
Created by Creaous

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Created by Creaous on 3/01/2021
# Last edited by Creaous on 17/01/2021 at 12:00 AM

# This code is not for commerical use, do not sell, only use.

# Tasks finished:
# Everyone apart from Diverting Power and Reactor.

# !!! NEED FIXING: Fix Wiring (ELECTRICAL) !!!

# DISCLAIMER: This is a BETA build meaning stuff in this build is NOT FINAL.
# This Skript is still in its early ages and bugs may occur, please use the github issues page or DM me on SpigotMC.

	# ---------------
	# ---------------

	# The world the game will take place in.
	World: amongus

	# ----------
	# ----------

	# -- SABOTAGES: --
	# Sabotage Cooldown for Lights.
	SabotageCooldown_Lights: 30
	# Sabotage Cooldown for O2.
	SabotageCooldown_O2: 30
	# Sabotage Cooldown for Comms.
	SabotageCooldown_Comms: 30

	# -- OTHERS: --

	# The cooldown for the emergency meeting in seconds.
	EmergencyMeetingCooldown: 60 # 60 good
	# Emergency meeting time.
	EmergencyMeeting: 60 # 60 good
	# The vote timers time (same as emergency meeting).
	VoteTimer: 60 # 60 good
	# The cooldown for the kills (imposter) in seconds.
	KillCooldown: 35 # 35 good

	# -----------------------
	# -----------------------

	# The default permission set.
	Perm: amongus
	# The hoster permission.
	HostPerm: amongus.hoster

	# ------------
	# ------------

	# The version of the plugin.
	Version: 1.0.0-BETA
	# The type (Premium or Open-Source)
	Type: Open-Source

# All credits marked with (J) mean Java Account, all ones marked with (B) mean Xbox Account.
# Mostly all if not all of the code is done/made by: Creaous_ (J).
# Original map made by: spadFour (
# Edited map made by: Creaous_ (J), RiptideDragon15 (J) and Gamerguy8282 (B).
# Game testers: ibxki1865 (B), Gamerguy8282 (B) and RiptideDragon15 (J).
# Some code was some samples, from my skripts and other peoples skripts.
# Original game made by: Innersloth Studios - Thanks for making it :)

# CCTV Plugin - Timdecoole123 -
# Tablisknu - TIatoani -
# Skript - Njol (SkriptLang fork) -
# SkQuery - RealGatt (LimeGlass fork) -
# ProtocolLib - dmulloy2 and aadnk -

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Only edit if you know what you are doing, you will not receive any support with this.
# If you have the premium support version, you will not receive support using a modified version.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Variables:
# {AmongUs::Game::Started} - Boolean Value - If the game has been started or not "true" or "false".
# {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*} - List Value - The list of tasks that is used to be given out randomly.
# {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown} - True or False - If the emergency meeting is on cooldown.
# {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time} - Numerical Value - The time until the emergency is not on cooldown.
# {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*} - List Value - The defintions for the emergency meeting seats.
# {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::PLAYER::*} - List Value - The list of tasks the player has to complete.
# {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::Finished::PLAYER} - Numerical Value - The amount of tasks the player finished.
# {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::PLAYER} - Text Value - The type of job the player has ("crewmate" or "imposter").
# {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} - List Value - The players name of which are imposters.
# {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} - Boolean Value - If the players are allowed to talk.
# {AmongUs::Game::Voting} - Boolean Value - If the players are allowed to vote on someone else.

# Todo List:
# f=Finished hf=Half Finished mf=Mostly Finished
# - Add Tasks [F] (apart from diver power and reactor)
# - Add Vent System [F]
# - Add Start System [F]
# - Imposter System [F]
# - Emergency Meeting and Report Body System [F]
# - Sabotage System [F] (apart from reactor)
# - Voting System [F]
# - Ejection System [F]
# - Winning System [F]


command /info:
		send "%{AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}%"

command /start:
	permission: {@HostPerm}
	permission message: &cYou are lacking the permission node: &6{@HostPerm}&c, please contact the server administrator.
		if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
			# Use the start game function with the player as the argument.
			send "%{AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::MessageAdmin}%"

command /end:
	permission: {@HostPerm}
	permission message: &cYou are lacking the permission node: &6{@HostPerm}&c, please contact the server administrator.
		if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
			# Use the end game function with the player as the argument.
			send "%{AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::MessageAdmin}%"

command /sabotage [<text>]:
		if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
			if {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} contains player:
				# If the 1st argument is "lights".
				if argument 1 is "lights":
					# Set the block at a location to air (the redstone block).
					set block at location(109, 38, 352, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
					# Use the sabotage function with the argument as "lights".
					sabotage(player, "lights")
				# Else if the 1st argument is "comms".
				else if argument 1 is "comms":
					# Use the sabotage function with the argument as "comms".
					sabotage(player, "comms")
				# Else if the 1st argument is "o2".
				else if argument 1 is "o2":
					# Use the sabotage function with the argument as "o2".
					sabotage(player, "o2")
				# Else if the 1st argument is not set.
				else if argument 1 is not set:
					# Open chest with 3 rows and named "Sabotage" in dark red.
					open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lSabotage" to player
					# Wait 3 ticks to avoid not opening.
					wait 3 ticks
					# Format the 11th slot with a redstone lamp named "Lights" in light red to sabotage lights.
					format slot 11 of player with redstone lamp named "&cLights" to close then run [make player execute command "/sabotage lights"]
					# Format the 13th slot with a nametag named "Comms" in light blue to sabotage comms.
					format slot 13 of player with nametag named "&9Comms" to close then run [make player execute command "/sabotage comms"]
					# Format the 15th slot with a water bottle named "O2" in gold to sabotage O2.
					format slot 15 of player with water bottle named "&6O2" to close then run [make player execute command "/sabotage o2"]

