Created by Etho

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Neon Anticheat
# By (Frogsmasha or better know as EthoCryantic)

# Dependencies
# Skript 2.2-dev37c
# SkQuery 3.6.2-Lime
# Skellet 1.9.6b


	# <-- Version / Update / Connection -->
	# [Version Placeholder] Gets the loaded Anticheat version.
	Version: 3.2
	# [API Placeholder] Neon requires this for Update fetches. 
	# [Message Placeholder] Loaded Anticheat and found Updates.
	NeonUpdate: [Neon] Neon 3.2 Loaded, %{Neon.UPD}% Update(s) found.
	# [Message Placeholder] Loaded Anticheat and found no Updates.
	NeonNoUpdate: [Neon] Neon 3.2 Loaded, No Updates found.
	# [Message Placeholder] if Internet connection is found.
	NeonConnection: [Neon] Internet Connection Found
	# [Message Placeholder] if Internet connection is not found and couldn't fetch updates.
	NeonNoConnection: [Neon] No Internet Connection, Neon Couldn't fetch Updates!

	# <-- Permissions -->

	# [Permission Placeholder] Main Neon command Permission.
	NeonPerm: Neon.Anticheat
	# [Permission Placeholder] Neon notify permission.
	Neon.alert: Neon.Notify

	# [Permission Placeholder] Neon Kick/Ban bypass.
	Neon.Bypass: Neon.Kick.Bypass

	# <-- Config / Violations / Lag Core / Message -->

	# [Config Placeholder] Sends Console, Alerts.
	Neon.ConsoleViolations: true

	# [Config Placeholder] Lags the player back when a violation pops up.
	Neon.LagBack: true

	# [Config Placeholder] Once player has reached maximum ban violations, the server will ban the player (Only works if "BanViolation.alert" is enabled).
	Neon.Ban.Max: 100

	# [Config Placeholder] Kicks the player every time they flag.
	KickViolation.alert: false

	# [Config Placeholder] Bans the player once "Neon.Ban.Max" threshold has been reached.
	BanViolation.alert: false

	# [Lag Core] If the server is lagging certain checks will not proceed.
	LagCore.checking: true

	# [Lag Core] Maximum TPS(Not adverage count) the anticheat will allow before registering as lagging E.g(Chunk Loading, Player Joins, New Chunk loading, tnt, etc).
	LagCore.MaxTPS: 21.85

	# [Lag Core] Minimum TPS(Not adverage count) the anticheat will allow before registering as lagging E.g(Chunk Loading, Player Joins, New Chunk loading, tnt, etc).
	LagCore.MinTPS: 18.15

	# [Lag Core] The ammount of time you want neon to stop flagging players when the server lags badly.
	LagCore.bad.Timer: 6 seconds

	# [Lag Core] The ammount of time you want neon to stop flagging players when the server lags slightly.
	LagCore.slight.Timer: 3 seconds

	# [Message Placeholder] Kicked for Cheating message placeholder.
	KickViolation: "&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬%nl% %nl%&7[&c&lNeon&7]%nl% &fYou have been Kicked For Cheating %nl% &3Reason &f%{_reason}% %nl% %nl%&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬"

	# [Message Placeholder] Banned for Cheating message placeholder.
	BanViolation: "&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬%nl% %nl%&7[&c&lNeon&7]%nl% &fYou have been Banned For Cheating %nl% %nl%&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬"
	# [Message Placeholder] Banned for Cheating ingame notification message placeholder.
	BanNotification: &7(&6!&7) &6%{_p}%&7 Has Been &cBanned &7// Reason: &6%{_reason}%&7 // Ping: &7[%{_color}%%{_ping}%&7]
	# [Message Placeholder] Alert message that contains no CPS message placeholder.
	FlagLegitNoCPS: &7(&6!&7) &6%{_p}%&7 // Reason: &6%{_reason}%&7 // VL: &7[&2&l%{_violation}%&7] // Ping: &7[%{_color}%%{_ping}%&7]
	# [Message Placeholder] Alert message that contains CPS message placeholder.
	FlagLegitCPS: &7(&6!&7) &6%{_p}%&7 // Reason: &6%{_reason}%&7 // CPS: &6%{_cps}%&7 // VL: &7[&2&l%{_violation}%&7] // Ping: &7[%{_color}%%{_ping}%&7]

# Version Loading
on load:
	#Internet Check / If no internet the anticheat will stop the version check
	set {_v} to text from url "{@NeonAPIVer}"
	if {_v} is not set:
		send "{@NeonNoConnection}" to console
		send "{@NeonConnection}" to console
	if {_v} = "{@Version}":
		send "{@NeonNoUpdate}" to console
		set {Neon.UPD} to round(("%{_v}%" parsed as number-"{@Version}" parsed as number)*10)
		send "{@NeonUpdate}" to console
#Alert Util
function Alert(p: player, reason: text, violation: int=0, cps: int=0):
	if {_p} is not alive:
	if {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode} = "E":
	else if {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode} = "C":
		if {_reason} = "PingSpoof", "Bhop1A", "Bhop2A", "Bhop3A", "Bhop4A", "Bhop5A", "Bhop6A", "Bhop7A", "Bhop8A", "Reach", "Killaura", "NoFall", "InvalidPackets", "Flight", "Timer", "NoRotations", "FastPlace" or "InventoryMove":
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	set {_ping} to ping of {_p}
	if check [ping of {_p} <= 100]:
		set {_color} to "&e"
	if check [ping of {_p} <= 250]->[ping of {_p} >= 100]:
		set {_color} to "&6"
	if check [ping of {_p} >= 250]:
		set {_color} to "&c"
	add {_violation} to {Violations.%{_uuid}%}
	if {_cps} = 0:
		loop all players:
			if loop-player has permission "{@Neon.alert}":
				if {%loop-player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} = true:
					send "{@FlagLegitNoCPS}" to loop-player
		if {@Neon.ConsoleViolations} = true:
			send "[Neon] {@FlagLegitNoCPS}" to console
		loop all players:
			if loop-player has permission "{@Neon.alert}":
				if {%loop-player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} = true:
					send "{@FlagLegitCPS}" to loop-player
		if {@Neon.ConsoleViolations} = true:
			send "[Neon] {@FlagLegitCPS}" to console
	if {@Neon.LagBack} = true:
		if {_p} doesn't have permission "{@Neon.Bypass}":
			if "%{_reason}%" = "Flight" or "InvalidPackets" or "NoFall" or "SelfDamage" or "InvalidRotations" or "InvalidInv" or "Timer" or "SelfHurt" or "NoRotations" or "FastPlace" or "Reach" or "InventoryMove" or "Bhop1A" or "Bhop2A" or "Bhop3A" or "Bhop4A" or "Bhop5A" or "Bhop6A" or "Bhop7A" or "Bhop8A": #Add More Check Names IE: Reach for it to lagback
				if check [block below {LagBack.Loc.%{_uuid}%} is air]->[DisToGround({_p}) >= 1.25]:
					remove 1 from {LagBack.Loc.%{_uuid}%}'s y-coord
				teleport {_p} to {LagBack.Loc.%{_uuid}%}
	wait 1 tick
	if {@BanViolation.alert} = true:
		if {_p} doesn't have permission "{@Neon.Bypass}":
			if {Violations.%{_uuid}%} >= {@Neon.Ban.Max}:
				if "%{_reason}%" != "PingSpoof" or "Timer":
					clear {Violations.%{_uuid}%}
					set {Neon.Banned.%{_uuid}%} to true
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "{@Neon.alert}":
							if {%loop-player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} = true:
								send "{@BanNotification}" to loop-player
					if {@Neon.ConsoleViolations} = true:
						send "[Neon] {@BanNotification}" to console
					kick {_p} due to {@BanViolation}
	if {@KickViolation.alert} = true:
		if {_p} doesn't have permission "{@Neon.Bypass}":
			if "%{_reason}%" != "PingSpoof" or "Timer":
				kick {_p} due to {@KickViolation}
on join:
	if {Neon.Banned.%uuid of player%} = true:
		if player doesn't have permission "{@Neon.Bypass}":
			kick player due to {@BanViolation}
			set join message to ""
on quit:
	if {Neon.Banned.%uuid of player%} = true:
		if player doesn't have permission "{@Neon.Bypass}":
			set quit message to ""

