
Created by _Vlad1101_

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /chatemoji [<text>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /chatm
		if player does not have permission "chatemoji.admin":
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
			message "               &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oV1.0"
			message "               &7By &f_Vlad1101_"
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-"
		if arg-1 is not set:
			if arg-2 is not set:
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
				message "        &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oHelp &7&oV1.0" to executor
				message "" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji help" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list of help." to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list emoji" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with emoji" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list numbers" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with numbers." to executor				
				message "               &e/chatemoji reload" to executor
				message "               &f&oReload this skript" to executor
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
		if arg-1 is not "help" or "list" or "reload":
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
			message "        &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oHelp &7&oV1.0" to executor
			message "" to executor
			message "               &e/chatemoji help" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list of help." to executor
			message "               &e/chatemoji list emoji" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list with emoji" to executorr
			message "               &e/chatemoji list numbers" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list with numbers." to executor				
			message "               &e/chatemoji reload" to executor
			message "               &f&oReload this skript" to executor
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
		else if arg-1 is "help":
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
			message "        &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oHelp &7&oV1.0" to executor
			message "" to executor
			message "               &e/chatemoji help" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list of help." to executor
			message "               &e/chatemoji list emoji" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list with emoji" to executor
			message "               &e/chatemoji list numbers" to executor
			message "               &f&oView a list with numbers." to executor				
			message "               &e/chatemoji reload" to executor
			message "               &f&oReload this skript" to executor
			message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
		if arg-1 is "list":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
				message "              &cWrong Command &7&oV1.0" to executor
				message "" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list emoji" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with emoji" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list numbers" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with numbers." to executor				
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
			if arg-2 is not "emoji" or "numbers":
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
				message "              &cWrong Command &7&oV1.0" to executor
				message "" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list emoji" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with emoji" to executor
				message "               &e/chatemoji list numbers" to executor
				message "               &f&oView a list with numbers." to executor				
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
			else if arg-2 is "emoji":
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
				message "        &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oList-Emoji &7&oV1.0" to executor
				message "" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*:)*&8] &7- &8[&e☺&8]         &8[&e*:(*&8] &7- &8[&e☹&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*:-)*&8] &7- &8[&e☻&8]        &8[&e*<3*&8] &7- &8[&4❤&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*sun*&8] &7- &8[&6☼&8]       &8[&e*star*&8] &7- &8[&e✰&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*snow*&8] &7- &8[&b❆&8]     &8[&e*cloud*&8] &7- &8[&b☁&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*plane*&8] &7- &8[&b✈&8]    &8[&e*crown*&8] &7- &8[&e♛&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*skull*&8] &7- &8[&7☠&8]      &8[&e*caution*&8] &7- &8[&4⚠&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*<*&8] &7- &8[&e«&8]          &8[&e*>*&8] &7- &8[&e»&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*check*&8] &7- &8[&a✔&8]    &8[&e*x*&8] &7- &8[&c✖&8]" to executor
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r" to executor
			else if arg-2 is "numbers":
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r"
				message "        &e&lChatEmoji1101 &f&oList-Numbers &7&oV1.0" to executor
				message "" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*1*&8] &7- &8[&e➀&8]         &8[&e*2*&8] &7- &8[&e➁&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*3*&8] &7- &8[&e➂&8]         &8[&e*4*&8] &7- &8[&e➃&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*5*&8] &7- &8[&e➄&8]         &8[&e*6*&8] &7- &8[&e➅&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*7*&8] &7- &8[&e➆&8]         &8[&e*8*&8] &7- &8[&e➇&8]" to executor
				message "        &8[&e*9*&8] &7- &8[&e➈&8]         &8[&e*10*&8] &7- &8[&e➉&8]" to executor
				message "               &8&m-+----------+-&r" to executor		
		else if arg-1 is "reload":
			execute console command "/sk reload chatemoji"
			wait 1 second
			send player title "&6&lRELOAD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lR&6&lELOAD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lRE&6&lLOAD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lREL&6&lOAD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lRELO&6&lAD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lRELOA&6&lD" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
			wait 0.2 seconds
			send player title "&e&lRELOAD&6&l" with subtitle "&eThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
on chat:
	if player has permission "chatemoji.use":
#                                       EMOJI                                           #
		replace all "*:)*" in message with "&e☺&r"
		replace all "*:(*" in message with "&e☹&r"
		replace all "*:-)*" in message with "&e☻&r"
		replace all "*<3*" in message with "&4❤&r"
		replace all "*sun*" in message with "&6☼&r"
		replace all "*star*" in message with "&e✰&r"
		replace all "*snow*" in message with "&b❆&r"
		replace all "*cloud*" in message with "&b☁&r"
		replace all "*plane*" in message with "&b✈&r"
		replace all "*crown*" in message with "&e♛&r"
		replace all "*skull*" in message with "&7☠&r"
		replace all "*<*" in message with "«"
		replace all "*>*" in message with "»"
		replace all "*check*" in message with "&a✔&r"
		replace all "*x*" in message with "&c✖&r"
		replace all "*caution*" in message with "&4⚠&r"
#                                      NUMBERS                                          #
		replace all "*1*" in message with "&e➀&r"
		replace all "*2*" in message with "&e➁&r"
		replace all "*3*" in message with "&e➂&r"
		replace all "*4*" in message with "&e➃&r"
		replace all "*5*" in message with "&e➄&r"
		replace all "*6*" in message with "&e➅&r"
		replace all "*7*" in message with "&e➆&r"
		replace all "*8*" in message with "&e➇&r"
		replace all "*9*" in message with "&e➈&r"
		replace all "*10*" in message with "&e➉&r"