Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Please contact eult on discord if you need help
		version: 2.0
		# whether or not the permission should be required to use
		permission-required: false
		# what permission is required to open any shulker box
		permission: BMS.use
		# message to send when a user doesn't have the required permission node to unlock shulker boxes
		permission-message: &cYou do not have permission to this. &7&o(Missing node 'BMS.use')
		# how the message should be displayed to the player
		permission-message-format: actionbar # accepted entries are 'actionbar', 'title', 'message' (using any other will effectively disable this)

		# how fast the spawner spawns drop
		# NOTE: every 20 ticks = 1 second
		# NOTE: every upgrade will take 30 ticks away from the spawn rate"
		# NOTE: do not go below 150 if your max-upgrade is 5+
		spawner-speed: 450
		# breaking the spawner without silk touch destroy the spawner
		break-with-silk-touch: false
		# maximum upgrade for the spawners
		max-upgrade: 5
		# items will go into the hopper if there is one under the spawner
		spawner-hoppers: true
		# this determines what size chest is appropriate for storing chest
		# keep in mind max is 6
		size-of-spawner-chest: 1
		# message to send when a user stack/upgrade the spawners
		# %{_upgrade}% is the amount of upgrade the spawners have
		upgrade-message: &aSpawner Level: &e%{_upgrade}%
		# how the message should be displayed to the player
		upgrade-message-format: actionbar # accepted entries are 'actionbar', 'title', 'message' (using any other will effectively disable this)
		# locked spawner can only be changed or destroyed by those who place it and have access to it (operators also have access to it).
		locked-spawners: false
		# locked spawner message if player is not the owner of the spawner
		locked-message: &4Access has been denied! This spawner is not owned by you.
		# how the message should be displayed to the player
		locked-message-format: actionbar # accepted entries are 'actionbar', 'title', 'message' (using any other will effectively disable this)

        # changing this will disable the fuel from working and will remove it from the GUI
		# NOTE: if this is disabled, all the fuel options will be also disabled
		fuel-options: true
		# hoppersabove filled with coal will automatically fuel spawners
		fill-with-hoppers: true
		# fuel doubles the amount of items you get from the spawner
		# this is the maximum amount of fuel you can put in a spawner
		max-fuel: 512

		# as a clarification of the fuel usage, the spawner will only use the fuel it needs to generate more loots.
		# the fuel is coal, so if you break the spawner while there is fuel inside, the fuel will be lost.