#Neon Command
command /Neon [<text>] [<text>] [<offline player>]:
	permission: Neon.Anticheat
	permission message: &4No Permission
	aliases: n
		if player doesn't have permission "Neon.Anticheat":
			send "&4No Permission"
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send " "
			send "  <link:><tooltip:>&8&l[&3&lNeon&8&l]<reset><reset> <link:><tooltip:>&8&l[&c&lDownload&8&l]<reset><reset> &8&l[&3&lVersion &e&l{@Version}&8&l] &8&l[&3&lTPS&7: &e%round({Neon.LagUtils.TPS}*100)/100%&8&l]               "
			send " "
			send " &8/&7&lNeon <command:/Neon Alerts><tooltip:Alerts>&6Alerts<reset><reset> &7(&e<command:/Neon Alerts on><tooltip:on>on<reset><reset>&7/&c<command:/Neon Alerts off><tooltip:off>off<reset><reset>&7)"
			send " &8/&7&lNeon &6<command:/Neon Version><tooltip:Version>Version<reset><reset>"
			send " &8/&7&lNeon &6Player Violations &7(&3Player&7) "
			send " &8/&7&lNeon &6Player Stats &7(&3Player&7)     "
			send " &8/&7&lNeon &6Player Unban &7(&3Player&7)      "
			send " &8/&7&lNeon &6Player Clear &7(&3Player&7)      "
			send " "
		if arg-1 is "Alerts" or "A":
			if arg-2 is "on":
				if {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} is true:
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts already &8[&aEnabled&8]"
					set {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} to true
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts &8[&aEnabled&8]"
			if arg-2 is "off":
				if {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} is not set:
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts already &8[&cDisabled&8]"
					delete {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts}
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts &8[&cDisabled&8]"
			if arg-2 is not set:
				if {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} is true:
					delete {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts}
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts &8[&cDisabled&8]"
				if {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} is not set:
					set {%player's uuid%.Neon.Alerts} to true
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &6Alerts &8[&aEnabled&8]"
		if arg-1 is "Version" or "V":
			set {_v} to text from url ""
			if {_v} is not set:
				send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] No Internet Connection, Neon Couldn't fetch Updates!"
				if {_v} = "{@Version}":
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] Neon &e{@Version} &7Loaded, No Updates found."
					set {Neon.UPD} to round(("%{_v}%" parsed as number-"{@Version}" parsed as number)*10)
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] Neon &e{@Version} &7Loaded, &e%{Neon.UPD}% &7Update(&6s&7) found."
		if arg-1 is "Player" or "P":
			if arg-2 is "Stats" or "S":
				if arg-3 is set:
					if {Neon.Banned.%uuid of arg-3%} = true:
						set {_A} to true
						set {_A} to false
					if arg-3 is online:
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7('s) current ping is &8(&e%player's ping%&8)&7, &cLagCore&7 Tps &8[&e%round({Neon.LagUtils.TPS}*100)/100%&8], Banned &8[&6%{_A}%&8]."
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7('s) current is currently &8(&e%player's ping%&8)&7, &cLagCore&7 Tps &8[&e%round({Neon.LagUtils.TPS}*100)/100%&8], Banned &8[&6%{_A}%&8]."
					send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &7No player specified, &cLagCore&7 TPS &8[&e%round({Neon.LagUtils.TPS}*100)/100%&8]."
			if arg-2 is "Unban" or "U":
				if arg-3 is set:
					if {Neon.Banned.%uuid of arg-3%} = true:
						clear {Neon.Banned.%uuid of arg-3%}
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7 has been &aunbanned&7."
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7 is currently &aunbanned&7."
			if arg-2 is "Violations" or "V":
				if arg-3 is set:
					if {Violations.%arg-3's uuid%} > 0:
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7 currently has &8(&e%{Violations.%arg-3's uuid%}%&8) &7violation(s)."
					if {Violations.%arg-3's uuid%} is not set:
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7 currently doesn't have any violations."
			if arg-2 is "Clear" or "C":
				if arg-3 is set:
					if {Violations.%arg-3's uuid%} > 0:
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7('s) violation's have been cleared. Previous Ammount: (&e%{Violations.%arg-3's uuid%}%&7)"
						delete {Violations.%arg-3's uuid%}
					if {Violations.%arg-3's uuid%} is not set:
						send "&8[&7&lNeon&8] &d%arg-3%&7 currently has no violations."
			if arg-2 is not set:
				make player execute "/neon"
			if arg-3 is not set:
				if arg-2 != "Stats" or "s":
					make player execute "/neon"
#Lag Utils
every second:
	if {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler} != 0 seconds:
		remove 1 second from {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler}
		delete {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode}
	add 1 to {Neon.LagUtils.Seconds}
	if {Neon.LagUtils.Seconds} = 1:
		set {Neon.LagUtils.Time} to unix timestamp of now
	if {Neon.LagUtils.Seconds} = 2:
		delete {Neon.LagUtils.Seconds}
		set {Neon.LagUtils.TPS} to 20 / (unix timestamp of now - {Neon.LagUtils.Time})
		if {@LagCore.checking} = true:
			if check [{Neon.LagUtils.TPS} > {@LagCore.MaxTPS}] or [{Neon.LagUtils.TPS} < {@LagCore.MinTPS}]:
				if check [{Neon.LagUtils.TPS} > 40] or [{Neon.LagUtils.TPS} < 10]:
					set {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler} to {@LagCore.bad.Timer}
					set {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode} to "E"
					set {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler} to {@LagCore.slight.Timer}
					set {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode} to "C"
on skript stop:
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.ticks}
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.Seconds}
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.Time}
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler}
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.Disabler.Mode}
	delete {Neon.LagUtils.TPS}

