Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

 hperfix: &3&lROOMS &8»
 #make sure u don't put more then 12!
 #house size 5 is 10x10 !
 #house size 12 is 24x24 ! 
 house-size: 7

 #witch world you wannt the world system to be !
 world: world

 #Spawn location
 world-spawn: world
 spawn-location: 308, 67, -105

 #Permission for the admins !
 House-delete-permission: house.delete

 #this is the X, Y, Z u don't need to change them!
 x.h.h: 1300
 y.h.h: 20
 z.h.h: 1300

 #In the room players can build ! 
 #Build or place out of the rooms 
 #Use true or false only !
 #works only for players whos not op
 build-deny: true
 break-deny: true

 #House design !
 floor: Dark Oak Wood Plank
 walls: Bricks
 roof: Glowstone

 #make it "true" to make sure turn on the nether star
 netherstar: true
 netherstar-slot: 8
 netherstar-name: &6&lMENU

 {numberHouse.%player%} = 0

on load:
 set {truornot} to {@netherstar} 
on join:
 world is "{@world}":
  if {truornot} is true:
   set slot {@netherstar-slot} of player to nether star named "{@netherstar-name}"
on respawn:
 world is "{@world}":
  if {truornot} is true:
   set slot {@netherstar-slot} of player to nether star named "{@netherstar-name}"
   teleport player at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
on world change:
 world is "{@world}":
  if {truornot} is true:
   set slot {@netherstar-slot} of player to nether star named "{@netherstar-name}"
on drop:
 if event-item is nether star named "{@netherstar-name}":
  cancel event
on click with nether star:
 if event-item is nether star named "{@netherstar-name}":
  make player execute command "/st"
on inventory click:
 name of clicked item is "{@netherstar-name}":
  cancel event
on death:
 world is "{@world}":
  remove 1 nether star named "{@netherstar-name}" from drops
on inventory click:
 if name of event-inventory is "&a&lRoom list" or "&aRoom Setting" or "&a&lPlayers list" or "&c&lPlayers list":
  cancel event
 if name of event-inventory is "&aRoom Setting":
  name of clicked item is "&a&lKICK":
   set {_slot} to 0
   set {slotnummber} to 0
   set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&c&lPlayers list"
   set slots (all integers between 0 and 53) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
   loop all players:
    if loop-value is not player:
     if distance between loop-player and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
      set {room.%{slotnummber}%.%player%} to "%loop-value%"
      set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&4&l&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Click to KICK"
      add 1 to {_slot}
      add 1 to {slotnummber}
      open {_gui} to player
      if {_slot} is 53:
  name of clicked item is "&a&lTRUST":
   set {_slot} to 0
   set {slotnummber} to 0
   set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&a&lPlayers list"
   set slots (all integers between 0 and 53) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
   loop all players:
    if loop-value is not player:
     if distance between loop-player and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
      set {room.%{slotnummber}%.%player%} to "%loop-value%"
      if {canbuild.%loop-value%} is not set:
       set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&4&l&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Click to give a trust"
       set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&a&l&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Click to remove the trust"
      add 1 to {_slot}
      add 1 to {slotnummber}
      open {_gui} to player
      if {_slot} is 53:
  clicked slot is 10:
   name of clicked item is "&a&lOPEN":
    set {room.closed.%player%} to true
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&aRoom Setting"
    set slots (all integers between 0 and 26) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
    set slot 10 of {_gui} to red dye named "&a&lCLOSED" with lore "&7Your room is closed click to open"
    set slot 12 of {_gui} to Tripwire Hook named "&a&lTRUST" with lore "&7Give player permissin to live with you"
    set slot 14 of {_gui} to Red Mushroom named "&a&lKICK" with lore "&7To kick player from your house!"
    set slot 16 of {_gui} to TNT named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&cTHIS WILL RESET YOUR ROOM USE ONCE!"
    if {reset.room.%player%} is set:
     set slot 16 of {_gui} to sand named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&7Already used"
    open {_gui} to player
   name of clicked item is "&a&lCLOSED":
    delete {room.closed.%player%} 
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&aRoom Setting"
    set slots (all integers between 0 and 26) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
    set slot 10 of {_gui} to light green dye named "&a&lOPEN" with lore "&7Your room is open click to close"
    set slot 12 of {_gui} to Tripwire Hook named "&a&lTRUST" with lore "&7Give player permissin to live with you"
    set slot 14 of {_gui} to Red Mushroom named "&a&lKICK" with lore "&7To kick player from your house!"
    set slot 16 of {_gui} to TNT named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&cTHIS WILL RESET YOUR ROOM USE ONCE!"
    if {reset.room.%player%} is set:
     set slot 16 of {_gui} to sand named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&7Already used"
    open {_gui} to player
  name of clicked item is "&e&lRESET":
   if {reset.room.%player%} is not set:
    set {reset.room.%player%} to true
    close player's inventory
    create explosion of force 0 at location of {spawn.%player%}
