Luur (0.7-DEV-PATCH-2).sk

Created by IlluminatiFish

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	prefix: &8[&6Luur&8]
	luur: true
	version: 0.7-DEV-PATCH-2
	notification-perm: luur.notifications
on join:
	if player doesn't have permission "luur.bypass":
		if {@luur} is true:
			set {_ip} to "%ip of player%"
			if "%{whitelisted.ips::*}%" doesn't contain "%{_ip}%":
				set {_res} to text from "{_ip}%?key={@proxycheck-key}&vpn=1"
				map json {_res} to {_json::*}
				#broadcast "%{_res}%"
				#broadcast "Score: %{_json::%{_ip}%::*}%"
				if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::proxy}%" is "yes":
					if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "VPN":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":	
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a VPN &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using VPN (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: VPN]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a VPN&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7VP0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "SOCKS5":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a SOCKS5 Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using SOCKS5 Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: SOCKS5]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"

					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "SOCKS4":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a SOCKS4 Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using SOCKS4 Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: SOCKS4]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "SOCKS":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a SOCKS Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using SOCKS Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: SOCKS]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "TOR":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a TOR Exit Node &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using TOR exit node (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: TOR]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a TOR exit node&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "Shadowsocks":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a Shadowsocks Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using Shadowsocks Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: Shadowsocks]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "HTTP":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a HTTP Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using HTTP Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: HTTP]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "HTTPS":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":					
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a HTTPS Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player	
						log "%player% has been kicked for using HTTPS Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: HTTPS]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "Compromised Server":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a Compromised Server &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using Compromised Server (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: Compromised Server]" to "Luur/Luur.log"
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Compromised Server&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "Inference Engine":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using a Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: Proxy]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					else if "%{_json::%{_ip}%::type}%" is "OpenVPN":
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "{@notification-perm}":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using an OpenVPN Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
						log "%player% has been kicked for using a OpenVPN (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: OpenVPN]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a VPN&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
					set {_res} to text from "{@ipquality-key}/%{_ip}%"
					map json {_res} to {_json::*}	
					#broadcast "%{_json::fraud_score}%"
					#broadcast "%{_json::organization}%"
					#set {_fraudscore} to {_json::fraud_score} parsed as integer
					#broadcast "%{_fraudscore}%"
					if {_json::fraud_score} is greater than 50:
						log "%player% has been kicked for using a VPN/Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: VPN/Proxy]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a VPN/Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "luur.notifications":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a VPN/Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
					else if "%{_json::organization}%" is "Pavlov Media":
						log "%player% has been kicked for using a VPN/Proxy (IP: %{_ip}%) [Type: VPN/Proxy]" to "Luur/Luur.log"	
						kick player due to "&c&l&nYour IP has been flagged as a VPN/Proxy&r%nl%%nl%   &7Please exit out of any VPN programs%nl%you may be running, and try again.%nl%%nl%   &7If the issue persists message IlluminatiFish%nl% &7on discord with the IP for review%nl%%nl%&7&lIP: &7%{_ip}%%nl%%nl%&c&lError Code: &7PR0 &7(%player%)"
						loop all players:
							if loop-player has permission "luur.notifications":
								play sound "ORB_PICKUP" to loop-player with volume 10 with pitch 1
								send "{@prefix} &6%player% &ewas kicked for using a VPN/Proxy &8(&6IP: &6%{_ip}%&8)" to loop-player
					log "%player% logged in with the data {Org: %{_json::organization}%} {IP: %{_ip}%}" to "Luur/Verbose.log"
					log "%{_json::*}%" to "Luur/Verbose.log"
on join:		
	if player has permission "bukkit.op":
		set {version.check} to text from ""
		if "%{version.check}%" is "{@version}":
			wait 1.7 second
			send "&6&l&nLuur Update Checker" to player
			send "&aIt seems &cLuur&r &ais all up to date and ready to go!" to console
			send "&cLuur&r &adid not find any updates" to player
			wait 1.7 second
			send "&6&l&nLuur Update Checker" to player
			send "&aIt seems &cLuur&r &ais not up to date!" to console
			send "&aCurrent Version: {@version}" to player
			send "&aUpdated Version: %{version.check}%" to player
			send "&aGo download the newest version from the spigot page." to player