#Deleting Variables
on quit:
	delete {Counter.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {IsDead.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Enderpearl.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Teleport.%uuid of player%}
	delete {VehicleStatus.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Vehicle.Exit.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Attacked.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Join.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Gamemode.Change.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Damage.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Death.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Loc.FlightY.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Count.FlightY.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Second.FlightY.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Current.FlightY.%uuid of player%}
	delete {PacketFlying.%uuid of player%.time}
	delete {PacketNoFall.%uuid of player%.time}
	delete {Nofall.Alert.Packet.%uuid of player%}
	delete {PacketKeepAlive.%uuid of player%.time}
	delete {Counter.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Counter.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Angle.a.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Counter2.%uuid of player%}
	delete {CPS.Click.%uuid of player%} 
	delete {MoveNoFall.%uuid of player%.Counter}
	delete {Timer.Time.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Timer.Counter.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Fastbow.Timer.%uuid of player%}
	delete {FastEat.Timer.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Flight.Abilities.%uuid of player%} 
	delete {Inventory.Invalid.%uuid of player%}
	delete {CustomPayload.Timer.%uuid of player%}
	delete {AutoBlock.BlockPlace.%uuid of player%}
	delete {FastPlace.Timer.%uuid of player%}
	delete {FastPlace.Count.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Rotations.Count.%uuid of player%}
	delete {MultiAura.Count.%uuid of player%}
	delete {MultiAura.Timer.%uuid of player%}
	delete {MultiAura.Player.%uuid of player%}
	delete {MultiAura.Counter.%uuid of player%}
	delete {Criticals.Counter.%uuid of player%}
	delete {NoSwing.Count.%uuid of player%}
	delete {NoSwing.%uuid of player%}
	delete {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%}
	delete {InventoryMove.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {PacketKeepAlive.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {PacketKeepAlive.Count.%player's uuid%}
	delete {PacketKeepAlive.Key.%player's uuid%}
	delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}
	delete {InventoryMove.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {NoSlowDown.Place.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y}
	delete {Bhop.Timer.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%}
	delete {FlightHover.Pos.Count.%player's uuid%}
	delete {FlightHover.Pos.Prev.%player's uuid%}
	delete {FlightHover.Count.%player's uuid%}
	delete {FlightHover.Prev.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%}
	delete {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}
	delete {LagBack.Loc.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Gamemode.Prev.%player's uuid%}
	delete {NoSlowDown.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {FlightHover.Flag.%player's uuid%}
	delete {AutoBlock.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {AutoBlock.Timer.%player's uuid%}
	delete {InventorySimulate.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {InventorySimulate.Prev.%player's uuid%}
	delete {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%}
	delete {CPS.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {CPS.Prev.Click.%player's uuid%}
	delete {CPS.Alert.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {LastCrit.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {LastCrit.Packet.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Aimbot.Rotations.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.y.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.p.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Constant.Counter.%player's uuid%}
	delete {Bhop.Constant.%player's uuid%}

every second:
	loop all players:
		clear {Counter.Time.%loop-player's uuid%}
		clear {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%}
		clear {Timer.Count.%loop-player's uuid%}
		clear {MoveNoFall.%loop-player's uuid%.Counter}
		set {LagBack.Loc.%uuid of loop-player%} to location of loop-player
		set {IsMoving.1.%uuid of loop-player%} to location of loop-player
		set {Gamemode.Prev.%uuid of loop-player%} to gamemode of loop-player

every 3 second:
	loop all players:
		clear {Criticals.Counter.%uuid of loop-player%}
		clear {Rotations.Count.%uuid of loop-player%}
#Neon Check Utils
on death:
	victim is player
	set {IsDead.%uuid of player%} to true
on respawn:
	set {IsDead.%uuid of player%} to false
#IsDead (player)
function IsDead(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {IsDead.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false
#Enderpearl (player)
on rightclick:
	player's tool is ender pearl
	if IsSpecial(player):
		set {Enderpearl.%uuid of player%} to true
on projectile hit:
	if event-entity is a ender pearl:
		set {Enderpearl.%uuid of shooter%} to false
		set {Teleporting.Timer.%shooter's uuid%} to now
function Enderpearl(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {Enderpearl.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false
#Teleport (Should Also Check for Plugin Teleportation, Enderpearls, portals)
on teleport:
	if "%teleport cause%" = "unknown":
	set {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {Teleport.%uuid of player%} to true
	wait 3.3 ticks
	set {Teleport.%uuid of player%} to false
function IsTeleporting(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {Teleport.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false
#Simple On Vehicle check
On Vehicle Enter:
	set {_p} to player
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	set {VehicleStatus.%{_uuid}%} to true
On Vehicle exit:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of event-entity
	set {VehicleStatus.%{_uuid}%} to false
	set {Vehicle.Exit.%{_uuid}%} to now
function IsOnVehicle(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {VehicleStatus.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false
#Gamemode Creative / Spectator / Extra
function IsSpecial(p: player) :: boolean:
	if gamemode of {_p} is survival or adventure:
		return false
		return true
	return false
#Being Attacked by player
on damage:
	set {Attacked.%uuid of victim%} to true
	wait 3.25 ticks
	set {Attacked.%uuid of victim%} to false
function IsAttacked(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {Attacked.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false
#Joined Fully
on join:
	set {Join.Time.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {Flight.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {NoSlowDown.Place.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now

function IsJoined(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if difference between {Join.Time.%{_uuid}%} and now < 1.5 seconds: #8
		return true
		return false

#Gamemode fully changed
on gamemode change:
	if {Gamemode.Prev.%player's uuid%} = creative:
		if player's gamemode is not Spectator:
			set {Gamemode.Change.%uuid of player%} to true
			wait 3.25 ticks
			set {Gamemode.Change.%uuid of player%} to false

function IsChanged(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {Gamemode.Change.%{_uuid}%} = true:
		return true
		return false

on damage:
	victim is player
	set {Damage.Time.%victim's uuid%} to now

#Is Moving
function IsNotMoving(p: player) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	set {_loc} to location of {_p}
	if distance between {_loc} and {IsMoving.1.%{_uuid}%} <= 0.30:
		return true
		return false
function IsMoving(p: player, speed: number) :: boolean:
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	set {_loc} to location of {_p}
	if distance between {_loc} and {IsMoving.1.%{_uuid}%} <= {_speed}:
		return false
		return true

#Distance To Ground
function DisToGround(p: player) :: number:
	loop 256 times:
		if block loop-numbers below {_p} is not air:
			set {_A} to loop-numbers
			remove 1 from {_A}
			set {_D} to {_p}'s y-coord - {_A}
			set {_Cw} to abs({_D} - floor({_D}))
			add {_A} to {_Cw}
			return {_Cw}
			exit 1 loop
	return null

# <-- Listeners -->
on death:
	set {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} to now
	delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}
	delete {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%}
on respawn:
	set {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} to now
	delete {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%}
on join:
	set {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	set {Vehicle.Exit.%player's uuid%} to now

on place:
	set {NoSlowDown.Place.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}

on rightclick:
	if clicked block is set:
		set {NoSlowDown.Place.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
		delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}
# <--- Movement --->