    wait 10 ticks
    create explosion of force 0 at location of {spawn.%player%}
    wait 10 ticks
    create explosion of force 0 at location of {spawn.%player%}
    set {_loc} to {spawn.%player%}
    set {_building} to {@house-size}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to air
    set {var1} to location at block Below {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@floor}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 7 above {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@roof}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} south east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} north west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} east {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} west {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    set block 1 above {_building} east of {_loc} to air
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to air
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to iron door
    set block 1 Below {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    add 1 to {_building}
    set block 1 above {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    remove 2 from {_building}
    set block {_building} south west of {_loc} to bed
    remove 1 from {_building}
    set block {_building} south west of {_loc} to chest
    set {_building} to {@house-size}
    add 1 to {_building} 
    set {var1} to location at block 2 Below {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 2 Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 8 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 8 above {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} south east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} north west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} east {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} west {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
  name of clicked item is "&a&lEDIT":
   if distance between player and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&aRoom Setting"
    set slots (all integers between 0 and 26) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
    set slot 10 of {_gui} to light green dye named "&a&lOPEN" with lore "&7Your room is open click to close"
    set slot 12 of {_gui} to Tripwire Hook named "&a&lTRUST" with lore "&7Give player permissin to live with you"
    set slot 14 of {_gui} to Red Mushroom named "&a&lKICK" with lore "&7To kick player from your house!"
    set slot 16 of {_gui} to TNT named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&cTHIS WILL RESET YOUR ROOM USE ONCE!"
    if {reset.room.%player%} is set:
     set slot 16 of {_gui} to sand named "&e&lRESET" with lore "&7Already used"
    if {room.closed.%player%} is set:
     set slot 10 of {_gui} to red dye named "&a&lCLOSED" with lore "&7Your room is closed click to open"
    open {_gui} to player
    send "{@hperfix} &cYou have to be in your room"
  name of clicked item is "&a&lROOMS":
   set {_slot} to 0
   set {slotnummber} to 0
   set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&a&lRoom list"
   set slots (all integers between 0 and 53) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
   set slot 53 of {_gui} to Compass named "&7&lRefresh page"
   loop all players:
    if {spawn.%loop-value%} is set:
     set {room.%{slotnummber}%.%player%} to "%loop-value%"
     if {room.closed.%loop-value%} is set:
      set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&4&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Room number &6%{numberHouse.%loop-value%}%"
      set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&a&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Room number &6%{numberHouse.%loop-value%}%"
     add 1 to {_slot}
     add 1 to {slotnummber}
     open {_gui} to player
     if {_slot} is 52:
  name of clicked item is "&a&lYOUR ROOM":
   Execute player command "room"
 if name of event-inventory is "&a&lRoom list" or "&c&lPlayers list" or "&a&lPlayers list":
  name of clicked item is "&7&lRefresh page":
   set {_slot} to 0
   set {slotnummber} to 0
   set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&a&lRoom list"
   set slots (all integers between 0 and 53) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
   set slot 53 of {_gui} to Compass named "&7&lRefresh page"
   loop all players:
    if {spawn.%loop-value%} is set:
     set {room.%{slotnummber}%.%player%} to "%loop-value%"
     if {room.closed.%loop-value%} is set:
      set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&4&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Room number &6%{numberHouse.%loop-value%}%"
      set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to loop-value's skull named "&a&l%loop-value%" with lore "&7Room number &6%{numberHouse.%loop-value%}%"
     add 1 to {_slot}
     add 1 to {slotnummber}
     open {_gui} to player
     if {_slot} is 52:
  name of clicked item is not "&7" or "&7&lRefresh page":
   close player's inventory
   set {_cslot} to 0
   loop 53 times:
    if clicked slot is {_cslot}:
     set {p.c.%player%} to {room.%{_cslot}%.%player%} 
     exit 1 loop
     add 1 to {_cslot}
   if name of event-inventory is "&a&lRoom list":
    if clicked slot is not 53:
     Execute player command "room %{p.c.%player%}%"
   if name of event-inventory is "&a&lPlayers list":
    Execute player command "roomtrust %{p.c.%player%}%"
   if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPlayers list":
    Execute player command "roomkick %{p.c.%player%}%"