command /whoami [<text>]:
		if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
			# If the 1st argument isn't set.
			if argument 1 is not set:
				# Say the players name.
				send "&6%player's name%"
				# Say what job the player has ("imposter" or "cremwate").
				send "&eJob: &6%{AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%}%"
				# Say what tasks the player has.
				send "&eTasks: &6%{AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%player%::*}%"
				# Say how many finished tasks the player has.
				send "&eYour finished tasks: &6%{AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::Finished::%player%}%"
				# Say how many remaining tasks the player has.
				send "&eRemaining tasks: &6%size of {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%player%::*}%"
				# Say what tasks the player has.
				send "&eTasks: &6%{AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%player%::*}%"
			send "%{AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed::MessageAdmin}%"				


on join:
	# If the player is in the "amongus" world.
	if player's world is "{@World}":
		# If the player's job is "crewmate".
		if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "crewmate":
			# Remove the player from the crewmates team.
			remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*}
			# Set the player's gamemode to spectator mode.
			set player's gamemode to spectator
		# Else if the player's job is "imposter":
		else if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "imposter":
			# Remove the player from the imposters team.
			remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*}
			# Set the player's gamemode to spectator mode.
			set player's gamemode to spectator

on quit:
	# If the player is in the "amongus" world.
	if player's world is "{@World}":
		# If the player's job is "crewmate".
		if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "crewmate":
			# Remove the player from the crewmates team.
			remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*}
			# Set the player's gamemode to spectator mode.
			set player's gamemode to spectator
		# Else if the player's job is "imposter":
		else if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "imposter":
			# Remove the player from the imposters team.
			remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*}
			# Set the player's gamemode to spectator mode.
			set player's gamemode to spectator

every 30 seconds:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the game has started:
		if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is true:
			# Loop all players.
			loop all players:
				# If loop player is in the world.
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					# If the players job is "crewmate".
					if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%loop-player%} is "crewmate":
						# Make the player execute the whoami (mini) command.
						make loop-player execute command "/whoami mini"

on chat:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the player is in the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# If the game's allowed to talk is true.
			if {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} is true:
				# Loop all players.
				loop all players:
					# If the loop-player is in the correct world.
					if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
						# If the message is the loop-player.
						if message is "%loop-player%":
							# If the difference between the vote timer and now is less than 10 seconds.
							if difference between {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} and now is less than {@VoteTimer} seconds:
								# If the player's voted isn't set.
								if {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%player's uuid%} is not set:
									# Cancel the event.
									cancel event
									# Set the player's voted to now.
									set {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%player's uuid%} to now
									# Add 1 to the arg-player's vote list.
									add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::%message%}
									# Say that your vote has been counted.
									send "&aYour vote towards &6%message% &ahas been counted!"
									broadcast "&6%player% &evoted!" in world("{@World}")
									# Say you have already voted.
									send "&cYou have already voted."

						else if message is "skip":
							# If the difference between the vote timer and now is less than 10 seconds.
							if difference between {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} and now is less than {@VoteTimer} seconds:
								# If the player's voted isn't set.
								if {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%player's uuid%} is not set:
									# Cancel the event.
									cancel event
									# Set the player's voted to now.
									set {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%player's uuid%} to now
									# Add 1 to the arg-player's vote list.
									add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::%message%}
									# Say that your vote has been counted.
									send "&aYou have skipped voting!"
									broadcast "&6%player% &evoted!" in world("{@World}")
									# Say you have already voted.
									send "&cYou have already voted."

				# Cancel the event.
				cancel event
				# Say that they are not allowed to speak apart during reporting bodies and emergency meetings.
				send "&cYou are not allowed to speak. Only during reporting bodies and emergency meetings."

on right-click:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the player is in the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# If the block is a iron trapdoor.
			if block is iron trapdoor:
				# If the player's job is "imposter".
				if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "imposter":
					# Teleport the player above the iron trapdoor.
					teleport the player above the block
					# Say that they aren't the imposter.
					send "&c&lYou are not an imposter!"

			# If the block is a stone button.
			if block is stone button:
				# Use the callMeeting function with "emergencyMeeting" as the argument.
				callMeeting(player, "emergencyMeeting")

on sneak toggle:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# if the player is in the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# If the player is sneaking.
			if player is sneaking:
				# If the block under the player is an iron trapdoor.
				if block under player is iron trapdoor:
					# If the player's job is "imposter".
					if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "imposter":
						# Teleport the player 2 metres under themselves.
						teleport player to location 2 meters under the player
						# Say vented.
						send "&7&lVented!"
						# Say that they aren't the imposter.
						send "&c&lYou are not an imposter!"

on sign change:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If line 1 of the sign is "[Among Us]".
		if line 1 is "[Among Us]":
			# If line 1 of the sign is "[Task]".
			if line 2 is "[Task]":
				# Send a message in lime green saying placed sign.
				send "&aPlaced sign!"
				# Set the first line to "[Among Us]" in red.
				set line 1 of block to "&c[Among Us]"
				# Set the second line to "[Task]" in lime green.
				set line 2 of block to "&a[Task]"
				# Set the third line to the third line but in yellow.
				set line 3 of block to "&e%line 3%"

on damage:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		if attacker's world is "{@World}":
			# If the difference between the vote timer and now is less than 10 seconds.
			if difference between {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} and now is more than {@VoteTimer} seconds:
				# Cancel the event.
				cancel event
				# Send you are not an imposter to the attacker.
				send "&c&lYou are not allowed to kill during meetings or reporting bodies!" to attacker
				# If the games imposter list contains the attackers name.
				if {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} contains "%attacker%":
					increase damage by 1000%
					# Set the Kill Cooldown Cooldown to true.
					set {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%attacker%::OnCooldown} to true
					# Set the Kill Cooldown Time to the KillCooldown variable.
					set {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%attacker%::Time} to {@KillCooldown}
					# Cancel the event.
					cancel event
					# Send you are not an imposter to the attacker.
					send "&c&lYou are not an imposter!" to attacker

on death of player:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the player's world is the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# Set the player's death message to nothing.
			set death message to ""

on right-click:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the player's world is the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# If the block is a sign.
			if block is sign:

