Created by Warpedtimes

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#Coin Flips Script
#Tested versions: 1.16
#Skript ver: 2.5.3
#Addons: skript-gui (
#		 skellet (
#Requirements: Economy plugin. This skript hooks in using skellet for handling money.

	mode: "TITLE" #Set this to GUI or TITLE depending on how you want the flipping parts displayed
	minBet: 1
	maxBet: 1000000

	#Display of the selected side of the coin. Format as you wish
	prefix: &6[&eCF&6]
	tails: &cTails
	heads: &aHeads

#Main Command. Determins the action and then calls the function for it.
command coinflip [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
	aliases: cf
		if arg-1 is "cancel":

		else if arg-1 is "top":

		else if arg-1 is "bet":
			if arg-3 contains "head" or "tail":
				cfBet(player,arg 2,arg 3)

		else if arg-1 is not set:

			message "&8-----{@prefix}&8-----"
			message "&eCoin Flip Usagae:"
			message "&eOpen Menu: &a/cf"
			message "&eNew Coin Flip: &a/cf bet amount heads/tails"
			message "&eCancel Coin Flip: &a/cf cancel"
			message "&eCoin Flip Top: &a/cf top"
			message ""
			message "&8-----{@prefix}&8-----"

#Functions! These are how the flips will work.

#This one here is for making the main menu gui for the player
function cfMenu(p: player):
	create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "              &8&nCoin Flips":
		if {cf.globaltax} is not set:
			set {cf.globaltax} to 0
		wait 3 ticks
		loop {cf::active::*}:
			set {_slot} to 10
			if {_slot} = 18:
				add 3 to {_slot}
			set {_p1} to loop-value parsed as an offline player
			set {_side} to {cf.side.%loop-value%}
			add {_p1} to {{_p}%}
			make gui slot {_slot} with skull of (loop-value parsed as an offline player) named "&f%loop-value%" with lore "" and "&7■ Side: %sideFormat({cf.side.%loop-value%})%" and "&7■ Bet: &6$%regex({})%" and "" and "&e>> Click to play":
				set {_p2} to {_p}
				if {_p2} != {_p1}:
					if {{_p}%} <= {_p2}'s balance:
						if {cf.isActive::%{_p2}%} is false:
							if {cf.isActive::%{_p1}%} is false:
								set {cf.isActive::%{_p1}%} to true
								set {cf.isActive::%{_p2}%} to true

							#Feedback for user. With sound	
								message "{@prefix} &c%{_p1}% already has an active coin flip on going!"
							message "{@prefix} &cYou already have an active coin flip on going!"
						message "{@prefix} &cYou cannot afford this coinflip!"
					message "{@prefix} &cYou cannot gamble with yourself!"

		make gui slot 35 with emerald block of power 1 named "&a&lRefresh" with lore "&7Refresh the coin flips menu" with hidden enchants:
		make gui slot 27 with writable book named "&e&lStats" with lore "&aWins: &f%{cf.wins::%{_p}%}%" and "&cLoses: &f%{cf.loses::%{_p}%}%" and "" and "&7How do you match up? &e/cf top":
			close {_p}'s inventory
		make gui slot 28 with lectern named "&e&lHelp?" with lore "&7■ To create a new coinflip use &e/cf amount heads/tails" and "&7■ To play someones coin flip simply click their head" and "&7■ Winning will grant you the sum of the bet minus tax (5%%)"
		make gui slot 29 with gold ingot named "&e&lGambling Tax" with lore "&7Tax Rate: 5%%" and "&7Taxed Total: &6$%regex({cf.globaltax})%"
		open gui last gui to {_p}

#How the script takes the players request for a new bet and handles it

function cfBet(p: player, bet: number, side: text):
	loop {cf::active::*}:
		if loop-value is "%{_p}%":
			message "{@prefix} &cCoin Flip already active! Use /cf cancel" to {_p}

