Created by ShyDoge

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Lots O' Logs

# EVERYTHING WILL PATH TO "\/plugins/skript/logs/LOL/"

  log-block-break: false # PATHED
  log-block-place: false # PATHED
  log-entity-killed: false # PATHED
  log-entity-damaged: false # PATHED
  log-chat-messages: false # PATHED
  log-commands: false # PATHED
  log-player-killed: false # PATHED
  log-player-damaged: false # PATHED
  log-dimension-changes: false # PATHED
  log-player-join: false # PATHED
  log-player-quit: false # PATHED
  log-everything: false
  permission-no-log: "op"
  group-logs: false


on block break:
  if {@log-block-break} is true:
    if player has permission {@permission-no-log}:
      send "Automatically disabled logs for %player%" to console
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% broke %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% broke %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/block/blockbreak.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if player has permission {@permission-no-log}:
      send "Automatically disabled logs for %player%" to console
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% broke %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% broke %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/block/blockbreak.log"

on block place:
  if {@log-block-place} is true:
    if player has permission {@permission-no-log}:
      send "Automatically disabled logs for %player%" to console
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% placed %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% placed %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/block/blockplace.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if player has permission {@permission-no-log}:
      send "Automatically disabled logs for %player%" to console
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% placed %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%player% placed %event-block% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/block/blockplace.log"

on death:
  if {@log-entity-killed} is true:
    if victim is not a player:
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/entity/death.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/entity/death.log"

on damage:
  if {@log-entity-damaged} is true:
    if victim is not a player:
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/entity/damage.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/entity/damage.log"

on chat:
  if {@log-chat-messages} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% sent ""%message%"" in chat (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% sent ""%message%"" in chat (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/chat.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% sent ""%message%"" in chat (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% sent ""%message%"" in chat (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/chat.log"

on command:
  if {@log-commands} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% executed ""%command%"" as a command (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% executed ""%command%"" as a command (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/command.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% executed ""%command%"" as a command (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% executed ""%command%"" as a command (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/command.log"

on death:
  if {@log-player-killed} is true:
    if victim is player:
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/death.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% died (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/death.log"

on damage:
  if {@log-player-damaged} is true:
    if victim is player:
      if {@group-logs} is true:
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
        add 1 to {TotalEvents}
        log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/damage.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%victim% was damaged by %damage% (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/damage.log"

on portal:
  if {@log-dimension-changes} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% enterred a portal (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% enterred a portal (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/portal.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% enterred a portal (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% enterred a portal (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/world/portal.log"

on join:
  if {@log-player-join} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% joined the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% joined the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/join.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% joined the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% joined the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/join.log"

on quit:
  if {@log-player-quit} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% quit the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% quit the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/quit.log"
  else if {@log-everything} is true:
    if {@group-logs} is true:
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% quit the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/group.log"
      add 1 to {TotalEvents}
      log "%player% quit the server (Event-%{TotalEvents}%)" to "LOL/player/quit.log"
command /brand:
    send "&6Author&7: ShyDoge"
    send "&6Plugin&7: Lots O' Logs"
    send "&6Download Link&7: <link:>&9Click Here<reset>"