				# Engines:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eLower Engine":
							DoTask(player, "Lower Engine")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eUpper Engine":
							DoTask(player, "Upper Engine")

				# Cafeteria:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eCafeteria: Empty":
							DoTask(player, "Cafeteria: Empty")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eCafeteria: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "Cafeteria: Upload")

				# Weapons:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eWeapons: Clear":
							DoTask(player, "Weapons: Clear")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eWeapons: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "Weapons: Upload")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eWeapons: Divert":
							DoTask(player, "Weapons: Divert")

				# O2:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eO2: Empty Chute":
							DoTask(player, "O2: Empty chute")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eO2: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "O2: Upload")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eO2: Clean filter":
							DoTask(player, "O2: Clean filter")

				# Navigation:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eNav: Chart":
							DoTask(player, "Nav: Chart")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eNav: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "Nav: Upload")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eNav: Divert":
							DoTask(player, "Nav: Divert")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eNav: Stabilize":
							DoTask(player, "Nav: Stabilize")

				# Shields:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eShields: Divert":
							DoTask(player, "Shields: Divert")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eShields: Prime":
							DoTask(player, "Shields: Prime")

				# Communications:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eComms: Divert":
							DoTask(player, "Comms: Divert")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eComms: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "Comms: Upload")

				# Storage:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eStorage: Fuel":
							DoTask(player, "Storage: Fuel")

				# Admin:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eAdmin: Swipe Card":
							DoTask(player, "Admin: Swipe Card")

				# Electrical:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eElectric: Calibrate":
							DoTask(player, "Electric: Calibrate")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eElectric: Fix":
							DoTask(player, "Electric: Fix")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eElectric: Upload":
							DoTask(player, "Electric: Upload")

				# Reactor:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eReactor: Start":
							DoTask(player, "Reactor: Start")

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eReactor: Unlock":
							DoTask(player, "Reactor: Unlock")

				# Security:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eSecurity: Divert":
							DoTask(player, "Security: Divert")

				# Medbay:

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eMedbay: Scan":
							DoTask(player, "Medbay: Scan")

				# Death

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Death]":
						callMeeting(player, "reportBody")
						break the block 

				# Fix Lights

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eFix Lights":
							if block at location(109, 38, 352, "{@World}" parsed as world) is air:
								DoTask(player, "S: Fix Lights")
								send "&cLights aren't out yet."

				# Fix Comms

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eFix Comms":
							if block at location(149, 34, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) is iron block:
								DoTask(player, "S: Comms")
								send "&cComms aren't out yet."

				# Fix O2

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eFix O2: 1":
							if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} is true:
								if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} is 0 or 1:
									DoTask(player, "S: Fix O2: 1")
								send "&cO2 isn't out yet."

				if line 1 is "&c[Among Us]":
					if line 2 is "&a[Task]":
						if line 3 is "&eFix O2: 2":
							if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} is true:
								if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} is 0 or 1:
									DoTask(player, "S: Fix O2: 2")
								send "&cO2 isn't out yet."

on death of player:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the player's in the correct world.
		if player's world is "{@World}":
			# Set the block at the victim's location to a OAK sign.
			set block at victim's location to oak sign
			# Set the first line to [Among Us] in red text.
			set 1st line of block at victim to "&c[Among Us]"
			# Set the first line to [Death] in lime green text.
			set 2nd line of block at victim to "&a[Death]"
			# Set the first line to the victim's in yellow text.
			set 3rd line of block at victim to "&e%victim%"

			# Set the {_players::*} to every player in the world.
			set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")
			# Set {_playerscount} to the size of the {_players::*} variable.
			set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

			# If the game started is true.
			if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is true:
				# If the player's job is "imposter".
				if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "imposter":
					# Remove the player from the imposters list.
					remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*}
				# Else if the player's job is "cremwate".
				else if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%player%} is "crewmate":
					# Remove the player from the cremwates list.
					remove player from {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*}
				# If the players count is less than 3.
				if {_playerscount} is less than 3:
					# Set the game started to false.
					set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false

			# Force the player to respawn.
			force player to respawn
			# Set the player's gamemode to spectator.
			set player's gamemode to spectator
			# Teleport the player to the emergency meeting table location in the world.
			teleport the player to location(110, 34, 288, "{@World}" parsed as world)
			# Say that they died in red text.
			send "&c&lYou died!"

every 1 second:
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the Emergency Meeting Cooldown is true.
		if {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown} is true:
			# If the Emergency Meeting Time is 0.
			if {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time} is 0:
				# Delete the Emergency Meeting Time.
				delete {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time}
				# Set the Emergency Meeting Cooldown to false.
				set {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown} to false
				# Set the allowed to talk variable to false.
				set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to false
				# Remove 1 from the Emergency Meeting Time.
				remove 1 from {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time}

		loop all players:
			# If the Kill Cooldown is true.
			if {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%loop-player%::OnCooldown} is true:
				# If the Kill Cooldown Time is 0.
				if {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%loop-player%::Time} is 0:
					# Delete the Kill Cooldown Time.
					delete {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%loop-player%::Time}
					# Set the Kill Cooldown Cooldown to false.
					set {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%loop-player%::OnCooldown} to false
					# Remove 1 from the Kill Cooldown Time.
					remove 1 from {AmongUs::Game::KillCooldown::%loop-player%::Time}