#	Events (Interacting)


#When a spawner spawns mobs
# Calculate loot, experience, and item drops
# Handle upgrades and fuel if applicable
On spawner Spawn:
	cancel event
	# Creates a loottable to get the item drops from the spawners
	set {_lootContext} to new LootContext.Builder((event-entity).getLocation())
	set {_lootContext} to {_lootContext}.killer(player)
	set {_lootContext} to {_lootContext}.lootedEntity(event-entity)
	set {_lootContext} to {_lootContext}.build()
	set {_items} to (event-entity).getLootTable().populateLoot(new Random(), {_lootContext})
	set {_block} to event-block
	set {_xp} to random integer between 1 and 3
	add {_xp} to int tag "custom;experience" of nbt of {_block}
	set {_upgrade} to int tag "custom;upgrade" of nbt of {_block}
	set {_fuel} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
	# "...{_items}" is what you get from spawner
	if {_upgrade} is set:
		if {_upgrade} > 10:
			set {_upgrade} to 10
	# Simple addition by Zabrid which makes it so hoppers above the
	# spawner if they're filled with coal, will fuel the spawner
	parse if:
		{@fuel-options} is true
		{@fill-with-hoppers} is true
		if block to the right of {_block} is hopper[facing=east]:
			block to the right of {_block} is hopper
			block to the right of {_block}'s inventory contains coal
			set {_hopper} to block to the right of {_block}
		if block to the left of {_block} is hopper[facing=west]:
			block to the left of {_block} is hopper
			block to the left of {_block}'s inventory contains coal
			set {_hopper} to block to the left of {_block}
		if block behind {_block} is hopper[facing=south]:
			block behind {_block} is hopper
			block behind {_block}'s inventory contains coal
			set {_hopper} to block behind {_block}
		if block in front {_block} is hopper[facing=north]:
			block in front {_block} is hopper
			block in front {_block}'s inventory contains coal
			set {_hopper} to block in front {_block}
		if block above {_block} is hopper:
			block above {_block} is hopper
			block above {_block}'s inventory contains coal
			set {_hopper} to block above {_block}
		if {_hopper} is set:
			if {_fuel} is less than {@max-fuel}:
				set {_requiredamount} to {@max-fuel} - {_fuel}
				# If the amount of coal in the inventory is not enough to
				# fill the spawner completely, just use all of the coal it can
				if {_hopper}'s inventory does not contain {_requiredamount} of coal:
					set {_requiredamount} to amount of coal in {_hopper}'s inventory
				remove {_requiredamount} of coal from {_hopper}'s inventory
				add {_requiredamount} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
	parse if {@spawner-hoppers} is true:
		if block under event-block is hopper:
			if block under event-block's inventory has space for ...{_items}:
				if ...{_items} is set:
					give ...{_items} to block under event-block's inventory
					parse if:
						{@fuel-options} is true
						{_fuel} > 0
						block under event-block's inventory has space for ...{_items}
						give ...{_items} to block under event-block's inventory
						remove 1 from int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
					wait tick
					set int tag "Delay" of nbt compound of event-block to {@spawner-speed} - ({_upgrade} * 30)
	# Creates a fake GUI to check if there is a place for
	# the item in the spawner and if there is not, then it won't be added
	set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with {@size-of-spawner-chest} row
	set {_items::*} to compound list tag "custom;BlockEntityTag;Items" of nbt of {_block}
	loop {_items::*}:
		set {_slot} to byte tag "slot" of loop-value
		set {_item} to compound tag "item" of loop-value
		set {_item} to item from nbt {_item}
		{_slot} and {_item} are set
		set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to {_item}
	if {_gui} has space for ...{_items}:
		add ...{_items}  to {_gui}
		if {_fuel} > 0:
			{_gui} has space for ...{_items}
			add ...{_items}  to {_gui}
			remove 1 from int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
		loop items within {_gui}:
			set {_slot} to index of loop-slot
			set {_item} to full nbt of loop-item
			add nbt from "{slot:%{_slot}%b,item:%{_item}%}" to {_nbt::*}
		# Since NBT is much more efficient, items are saved there
		set compound list tag "custom;BlockEntityTag;Items" of nbt of {_block} to {_nbt::*}
		wait tick
		set int tag "Delay" of nbt compound of event-block to {@spawner-speed} - ({_upgrade} * 30)

# When a player breaks a mob spawner
# Check permissions, upgrade levels, and item drops
on break of mob spawner:
	cancel event
	parse if {@permission-required} is true:
		if player doesn't have permission "{@permission}":
			parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@permission-message}" to player
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of player
				send title "&4&lAUTHORIZATION" with subtitle "{@permission-message}" to player for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@permission-message}" to player
	parse if {@locked-spawners} is true:
		set {_owner} to (uuid tag "custom;owner" of nbt compound of event-block)
		if {_owner} != player's uuid:
			player is not op
			{_owner} is set
			parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@locked-message}" to player
			else parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of {_player}
				send title "&4&lLOCKED" with subtitle "{@locked-message}" to player for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@locked-message}" to player
	set {_nbt} to nbt compound of event-block
	set {_i} to int tag "custom;upgrade" of {_nbt}
	if {_i} > 1:
		remove 1 from int tag "custom;upgrade" of {_nbt}
		set event-block to air
		delete int tag "custom;upgrade" of {_nbt}
		set {_items::*} to compound list tag "custom;BlockEntityTag;Items" of {_nbt}
		set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with {@size-of-spawner-chest} row
		loop {_items::*}:
			set {_slot} to byte tag "slot" of loop-value
			set {_item} to compound tag "item" of loop-value
			set {_item} to item from nbt {_item}
			{_slot} and {_item} are set
			set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to {_item}
		loop items within {_gui}:
			add loop-value to {_drops::*}
		set {_xp} to int tag "custom;experience" of {_nbt}
		add {_xp}/2 to player's experience
		# Drops all the items that was already inside the spawner chest
		drop {_drops::*}
	set {_idofEventBlock} to string tag "SpawnData;entity;id" of nbt compound of event-block
	set {_i} to 1 of spawner
	set string tag "BlockEntityTag;SpawnData;entity;id" of nbt compound of {_i} to {_idofEventBlock}
	if {@break-with-silk-touch} is true:
		stop if tool of the player is not enchanted with silk touch
	drop {_i}