#Flight Y
on any move:
	if IsSpecial(player):
	if IsDead(player):
	if IsJoined(player):
	if Enderpearl(player):
	if IsTeleporting(player):
	if IsChanged(player):
	if player is riding:
	if player's walking speed > 0.21:
	set {_A} to difference between y location of player and {Loc.FlightY.%player's uuid%}
	set {Loc.FlightY.%player's uuid%} to y location of player
	if {_A} != 0:
		add 1 to {Count.FlightY.%player's uuid%}
		if {Count.FlightY.%player's uuid%} = 1:
			set {Current.FlightY.%player's uuid%} to {_A}
		if {Count.FlightY.%player's uuid%} = 2:
			delete {Count.FlightY.%player's uuid%}
			set {Second.FlightY.%player's uuid%} to {_A}
			if {Second.FlightY.%player's uuid%} = {Current.FlightY.%player's uuid%}:
				loop blocks in radius 2 around player:
					if loop-block is slab or snow layer or carpet or lava or slime block or cobweb or water or vines or stairs or anvil or ladder or Piston or Sticky Piston or chest:
				if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.4 seconds:
					Alert(player,"Flight", 3)
#Jesus Check
	if {_A} = 0:
		set {_bB} to block below player
		set {_cC} to block 1.15 above player
		if {_bB} is water block:
			if {_cC} is air:
				loop all blocks in radius 1.2575 around player:
					if loop-block is solid:
					if loop-block is lily pad:
				set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
				if {_F} < 0.003449146:
					Alert(player,"Jesus", 1)
	if {_A} != 0:
		set {_bB} to block below player
		set {_cC} to block 1.15 above player
		if {_bB} is water block:
			if {_cC} is air:
				loop all blocks in radius 1.2575 around player:
					if loop-block is solid:
					if loop-block is lily pad:
				set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
				if {_F} = {_A}:
					if {_F} < 0.0039:
						Alert(player,"Jesus", 1)

#Bhop analysis
	player is not flying
	if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.1 seconds:
		if difference between {Vehicle.Exit.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.9 seconds:
			if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 2.2 seconds:
				add 1 to {Bhop.Counter.%player's uuid%}
				if {Bhop.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
					set {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} to {_A}
				if {Bhop.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
					clear {Bhop.Counter.%player's uuid%}
					set {_C} to DisToGround(player)
					loop all blocks in radius 1.1575 around player:
						if loop-block is bed or head or slab or ladder or slime block or anvil or fence or fence gate or cobblestone wall or mossy cobblestone wall or stairs or water or lava or cobweb or piston or sticky piston or cactus or door or iron bars or daylight sensor or stone slabs or snow layer or carpet or flower pots or enchantment table or end portal or hopper or chests or Ender Chest or Redstone Repeater or Redstone Comparator or lily pad or Daylight Sensor:
							set {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%} to now
					if block 1 below player is ice or packed ice or slime block:
						set {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%} to now
					if block {_C}+1 below player is ice or packed ice or slime block:
						set {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%} to now
					if block {_C}+2 above player is solid:
						set {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%} to now
					if difference between {Bhop.Cancelation.%player's uuid%} and now < 1 seconds:
					if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now < 2.4 seconds:
					if {_C} = 0:
						if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} > 0.37:
							loop all active potions on player:
								if loop-value contains "Jump":
									set {_J} to 0.41
							set {_F2} to 0.16 + {_J}
							if {_A} > {_F2}:
								set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
								if {_F} < 1.75:
									Alert(player,"Bhop1A", 1)
					if {_C} < 0.40:
						if {_C} > 0.32:
							if {_A} > 0.2:
								set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
								if {_F} < 2.75:
									loop all active potions on player:
										if loop-value contains "Jump":
									Alert(player,"Bhop2A", 1)
					if {_C} < 0.04:
						add 1 to {Bhop.Timer.Counter.%player's uuid%}
						if {Bhop.Timer.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
							set {Bhop.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
						if {Bhop.Timer.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
							delete {Bhop.Timer.Counter.%player's uuid%}
							if difference between {Bhop.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now <= 0.4 seconds:
								set {_D} to distance between player's location and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}
								set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
								if {_F} < 4:
									loop all active potions on player:
										if loop-value contains "Speed":
											set {_S} to 0.93
									set {_F3} to 6.4 + {_S}
									if {_D} > {_F3}:
										Alert(player,"Bhop3A", 2)
					if {_C} < 1.2491870787446828:
						set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
						set {_D} to distance between player's location and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}
						if {_F} < 4:
							loop all active potions on player:
								if loop-value contains "Speed":
									set {_S} to 0.96
							if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} > 0.37:
								set {_S2} to 0.22
							set {_F4} to 7.21 + {_S} + {_S2}
							if {_D} > {_F4}:
								Alert(player,"Bhop4A", 2)
					if {_C} > 1.14:
						if {_C} < 1.4:
							loop all active potions on player:
								if loop-value contains "Jump":
									set {_J} to 0.33
							set {_F5} to 0.31 + {_J}
							if {_A} > {_F5}:
								Alert(player,"Bhop5A", 1)
					if {_C} > 0.04:
						if {_C} < 1:
							if {_A} != {_C}:
								loop all active potions on player:
									if loop-value contains "Jump":
										set {_J} to 0.028
								set {_F6} to 0.0783 - {_J}
								if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} <= {_F6}:
									if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} > 0:
										Alert(player,"Bhop6A", 1)
					if {_C} = 0:
						if {_A} > 0.11:
							if {_A} > 0.22:
								if {_A} < 0.24:
							loop all active potions on player:
								if loop-value contains "Jump":
									set {_J} to 0.12
							set {_F7} to 0.33 - {_J}
							if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} < {_F7}:
								if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} > 0.11:
									set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
									if {_F} > 0.23:
										Alert(player,"Bhop7A", 1)
					if {_C} > 1.2491870787446828:
						if {_C} < 1.4:
							loop all active potions on player:
								if loop-value contains "Jump":
									set {_J} to 0.0461889103947471
							set {_F8} to 1.2491870787446828 + {_J}
							if {_C} > {_F8}:
								if fall distance of player is 0:
									set {_F} to difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
									if {_F} < 1.4:
										loop all active potions on player:
											if loop-value contains "Jump":
										Alert(player,"Bhop8A", 1)
					if {_C} > 1.2:
						if {_C} < 1.3:
							if {Bhop.Last.%player's uuid%.Y} < 0.082:
								add 1 to {Bhop.Constant.Counter.%player's uuid%}
								if {Bhop.Constant.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
									set {Bhop.Constant.%player's uuid%} to {_C}
								if {Bhop.Constant.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
									delete {Bhop.Constant.Counter.%player's uuid%}
									if {Bhop.Constant.%player's uuid%} = {_C}:
										Alert(player,"Bhop9A", 3)