		# If the Sabotage Lights Cooldown is true.
		if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::OnCooldown} is true:
			# If the Sabotage Lights Time is 0.
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::Time} is 0:
				# Delete the Sabotage Lights Time.
				delete {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::Time}
				# Set the Sabotage Lights Cooldown to false.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::OnCooldown} to false
				# Remove 1 from the Sabotage Lights Time.
				remove 1 from {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::Time}

		# If the Sabotage O2 Cooldown is true.
		if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::OnCooldown} is true:
			# If the Sabotage O2 Time is 0.
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::Time} is 0:
				# Delete the Sabotage O2 Time.
				delete {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::Time}
				# Set the Sabotage O2 Cooldown to false.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::OnCooldown} to false
				# Remove 1 from the Sabotage O2 Time.
				remove 1 from {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::Time}

		# If the Sabotage Comms Cooldown is true.
		if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::OnCooldown} is true:
			# If the Sabotage Comms Time is 0.
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::Time} is 0:
				# Delete the Sabotage Comms Time.
				delete {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::Time}
				# Set the Sabotage Comms Cooldown to false.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::OnCooldown} to false
				# Remove 1 from the Sabotage Comms Time.
				remove 1 from {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::Time}

		# If the difference between the vote timer and now is less than 10 seconds.
		if difference between {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} and now is more than {@VoteTimer} seconds:	
			# Clear the vote timer.
			clear {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer}
			# Delete everyone's voted.
			delete {AmongUs::Game::Voted::*}
			# Set "{_sorted::*}" to a storted list of the votes.
			set {_sorted::*} to sorted {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::*}
			# Set "{_top}" to the last element out of the sorted votes.
			set {_top} to last element out of {_sorted::*}
			# If {_top} isn't set .
			if {_top} is not set:
				# Broadcast that none voted in the right world.
				broadcast "&eNone voted!" in world("{@World}")
				# Do nothing else.
			# Loop the vote list.
			loop {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::*}:
				# If loop-value is {_top}.
				loop-value is {_top}
				# If {_p} is set.
				if {_p} is set:
					# Broadcast that there was a tie in the right world.
					broadcast "&eTie!" in world("{@World}")
					# Do nothing else
				# Set {_p} to the loop-index.
				set {_p} to loop-index
			# Broadcast that the {_p} is getting ejected and had {_top} votes in the right world.
			broadcast "&eEjecting &6%{_p}%&e, they had &6%{_top}% &evotes!" in world("{@World}")
			# Eject the player using the function.
			ejectPlayer({_p} parsed as player) # IMPLEMENT LATER

		# Delete all of the Emergency Meeting seats.
		delete {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

		# All of the seats location for emergency meetings (& reporting bodies).
		add location(120, 34, 388, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(120, 34, 389, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(120, 34, 387, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

		add location(119, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(118, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(117, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

		add location(116, 34, 389, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(116, 34, 388, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(116, 34, 387, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

		add location(117, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(118, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
		add location(119, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}


every 2 seconds:
	if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is true:
		set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")
		set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

		if {_playerscount} is less than 1: # !!! CHANGE TO 3 !!!

			set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false

		if size of {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} is less than 1:

		if size of {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*} is less than 1: # !!! CHANGE TO 2 !!!


on script load:
	send "&8--------------------------------------------------------------" to console
	send "&c&lAmong Us &eby &6Creaous_ &erunning &6{@Version} &e:)" to console

	# Use the reset everything function.
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is true:
		wait 1 second
		send "%{AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::MessageConsole}%" to console

on inventory click:
	if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&0Fuel":
		if clicked slot is 13:
			close player's inventory
			finishTask(player, "Storage: Fuel")

	if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&0Chart Course":
		cancel event
		if name of clicked slot is "&b4":
			if {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::NavChart} is higher than 2:
				close player's inventory
				finishTask(player, "Nav: Chart")
				delete {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::NavChart}
		else if name of clicked slot is "&43":
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::NavChart}
			send "&aAdded 3 (click me in order from bottom to top)!"
		else if name of clicked slot is "&c2":
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::NavChart}
			send "&aAdded 2 (click me in order from bottom to top)!"
		else if name of clicked slot is "&a1":
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::NavChart}
			send "&aAdded 1 (click me in order from bottom to top)!"

	if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&0Fix wiring (click the glass panes)":
		cancel event
		#set slot 28 of {_p}'s current inventory to a white stained glass pane named "&b&lBlue Wire" with lore "Click me to connect."
		if {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring} is higher than 2:
			close player's inventory
			send "&a&lConnected all wires!"
			finishTask(player, "Electric: Fix")
			delete {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring}
			if name of clicked slot is "&c&lRed Wire":
				add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring}
				set slot 0 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 1 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 3 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 5 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 7 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 8 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				send "&c&lConnected red wire!"
			else if name of clicked slot is "&e&lYellow Wire":
				add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring}
				set slot 9 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 10 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 11 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 12 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 13 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 14 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 15 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 16 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 17 of player's current inventory to yellow stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				send "&e&lConnected yellow wire!"
			else if name of clicked slot is "&d&lPink Wire":
				add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring}
				set slot 18 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 19 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 20 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 21 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 22 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 23 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 24 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 25 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 26 of player's current inventory to pink stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				send "&d&lConnected pink wire!"
			else if name of clicked slot is "&b&lBlue Wire":
				add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::TEMP::%player%::Tasks::Wiring}
				set slot 27 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 28 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 29 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 30 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 31 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 32 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 33 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 34 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				set slot 35 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&aConnected" with lore "&eConnected to wire!"
				send "&b&lConnected blue wire!"