# Player interactions with spawners
# Upgrade spawners and open main GUI
on rightclick on spawner:
	# Just a small quality of life change which makes
	# placing hoppers on spawners a lot better
	player's tool is not a hopper
	parse if {@permission-required} is true:
		if player doesn't have permission "{@permission}":
			parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@permission-message}" to player
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of {_player}
				send title "&4&lAUTHORIZATION" with subtitle "{@permission-message}" to player for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@permission-message}" to player
			cancel event
	parse if {@locked-spawners} is true:
		set {_owner} to (uuid tag "custom;owner" of nbt compound of event-block)
		if {_owner} != player's uuid:
			player is not op
			{_owner} is set
			parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@locked-message}" to player
			else parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of {_player}
				send title "&4&lLOCKED" with subtitle "{@locked-message}" to player for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@locked-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@locked-message}" to player
			cancel event
	if player's tool is monster spawner:
		set {_nbt} to nbt compound of event-block
		set {_idofEventBlock} to string tag "SpawnData;entity;id" of {_nbt}
		set {_idofTool} to string tag "BlockEntityTag;SpawnData;entity;id" of nbt compound of player's tool
		set {_upgrade} to int tag "custom;upgrade" of {_nbt}
		if {_idofEventBlock} != {_idofTool}:
		if {@max-upgrade} = {_upgrade}:
		if event-block is Monster Spawner:
			cancel event
			remove 1 of tool from tool
			add 1 to int tag "custom;upgrade" of nbt compound of event-block
			add 1 to {_upgrade}
			parse if "{@upgrade-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@upgrade-message}" to player
			else parse if "{@upgrade-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of player
				send title "&a&lUPGRADE" with subtitle "{@upgrade-message}" to player for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@upgrade-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@upgrade-message}" to player
	set metadata value "BS;SpawnerLocation" of player to location of event-block
	BSmainGUI(player, location of event-block)

# When a player places a spawner
# Set the spawner type and initial upgrade level
on place of spawner:
	parse if {@permission-required} is true:
		if player doesn't have permission "{@permission}":
			parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "actionbar":
				send action bar "{@permission-message}" to {_player}
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "title":
				reset title of {_player}
				send title "&4&lAUTHORIZATION" with subtitle "{@permission-message}" to {_player} for 0.5 seconds with fadein 0 seconds with fadeout a second
			else parse if "{@permission-message-format}" is "message":
				send "{@permission-message}" to {_player}
			cancel event
	# Creating spawners in creative does not have this problem,
	# but placing them in survival will result in an empty spawner,
	# so the block below should fix it
	set {_idofEventBlock} to string tag "BlockEntityTag;SpawnData;entity;id" of nbt compound of player's tool
	set string tag "SpawnData;entity;id" of nbt compound of event-block to {_idofEventBlock}
	set int tag "custom;upgrade" of nbt compound of event-block to 1
	parse if {@locked-spawners} is true:
		set uuid tag "custom;owner" of nbt compound of event-block to player