on join:
 world is "{@world}":
  teleport player at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
  play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
on damage:
 if attacker is player:
  if distance between victim and {spawn.%victim%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
   cancel event
  if distance between attacker and {spawn.%attacker%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
   cancel event
on rightclick on chest:
 if {canbuild.%player%} is set:
 loop all players:
  if {canbuild.%loop-value%} is not set:
   if distance between player and {spawn.%loop-value%} is not less than {@house-size}*2:
    if player is not op:
     cancel event
on break:
 if {canbuild.%player%} is set:
 loop all players:
  if {canbuild.%loop-value%} is not set:
   if distance between player and {spawn.%loop-value%} is not less than {@house-size}*2:
    set {_check} to {@break-deny}
    if {_check} is true:
     if player is not op:
      cancel event
on build:
 if {canbuild.%player%} is set:
 loop all players:
  if {canbuild.%loop-value%} is not set:
   if distance between player and {spawn.%loop-value%} is not less than {@house-size}*2:
    set {_check} to {@build-deny}
    if {_check} is true:
     if player is not op:
      cancel event
on death:
 delete {canbuild.%player%}
 loop all players:
  if loop-value is not player:
   if distance between loop-value and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
    teleport loop-value at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
    delete {canbuild.%loop-value%}
    send "{@hperfix} &6%player% left the room!" to loop-value
on teleport:
 delete {canbuild.%player%}
 loop all players:
  if loop-value is not player:
   if distance between loop-value and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
    teleport loop-value at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
    delete {canbuild.%loop-value%}
    send "{@hperfix} &6%player% left the room!" to loop-value
on world change:
 delete {canbuild.%player%}
 loop all players:
  if loop-value is not player:
   if distance between loop-value and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
    teleport loop-value at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
    delete {canbuild.%loop-value%}
    send "{@hperfix} &6%player% left the room!" to loop-value
command /roomkick [<player>] [<text>]:
 executable by: player
  if arg 2 is set:
   send "{@hperfix} &a/Roomkick (online player)"
  if arg 1 is not set:
   send "{@hperfix} &a/Roomkick (online player)"
  if distance between arg-1 and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
   teleport arg-1 to location at {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}"
   send "{@hperfix} &cSent %arg-1% to spawn" to player
   send "{@hperfix} &cYou have been sent to the spawn" to arg-1
   send "{@hperfix} &6%arg-1% &cis not in your room"
command /roomtrust [<player>] [<text>]:
 executable by: player
  if arg 2 is set:
   send "{@hperfix} &a/Roomtrust (online player)"
  if arg 1 is not set:
   send "{@hperfix} &a/Roomtrust (online player)"
  if distance between arg-1 and {spawn.%player%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
   if {canbuild.%arg-1%} is set:
    send "{@hperfix} &cRemove the trust from %arg-1%"
    send "{@hperfix} &cThe trust has been removed" to arg-1
    delete {canbuild.%arg-1%}
    set {canbuild.%arg-1%} to true
    send "{@hperfix} &aGave trust to %arg-1%"
    send "{@hperfix} &aYou got trust form &6%player% " to arg-1
command /spawn [<text>]:
 aliases: sp
  teleport player at location {@spawn-location} in world "{@world-spawn}" 
  play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
command /settingroom [<text>]:
 aliases: st, roomsettings, rs
  set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&aRoom Setting"
  set slots (all integers between 0 and 26) of {_gui} to gray glass pane named "&7"
  set slot 11 of {_gui} to Redstone named "&a&lEDIT" with lore "&7Click to open room edit menu"
  set slot 13 of {_gui} to Nether Star named "&a&lYOUR ROOM" with lore "&7Click to teleport to your room"
  set slot 15 of {_gui} to player's skull named "&a&lROOMS" with lore "&7Click to open rooms menu"
  open {_gui} to player
command /roomhelp [<text>]:
  send "&6/Spawn &8» &7send you to spawn"
  send "&6/Room &8» &7sent you to your room"
  send "&6/Room (player name) &8» &7sent you to a player room"
  send "&6/Settingroom &8» &7Rooms menu"
command /Room [<player>] [<text>]:
  if arg 1 is set:
   if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
    if player has permission "{@House-delete-permission}":
     delete {numberHouse.%arg-1%} 
     delete {spawn.%arg-1%} 
     delete {locationHouse.%arg-1%}
     delete {reset.room.%arg-1%}
     send "{@hperfix} &4%arg-1%'s room deleted!"
     send "{@hperfix} &4Your room has been deleted!" to arg-1
  if arg 2 is set:
   send "{@hperfix} &a/Room (online player)"
  if arg 1 is not set:
   if {spawn.%player%} is not set:
    if {z.h.h} is not set:
     set {z.h.h} to {@z.h.h}
    add 1 to {numberHouse}
    add {@house-size}*3 to {z.h.h}
    set {spawn.%player%} to location at ({@x.h.h}, {@y.h.h}, {z.h.h}) in world "{@world}"
    send "{@hperfix} &eloading...."
    set {_loc} to {spawn.%player%}
    set {_building} to {@house-size}
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to air
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block Below {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@floor}
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 7 above {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@roof}
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} south east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} north west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} east {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    wait 1 second
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} west {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to {@walls}
    set block 1 above {_building} east of {_loc} to air
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to air
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to iron door
    set block 1 Below {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    add 1 to {_building}
    set block 1 above {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    set block {_building} east of {_loc} to Bedrock
    remove 2 from {_building}
    set block {_building} south west of {_loc} to bed
    remove 1 from {_building}
    set block {_building} south west of {_loc} to chest
    set {_building} to {@house-size}
    add 1 to {_building} 
    set {var1} to location at block 2 Below {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 2 Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 8 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block 8 above {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} south west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} south east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} north west of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} north east of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} east {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} east {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    set {var1} to location at block 7 above {_building} west {_building} north of {_loc}
    set {var2} to location at block Below {_building} west {_building} south of {_loc}
    loop blocks within {var1} to {var2}:
     set block at loop-block to Bedrock
    wait 5 second
    send "{@hperfix} &aDone"
    teleport player to {spawn.%player%}
    set {numberHouse.%player%} to {numberHouse}
    set {locationHouse.%player%} to {locationHouse}
    send "{@hperfix} &aYou got room number &7%{numberHouse.%player%}%/%{numberHouse}%"
    set {canbuild.%player%} to true
    if distance between player and {spawn.%player%} is not less than {@house-size}*2:
     teleport player to {spawn.%player%}
     send "{@hperfix} &aYou have been teleport to yours Room"
     send "{@hperfix} &aRoom number &7%{numberHouse.%player%}%/%{numberHouse}%"
     set {canbuild.%player%} to true
     send "{@hperfix} &aYou are already in your room"
  if arg 1 is set:
   if arg 1 is player:
    Execute player command "/room"
    if {room.closed.%arg-1%} is set:
     send "{@hperfix} &6%arg-1%&c's room is closed!"
    if {spawn.%arg-1%} is not set:
     send "{@hperfix} &aSorry but &6%arg-1% &adont have a room"
    if {spawn.%arg-1%} is set:
     if distance between arg-1 and {spawn.%arg-1%} is less than {@house-size}*2:
      teleport player to {spawn.%arg-1%}
      delete {canbuild.%player%}
      send "{@hperfix} &aYou have been teleport to &6%arg-1%'s &aRoom"
      send "{@hperfix} &aRoom number &7%{numberHouse.%arg 1%}%/%{numberHouse}%"
      send "{@hperfix} &a%player% visited your room" to arg-1
     send "{@hperfix} &c%arg-1%'s should be in the room!"