Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:
Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
# Permission to use pressure plate or block-binded commands.
# Give yourself or staff "commandbinder.superuser" permission to use Administrative commands.
cmdpermission: commandbinder.use
# Indication beam
# Which particles should we display when using /listbinds?
# Particles help you visualise exactly where binded commands reside.
indicationbeam: dust
command /tpcmd [<text>]:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
if player has permission "commandbinder.superuser":
if arg-1 is set:
set {_int} to arg-1 parsed as integer
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_amount}
if {_int} > {_amount}:
send "&cYou only have %{_amount}%&c commands registered!" to player
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if {_int} = {_i}:
teleport player at block above loop-value
exit loop
send "&c&lCorrect usage: &c/tpcmd <command number>" to player
send "&r" to player
send "&cType /listbinds to list available commands." to player
send "&cNo permission!" to player
command /listbinds:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
aliases: /listbind, /bindslist, /bindlist, /commandbinder, /cmdbinder, /binder
if player has permission "commandbinder.superuser":
loop {cmdbind-location::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
set {_cmdbind.location.%{_i}%} to loop-value
set {_i} to 0
loop {cmdbind-command::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
set {_cmdbind.command.%{_i}%} to loop-value
if {_i} >= 1:
send "&d &m &r" to player
send "&dList of binded commands" to player
send "&d &m &r" to player
send "&eUse /tpcmd <number> to teleport to command's location" to player
loop {_i} times:
add 1 to {_order}
if {_cmdbind.command.%{_order}%} contains "**":
replace all "**" in {_cmdbind.command.%{_order}%} with ""
send "&8(%{_order}%&8) &f%{_cmdbind.location.%{_order}%}% &a%{_cmdbind.command.%{_order}%}% &e(Console command)" to player
send "&8(%{_order}%&8) &f%{_cmdbind.location.%{_order}%}% &a%{_cmdbind.command.%{_order}%}%" to player
loop 20 times:
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
set {_i} to 0
loop all blocks above block at loop-value-2:
add 1 to {_i}
if {_i} <= 10:
play 1 ({@indicationbeam} with speed 0) at loop-block
wait 5 ticks
send "&cNo commands exist yet! Bind some using /bind [command]" to player
send "&cNo permission!" to player
command /bind [<text>]:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
if player has permission "commandbinder.superuser":
if arg-1 is set:
if targeted block is set:
if {cmdbind-exactlocation::*} does not contain targeted block:
add targeted block's location to {cmdbind-location::*}
add targeted block to {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}
add arg-1 to {cmdbind-command::*}
if targeted block is any pressure plate:
send "&aBinded %arg-1%&a to block at %targeted block's location%&a! &l(pressure plate trigger)" to player
if arg-1 contains "**":
send "&aThis command will be ran through console." to player
send "&aBinded %arg-1%&a to block at %targeted block's location%&a! &l(right click trigger)" to player
if arg-1 contains "**":
send "&aThis command will be ran through console." to player
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if targeted block is loop-value:
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}
exit loop
add targeted block to {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}
loop {cmdbind-location::*}:
add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} = {_i}:
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-location::*}
exit loop
add targeted block's location to {cmdbind-location::*}
set {_count} to 0
loop {cmdbind-command::*}:
add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} = {_i}:
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-command::*}
send "&aA command is already registered to this block which was now replaced (%loop-value%&a -> %arg-1%&a)" to player
if arg-1 contains "**":
send "&aThis command will be ran through console." to player
exit loop
add arg-1 to {cmdbind-command::*}
loop 20 times:
play 1 ({@indicationbeam} with speed 0) above targeted block
wait 1 tick
send "&c&lPlease specify a command to bind." to player
send "&r" to player
send "&c&lExample: &c/bind /wilderness" to player
send "&cNo permission!" to player
command /unbind [<text>]:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
if player has permission "commandbinder.superuser":
if arg-1 is set:
set {_int} to arg-1 parsed as integer
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_amount}
if {_amount} exists:
if {_int} > {_amount}:
send "&cYou only have %{_amount}%&c commands registered!"
set {_i} to 0
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if {_int} = {_i}:
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}
exit loop
set {_i} to 0
loop {cmdbind-location::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if {_int} = {_i}:
set {_oldlocation} to loop-value
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-location::*}
exit loop
set {_i} to 0
loop {cmdbind-command::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if {_int} = {_i}:
set {_oldcommand} to loop-value
remove loop-value from {cmdbind-command::*}
exit loop
send "&aCommand number %arg-1%&a removed (%{_oldcommand}%&a) at location %{_oldlocation}%&a." to player
send "&cNo commands exist yet! Bind some using /bind [command]" to player
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if loop-value is targeted block:
execute player command "/unbind %{_i}%"
exit loop
send "&cNo commands to unbind at target block. You can use /unbind <number> to unbind a specific command from the list (/listbinds)" to player
send "&cNo permission!" to player
on right click:
if targeted block is set:
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if targeted block is loop-value:
if targeted block is not any pressure plate:
if player has permission "{@cmdpermission}":
cancel event
loop {cmdbind-command::*}:
add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} = {_i}:
if loop-value-2 contains "**":
set {_console} to loop-value-2
replace all "**" in {_console} with ""
execute console command "%{_console}%"
execute player command "%loop-value-2%"
send "&cYou don't have permission ({@cmdpermission}) to use binded commands."
on step on pressure plate:
loop {cmdbind-exactlocation::*}:
add 1 to {_i}
if event-block is loop-value:
if {pressureplate-cooldown.%player%} doesn't exist:
if player has permission "{@cmdpermission}":
cancel event
add 10 to {pressureplate-cooldown.%player%}
loop {cmdbind-command::*}:
add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} = {_i}:
if loop-value-2 contains "**":
set {_console} to loop-value-2
replace all "**" in {_console} with ""
execute console command "%{_console}%"
execute player command "%loop-value-2%"
set {pressureplate-cooldown.%player%} to true
wait 1 second
delete {pressureplate-cooldown.%player%}
send "&cYou don't have permission ({@cmdpermission}) to use binded commands."