function winGame(t: text):
	if {_t} is "crewmates":
		broadcast "&aCrewmates win!" in world("{@World}")
		set gamemode of all players to survival
		set {_loc} to location(122, 6, 496, "{@World}" parsed as world)
		set yaw of {_loc} to -269
		set pitch of {_loc} to 4
		teleport all players in world("{@World}") to {_loc}

		# Run the resetEverything function.

		# Loop all players.
		loop all players:
			# If the loop player is in the world.
			if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
				# Set the nametag back to normal.
				set loop-player's nametag to loop-player's name
				reveal loop-player from all players

		# Do it again just in case.
		reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

		wait 3 second

		reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

		# Set the game started to true
		set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false
	else if {_t} is "imposters":
		broadcast "&cImposters win!" in world("{@World}")
		set gamemode of all players to survival
		set {_loc} to location(122, 6, 496, "{@World}" parsed as world)
		set yaw of {_loc} to -269
		set pitch of {_loc} to 4
		teleport all players in world("{@World}") to {_loc}

		# Loop all players.
		loop all players:
			# If the loop player is in the world.
			if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
				# Set the nametag back to normal.
				set loop-player's nametag to loop-player's name
				reveal loop-player from all players

		# Do it again just in case.
		reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

		wait 3 second

		reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

		# Set the game started to true
		set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false

		# Run the resetEverything function.

	# Set the game started to true
	set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false

function ejectPlayer(p: player):
	send "&eGoodbye!" to {_p}
	hide all players from all players in world("{@World}")
	reveal {_p} from all players in world("{@World}")
	set {_loc} to location(116, 35, 356, "{@World}" parsed as world)
	set yaw of {_loc} to -180
	set pitch of {_loc} to 1
	teleport all players in world("{@World}") to {_loc}

	set {_loc2} to location(116, 33, 352, "{@World}" parsed as world)
	set yaw of {_loc2} to 1
	set pitch of {_loc2} to 5
	teleport {_p} to {_loc2}

	wait 3 second
	set block at location(113, 35, 351, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
	wait 2 second
	set block at location(113, 35, 351, "{@World}" parsed as world) to redstone block
	wait 3 second
	reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

	loop all players:
		# Set {_players::*} to all of the players.
		set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")

		# Set {_playerscount} to the amount of players.
		set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

		# Loop for how many players are on the server.
		loop {_playerscount} times:
			# set {_var} to a random emergency meeting seat.
			set {_var} to random element out of {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
			# Set {_var2} to a random player in the world.
			set {_var2} to random element out of {_players::*}
			# Remove {_var} from the emergency meeting seats.
			remove {_var} from {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
			# Remove {_var2} from the players list.
			remove {_var2} from {_players::*}
			# Teleport the player to the emergency meeting seat.
			teleport {_var2} to {_var}

	# Do it again just in case.
	reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

	wait 3 second

	reveal all players from all players in world("{@World}")

function callMeeting(p: player, t: text):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		# If the 2nd argument is "emergencyMeeting".
		if {_t} is "emergencyMeeting":
			# If the Emergency Meeting Cooldown is true.
			if {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown} is true:
				# Send a message saying that it is on cooldown and how long it has left.
				send "&eEmergency meeting is currently on cooldown for &6%{AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time}% &esecond(s)." to {_p}
				loop all players:
					if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
						set {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%loop-player%} to false
						delete {AmongUs::Game::Votes::%loop-player%::*}

				# Set the Emergency Meeting Cooldown to true.
				set {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown} to true
				# Set the Emergency Meeting Time to the EmergencyMeetingCooldown variable.
				set {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time} to {@EmergencyMeetingCooldown}
				# Broadcast to the entire world that the player called an emergency meeting.
				broadcast "&6%{_p}% &ehas called an emergency meeting!" in world("{@World}")
				broadcast "&eTo vote on someone, just type their name in chat or type &cskip &eto skip the vote."

				# Loop all people on server.
				loop all players:
					# If the player is in the Among Us world.
					if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
						# Set {_players::*} to all of the players.
						set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")

						# Set {_playerscount} to the amount of players.
						set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

						# Loop for how many players are on the server.
						loop {_playerscount} times:
							# set {_var} to a random emergency meeting seat.
							set {_var} to random element out of {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
							# Set {_var2} to a random player in the world.
							set {_var2} to random element out of {_players::*}
							# Remove {_var} from the emergency meeting seats.
							remove {_var} from {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
							# Remove {_var2} from the players list.
							remove {_var2} from {_players::*}
							# Teleport the player to the emergency meeting seat.
							teleport {_var2} to {_var}

				# Set the allowed to talk variable to true.
				set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to true

				set {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} to now
				clear {AmongUs::Game::Vote::*}
				clear {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::*}

				wait {@EmergencyMeeting} seconds
				set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to false

				# Delete everyone's voted.
				delete {AmongUs::Game::Voted::*}
		else if {_t} is "reportBody":
			loop all players:
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					set {AmongUs::Game::Voted::%loop-player%} to false
					delete {AmongUs::Game::Votes::%loop-player%::*}

			# Broadcast to the entire world that the player reported a body.
			broadcast "&6%{_p}% &ehas reported a body!" in world("{@World}")
			broadcast "&eTo vote on someone, just type their name in chat."

