
Created by Redblock6

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /f:
    permission: invaded.f
    permission message: &cYou don't have permission to use this command.
        loop all players:
            make loop-player say "f"

command /massay [<text>]:
    permission: invaded.massay
    permission message: &cYou don't have permission to use this command.
        loop all players:
            set {massay} to arg-1
            make loop-player say "%{massay}%"
            clear {massay}

every tick:
    loop all players:
        if {vanish.%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {vanish.%loop-player%} to false

command /vanish [<player>]:
    permission: tehcore.vanish
    aliases: /v
        if arg-1 is set:
            if {vanish.%arg-1%} is false:
                hide arg-1 from all players
                send "&7%arg-1% &eis now &avanished&e."
                send "&eYou are now &avanished&e." to arg-1
                set {vanish.%arg-1%} to true
            else if {vanish.%arg-1%} is true:
                reveal arg-1 from all players
                send "&7%arg-1% &eis now &cunvanished&e."
                send "&eYou are now &cunvanished&e." to arg-1
                set {vanish.%arg-1%} to false
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {vanish.%player%} is false:
                hide player from all players
                send "&eYou are now &avanished&e."
                set {vanish.%player%} to true
            else if {vanish.%player%} is true:
                reveal player from all players
                send "&eYou are now &cunvanished&e."
                set {vanish.%player%} to false

every 6 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {noserver} is true:
            set action bar of loop-player to "&b&lTEH CORE &fFollow the instructions on the scoreboard."
            wait 3 seconds
            set action bar of loop-player to "&b&lTEH CORE &fIf there is no scoreboard something went wrong."
            wait 3 seconds

on chat:
    if {invaded} is true:
        if {server} is "Hub":
            cancel event
            send "&cYou are not allowed to talk in hub!"

on damage:
    if {server} is "Hub":
        cancel event

on join:
    if {noserver} is set:
        execute console command "clear %player%"
        set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&b&lTEHCORE"

on join:
    if {server} is "kitpvp":
        execute console command "spawn"
        execute console command "clear %player%"

on join:
    if {invaded} is true:
        if {server} is "Hub":
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to gray dye named "&7&lFeature Unavailable"
            set slot 4 of player to compass named "&6&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to nether star named "&6&lHub Selector"

on join:
    if {minemen} is true:
        if {server} is "Hub":
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to nether star named "&d&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to clock named "&d&lHub Selector"

on click holding gray dye:
    if player's tool is a gray dye named "&7&lFeature Unavailable":
        send "&cThis feature is not ready yet."

on click holding compass:
    if {invaded} is true:
        if player's tool is a compass named "&6&lServer Selector":
            send "&cThis would work, but there are many different server selector plugins out there! To disable this message, remove it from &etehcore.sk"
on click holding compass:
    if {invaded} is true:
        if player's tool is a compass named "&6&lHub Selector":
            send "&cThis would work, but there are many different hub selector plugins out there! To disable this message, remove it from &etehcore.sk"

on join:
    if {invaded} is true:
        if {server} is "Hub":
            send "&6&m-------------------------------------------"
            send "                &eWelcome to &6InvadedLands"
            send "&e&l"
            send "&6&lWebsite: &ehttp://invadedlands.net"
            send "&6&lStore: &ehttp://store.invadedlands.net"
            send "&6&lDiscord: &ehttp://discord.invadedlands.net"
            send "&6&lTwitter: &ehttp://twitter.com/InvadedLands"
            send "&6&m-------------------------------------------"		
    if {minemen} is true:
        if {server} is "Hub":
            send "&d&m-------------------------------------------"
            send "                &eWelcome to &dMinemenClub"
            send "&e&lWebsite: &dhttp://minemen.club"
            send "&e&lStore: &dhttp://store.minemen.club"
            send "&e&lDiscord: &dhttp://discord.gg/7FbNuwT"
            send "&e&lTwitter: &dhttp://twitter.com/MinemenClub"
            send "&d&m-------------------------------------------"

command /ping:
        if {invaded} is true:
            send "&3%player% &ehas a ping of &3%player's ping% &ems."
        if {minemen} is true:
            send "&d%player% &ehas a ping of &d%player's ping% &ems."
        if {noserver} is true:
            send "&c%player% &ehas a ping of &c%player's ping% &ems."

