
Created by Aidanete

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# =============================================
# NBTsk v1.1.0 by Aidanete
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	Prefix: <gray>[<dark aqua>NBTSk<gray>]
on load:
	send "{@Prefix} <lime>Preparing our storage for saved items" to console
on unload:
	send "{@Prefix} <lime>Our items stored again, bye!" to console
command /ns [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@Prefix} Type <light red>/ns help <gray>for a list of commands"
		else if arg 1 is "save":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot save items without a name established"
				set {ns::%arg 2%} to player's tool
				message "{@Prefix} <lime>Sucessfully set item to id <white>%arg 2%"
		else if arg 1 is "delete":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot delete items without a name established"
			else if {ns::%arg 2%} is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>The item <gray>%arg 2% <light red>does not exist!"
				delete {ns::%arg 2%}
				message "{@Prefix} <lime>Sucessfully deleted item with id <white>%arg 2%"
		else if arg 1 is "delall":
			if arg 2 is set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>Too many paramters!"
				delete {ns::*}
				message "{@Prefix} <lime>Sucessfully deleted all items"
		else if arg 1 is "list":
			if arg 2 is set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>Too many paramters!"
				message "<gold>All saved items"
				loop {ns::*}:
					message "<white>%loop-index%"
		else if arg 1 is "give":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot receive unnamed items!"
			else if {ns::%arg 2%} is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>The item <gray>%arg 2% <light red>does not exist!"
				give {ns::%arg 2%} to the player
				message "{@Prefix} <lime>Sucessfully received item with id <white>%arg 2%"
		else if arg 1 is "help":
			if arg 2 is set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>Too many paramters!"
				message "<gray>Showing a complete list of commands"
				message "<gray>/ns help - Displays this text"
				message "<gray>/ns save (id) - Saves the item in player's hand as the id (id)"
				message "<gray>/ns delete (id) -Delete the item's saved with id (id)"
				message "<gray>/ns delall - Deletes all saved items"
				message "<gray>/ns give (id) - Adds to the player's inventory the item with id (id)"
				message "<gray>/ns list - Shows all ids"
				message "<gray>/ns give (id) - Adds to the player's inventory the item with id (id)"
				message "<gray>/ns saveblock (id) - Gives the block on the selection clipboard the id (id)"
				message "<gray>/ns wand - Give the selector tool for block saving"
				message "<gray>/ns reload - Reload the script, just debug"
				message "<gray>/ns test-syntax - Tells the syntax saved, just debug"
		else if arg 1 is "reload":
			make player execute command "/skript reload NBTSk"
		else if arg 1 is "test-syntax":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot test the syntax of an unnamed id"
				message "{@Prefix} Syntax got: <gray>%{ns::%arg 2%}%"
		else if arg 1 is "wand":
			give 1 golden axe named "<gold><bold>Block Saver" to the player
			message "{@Prefix} <gray>Leftclick on a block to store it. /ns saveblock (id) to store it"
		else if arg 1 is "saveblock":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot save items without a name established"
				if {blocksaver::%player%} is not set:
					message "{@Prefix} <light red>You cannot save blocks if you don't have them in the seleciton"
					set {ns::%arg 2%} to {blocksaver::%player%}
					message "{@Prefix} <lime>Sucessfully saved block to id <white>%arg 2%"
			message "{@Prefix} <gray>Unknown subcommand. Type /ns help to a full list of subcommands"
on unload:
	delete {blocksaver::*}
on break:
	player's tool is a golden axe named "<gold><bold>Block Saver":
		cancel event
		set {blocksaver::%player%} to event-block
		message "{@Prefix} <gray>Saved item into selection clipboard. Save it with /ns saveblock (id)"
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