# Flight
on any move:
	player is not flying
	if IsSpecial(player):
	if IsDead(player):
	if Enderpearl(player):
	if IsTeleporting(player):
	if IsChanged(player):
	if player's walking speed > 0.21:
	if player is riding:
	set {_A} to difference between y location of player and {Loc.FlightY.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord
	set {Loc.FlightY.%player's uuid%} to y location of player
	loop blocks in radius 2 around player:
		if loop-block is not air:
			set {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} to now
		if loop-block is slab or snow layer or carpet or lava or slime block or cobweb or water or vines or stairs or anvil or ladder or Piston or Sticky Piston or Trapdoor or cobblestone wall or mossy cobblestone wall:
#Flight Gravity
	add 1 to {FlightGravity.Postion.Count.%player's uuid%}
	if {FlightGravity.Postion.Count.%player's uuid%} = 1:
		set {FlightGravity.Postion.Prev.%player's uuid%} to {_A}
	if {FlightGravity.Postion.Count.%player's uuid%} = 2:
		delete {FlightGravity.Postion.Count.%player's uuid%}
		if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
			if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
				if difference between {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.301 seconds:
					set {_YPrediction} to {FlightGravity.Postion.Prev.%player's uuid%} * 0.980000190734863
					if check [abs({_A} - {_YPrediction}) < 0.0783]->[abs({_A} - {_YPrediction}) > -1]:
						loop all active potions on player:
							if loop-value contains "Jump":
						Alert(player,"Flight", 3)
#Flight NoMotion OnGround
	if {_A} = 0:
		set {_H} to DisToGround(player)
		add 1 to {FlightHover.Count.%player's uuid%}
		if {FlightHover.Count.%player's uuid%} = 1:
			set {FlightHover.Prev.%player's uuid%} to {_H}
		if {FlightHover.Count.%player's uuid%} = 2:
			delete {FlightHover.Count.%player's uuid%}
			loop all blocks in radius 2.15525 around player:
				if loop-block is not air:
			if {FlightHover.Prev.%player's uuid%} != {_H}:
				if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
					if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.5 seconds:
						if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
							if {_H} > 2:
								if player is on ground:
									Alert(player,"Flight", 1)
#Flight Hover
	if {_A} = 0:
		set {_G} to DisToGround(player)
		if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.5 seconds:
			loop all blocks in radius 1.75 around player:
				if loop-block is not air:
					set {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} to now
			if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
				if {_G} > 0.25:
					if difference between {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.301 seconds:
						if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
							Alert(player,"Flight", 3)
#Flight Postive Y
	if {_A} != 0:
		add 1 to {FlightHover.Pos.Count.%player's uuid%}
		if {FlightHover.Pos.Count.%player's uuid%} = 1:
			set {FlightHover.Pos.Prev.%player's uuid%} to Player's y-coord
		if {FlightHover.Pos.Count.%player's uuid%} = 2:
			delete {FlightHover.Pos.Count.%player's uuid%}
			set {_T} to player's y-coord - {FlightHover.Pos.Prev.%player's uuid%}
			if {_T} < 0.07:
				if {_T} > -0.07:
					if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
						if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
							loop all blocks in radius 2 around player:
								if loop-block is not air:
									set {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} to now
							if difference between {FlightHover.Flag.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.4 seconds:
								if difference between {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.25 seconds:
									loop all active potions on player:
										if loop-value contains "Jump":
									Alert(player,"Flight", 3)
							set {FlightHover.Flag.%player's uuid%} to now
#Flight onground ->(Onground in air)
	if check [{_A} = 0] or [{_A} != 0]:
		if player is on ground:
			if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
				if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
					if difference between {Flight.OnGround.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.25 seconds:
						Alert(player,"Flight", 3)
#Flight / Flight Float
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInFlying":
		player is not flying
		if IsSpecial(player):
		if IsDead(player):
		if Enderpearl(player):
		if IsTeleporting(player):
		if IsChanged(player):
		loop all blocks in radius 2.3 around player:
			if loop-block is not air:
		set {_a} to the block 0.5 below the player
		if block below {_A} is air:
			if difference between {PacketFlying.%player's uuid%.time} and now >= 0.2 second:	
				Alert(player,"Flight", 2)
		set {PacketFlying.%player's uuid%.time} to now

#Nofall Packet Check
on packet:
	if event-string is "PacketPlayInFlying":
		loop all blocks in radius 0.5 around player:
			add loop-block to {_Block1::*}
			set {_A} to block below player
			if {_A} != air:
			loop {_Block1::*}:
				if loop-value-2 is not air:
			if loop-block is air:
				if difference between {PacketNoFall.%player's uuid%.time} and now <= 1 second:
					if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 4 seconds:
						if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.3 seconds:
							add 1 to {Nofall.Alert.Packet.%player's uuid%}
							if {Nofall.Alert.Packet.%player's uuid%} >= 10:
								clear {Nofall.Alert.Packet.%player's uuid%}
								block at player is not cobweb or ladder or vines
								player is not flying
								if IsSpecial(player):
								if IsJoined(player):
								if IsDead(player):
								if Enderpearl(player):
								if IsTeleporting(player):
								if IsChanged(player):
								if IsNotMoving(player):
								loop all blocks in radius 2.27525 around player:
									if loop-block-2 is a cactus or cobweb or water or lava or slab or fence gate or door or chest or Oak fence or Nether Brick Fence or Spruce Fence or Birch Fence or Jungle Fence or Dark Oak Fence or Acacia Fence or armor stand or paintings:
								Alert(player,"InvalidPackets", 1)
			set {PacketNoFall.%player's uuid%.time} to now
#NoFall Check 3.0
on any move:
	if IsJoined(player):
	if IsSpecial(player):
	if IsDead(player):
	if Enderpearl(player):
	if IsTeleporting(player):
	loop all blocks in radius 0.5 around player:
		add loop-block to {_Block2::*}
		if loop-block is cactus:
		loop {_Block2::*}:
			if loop-value-2 is not air:
		if loop-block is air:
			if player is on ground:
				if block below player is slab or fence gate:
				loop all blocks in radius 1.25 around player:
					add loop-block-2 to {_Block3::*}
					loop {_Block3::*}:
						if loop-value-2 is slab or fence gate or stairs or cobblestone wall or fence or bed or nether fence or lava or water or cobweb or lily pad or vines or ladder or door or anvil or daylight sensor or Pressure plate or sign or Oak fence or Nether Brick Fence or Spruce Fence or Birch Fence or Jungle Fence or Dark Oak Fence or Acacia Fence or rails or banner or carpet or Snow layer or torches or buttons or lever or tripwire hook or grass or slime block or flowers or large flower or small flower or Cauldron or dead bush or head or sugar cane:
				if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.5 seconds:
					add 1 to {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter}
					if {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter} >= 3:
						delete {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter}
						Alert(player,"NoFall", 1)
	loop all blocks in radius 0.6 around player:
		if loop-block is not air:
			if player is not on ground:
				if block below player is slab or fence gate:
				loop all blocks in radius 1.25 around player:
					add loop-block-2 to {_Block3::*}
					loop {_Block3::*}:
						if loop-value-2 is slab or fence gate or stairs or cobblestone wall or fence or bed or nether fence or lava or water or cobweb or lily pad or vines or ladder or door or anvil or daylight sensor or Pressure plate or sign or Oak fence or Nether Brick Fence or Spruce Fence or Birch Fence or Jungle Fence or Dark Oak Fence or Acacia Fence or rails or banner or carpet or Snow layer or torches or buttons or lever or tripwire hook or grass or slime block or flowers or large flower or small flower or Cauldron or dead bush or head or sugar cane:
				if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.5 seconds:
					if block below player is not air:
						add 1 to {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter}
						if {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter} >= 3:
							delete {MoveNoFall.%player's uuid%.Counter}
							Alert(player,"NoFall", 1)