every tick:
    loop all players:
        if {kills.%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {kills.%loop-player%} to 0

every tick:
    loop all players:
        if {money.%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {money.%loop-player%} to 0

every tick:
    loop all players:
        if {deaths.%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {deaths.%loop-player%} to 0

every tick:
    loop all players:
        if {killstreak.%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {killstreak.%loop-player%} to 0

command /store:
        if {invaded} is true:
            send "&eStore: &3http://store.invadedlands.net"
        if {minemen} is true:
            send "&eStore: &dhttp://store.minemen.club"
        if {noserver} is true:
            send "&eStore: &7None."

command /twitter:
        if {invaded} is true:
            send "&eTwitter: &3http://twitter.com/InvadedLands"
        if {minemen} is true:
            send "&eTwitter: &dhttp://twitter.com/MinemenClub"
        if {noserver} is true:
            send "&eTwitter: &7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
            wait 2 second
            send "&c&lRICK ROLL!!!!"
            broadcast "&b%player% &fgot rick rolled by &7[&b&lDeveloper&7] &b&lRedblock6"

command /discord:
        if {invaded} is true:
            send "&eDiscord: &3http://discord.invadedlands.net"
        if {minemen} is true:
            send "&eDiscord: &dhttp://discord.gg/7FbNuwT"
        if {noserver} is true:
            send "&eDiscord: &7https://discord.gg/s8N2Yqc"

command /website:
        if {invaded} is true:
            send "&eWebsite: &3http://invadedlands.net"
        if {minemen} is true:
            send "&eWebsite: &dhttp://minemen.club"
        if {noserver} is true:
            send "&eWebsite: &chttp://www.redblock6.com"

command /gmc [<player>]:
    permission: tehcore.gamemode.c
    permission message: &c&lYOU THOUGHT! &fYou don't have permission to use this command. Nice try though.
        if arg-1 is not set:
            set player's gamemode to creative
            message "&aYou set your gamemode to &f&lCREATIVE&a!" to sender
            arg-1 is online
            if sender has permission "tehcore.gamemode.other.c":
                set arg-1's gamemode to creative
                send "&aYour gamemode was set to &f&lCREATIVE&a!" to arg-1
                message "&aYou set &f%arg-1%'s &agamemode to &f&lCREATIVE&a!" to sender

command /gms [<player>]:
	permission: tehcore.gamemode.s
	permission message: &c&lSUCK IT UP &6&lBUTTER CUP&c&l! &fYou don't have permission to use this command. Hehehe :)
		if arg-1 is not set:
			set player's gamemode to survival
			message "&aYou set your gamemode to &f&lSURVIVAL&a!" to sender
			send player title "&f&lSURVIVAL" for 0.2 seconds
			arg-1 is online
			if sender has permission "tehcore.gamemode.other.s":
				set arg-1's gamemode to survival
				send "&aYour gamemode was set to &f&lSURVIVAL&a!" to arg-1
				message "&aYou set &f%arg-1%'s &agamemode to &f&lSURVIVAL&a!" to sender

command /gma [<player>]:
	permission: tehcore.gamemode.a
	permission message: &c&lSEE BACK FOR DETAILS &fYou don't have permission to use this command. You look at the back, but you see nothing...
		if arg-1 is not set:
			set player's gamemode to adventure
			message "&aYou set your gamemode to &f&lADVENTURE&a!" to sender
			send player title "&f&lADVENTURE" for 0.2 seconds
			arg-1 is online
			if sender has permission "tehcore.gamemode.other.a":
				set arg-1's gamemode to adventure
				send "&aYour gamemode was set to &f&lADVENTURE&a!" to arg-1
				message "&aYou set &f%arg-1%'s &agamemode to &f&lADVENTURE&a!" to sender