	#Making sure the bet is within range defined.
	if {_bet} > {@maxBet}:
		message "{@prefix} &cBet cannot be more that &6$%regex({@maxBet})%" to {_p}
	else if {_bet} < {@minBet}:
		message "{@prefix} &cBet cannot be less that &6$%regex({@minBet})%" to {_p}
	else if {_bet} > {_p}'s balance:
		message "{@prefix} &cYou cannot afford this coinflip!" to {_p}
	add "%{_p}%" to {cf::active::*}
	set {{_p}%} to {_bet}
	set {cf.side.%{_p}%} to sideFormat({_side})
	set {cf.activeplayer::%{_p}%} to true
	play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p}
	message "{@prefix} &aNew Coin Flip Created! &e$%regex({_bet})% &aon %{cf.side.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
	remove {_bet} from {_p}'s balance

#How the script will handle flips between players. It has 2 modes, either a title mode or a gui mode. I reccommend title

function cfGamble(p1: player, p2: offline player, bet: number, side:text):
	#Remove the game from the GUI
	remove "%{_p1}%" from {cf::active::*}
	#Remove the bet amount from the second player
	remove {_bet} from {_p2}'s balance

	#Setting the sides to be formatted nicely
	if {_side} contains "head":
		set {_side.p2} to "{@tails}"
		set {_side.p1} to "{@heads}"
		set {_side.p2} to "{@heads}"
		set {_side.p1} to "{@tails}"

	#Find the winner of the bet
	set {_chance} to a random integer between 1 and 2
	if {_chance} = 1:
		set {_winner} to {_p1}
		set {_loser} to {_p2}
		set {_win.side} to {_side.p1}
		set {_loser} to {_p1}
		set {_winner} to {_p2}
		set {_win.side} to {_side.p2}

	#Setting some values used in the menus
	set {_winnings} to ({_bet} * 2) * 0.95
	set {_betDisplay} to regex({_bet})
	set {_betDisplayTaxed} to regex({_winnings})

	if {@mode} = "TITLE":
		close {_p1}'s inventory
		close {_p2}'s inventory

		set {_number} to a random integer between 10 and 30
		set {_base} to {_number} / 2
		loop {_number} times:
			set {_base} to {_base} - 0.4 
			set {_time} to round(1 / {_base} * 10 * 1.1 * 1.2) / 10

			play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p1} and {_p2}
			play sound "" with volume 0.1 at {_p1} and {_p2}
			send title "%{_side.p1}%" with subtitle "%{_p1}%" to {_p1} and {_p2}
			wait "%{_time}% seconds" parsed as a timespan
			play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p1} and {_p2}
			play sound "" with volume 0.1 at {_p1} and {_p2}

			send title "%{_side.p2}%" with subtitle "%{_p2}%" to {_p1} and {_p2}
			wait "%{_time}% seconds" parsed as a timespan
		send title "%{_win.side}% WINS" with subtitle "&6+ $%{_betDisplayTaxed}%" to {_winner} for 3 seconds
		send title "%{_win.side}% WINS" with subtitle "&c- $%{_betDisplay}%" to {_loser} for 3 seconds

		create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "              &8&nCoin Flips":
			make gui slot 2 with skull of {_p1} named "&f%{_p1}%" with lore "" and "%{_side.p1}%"
			make gui slot 6 with skull of {_p2} named "&f%{_p2}%" with lore "" and "%{_side.p2}%"

			make gui slot 4 with green stained glass pane named "{@heads}"
			open gui last gui to {_p1} and {_p2}

			set {_number} to a random integer between 10 and 30
			set {_base} to {_number} / 2
			loop {_number} times:
				set {_base} to {_base} - 0.4 
				set {_time} to round(1 / {_base} * 10 * 1.1 * 1.2) / 10
				play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p1} and {_p2}
				play sound "" with volume 0.1 at {_p1} and {_p2}
				make gui slot 4 with red stained glass pane named "{@tails}"
				wait "%{_time}% seconds" parsed as a timespan
				play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p1} and {_p2}
				play sound "" with volume 0.1 at {_p1} and {_p2}
				make gui slot 4 with green stained glass pane named "{@heads}"
				wait "%{_time}% seconds" parsed as a timespan

			if {_win.side} contains "tail":
				make gui slot 4 with red stained glass pane named "{@tails} Wins!" with lore "&a%{_winner}% won &6$%{_betDisplayTaxed}%"
				make gui slot 4 with green stained glass pane named "{@heads} Wins!" with lore "&a%{_winner}% won &6$%{_betDisplayTaxed}%"