# Player interactions with GUIs
# Handle looting, XP collection, and fueling
on inventory click:
	if player's current inventory is metadata value "BS;GUI" of player:
		cancel event
		set {_block} to block at metadata value "BS;SpawnerLocation" of player
		if event-slot is slot 10 of player's current inventory:
			set {_items::*} to compound list tag "custom;BlockEntityTag;Items" of nbt of {_block}
			set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with {@size-of-spawner-chest} row with name "&6Spawner"
			loop {_items::*}:
				set {_slot} to byte tag "slot" of loop-value
				set {_item} to compound tag "item" of loop-value
				set {_item} to item from nbt {_item}
				{_slot} and {_item} are set
				set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to {_item}
			set (metadata value "BS;spawnerLoot" of player) to {_gui}
			open (metadata value "BS;spawnerLoot" of player) to player
		if event-slot is slot 16 of player's current inventory:
			set {_xp} to int tag "custom;experience" of nbt of {_block}
			add {_xp}/2 to player's experience
			set int tag "custom;experience" of nbt of {_block} to 0
		parse if {@fuel-options} is true:
			if event-slot is slot 11 of player's current inventory:
				set {_fuel} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
				if click action is not right mouse button:
					if player has 1 coal:
						if {_fuel} <= {@max-fuel} - 1:
							add 1 to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
							remove 1 coal from player
					set {_coalAmount} to amount of coal in player's inventory
					set {_requiredamount} to {@max-fuel} - {_fuel}
					if {_requiredamount} >=  {_coalAmount}:
						remove {_coalAmount} of coal from player
						add {_coalAmount} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
						remove {_requiredamount} of coal from player
						add {_requiredamount} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
		BSmainGUI(player, metadata value "BS;SpawnerLocation" of player)
	if player's current inventory is metadata value "BS;spawnerLoot" of player:
		cancel event
		if the player has space for event-item:
			give player event-item
			set clicked slot to air
			set {_block} to block at metadata value "BS;SpawnerLocation" of player
			loop items within player's current inventory:
				set {_slot} to index of loop-slot
				set {_item} to full nbt of loop-item
				add nbt from "{slot:%{_slot}%b,item:%{_item}%}" to {_nbt::*}
			set compound list tag "custom;BlockEntityTag;Items" of nbt of {_block} to {_nbt::*}


# Function to set up the main GUI interface
function BSmainGUI(player: player, location: location):
	set metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player} to chest inventory with 3 rows with name "&6Spawner"
	set {_block} to block at {_location}
	# Loots lore
	add "&7This is where Loot spawners will be located." to {_lore::*}
	add "&7You can get the loot by clicking here." to {_lore::*}
	if {@spawner-hoppers} is true:
		add "" to {_lore::*}
		if block under {_block} is hopper:
			add "&aSince there is a hopper under the spawner," to {_lore::*}
			add "&athe items will drop into the hopper." to {_lore::*}
			add "&e&nA hopper under the spawner will hold items." to {_lore::*}
	set slot 10 of metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player} to Minecart with chest named "&aLoots" with lore {_lore::*} with all flags hidden
	delete {_lore::*}
	# fuel lore
	parse if {@fuel-options} is true:
		add "" to {_lore::*}
		add "&7You will receive twice as much loot from" to {_lore::*}
		add "&7the fuel as each fuel costing one coal." to {_lore::*}
		add "" to {_lore::*}
		add "&aFill automatically by right-clicking" to {_lore::*}
		add "" to {_lore::*}
		parse if {@fill-with-hoppers} is true:
			if any:
				block to the left of {_block} is hopper[facing=west]
				block in front {_block} is hopper[facing=north]
				block to the right of {_block} is hopper[facing=east]
				block behind {_block} is hopper[facing=south]
				add "&aSince there is a hoppers above, right, left," to {_lore::*}
				add "&ain front, or behind fills the fuel automaticall" to {_lore::*}
				add "&athe spawner fills the fuel automatically" to {_lore::*}
				add "&afrom the hoppers." to {_lore::*}
				add "&e&nA hopper above, right, left, in front," to {_lore::*}
				add "&e&nor behind fills the fuel automatically." to {_lore::*}
		set {_fuel} to int tag "custom;fuel" of nbt of {_block}
		set slot 11 of metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player} to blast furnace named "&6Fuel &e%{_fuel}%" with lore {_lore::*} with all flags hidden
	delete {_lore::*}
	set {_upgrade} to int tag "custom;upgrade" of nbt of {_block}
	set slot 13 of metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player} to spawner named "&aSpawner Level &6%{_upgrade}%" with lore "&7Upgrade your spawner by right-clicking" , "&7using another spawner of the same type." , "&7To downgrade, break the spawner." with all flags hidden
	set {_xp} to int tag "custom;experience" of nbt of {_block}
	set slot 16 of metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player} to XP bottle named "&aXP &6%{_xp}/2%" with lore "&7Here is all the experience that spawner drop." , "&7To grab all the XP, click here." with all flags hidden
	open (metadata value "BS;GUI" of {_player}) to {_player}