			# Loop all people on server.
			loop all players:
				# If the player is in the Among Us world.
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					# Set {_players::*} to all of the players.
					set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")

					# Set {_playerscount} to the amount of players.
					set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

					# Loop for how many players are on the server.
					loop {_playerscount} times:
						# set {_var} to a random emergency meeting seat.
						set {_var} to random element out of {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
						# Set {_var2} to a random player in the world.
						set {_var2} to random element out of {_players::*}
						# Remove {_var} from the emergency meeting seats.
						remove {_var} from {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
						# Remove {_var2} from the players list.
						remove {_var2} from {_players::*}
						# Teleport the player to the emergency meeting seat.
						teleport {_var2} to {_var}

			# Set the allowed to talk variable to true.
			set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to true

			set {AmongUs::Game::VoteTimer} to now
			clear {AmongUs::Game::Vote::*}
			clear {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::*}

			wait {@EmergencyMeeting} seconds
			set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to false

			# Delete everyone's voted.
			delete {AmongUs::Game::Voted::*}

function freezePlayer(p: player):
	set {AmongUs::Game::Freezed::%{_p}%} to true
	set {_x} to x coord of {_p}
	set {_z} to z coord of {_p}
	set {_y} to y coord of {_p}
	while {_p} is online:
		if {AmongUs::Game::Freezed::%{_p}%} is set:
			if x coord of {_p} is not {_x}:
				teleport {_p} to location({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, world of {_p})
			if z coord of {_p} is not {_z}:
				teleport {_p} to location({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, world of {_p})
			if y coord of {_p} is not {_y}:
				teleport {_p} to location({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, world of {_p})
			wait 3 tick

function DoTask(p: player, job: text):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		if {_job} is "S: Fix Lights":
			# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
			send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
			# Wait 2 seconds.
			wait 5 seconds
			finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
			set block at location(109, 38, 352, "{@World}" parsed as world) to redstone block
			# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
			send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}

		else if {_job} is "S: Comms":
			# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
			send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
			# Wait 2 seconds.
			wait 5 seconds
			finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
			set block at location(149, 34, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 35, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 36, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air

			set block at location(149, 34, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 35, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 36, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air

			set block at location(149, 34, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 35, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			set block at location(149, 36, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to air
			# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
			send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}

		else if {_job} is "S: Fix O2: 1":
			# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
			send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
			# Wait 2 seconds.
			wait 5 seconds
			finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
			# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
			send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished}
			if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} is 2:
				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} to 0
				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} to false

		else if {_job} is "S: Fix O2: 2":
			# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
			send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
			# Wait 2 seconds.
			wait 5 seconds
			finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
			# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
			send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished}
			if {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} is 2:
				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} to 0
				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} to false

		else if {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%{_p}%::*} contains {_job}:
			if {_job} is "Medbay: Scan":
				open chest with 3 rows named "&0SCAN-MO-TRON-2000" to {_p}
				wait 1 second
				format slot 10 of {_p} with paper named "&7NAME: &e%{_p}%" to be unstealable
				wait 1 second
				format slot 12 of {_p} with wool named "&7PING: &e%{_p}'s ping%" to be unstealable
				wait 1 second
				format slot 14 of {_p} with beacon named "&7HEIGHT: &e3' 6""" to be unstealable
				wait 1 second
				format slot 16 of {_p} with anvil named "&7WEIGHT: &e92lb" to be unstealable
				wait 2 seconds
				close {_p}'s inventory
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Storage: Fuel":
				open chest with 3 rows named "&0Fuel" to {_p}
				wait 3 ticks
				set slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory to a lava bucket named "&4&lFuel" with lore "Click me to restore fuel."

			else if {_job} is "Electric: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Cafeteria: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Admin: Swipe Card":
				chance of 10%:
					send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
					finishTask({_p}, "Admin: Swipe Card")
					close {_p}'s inventory
					send "&cFailure!" to {_p}

			else if {_job} is "Comms: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Comms: Divert":

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}


			else if {_job} is "Electric: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Cafeteria: Empty":
				send "&a&lThrowing out garbage." to {_p}
				wait 2 seconds
				send "&a&lThrew out the garbage!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Electric: Fix":
				open chest with 4 rows named "&0Fix wiring (click the glass panes)" to {_p}
				wait 3 ticks
				set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to red stained glass named "&c&lRed Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				format slot 19 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 2 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 3 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 4 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 5 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 6 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 7 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to red stained glass named "&c&lRed Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				set slot 9 of {_p}'s current inventory to yellow stained glass named "&e&lYellow Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				format slot 10 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable # HERE
				format slot 11 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 12 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable # HERE
				format slot 13 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 14 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable # HERE
				format slot 15 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 16 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable # HERE
				set slot 17 of {_p}'s current inventory to yellow stained glass named "&e&lYellow Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				set slot 18 of {_p}'s current inventory to pink stained glass named "&d&lPink Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				format slot 19 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 20 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 21 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 22 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 23 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 24 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 25 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				set slot 26 of {_p}'s current inventory to pink stained glass named "&d&lPink Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				set slot 27 of {_p}'s current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&b&lBlue Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				format slot 28 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 29 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 30 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 31 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 32 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 33 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				format slot 34 of {_p} with white stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
				set slot 35 of {_p}'s current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&b&lBlue Wire" with lore "Click me to connect!"
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Electric: Calibrate":
				send "&e&lCalibrating Yellow..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&e&lCalibrated Yellow!" to {_p}

				wait 1 second

				send "&9&lCalibrating Blue..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&9&lCalibrated Blue!" to {_p}

				wait 1 second

				send "&b&lCalibrating Aqua..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&b&lCalibrated Aqua!" to {_p}

				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Upper Engine":
				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aAligining.." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aAligined!" to {_p}

			else if {_job} is "Lower Engine":
				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aAligining.." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aAligined!" to {_p}

			else if {_job} is "Nav: Chart":
				open chest with 6 rows named "&0Chart Course" to {_p}
				set slot 34 of {_p}'s current inventory to iron block named "&b4" with lore "Click me in order of bottom to top!"
				set slot 15 of {_p}'s current inventory to iron block named "&43" with lore "Click me in order of bottom to top!"
				set slot 21 of {_p}'s current inventory to iron block named "&c2" with lore "Click me in order of bottom to top!"
				set slot 37 of {_p}'s current inventory to iron block named "&a1" with lore "Click me in order of bottom to top!"