#Self Damage check
on damage:
	if "%damage cause%" = "fall":
		if IsJoined(victim):
		if IsSpecial(victim):
		if IsDead(victim):
		if Enderpearl(victim):
		if IsTeleporting(victim):
		if victim is on ground:
			if block 0.85 below victim is not air:
				loop all blocks in radius 1.25 around victim:
					add loop-block to {_Block4::*}
					loop {_Block4::*}:
						if loop-value-2 is slab or fence gate or stairs or piston or sticky piston:
				if block below victim is not air:
					if y location of victim is less than {Loc.FlightY.%victim's uuid%}:
						if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%victim's uuid%} and now > 2.2 seconds:
							Alert(victim,"SelfDamage", 5)
#Rotation Check
on any move:
	set {_A} to player's pitch
	if {_A} is less than -90:
		Alert(player,"InvalidRotations", 5)
	else if {_A} is bigger than 90:
		Alert(player,"InvalidRotations", 5)

#Attribute Flight check
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInAbilities":
		if difference between {Flight.Abilities.%uuid of player%} and now <= 0.5 seconds:
			if IsSpecial(player):
			Alert(player,"Flight", 5)
		set {Flight.Abilities.%uuid of player%} to now

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInClientCommand":
		set {Inventory.Invalid.%uuid of player%} to true
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInCloseWindow":
		delete {Inventory.Invalid.%uuid of player%}
	if event-string is "PacketplayInWindowClick":
		set {_A} to packet field "a"
		if {Inventory.Invalid.%uuid of player%} is not set:
			if {_A} = 0:
				Alert(player,"InvalidInv", 6)

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInClientCommand":
		set {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%} to true
		set {InventoryMove.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInCloseWindow":
		delete {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%}
	if event-string = "PacketplayInWindowClick":
		if IsJoined(player):
		if IsSpecial(player):
		if IsDead(player):
		if Enderpearl(player):
		if IsTeleporting(player):
		if {InventoryMove.%player's uuid%} = true:
			if difference between {InventoryMove.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.95 seconds:
				if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.3 seconds:
					IsMoving(player, 1.80):
						if difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord <= 2:
							close player's inventory
							Alert(player,"InventoryMove", 5)

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInClientCommand":
		set {_a} to packet field "a"
			add 1 to {InventorySimulate.Counter.%player's uuid%}
			if {InventorySimulate.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
				set {InventorySimulate.Prev.%player's uuid%} to now
			if {InventorySimulate.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
				delete {InventorySimulate.Counter.%player's uuid%}
				if difference between {InventorySimulate.Prev.%player's uuid%} and now < 0.145 seconds:
					Alert(player,"InvSimulate", 2)

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockPlace":
		if player's tool is sword or food:
			set {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%} to true
			set {NoSlowDown.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockDig":
		set {_c} to packet field "c"
		if "%{_c}%" = "RELEASE_USE_ITEM":
			delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInHeldItemSlot":
		delete {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%}
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInFlying" or "PacketPlayInPosition" or "PacketPlayInLook":
		if IsJoined(player):
		if IsSpecial(player):
		if IsDead(player):
		if Enderpearl(player):
		if IsTeleporting(player):
		if player is riding:
		if {NoSlowDown.Blocking.%player's uuid%} = true:
			if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
				if difference between {NoSlowDown.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.85 seconds:
					if difference between {NoSlowDown.Place.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.70 seconds:
						if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 1.4 seconds:
							if player's tool is not a potion:
								set {_C} to DisToGround(player)
								if block {_C}+1 below player is ice or packed ice or slime block:
								IsMoving(player, 2.8):
									if difference between player's y-coord and {IsMoving.1.%player's uuid%}'s y-coord <= 2:
										Alert(player,"NoSlowDown ", 3)
										set {NoSlowDown.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
# <--- Exploit --->
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayOutPosition":
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInPosition" or "PacketPlayInPositionLook" or "PacketPlayInLook":
		if IsSpecial(player):
		if IsTeleporting(player):
		if IsDead(player):
		if Enderpearl(player):
		if IsTeleporting(player):
		if IsJoined(player):
		if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 3 seconds:
			if difference between {Vehicle.Exit.%player's uuid%} and now > 0.9 seconds:
				if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 2.2 seconds:
					player's ping is less than 155
					add 1 to {Timer.Counter.%uuid of player%}
					if {Timer.Counter.%uuid of player%} = 1:
						set {Timer.Time.%uuid of player%} to now
					if {Timer.Counter.%uuid of player%} = 2:
						clear {Timer.Counter.%uuid of player%}
						set {_A} to difference between {Timer.Time.%uuid of player%} and now
						if {_A} < 0.0355 seconds:
							if check [{_A} != 0 seconds] or [{_A} != 0.001 seconds]:
								add 1 to {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%}
								if {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%} = 4:
									clear {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%}
									Alert(player,"Timer", 2)
						if {_A} > 0.085 seconds:
							add 1 to {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%}
							if {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%} = 4:
								clear {Timer.Count.%uuid of player%}
								Alert(player,"Timer", 2)

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInKeepAlive":
		set {PacketKeepAlive.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
		if difference between {Join.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 6 seconds:
			if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 4 seconds:	
				if difference between {PacketKeepAlive.%player's uuid%.time} and now >= 2.475 second:
					if IsJoined(player):
					if IsDead(player):
					if Enderpearl(player):
					if IsTeleporting(player):
					Alert(player,"PingSpoof", 1)
		set {PacketKeepAlive.%player's uuid%.time} to now
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInFlying" or "PacketPlayInPosition":
		if difference between {PacketKeepAlive.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now > 4 seconds:
			if difference between {Join.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 6 seconds:
				if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 4 seconds:
					if IsJoined(player):
					if IsDead(player):
					if Enderpearl(player):
					if IsTeleporting(player):
					Alert(player,"PingSpoof", 2)
			set {PacketKeepAlive.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInKeepAlive":
		add 1 to {PacketKeepAlive.Count.%player's uuid%}
		if {PacketKeepAlive.Count.%player's uuid%} = 1:
			set {PacketKeepAlive.Key.%player's uuid%} to packet field "a"
		if {PacketKeepAlive.Count.%player's uuid%} >= 2:
			delete {PacketKeepAlive.Count.%player's uuid%}
			if difference between {Join.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 6 seconds:
				if difference between {Death.Time.%player's uuid%} and now > 4 seconds:
					set {_A} to packet field "a"
					if {PacketKeepAlive.Key.%player's uuid%} = {_A}:
						Alert(player,"PingSpoof", 3)

