
Created by Neelix_bear

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on mine:
    if gamemode of player is survival:
        set {_drop::*} to event-block's drops
        set {_fortune} to the level of fortune on player's tool
        set {_num_drops} to 1 + {_fortune}
        if {command::ap} is true:
            if {ap::%player's uuid%} is true:
                clear drops
                if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "ancient":
                    loop {_num_drops} times:
                        give netherite scrap to player
                else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Block":
                    if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "cobblestone":
                        loop {_num_drops} times: 
                            give {_drop::*} to player
                        give {_drop::*} to player
                else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Shulker" or "Chest" or "Barrel" or "End" or "Purpur" or "Concrete" or "Terracotta" or "Glass" or "Bed" or "Candle" or "Banner" or "Magma" or "Obsidian" or "Leaves" or "Cactus" or "Sugar" or "Redstone Lamp" or "Stonecutter" or "Smithing Table" or "Furnace" or "Smoker" or "Campfire" or "Anvil" or "Enchanted Table" or "Brewing Stand" or "Beacon" or "Bell" or "Spawner":
                    give {_drop::*} to player
                else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Reinforced":
                    send "bro thought the skript would let him mine reinforced items XD" to player
                else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "raw":
                    set {_split_drops::*} to "%{_drop::*}%" split at " "
                    set {_itemtype} to "%{_amount}% %{_split_drops::2}% ingot" parsed as itemtype
                    set {_item} to "%{_split_drops::2}% ingot" parsed as item
                    give {_num_drops} of {_item} to player
                    loop {_num_drops} times: 
                        give {_drop::*} to player
            clear drops
            if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "ancient":
                loop {_num_drops} times:
                    give netherite scrap to player
            else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Block":
                if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "cobblestone":
                    loop {_num_drops} times: 
                        give {_drop::*} to player
                    give {_drop::*} to player
            else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Shulker" or "Chest" or "Barrel" or "End" or "Purpur" or "Concrete" or "Terracotta" or "Glass" or "Bed" or "Candle" or "Banner" or "Magma" or "Obsidian" or "Leaves" or "Cactus" or "Sugar" or "Redstone Lamp" or "Stonecutter" or "Smithing Table" or "Furnace" or "Smoker" or "Campfire" or "Anvil" or "Enchanted Table" or "Brewing Stand" or "Beacon" or "Bell" or "Spawner":
                give {_drop::*} to player
            else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "Reinforced":
                send "bro thought the skript would let him mine reinforced items XD" to player
            else if "%{_drop::*}%" contains "raw":
                set {_split_drops::*} to "%{_drop::*}%" split at " "
                set {_itemtype} to "%{_amount}% %{_split_drops::2}% ingot" parsed as itemtype
                set {_item} to "%{_split_drops::2}% ingot" parsed as item
                give {_num_drops} of {_item} to player
                loop {_num_drops} times: 
                    give {_drop::*} to player

command autopickup:
    aliases: /ap
        if {command::ap} is true:
            if {ap::%player's uuid%} is not true:
                set {ap::%player's uuid%} to true
                send "&a&lNeelix&r: &eAutopickup/Smelt Enabled"
                set {ap::%player's uuid%} to false
                send "&a&lNeelix&r: &eAutopickup/Smelt Disabled"
            send "&a&lNeelix: &bSorry the owner has disabled this command but autopickup is auto-enabled now!!!" to player

command autopickupcmd:
    aliases: apcmd
    permission: op
        if {command::ap} is true:
            set {command::ap} to false
            send "&a&lNeelix: &eDisabled the autopickup command!" to player
        else if {command::ap} is false:
            set {command::ap} to true
            send "&a&lNeelix: &eEnabled the autopickup command!" to player

on load:
    if {command::ap} is not set:
        set {command::ap} to false