			else if {_job} is "Nav: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Nav: Divert":

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}


			else if {_job} is "Nav: Stabilize":
				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aStabilizing.." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aStabilized!" to {_p}

			else if {_job} is "O2: Empty chute":
				send "&a&lEmptying chute." to {_p}
				wait 2 seconds
				send "&a&lEmptied chute!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "O2: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "O2: Clean filter":
				send "&a&lCleaning..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lCleaned!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Security: Divert":

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}


			else if {_job} is "Shields: Prime":
				send "&a&lPriming..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lPrimed!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Shields: Divert":

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}


			else if {_job} is "Weapons: Divert":

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}


			else if {_job} is "Weapons: Clear":
				send "&a&lClearing asteroids..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lCleared asteroids!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

			else if {_job} is "Weapons: Upload":
				send "&a&lUploading Data..." to {_p}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&a&lUploaded Data!" to {_p}
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")

				# Send a lime green message saying repairing.
				send "&aRepairing..." to {_p}
				# Wait 2 seconds.
				wait 2 seconds
				finishTask({_p}, "%{_job}%")
				# Send a lime green message saying repaired.
				send "&aRepaired!" to {_p}

function finishTask(p: player, t: text):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		delete {AmongUs::Game::Freezed::%{_p}%}
		remove "%{_t}%" from {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%{_p}%::*}
		remove "%{_t}%" from {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
		send title "&eCompleted Task!" with subtitle "&6%{_t}%" to {_p} for 5 seconds

		set {_slot} to "%size of {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%{_p}%::*}%" parsed as number

		if {_t} contains "S: ":
			# Add 1 to the players finished tasks.
			add 1 to {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::Finished::%{_p}%}

		if {_slot} is 0:
			# Send a message in gold saying they have finished all their tasks.
			send "%NL%&6You have finished all your tasks!%NL%" to {_p}
			# Broadcast as message in gold saying the player has finished all their tasks.
			broadcast "&6%{_p}% &ehas finished all their tasks!" in world("{@World}")

		if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is true:
			if size of {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*} is 0:

function sabotage(p: player, t: text):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		if {_t} is "lights":
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::OnCooldown} is true:
				# Send a message saying that it is on cooldown and how long it has left.
				send "&eSabotaging lights is currently on cooldown for &6%{AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::Time}% &esecond(s)." to {_p}
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Cooldown to true.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::OnCooldown} to true
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Time to the SabotageCooldown_Lights variable.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Lights::Time} to {@SabotageCooldown_Lights}

				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} to true

				send "&cYou have sabotaged the lights." to {_p}
				broadcast "&cFix lights!" in world("{@World}")

		else if {_t} is "o2":
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::OnCooldown} is true:
				# Send a message saying that it is on cooldown and how long it has left.
				send "&eSabotaging O2 is currently on cooldown for &6%{AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::Time}% &esecond(s)." to {_p}
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Cooldown to true.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::OnCooldown} to true
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Time to the SabotageCooldown_Lights variable.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_O2::Time} to {@SabotageCooldown_O2}

				set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} to true

				send "&cYou have sabotaged the O2." to {_p}
				broadcast "&cFix O2!" in world("{@World}")

		else if {_t} is "comms":
			if {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::OnCooldown} is true:
				# Send a message saying that it is on cooldown and how long it has left.
				send "&eSabotaging comms is currently on cooldown for &6%{AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::Time}% &esecond(s)." to {_p}
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Cooldown to true.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::OnCooldown} to true
				# Set the Sabotage Cooldown Lights Time to the SabotageCooldown_Lights variable.
				set {AmongUs::SabotageCooldown_Comms::Time} to {@SabotageCooldown_Comms}

				set block at location(149, 34, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 35, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 36, 376, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block

				set block at location(149, 34, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 35, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 36, 375, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block

				set block at location(149, 34, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 35, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block
				set block at location(149, 36, 374, "{@World}" parsed as world) to iron block

				send "&cYou have sabotaged the comms." to {_p}
				broadcast "&cFix comms!" in world("{@World}")

function startGame(p: player):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is false:
			broadcast "&6%{_p}% &ehas started the game!%nl%" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second
			broadcast "&6Starting in %nl%&e5 second(s)" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second
			broadcast "&e4 second(s)" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second
			broadcast "&e3 second(s)" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second
			broadcast "&e2 second(s)" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second
			broadcast "&e1 second(s)" in world("{@World}")
			wait 1 second

			# Loop all players.
			loop all players:
				# If the loop player is in the world.
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					# Set loop players nametag to blank.
					set loop-player's nametag to ""

					# Set {_players::*} to all of the players.
					set {_players::*} to all players in world("{@World}")

					# Set {_playerscount} to the amount of players.
					set {_playerscount} to size of {_players::*}

					# Loop for how many players are on the server.
					loop {_playerscount} times:
						# set {_var} to a random emergency meeting seat.
						set {_var} to random element out of {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
						# Set {_var2} to a random player in the world.
						set {_var2} to random element out of {_players::*}
						# Remove {_var} from the emergency meeting seats.
						remove {_var} from {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
						# Remove {_var2} from the players list.
						remove {_var2} from {_players::*}
						# Teleport the player to the emergency meeting seat.
						teleport {_var2} to {_var}

			if number of all players is greater than 7:
				loop 2 times:
					add a random element out of all players to {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} 
				set {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} to a random element out of all players

			loop all players:
				if {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*} contains "%Loop-player%":
					send "&6%{AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*}% &eare &c&limposters!%nl%&7(note: others can't see this message)" to loop-player
					set {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%loop-player%} to "imposter"
					set loop-player's gamemode to survival
					send "&a&lYou are a crewmate!" to loop-player
					set {AmongUs::Game::Info::Job::%loop-player%} to "crewmate"

					add loop-player to {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*}

					set loop-player's gamemode to survival

					loop 4 times:
						set {_var} to random element out of {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
						add {_var} to {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%loop-player%::*}
						remove {_var} from {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}

			delete {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}

			loop all players:
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					# Add all real tasks to the Tasks variable.
					add {AmongUs::Game::Info::Tasks::%loop-player%::*} to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}