command /clearluurshit:
		clear {whitelisted.ips::*}

command /luur [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: luur.admin
	permission message: {@prefix} &dYou cannot use that command!
		if arg-1 is "ver":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "{@prefix} &6Current Version &8(&6v0.7-DEV&8)"
		else if arg-1 is "reload":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "{@prefix} &eReloading Luur..."
				execute console command "/sk reload Luur"
				wait 2 seconds
				send "{@prefix} &aLuur reloaded successfully"
		else if arg-1 is "toggle":
			if arg-2 is not set:	
				if {luur.enabled.local} is true:
					send "{@prefix} &6Luur has been &c&ndisabled"
					set {luur.enabled.local} to false
					send "{@prefix} &6Luur has been &a&nenabled"
					set {luur.enabled.local} to true
			else if arg-2 is "messages":
				if {luur.msgs.enabled.%player%} is true:
					send "{@prefix} &6You have &c&ndisabled&r &bLuur messages"
					set {luur.msgs.enabled.%player%} to false
					set {luur.msgs.enabled.%player%} to true
					send "{@prefix} &6You have &a&nenabled&r &bLuur messages"
		else if arg-1 is "whitelist":
			if arg-2 is "add":
				if arg-3 contains ".":
					#if {is.the.ip.whitelisted.%player%::%arg-3%} is false:
					add "%arg-3%" to {whitelisted.ips::*}
					set {whitelist.time::%arg-3%} to now
					send "{@prefix} &6Added &e&n%arg-3%&r &6to the IP whitelist!" to player
					set {is.the.ip.whitelisted.%player%::%arg-3%} to true
						#send "{@prefix} &6The IP &e&n%arg-3%&r &6is already whitelisted!" to player
					send "{@prefix} &6Invalid IP address format!" to player
			else if arg-2 is "remove":
				if arg-3 contains ".":
					#if {is.the.ip.whitelisted.%player%::%arg-3%} is true:
					remove "%arg-3%" from {whitelisted.ips::*}
					send "{@prefix} &6Removed &e&n%arg-3%&r &6to the IP whitelist!" to player
					set {is.the.ip.whitelisted.%player%::%arg-3%} to false
						#send "{@prefix} &6The IP &e&n%arg-3%&r &6doesn't seem to be whitelisted!" to player
					send "{@prefix} &6Invalid IP address format!" to player
			else if arg-2 is "clear":
				clear {whitelisted.ips::*}
				#loop {whitelisted.ips::*}:
				#	clear {whitelisted.ips::%loop-value%}
				send "{@prefix} &6The IP whitelist has been cleared!" to player
			else if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&6&l&nWhitelisted IPs"
				send ""
				loop {whitelisted.ips::*}:
					send "&6&l* &6Added &e%loop-value% &6to the whitelist at (&6%{whitelist.time::%loop-value%}%)" to player
		else if arg-1 is "help":
			play sound "CHICKEN_EGG_POP" to player with volume 1 with pitch 1
			send "" to player
			send "&c&l*&f&l*&c&l* &c&l&nLuur AntiVPN&r &c&l*&f&l*&c&l*"
			send "" to player
			send "&fLuur is an anti-vpn skript that was"
			send "&fdeveloped by IlluminatiFish in April"
			send "&fof 2019, it is the best anti-vpn on the market"
			send "&fby far. It detects over &c&n38 million&r &funique IPs"
			send "&fto this date. It also has a &c&n100&r &fpercent success"
			send "&fwith &c&nNordVPN&r &fdetection."
			send "" to player
			send "&c&l&nVPNs Detected by Luur" 
			send "" to player
			json("%player%", "&4Total Blocked VPNs||ttp:&8(&cLuur blocks a total of &f&l&n41&r &cVPNs&8)||url:")
			send "" to player
			send "&f&l- &9NordVPN &8(&fAs of 12/04/19 2:42pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &6HMA Pro VPN &8(&fAs of 12/04/19 3:42pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &aHotSpotShield &8(&fAs of 12/04/19 6:15pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &5PrivateTunnel &8(&fAs of 18/04/19 3:05am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &7Windscribe VPN &8(&fAs of 18/04/19 4:32pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bProton VPN &8(&fAs of 18/04/19 6:42pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &4CyberGhost &8(&fAs of 19/04/19 6:10pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &3Speedify &8(&fAs of 21/04/19 3:44pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &eTunnelBear &8(&fAs of 28/04/19 9:50pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &4VyprVPN &8(&fAs of 30/04/19 9:44pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bPrivate Internet Access VPN &8(&fAs of 01/05/2019 4:00am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &aVPNUnlimited &8(&fAs of 11/05/19 1:34am&8)"
			send "&f&l- & &8(&fAs of 11/05/19 1:34am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &4ExpressVPN &8(&fAs of 11/05/19 1:34am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &cShadowsocksR &8(&fAs of 11/05/19 1:35am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &6SoftEther &8(&fAs of 19/05/19 6:50pm&8)"
			send "&f&l- &cIvacyVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:30am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &4SmartVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:32am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bSurfShark &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:45am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &aibVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:50am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &6WANSecurity &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:53am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &7ZenMate &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:55am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &2TorGuard &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 1:58am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &9VPNUnlimited &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:09am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &cFastestVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:11am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &4Mullvad &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:11am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &5AirVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:17am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bLiquidVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:22am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &aSlickVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/209 2:24am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bAstrillVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:35am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &cBlackVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:38am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &dBoxPN VPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:39am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &eVPNBook &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:42am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &5Ipredator &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:47am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &aIVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:48am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &6SafeVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:53am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &bSwitchVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:55am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &ewowvpn &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 2:56am&8)"
			send "&f&l- &5WorldVPN &8(&fAs of 26/05/2019 4:05pm&8)"
			send "" to player
			send "&c&l&nLuur Commands" to player
			send "" to player
			json("%player%", "&4/luur toggle||ttp:&aClick to tab the command.||sgt:/luur toggle|| &c- Enables users to toggle Luur messages on or off")
			json("%player%", "&4/luur reload||ttp:&aClick to tab the command.||sgt:/luur reload|| &c- Reloads the Luur skript")
			send "{@prefix} &cInvalid Arguement"