Created by BlackVen4m

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Thank you so much for downloading!
#Have fun!


on first login:
	if {auto} is 1:
		wait 2 second
		play sound "block.note_block.harp" with volume 200 and pitch 1 to player
		message "&6Choosing your lives in..."
		wait 1 second
		message "&e5"
		play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 200 and pitch 0.6 to player
		wait 1 second
		message "&e4"
		play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 200 and pitch 0.7 to player
		wait 1 second
		message "&e3"
		play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 200 and pitch 0.8 to player
		wait 1 second
		message "&e2"
		play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 200 and pitch 0.9 to player
		wait 1 second
		message "&e1"
		play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 200 and pitch 1 to player
		wait 1 second
		set {life.%player%} to a random integer between 3 and 6
		message "&7You were chosen to have &b%{life.%player%}% &blives."
		play sound "block.note_block.bell" with volume 200 and pitch 1 to player
		set {life.%player%} to {loj}

every second:
    loop all players:
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 6:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &2%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 5:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &2%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 4:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &2%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 3:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &a%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &e%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 1:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &c%loop-player%"
        if {life.%loop-player%} is 0:
            set tablist name of loop-player to "&7%{life.%loop-player%}% | &0%loop-player%"

#Main Command ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

command /life [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:
        if player is op:
            if arg 1 is "set":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        if arg 3 is not greater than 6:
                            set {life.%arg 2%} to arg 3
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &eSet &6%arg 2%&6's &elives to &6%arg 3%&6."
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can only set people's lives to a number between 0 to 6."
            if arg 1 is "add":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 + {life.%arg 2%} is not greater than 6:
                        if arg 3 is greater than -1:
                            add arg 3 to {life.%arg 2%}
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &eAdded &6%arg 3% &eto &6%arg 2%&6's &elives."
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can't add negative numbers to %arg 2%&c's lives!"
                        message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can't add that many lives to &c%arg 2%&c!"

            if arg 1 is "subtract":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is not greater than {life.%arg 2%}:
                        if arg 3 is greater than -1:
                            subtract arg 3 from {life.%arg 2%}
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &eSubtracted &6%arg 3% &efrom &6%arg 2%&6's &elives."
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can't subtract negative numbers from %arg 2%&c's lives!"
                        message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can't subtract that many lives from &c%arg 2%&c!"               

            if arg 1 is "reset":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        if {life.%arg 2%} is 0:
                            set gamemode of arg 2 to survival
                            set {life.%arg 2%} to a random integer between 3 and 6
                            message "&7You were chosen to have &b%{life.%arg 2%}% &blives." to arg 2
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &eReset &6%arg 2%&6's &elives." to player
                            set {life.%arg 2%} to a random integer between 3 and 6
                            message "&7You were chosen to have &b%{life.%arg 2%}% &blives." to arg 2
                            message "&c&lLives &7>> &eReset &6%arg 2%&6's &elives." to player
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6============LIVES SKRIPT==============="
                message ""
                message "&aCreated by BlackVen4m."
                message ""
                message "<link:>&e&nSkUnity Page"
                message ""
                message "&c/life set &f<player> <number you want the player's lives to be>"
                message "&c/life lifeonjoin &f<set/auto> [<number> (Optinal)]"
                message "&c/life add &f<player> <number of lives>"
                message "&c/life subtract &f<player> <number of lives>"
                message "&c/life reset &f<player>"
command /lifeonjoin <text> [<integer>]:
		if arg 1 is "set":
			if arg 2 is less than 7:
				set {auto} to 0
				set {loj} to arg 2
				message "&c&lLives &7>> &aSucesfully set the lives of the players when they join for the first time to &7%{loj}%"
				message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou can't set the lives of the players when they join to more than 6!"
		if arg 1 is "auto":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				set {auto} to 1
				message "&c&lLives &7>> &aSucesfully set the lives of the players to be randomly generated when they join for the first time."

on death:
    if victim is a player:
        subtract 1 from {life.%player%}
        if {life.%player%} is greater than 0:
            message "&c&lLives &7>> &cYou lost a life! Be careful next time!"
            send action bar "&cLost 1 life." to player
            message "&c&lLives &7>> &4You lost all of your lives. You can spectate the world if you want to."
            set gamemode of player to spectator

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
        if {life.%player%} is 6:
            send "&2%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
        if {life.%player%} is 5:
            send "&2%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
        if {life.%player%} is 4:
            send "&2%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
        if {life.%player%} is 3:
            send "&a%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
        if {life.%player%} is 2:
            send "&e%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player
        if {life.%player%} is 1:
            send "%sender%&7: &f%message%" to loop-player