north]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315: #east
			if player's facing is not down:
				if player's facing is not up:
					execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=east]"
					loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
						if loop-block is air:
							set loop-block to barrier
							wait 1 tick
							set loop-block to air
		if player's facing is up:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=up]"
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if player's facing is down:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:sticky_piston[facing=down]"
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-location:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
on place of repeater:
	if player is sneaking:
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360:#south
			set block at event-location to unpowered south facing repeater
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45:#south
			set block at event-location to unpowered south facing repeater
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135:#west
			set block at event-location to unpowered west facing repeater
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225:#north
			set block at event-location to unpowered north facing repeater
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315:#east
			set block at event-location to unpowered east facing repeater
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
on place of observer:
	if player is sneaking:
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360:#south
			set block at event-location to unpowered north facing observer
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45:#south
			set block at event-location to unpowered north facing observer
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135:#west
			set block at event-location to unpowered east facing observer
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225:#north
			set block at event-location to unpowered south facing observer
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315:#east
			set block at event-location to unpowered west facing observer
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
on place of comparator:
	if player is sneaking: 
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360:
			set block at event-location to unpowered south facing compare mode comparator
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45:
			set block at event-location to unpowered south facing compare mode comparator
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135:
			set block at event-location to unpowered west facing compare mode comparator
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225:
			set block at event-location to unpowered north facing compare mode comparator
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
			message "script completed"
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315:
			set block at event-location to unpowered east facing compare mode comparator
			loop blocks in radius 1 of event-block:
				if loop-block is air:
					set loop-block to barrier
					wait 1 tick
					set loop-block to air
on rightclick on redstone wire holding redstone:
	set {pwr} to block.getBlockData().getPower()
	set {pwrd} to block.getBlockData()
	send action bar "&4Power: &c%{pwr}%" to player
on place of a end portal frame:
	if player is sneaking: 
		set {_x} to block's x-coord
		set {_y} to block's y-coord
		set {_z} to block's z-coord
		subtract 1 from {_x}
		subtract 1 from {_y}
		subtract 1 from {_z}
		set {_yaw} to yaw of player
		#checks if south
		if {_yaw} is between 315 and 360:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:end_portal_frame[eye=true,facing=south]"
		#checks if south
		if {_yaw} is between 0 and 45:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:end_portal_frame[eye=true,facing=south]"
		#checks if west
		if {_yaw} is between 45 and 135:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:end_portal_frame[eye=true,facing=west]"
		#checks is north
		if {_yaw} is between 135 and 225:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:end_portal_frame[eye=true,facing=north]"
		#checks if east
		if {_yaw} is between 225 and 315:
			execute console command "/setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% minecraft:end_portal_frame[eye=true,facing=east]"
command /furnace <integer>:
		if arg-1 is greater than 15:
			message "Too high, use only 1-15"
		if arg-1 is less than 1:
			message "Too low, use only 1-15"
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 is 1:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:1}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 2:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:14}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 3:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:28}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 4:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:42}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 5:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:55}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 6:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:5}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 7:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:19}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 8:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:32}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 9:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:46}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 10:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:60}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 11:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:2,id:redstone_block,Count:10}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 12:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:2,id:redstone_block,Count:23}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 13:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:2,id:redstone_block,Count:37}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 14:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:2,id:redstone_block,Count:51}]}} 1"
			if arg-1 is 15:
				execute console command "/give @p minecraft:furnace{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:1,id:redstone_block,Count:64},{Slot:2,id:redstone_block,Count:64}]}} 1"