	#Win effects for winner. Also chat feedback
	play sound "" with volume 0.1 at {_p1} and {_p2}
	message "{@prefix} &cCoin Flip Lost. - $%{_betDisplay}%" to {_loser}
	message "{@prefix} &aCoin Flip Won! + $%{_betDisplayTaxed}% &7(5%% Taxed)" to {_winner}
	play sound "entity.villager.death" with volume 0.2 at {_loser}
	loop 4 times:
		play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.2 at {_winner}
		wait 15 ticks

	#Paying out the winner
	add {_winnings} to {_winner}'s balance

	#Increasing global tax collected (dont want op'd players with infinite money to effect this)
	if {_p1} or {_p2} is not op:
		add {_winnings}*0.05 to {cf.globaltax}

	#Resetting all the variables. Adding wins and loses to players
	set {cf.isActive::%{_p1}%} to false
	set {cf.isActive::%{_p2}%} to false
	set {cf.activeplayer::%{_p1}%} to false
	set {cf.activeplayer::%{_p2}%} to false
	add 1 to {cf.wins::%{_winner}%}
	add 1 to {cf.loses::%{_loser}%}

#Cancel command
on disconnect:
	execute player command "cf cancel"

#Just an incase if the server shuts down
on join:
	if {cf.activeplayer::%{_p}%} is true:

function cfCancel(p: player):
	#Check if the player has a coinflip active
	if {cf.activeplayer::%{_p}%} is false:
		message "{@prefix} &cNo active Coin Flips!" to {_p}
		loop {cf::active::*}:
			if loop-value is "%{_p}%":
				add {{_p}%} to {_p}'s balance
				play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.2 at {_p}
				message "{@prefix} &aCoin Flip canceled. Refunded &6$%regex({{_p}%})%" to {_p}
				delete {cf::active::%loop-index%}
				set {cf.activeplayer::%{_p}%} to false

#Leaderboard Command. Idk how to get this in a gui so you get this instead
function cfTop(p: player):
	loop {cf.wins::*}:
		add 1 to {_size}
		if {} is not set:
			set {} to loop-index
			set {_n} to 0
			loop {_size} times:
				set {_n} to {_n}+1
				{{_n}%} is not set:
					set {{_n}%} to loop-index
					stop loop
	wait 1 tick
	set {_n} to size of {*}
	loop {*}:
		set {{_n}%} to loop-value
		set {_n} to {_n}-1
	wait 1 tick
	set {_i} to 0

	message "&8-----{@prefix}&8-----" to {_p}
	message "&eCoin Flip Leaderboard &7(wins)" to {_p}
	loop {*}:
		add 1 to {_topnumber}
		set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
		message "&7%{_topnumber}%.- &6%{_player}% &8» &7%{cf.wins::%loop-value%}% Wins" to {_p}
		if {_topnumber} > 9:
	message "&8-----{@prefix}&8-----" to {_p}

#Guess whats up next! More functions. Except theses ones are not really important for you.

#This one makes the numbers nice and formatted.
function regex(n: object) :: text:
    if "%{_n}%" contains ".":
        set {_s::*} to split "%{_n}%" at "."
        set {_n} to "%a({_s::1})%.%last 2 characters of {_s::2}%"
        return "%{_n}%"
        set {_n} to a("%{_n}%")
        return "%{_n} ? 0%"
function a(b: text) :: text:
    if length of {_b} > 3:
        return "%a(first length of {_b} - 3 characters of {_b})%,%last 3 characters of {_b}%"
    return {_b}

#This one makes the side display nice
function sideFormat(side: text) :: text:
	if {_side} contains "head":
		return "{@heads}"
		return "{@tails}"
#Resetting variables on rejoin so that users if encounter an error can just relog. Also initialize some variables
on join:
	set {cf.isActive::%player%} to false
	if {cf.activeplayer::%player%} is not set:
		set {cf.activeplayer::%player%} to false
	if {cf.wins::%player%} is not set:
		set {cf.wins::%player%} to 0
		set {cf.loses::%player%} to 0

function soundNo(p: player):
	play sound "" with volume 0.2 at {_p}