#Weird Packets
on packet:
	if event-string is "PacketPlayInCustomPayload":
		set {_C} to packet field "a"
		if {_C} = "MC|TrSel" or "MC|TrSel B" or "MC|PickItem" or "CRYSTAL|KZ1LM9TO" or "LOLIMAHACKER":
			Alert(player,"Weird Packets", 8)
#BookFloading Crash Exploit
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInCustomPayload":
		set {_D} to packet field "a"
		if difference between {CustomPayload.Timer.%uuid of player%} and now <= 0.2 seconds:
			if {_D} = "MC|BEdit" or "MC|BSign" or "MC|BSign B":
				Alert(player,"Crasher", 10)
				cancel event
		set {CustomPayload.Timer.%uuid of player%} to now
# <--- Combat --->

#Killaura Check / Rotations
on damage:
	attacker is player
	"%damage cause%" != "potion"
	set {_b} to vector of location of attacker
	set {_c} to vector of location of victim
	set {_E} to {_c} -- {_b}
	set {_F} to angle between {_E} and {_b}
	add 1 to {Counter.%attacker's uuid%}
	if {Counter.%attacker's uuid%} = 1:
		set {Angle.a.%attacker's uuid%} to {_F}
	if {Counter.%attacker's uuid%} = 2:
		clear {Counter.%attacker's uuid%}
		if difference between {Counter2.%attacker's uuid%} and now = 0 second:
			Alert(attacker,"Killaura", 3)
		if difference between {Counter2.%attacker's uuid%} and now <= 0.3 second:
			if difference between {Angle.a.%attacker's uuid%} and {_F} >= 45:
				Alert(attacker,"Killaura", 2)
	set {Counter2.%attacker's uuid%} to now
on damage:
	attacker is player
	"%damage cause%" != "projectile"
	"%damage cause%" != "potion"
	if IsSpecial(attacker):
	if Enderpearl(attacker):
	if IsTeleporting(attacker):
	if attacker's tool is bow or potion:
	if attacker's tool is enchanted with knockback:
	set {_e} to eye location of attacker
	set {_c} to the distance between {_e} and victim
	if attacker is sprinting:
		set {_r} to 4.48
		set {_r} to 4.08
	set {_a} to eye location of attacker
	set {_v} to eye location of victim
	if {_a}'s y-coord > {_v}'s y-coord:
		add 0.57 to {_r}
	if {_a}'s y-coord < {_v}'s y-coord:
		add 0.30 to {_r}
	if {_a}'s y-coord = {_v}'s y-coord:
		remove 0.13 from {_r}
	if difference between {_a}'s y-coord and {_v}'s y-coord > 0.90:
		if {_a}'s y-coord > {_v}'s y-coord:
			add 0.33 to {_r}
	if {_c} >= {_r}:
		set {_P} to attacker's ping
		if {_P} is less than 71:
			Alert(attacker,"Reach", 3)
		if {_P} is between 80 and 120:
			Alert(attacker,"Reach", 2)
		if {_P} is between 121 and 200:
			Alert(attacker,"Reach", 1)
		if {_P} is between 201 and 250:
			Alert(attacker,"Reach", 0)

#CPS Check / With Ping Factor / Killaura CPS
on leftclick:
	add 1 to {CPS.Click.%player's uuid%}
on block damage:
	remove 1 from {CPS.Click.%player's uuid%}
	remove 1 from {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%}
every 20 ticks:
	loop all players:
		delete {CPS.Arm.Click.%loop-player's uuid%}
		if IsSpecial(loop-player):
		if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} = 0:
		if loop-player's tool is fishing rod:
		set {_P} to ping of loop-player
		if {_P} is less than 71:
			if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} >= 14:
				Alert(loop-player,"CPS", 2, {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%})
		if {_P} is between 72 and 120:
			if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} >= 15:
				Alert(loop-player,"CPS", 2, {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%})
		if {_P} is between 121 and 140:
			if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} >= 17:
				Alert(loop-player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%})	
		if {_P} is between 141 and 180:
			if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} >= 19:
				Alert(loop-player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%})
		if {_P} is between 181 and 220:
			if {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%} >= 24:
				Alert(loop-player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Click.%loop-player's uuid%})

#CPS Check (Arm Swing)
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockDig":
		set {_c} to packet field "c"
		if "%{_C}%" = "START_DESTROY_BLOCK":
			set {CPS.Arm.Dig.%player's uuid%} to true
		if "%{_C}%" = "ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK":
			delete {CPS.Arm.Dig.%player's uuid%}
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInArmAnimation":
		if {CPS.Arm.Dig.%player's uuid%} = true:
		add 1 to {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%}
		set {_P} to ping of player
		if {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%} > 12:
			add 1 to {CPS.Counter.%player's uuid%}
			if {CPS.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
				set {CPS.Prev.Click.%player's uuid%} to {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%}
			if {CPS.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
				delete {CPS.Counter.%player's uuid%}
				if {CPS.Prev.Click.%player's uuid%} = {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%}:
					if {_P} < 120:
						add 1 to {CPS.Alert.Counter.%player's uuid%}
						if check [{CPS.Alert.Counter.%player's uuid%}>1]:
							delete {CPS.Alert.Counter.%player's uuid%}
							Alert(player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%})
		if check [{_P} <= 71]->[{CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%} >= 13]:
			Alert(player,"CPS", 2, {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%})
		if check [{_P} >= 72]->[{_P} <= 120]->[{CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%} >= 14]:
			Alert(player,"CPS", 2, {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%})
		if check [{_P} >= 121]->[{_P} <= 180]->[{CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%} >= 15]:
			Alert(player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%})
		if check [{_P} >= 181]->[{_P} <= 220]->[{CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%} >= 18]:
			Alert(player,"CPS", 1, {CPS.Arm.Click.%player's uuid%})
#Fastbow Check
on shoot:
	if projectile is an arrow:
		if difference between {Fastbow.Timer.%shooter's uuid%} and now <= 0.1825 second:
			set {Fastbow.Timer.%shooter's uuid%} to now
			Alert(shooter,"FastBow", 4)
		set {Fastbow.Timer.%shooter's uuid%} to now

#AutoBlock Check
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockPlace":
		set {AutoBlock.BlockPlace.%uuid of player%} to now
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockDig":
		if IsSpecial(player):
		set {_c} to packet field "c"
		if "%{_c}%" = "RELEASE_USE_ITEM":
			if difference between {AutoBlock.BlockPlace.%uuid of player%} and now <= 0.033 seconds:
				Alert(player,"AutoBlock", 2)

#AutoBlock Check Release
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInBlockDig":
		if IsSpecial(player):
		set {_c} to packet field "c"
		if "%{_c}%" = "RELEASE_USE_ITEM":
			add 1 to {AutoBlock.Counter.%player's uuid%}
			if {AutoBlock.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
				set {AutoBlock.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
			if {AutoBlock.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 2:
				delete {AutoBlock.Counter.%player's uuid%}
				if difference between {AutoBlock.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now < 0.083 seconds:
					Alert(player,"AutoBlock", 3)