			# Set the game started to true.
			set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to true

			# Set the allowed to talk variable to false.
			set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to false
			# Say to the host that the game already loefstarted.
			send "&6The game has already started" to {_p}

function endGame(p: player):
	if {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} is false:
		if {AmongUs::Game::Started} is true:
			broadcast "&6%{_p}% &ehas ended the game!" in world("{@World}")

			# Loop all players.
			loop all players:
				# If the loop player is in the world.
				if loop-player's world is "{@World}":
					# Set the nametag back to normal.
					set loop-player's nametag to loop-player's name

			# Set the game started to true
			set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false

			# Run the resetEverything function.
			# Say to the host that no game has started.
			send "&6No game has started yet." to {_p}

function resetEverything():
	# Delete the Emergency Meeting Time.
	delete {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::Time}
	# Delete the Emergency Meeting Cooldown.
	delete {AmongUs::EmergencyMeeting::OnCooldown}
	# Set the game started to false.
	set {AmongUs::Game::Started} to false
	# Delete everyone's game info.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::Info::*}
	# Delete all of the tasks.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	# Delete the current imposters.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::Imposters::*}
	# Delete the current crewmates.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::Crewmates::*}
	# Delete all of the Emergency Meeting seats.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

	# Delete all frozen players.
	delete {AmongUs::Game::Freezed::*}

	# Set O2 sabotaged finished counter to 0.
	set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2::Finished} to 0
	# Set O2 sabotaged to false.
	set {AmongUs::Game::Sabotage::O2} to false

	delete {AmongUs::Game::Voted::*}

	delete {AmongUs::Game::VoteList::*}

	# Set allowed to talk in chat varible to true.
	set {AmongUs::Game::AllowedToTalk} to true

	# Add all real tasks to the Tasks variable.
	add "Lower Engine" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Upper Engine" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Cafeteria: Empty" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Cafeteria: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Weapons: Clear" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Weapons: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Weapons: Divert" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "O2: Empty Chute" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "O2: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "O2: Clean filter" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Nav: Chart" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Nav: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Nav: Divert" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Nav: Stabilize" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Shields: Divert" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Shields: Prime" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Comms: Divert" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Comms: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Storage: Fuel" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Admin: Swipe Card" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Electric: Calibrate" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Electric: Fix" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Electric: Upload" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Reactor: Start" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Reactor: Unlock" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Security: Divert" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}
	add "Medbay: Scan" to {AmongUs::Game::Tasks::*}

	# Add all locations for emergency meeting seats to the Seats variable.
	add location(120, 34, 388, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(120, 34, 389, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(120, 34, 387, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

	add location(119, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(118, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(117, 34, 391, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

	add location(116, 34, 389, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(116, 34, 388, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(116, 34, 387, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

	add location(117, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(118, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}
	add location(119, 34, 386, "{@World}" parsed as world) to {AmongUs::Game::EmergencyMeeting::Seats::*}

on script load:
	# I shall not steal ;)
	if name of script is not "AmongUs":
		# Gibberish to confuse YOU from removing the security checks failure.
		# NO malware or virus is included in this, please do not take this down.
		set {_i} to {_a}

		set {_s} to {_b}
		set {_h} to {_c}
		set {_a} to {_h}
		set {_l} to {_a}
		set {_l} to {_a}

		set {_n} to "not"
		set {_o} to {_n}
		set {_t} to {_e}

		set {_s} to {_i}
		set {_t} to {_e}
		set {_e} to {_n}
		set {_a} to {_n}
		set {_l} to {_a}

		set {_b} to "steal"

		set {_q} to {_l}
		set {_r} to {_q}
		set {_e} to {_r}
		set {_u} to {_t}
		set {_a} to "%{_a}%"
		set {_p} to "%{_b}%"
		set {_p} to "%{_n}%"
		set {_v} to "ishall"
		set {_g} to {_v}

		# Before YOU delete this line, just think for a moment. What about if YOU were developing free Skripts?
		# Would YOU want people removing YOUR code and re-uploading it? I don't think so. Please do not steal.
		# "ishallnotsteal" is the keyphrase. Failing all of the security checks. Thanks for downloading.

		send "&6Congratulations, all security checks failed! &e%{_g}%%{_a}%%{_b}%" to console
		send "&cPlease contact support, here: &[email protected]" to console

		set {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} to true
		set {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::MessageConsole} to "&eHmmm, it seems like you are using a modified copy, please discard the copy immediately. I thought you said ""I shall not steal""?"
		set {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::MessageAdmin} to "&cIt seems like the owner of this server is using a modified copy of the Among Us skript, please tell them to discard the copy immediately."
		# Say that YOU have passed all of the security checks :)
		send "&6Congratulations, all security checks passed!" to console

		set {AmongUs::SecurityCheck::ishallnotsteal::Failed} to false


	send "&8--------------------------------------------------------------" to console

# Please do not steal me!
# Please do not steal me!
# Please do not steal me!
# Please do not steal me!
# Please do not steal me!
# Please do not steal me!