command /gmsp [<player>]:
	permission: tehcore.gamamode.sp
	permission message: &c&lWHAT A SHAME! &fYou don't have permission to use this command. You'll get it next time, bud!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			Execute console command "/gamemode 3 %player%"
			message "&aYou set your gamemode to &f&lSPECTATOR&a!" to sender
			send player title "&f&lSPECTATOR" for 0.2 seconds
			arg-1 is online
			if sender has permission "tehcore.gamemode.others.sp":
				Execute console command "/gamemode 3 %arg-1%"
				send "&aYour gamemode was set to &f&lSPECTATOR&a!" to arg-1
				message "&aYou set &f%arg-1%'s &agamemode to &f&lSPECTATOR&a!" to sender

on join:
    if {server} is "Hub":
        play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 50  and pitch 0 at player

on join:
    if {invaded} is false:
        if {minemen} is false:
            send "&b&lTEHCORE &fPlease select a server with &b&l/core_set &7(minemen or invaded)"
            set {noserver} to true
command /core_set [<text>]:
    permission: tehcore.set
        if arg-1 is "minemen":
            set {minemen} to true
            set {invaded} to false
            set {noserver} to false
            send "&d&lDONE &fYour server was set to &d&lMinemen Club"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            set {server} to "Hub"
            send player title "&d&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &d&lMinemen Club"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to nether star named "&d&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to clock named "&d&lHub Selector"
        if arg-1 is "minemenclub":
            set {minemen} to true
            set {invaded} to false
            set {server} to "Hub"
            set {noserver} to false
            send "&d&lDONE &fYour server was set to &d&lMinemen Club"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            send player title "&d&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &d&lMinemen Club"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to nether star named "&d&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to clock named "&d&lHub Selector"
        if arg-1 is "invaded":
            set {noserver} to false
            set {minemen} to false
            set {invaded} to true
            send "&6&lDONE &fYour server was set to &6&lInvadedLands"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            send player title "&6&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &6&lInvadedLands"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to gray dye named "&7&lFeature Unavailable"
            set slot 4 of player to compass named "&6&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to nether star named "&6&lHub Selector"
        if arg-1 is "invadedlands":
            set {noserver} to false
            set {minemen} to false
            set {invaded} to true
            send "&6&lDONE &fYour server was set to &6&lInvadedLands"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            send player title "&6&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &6&lInvadedLands"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 0 of player to gray dye named "&7&lFeature Unavailable"
            set slot 4 of player to compass named "&6&lServer Selector"
            set slot 8 of player to nether star named "&6&lHub Selector"
        if arg-1 is "none":
            set {noserver} to true
            set {minemen} to false
            set {invaded} to false
            set {server} to "Hub"
            send "&7&lDONE &fYour server was set to &7&lNone"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            send player title "&7&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &7&lNONE"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&b&lTEHCORE &fPlease follow the instructions on the scoreboard." with lore "&fIf you don't see a scoreboard on the right side of your screen, something went wrong."
        if arg-1 is not set:
            set {noserver} to true
            set {minemen} to false
            set {server} to "Hub"
            set {invaded} to false
            send "&7&lDONE &fYour server was set to &7&lNone"
            play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
            send player title "&7&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYour server was set to &7&lNONE"
            execute console command "clear %player%"
            set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&b&lTEHCORE"

every second:
    loop all players:
        if {noserver} is true:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lTEH CORE"
            set score "&a&l&c&m&7&m------------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
            set score "&fPlease select a server:" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
            set score "&d&lMinemenClub" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
            set score "&6&lInvadedLands" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
            set score "&e&l&c&l&7&m&a&l" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
            set score "&fIntended for server:" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
            set score "&b&l%{server}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "&e&l&c&l&7&m" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score "&fMade by:" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
            set score "&b&lRedblock6" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
            set score "&e&l&c&l      " in sidebar of loop-player to 2
            set score "&b&lmc.redblock6.com&e&l" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
            set score "&c&l&7&m------------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 0