#No Rotation Check
on damage:
	attacker is player
	"%damage cause%" != "projectile"
	"%damage cause%" != "potion"
	if IsSpecial(attacker):
	if Enderpearl(attacker):
	if IsTeleporting(attacker):
	if attacker's tool is bow:
	if target of attacker is not the victim:
		if attacker's tool is not a enderpearl or bow:
			attacker is not victim
			add 1 to {Rotations.Count.%uuid of attacker%}
			if {Rotations.Count.%uuid of attacker%} = 8:
				delete {Rotations.Count.%uuid of attacker%}
				Alert(attacker,"NoRotations", 3)
#Self Hurt Check
on damage:
	if attacker is victim:
		if attacker's tool is enderpearl or Bow:
		"%damage cause%" != "projectile"
		"%damage cause%" != "potion"
		if Enderpearl(attacker):
		if IsTeleporting(attacker):
		if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%attacker's uuid%} and now > 2.2 seconds:
			Alert(attacker,"SelfHurt", 2)

#MultiAura Check
on damage:
	attacker is player
	"%damage cause%" != "potion"
	add 1 to {MultiAura.Count.%uuid of attacker%}
	if {MultiAura.Count.%uuid of attacker%} = 1:
		set {MultiAura.Timer.%uuid of attacker%} to now
		set {_A} to victim
		set {MultiAura.Player.%uuid of attacker%} to {_A}
	if {MultiAura.Count.%uuid of attacker%} = 2:
		delete {MultiAura.Count.%uuid of attacker%}
		if victim != {MultiAura.Player.%uuid of attacker%}:
			if difference between {MultiAura.Timer.%uuid of attacker%} and now <= 0.15 seconds:
				add 1 to {MultiAura.Counter.%uuid of attacker%}
				if {MultiAura.Counter.%uuid of attacker%} = 3:
					delete {MultiAura.Counter.%uuid of attacker%}
					if attacker's ping < 71:
						Alert(attacker,"MultiAura", 1)

#NoSwing Check
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInArmAnimation":
		set {NoSwing.%uuid of player%} to true
on damage:
	attacker is player
	"%damage cause%" != "projectile"
	"%damage cause%" != "potion"
	if attacker's tool is bow or enderpearl:
	if Enderpearl(attacker):
	if {NoSwing.%uuid of attacker%} = true:
		delete {NoSwing.%uuid of attacker%}
	if {NoSwing.%uuid of attacker%} != true:
		if difference between {Teleporting.Timer.%attacker's uuid%} and now > 2.2 seconds:
			add 1 to {NoSwing.Count.%uuid of attacker%}	
			if {NoSwing.Count.%uuid of attacker%} = 3:
				clear {NoSwing.Count.%uuid of attacker%}
				Alert(attacker,"NoSwing", 3)

#Criticals Check
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayOutAnimation":
		set {_A} to packet field "b"
		if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now < 0.9 seconds:
			if {_A} = 4:
				set {_B} to block 0.05 below player
				if {_B} != air:
					add 1 to {Criticals.Counter.%uuid of player%}
					if {Criticals.Counter.%uuid of player%} = 3:
						delete {Criticals.Counter.%uuid of player%}
						Alert(player, "Criticals", 2)
#Criticals Hurttime Check
on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayOutAnimation":
		set {_A} to packet field "b"
		if difference between {Damage.Time.%player's uuid%} and now < 0.9 seconds:
			if {_A} = 4:
				add 1 to {LastCrit.Counter.%player's uuid%}
				if {LastCrit.Counter.%player's uuid%} = 1:
					set {LastCrit.Packet.%player's uuid%} to now
				if {LastCrit.Counter.%player's uuid%} >= 2:
					delete {LastCrit.Counter.%player's uuid%}
					set {_B} to difference between {LastCrit.Packet.%player's uuid%} and now
					if player's ping < 175:
						if {_B} < 0.375 seconds:
							Alert(player, "Criticals", 2)

on packet:
	if event-string = "PacketPlayInPositionLook" or "PacketPlayInLook" or "PacketPlayOutEntityLook":
		set {_p} to player's pitch
		set {_y} to player's yaw
		add 90 to {_p} and {_y}
		set {_p} to {_p} * 3.14159265359 / 180
		set {_y} to {_y} * 3.14159265359 / 180
		add 1 to {Aimbot.Rotations.%player's uuid%}
		if {Aimbot.Rotations.%player's uuid%} = 1:
			set {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.y.%player's uuid%} to {_y}
			set {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.p.%player's uuid%} to {_p}
		if {Aimbot.Rotations.%player's uuid%} = 2:
			delete {Aimbot.Rotations.%player's uuid%}
			if {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.p.%player's uuid%} > {_p}:
				set {_p1} to 1
				set {_p1} to 2
			if {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.y.%player's uuid%} > {_y}:
				set {_y1} to 1
				set {_y1} to 2

			if {_p1} = 1:
				set {_p2} to {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.p.%player's uuid%} - {_p}
				set {_p2} to {_p} - {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.p.%player's uuid%}
			if {_y1} = 1:
				set {_y2} to {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.y.%player's uuid%} - {_y}
				set {_y2} to {_y} - {Aimbot.Prev.Rotations.y.%player's uuid%}
			if check [target of player is not set] or [target of player is not a player]: # Is In Player's Hitbox

			if check [{_p2} != 0]->[abs(floor({_y2})-{_y2}) > 0.0675]->[abs(floor({_p2}) - {_p2}) < 0.0011]:
				Alert(player,"Aimbot", 2)
			if check [{_y2} != 0]->[{_p2} < 0.01514]->[{_p2} > 0.01282]->[abs(floor({_y2}) - {_y2}) > 0.14]:
				Alert(player,"Aimbot", 1)
# <--- Other --->
#FastEat Check
on consume:
	if difference between {FastEat.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now <= 1 second:
		set {FastEat.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
		Alert(player,"FastEat", 4)
	set {FastEat.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now

#Build Reach Check
on place:
	set {_A} to eye location of player
	set {_B} to event-block
	set {_C} to distance between {_A} and {_B}
	if player's gamemode is survival:
		set {_R} to 4.96
	if player's gamemode is creative:
		set {_R} to 5.45
	if {_C} >= {_R}:
		Alert(player,"BlockReach", 4)

on place:
	if IsSpecial(player):
	if player's tool is not TNT or oak_leaves or Flint and steel or Fire Charge:
		if difference between {FastPlace.Timer.%player's uuid%} and now <= 0.0425 second:
			set {FastPlace.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now
			add 1 to {FastPlace.Count.%player's uuid%}
			if {FastPlace.Count.%player's uuid%} = 2:
				delete {FastPlace.Count.%player's uuid%}
				Alert(player,"FastPlace", 2)
		set {FastPlace.Timer.%player's uuid%} to now