Created by TatoIQ

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	#Choose what the player types to open MyPetGUI Menu
	mypet_command: /pet

	#Choose wither to drop the pet tool on ground or just send message to player when they don't have enough space in their inventory
	mypet_tool_fullinv: "drop" #options: "drop", "msg"
	#Title of the GUI which displays on top of the GUI
	mypet_gui_title: "MyPet Menu: &8(select option)"

	#The permission given to the player to use the command to open MyPet Menu
	mypet_gui_permission: mypetgui.gui
	#item that will fill the empty slots of the GUI
	mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler: gray stained glass pane

	#MyPet Command Tool
	mypet_tool: lead

	#Name of MyPet Command Tool
	mypet_tool_name: "&3MyPet Command Tool"
	#The permission given to the player to receive MyPet Command Tool
	mypet_tool_permission: mypetgui.tool

	#cool down for receiving MyPet Command Tool
	mypet_tool_cooldown: 3 hours

	#permission for bypass cool down for receiving MyPet Command Tool
	mypet_tool_cooldown_bypass_permission: mypetgui.tool.cooldown.bypass

command {@mypet_command}:
	description: Open a GUI that displays MyPet commands
	permission: {@mypet_gui_permission}
	executable by: players
	aliases: /petgui, /pg
		set metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to chest inventory with 5 rows named {@mypet_gui_title}
		set slot 0 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 1 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to chest named "&ePet Inventory" with lore "&7Open pet's inventory." and "&3/petinventory"
		set slot 2 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to beacon named "&bPet Beacon" with lore "&7Choose beacon effect for pet." and "&3/petbeacon"
		set slot 3 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to spruce sapling named "&aChoose Skill Tree" with lore "&7Pick a skill for pet." and "&3/petchooseskilltree"
		set slot 4 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 5 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 6 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to saddle named "&aCall Pet" with lore "&7Call a sent away pet to you." and "&3/petcall"
		set slot 7 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to lead named "&cSend Pet Away" with lore "&7Send away current pet." and "&3/petsendaway"
		set {_c} to 8
		loop 11 times:
			set slot {_c} of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
			add 1 to {_c}
		set slot 19 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to red bed named "&cStore Pet" with lore "&7Store current pet to your pets storage." and "&3/petstore"
		set slot 20 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to bee spawn egg named "&aChoose Pet" with lore "&7Pick a pet from your pets storage." and "&3/petchooseskilltree"
		set slot 21 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 22 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to 1 of glowing {@mypet_tool} named {@mypet_tool_name} with lore "&7Click to claim tool"
		set slot 23 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 24 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to hopper named "&ePet Item Pickup" with lore "&7Toggle pet picking up items." and "&3/petpickup"
		set slot 25 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to diamond sword named "&ePet Behavior" with lore "&7Choose a behavior for your pet."
		set {_c} to 26
		loop 11 times:
			set slot {_c} of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
			add 1 to {_c}
		set slot 37 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to book and quill named "&aPet Info" with lore "&7Display information about current pet." and "&3/petinfo"
		set slot 38 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to paper named "&ePet Skill Details" with lore "&7Display current skill details for your pet." and "&3/petskill"
		set slot 39 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to minecart with chest named "&ePets Shop" with lore "&7Buy new pet from the pets shop." and "&3/petshop"
		set slot 40 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 41 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to name tag named "&eRename Pet" with lore "&7Rename your pet." and "&3/petname <new name>"
		set slot 42 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to gold nugget named "&eTrade Pet" with lore "&7Trade your pet with someone." and "&3/pettrade <name> <optional price>"
		set slot 43 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to tnt named "&cDelete Pet" with lore "&7Delete current pet permanently." and "&3/petrelease"
		set slot 44 of metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		open (metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player) to player

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "MyPetGUI" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 1:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petinventory"
		else if index of event-slot is 2:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbeacon"
		else if index of event-slot is 3:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "petchooseskilltree"
		else if index of event-slot is 6:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petcall"
		else if index of event-slot is 7:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petsendaway"
		else if index of event-slot is 19:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petstore"
		else if index of event-slot is 20:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petswitch"
		else if index of event-slot is 22:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/pettool"
		else if index of event-slot is 24:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petpickup"
		else if index of event-slot is 25:
			close inventory of player
			execute console command "ptbehavior %player%"
		else if index of event-slot is 37:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petinfo"
		else if index of event-slot is 38:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petskill"
		else if index of event-slot is 39:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petshop"
		else if index of event-slot is 41:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petname"
		else if index of event-slot is 42:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/pettrade"
		else if index of event-slot is 43:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petrelease"
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 1:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Friendly"
		if index of event-slot is 2:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Normal"
		if index of event-slot is 3:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Raid"
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Duel"
		if index of event-slot is 6:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Farm"
		if index of event-slot is 7:
			close inventory of player
			execute player command "/petbehavior Aggressive"