every tick:
    if {server} is not set:
        set {server} to "Hub"

every second:
    loop all players:
        if {server} is "kitpvp":
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lInvaded &7| &fKitPvP"
            set score "&a&l&c&m&7&m-------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "&6&lYou" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score "&6&l* &fKills: &e%{kills.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
            set score "&6&l* &fDeaths: &e%{deaths.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
            set score "&6&l* &fKillstreak: &e%{killstreak.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
            set score "&6&l* &fMoney: &e$%{money.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
            set score "&c&l&7&m-------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 0

on death:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is a player:
            if {server} is "kitpvp":
                add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
                add 15 to {money.%attacker%}
                add 1 to {killstreak.%attacker%}
                set {killstreak.%victim%} to 0
                add 1 to {deaths.%victim%}
                send "&aYou have killed %victim% for $15" to attacker

every second:
    if {noserver} is not set:
        set {noserver} to true

every second:
    if {server} is not set:
        set {server} to "Hub"

command /setgameserver [<text>]:
    permission: tehcore.setgame
        if arg-1 is "kitpvp":
            if {invaded} is true:
                send "&6&lDONE &fYou're now playing &6&lInvadedLands Kitpvp"
                play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 300
                send player title "&6&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYou're now playing &6&lInvadedLands Kitpvp"
                set {server} to "Kitpvp"
                execute console command "minecraft:clear @a"
        if arg-1 is "kitpvp":
            if {invaded} is false:
                send "&c&lERR &fYou must select the &6&lInvadedLands Core &fin order to use &6&lKitpvp"
                send player title "&c&lERR" with subtitle "&fYou must select the &6&lInvadedLands Core &fin order to use &6&lKitpvp"
        if arg-1 is "hub":
            if {invaded} is true:
                send "&6&lDONE &fYou're now playing &6&lInvadedLands Hub"
                play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
                send player title "&6&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYou're now playing &6&lInvadedLands Hub"
                set {server} to "Hub"
                execute console command "minecraft:clear @a"
                loop all players:
                    set slot 0 of loop-player to gray dye named "&7&lFeature Unavailable"
                    set slot 4 of loop-player to compass named "&6&lServer Selector"
                    set slot 8 of loop-player to nether star named "&6&lHub Selector"
            if {minemen} is true:
                send "&d&lDONE &fYou're now playing &d&lMinemenClub Hub"
                play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0 volume 300
                send player title "&d&lDONE" with subtitle "&fYou're now playing &d&lMinemenClub Hub"
                set {server} to "Hub"
                execute console command "minecraft:clear @a"
                loop all players:
                    set slot 0 of player to nether star named "&d&lServer Selector"
                    set slot 8 of player to clock named "&d&lHub Selector"

every second:
    loop all players:
        if {invaded} is true:
            if {server} is "Hub":
                wipe loop-player's sidebar
                set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lInvaded &7| &fHub"
                set score "&a&l&c&m&7&m-------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
                set score "&e⚫ Global: &f0/100" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
                set score "&b⚫ Another: &f0/100" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
                set score "&d⚫ Coolserver: &f0/150" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
                set score "&a⚫ Someother: &f0/175" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
                set score "&6⚫ Epicserver: &f0/175" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
                set score "&e&l&c&l      " in sidebar of loop-player to 2
                set score "&einvadedlands.net&e&l" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
                set score "&c&l&7&m-------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 0

every second:
    loop all players:
        if {minemen} is true:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&d&lHUB"
            set score "&a&l&c&m&7&m------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
            set score "&fRank:" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
            set score "&aDefault" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "&e&l&c&l &a&l     " in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score "&fOnline:" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
            set score "&d%{players.online}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
            set score "&e&l&c&l      " in sidebar of loop-player to 2
            set score "&dminemen.club" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
            set score "&c&l&7&m------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 0

every tick:
    set {players.online} to number of all players

every tick:
    loop all players:
        set tab header to "&7" and footer to "&7" for loop-player