command /ptbehavior <player>: #to open the Pet Bevahior GUI
	description: Open a GUI that displays MyPet Bevahior
	permission: {@mypet_gui_permission}
	executable by: players and console
	aliases: /pgbehavior, /pgb, /ptb
		set {_p} to arg-1
		set metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to chest inventory with 1 rows named "MyPet Behavior: &8(select option)"
		set slot 0 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 1 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to armor stand named "&aFriendly" with lore "&7Pet will not fight even", "&7when it is attacked by anything." and "&3/petbehavior Friendly"
		set slot 2 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to bone named "&eNormal" with lore "&7Pet will act like a normal wolf." and "&3/petbehavior Normal"
		set slot 3 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to lead named "&eRaid" with lore "&7Like normal but the pet doesn't", "&7attack players and their minion.s" and "&3/petbehavior Raid"
		set slot 4 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		set slot 5 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to diamond axe named "&cDuel" with lore "&7Pet will attack other pets with active", "&7duel behavior within a 5 block radius." and "&3/petbehavior Duel"
		set slot 6 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to bow named "&4Farm" with lore "&7Attacks every Monster within", "&715 blocks of the owner." and "&3/petbehavior Farm"
		set slot 7 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to diamond sword named "&4Aggressive" with lore "&7Pet attacks automatically everything", "&7within 15 blocks of the owner." and "&3/petbehavior Aggressive"
		set slot 8 of metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p} to {@mypet_gui_empty_slots_filler} named " "
		open (metadata tag "MyPetGUIBehavior" of {_p}) to {_p}

command /pettool:
	description: Gives the player MyPet Command Tool
	permission: {@mypet_tool_permission}
	executable by: players
	aliases: /mypettool, /ptool
		set {mypet_tool_cooldown_difference::%player's uuid%} to difference between {mypet_tool_cooldown_remaining::%player's uuid%} and now
		set {mypet_tool_cooldown_left::%player's uuid%} to difference between {@mypet_tool_cooldown} and {mypet_tool_cooldown_difference::%player's uuid%}
		if {mypet_tool_cooldown_left::%player's uuid%} is less than 3 hours:
			if player has permission "mypetgui.tool.cooldown.bypass":
				if player can hold 1 portal:
					give player 1 of glowing {@mypet_tool} named {@mypet_tool_name} with lore "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory", "&7Left-click: &aChoose Pet", "&7Sneak Right-click: &cStore Pet" and "&7Sneak Left-click: &aPet Skilltree"
					set {mypet_tool_cooldown_remaining::%player's uuid%} to now
					if {@mypet_tool_fullinv} contains "drop":
						drop 1 of glowing {@mypet_tool} named {@mypet_tool_name} with lore "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory", "&7Left-click: &aChoose Pet", "&7Sneak Right-click: &cStore Pet" and "&7Sneak Left-click: &aPet Skilltree" at location of player
						set {mypet_tool_cooldown_remaining::%player's uuid%} to now
						send "&cYour inventory is full, &apet tool has been dropped on ground."
						send "&cYou don't have enough space in your inventory."
				send "&cPlease wait &e%{mypet_tool_cooldown_left::%player's uuid%}% &cbefore requesting another tool."
			if player can hold 1 portal:
				give player 1 of glowing {@mypet_tool} named {@mypet_tool_name} with lore "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory", "&7Left-click: &aChoose Pet", "&7Sneak Right-click: &cStore Pet" and "&7Sneak Left-click: &aPet Skilltree"
				set {mypet_tool_cooldown_remaining::%player's uuid%} to now
				if {@mypet_tool_fullinv} contains "drop":
					drop 1 of glowing {@mypet_tool} named {@mypet_tool_name} with lore "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory", "&7Left-click: &aChoose Pet", "&7Sneak Right-click: &cStore Pet" and "&7Sneak Left-click: &aPet Skilltree" at location of player
					set {mypet_tool_cooldown_remaining::%player's uuid%} to now
					send "&cYour inventory is full, &apet tool has been dropped on ground."
					send "&cYou don't have enough space in your inventory."

on right click holding a {@mypet_tool}:
	if player has permission "{@mypet_tool_permission}":
		if 1st line of player's tool's lore is "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory":
			cancel event
			if player is sneaking:
				execute player command "/petstore"
				execute player command "/petinventory"

on left click holding a {@mypet_tool}:
	if player has permission "{@mypet_tool_permission}":
		if 1st line of player's tool's lore is "&7Right-click: &ePet Inventory":
			cancel event
			if player is sneaking:
				execute player command "/petchooseskilltree"
				execute player command "/petswitch"