
Created by Neelix_bear

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /setgens <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /setgens <region>
    permission: skript.setgens
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /protectregion <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /protectrg <region>
    permission: skript.protectrg
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
    aliases: /protectrg
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp deny"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /pvpregion <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /pvprg <region>
    permission: skript.pvprg
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
    aliases: /pvprg
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp allow"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /buildpvpregion <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /buildpvprg <region>
    permission: skript.buildpvprg
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
    aliases: /buildpvprg
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp allow"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /setworld <text>:
    aliases: /worldname
    usage: The correct usage is /setworld <worldname>
    permission: skript.rg.worldname
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        set {worldname::*} to arg-1
        send "&b&lFinished Setting up World!" to player

command /protectregionallowfunctionalblocks <text>:
    aliases: /protectrgallowfb
    permission: skript.protectrgallowfb
    usage: The correct usage is /protectrgallowfb <region>
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% use-anvil allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% use allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% interact allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% chest-access allow"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /protectregiondenyspawn <text>:
    aliases: /protectrgdenyspawn
    usage: The correct usage is /protectrgallowspawn <region>
    permission: skript.protectrgdenyspawn
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% mob-spawning deny"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /protectallrg <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /protectallrg <region>
    permission: skript.protectallrg
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-break deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% block-place deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% pvp deny"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% use-anvil allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% use allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% interact allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% chest-access allow"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% mob-spawning deny"
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player   
command /customrg <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /customrg <region>
    permission: skript.customrg
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.1}% %{cutrg.y/n.1}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.2}% %{cutrg.y/n.2}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.3}% %{cutrg.y/n.3}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.4}% %{cutrg.y/n.4}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.5}% %{cutrg.y/n.5}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.6}% %{cutrg.y/n.6}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.7}% %{cutrg.y/n.7}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.8}% %{cutrg.y/n.8}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.9}% %{cutrg.y/n.9}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.10}% %{cutrg.y/n.10}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.11}% %{cutrg.y/n.11}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.12}% %{cutrg.y/n.12}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.13}% %{cutrg.y/n.13}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.14}% %{cutrg.y/n.14}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.15}% %{cutrg.y/n.15}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.16}% %{cutrg.y/n.16}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.17}% %{cutrg.y/n.17}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.18}% %{cutrg.y/n.18}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.19}% %{cutrg.y/n.19}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/rg flag -w ""%{worldname::*}%"" %arg-1% %{cutrg.flag.20}% %{cutrg.y/n.20}%"
        wait 1 second
        send "&b&lFinished Setting Up Region" to player

command /customflag <integer> <text> <text>:
    usage: The correct usage is /customflag <integer> <flag> <allow/deny>
    permission: skript.customflag
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        if arg-3 is "allow":
            if {custm.numbers} does not contain arg-1:
                set {cutrg.flag.%arg-1%} to arg-2
                set {cutrg.y/n.%arg-1%} to arg-3
                add arg-1 to {custm.numbers}
            else if arg-3 is "deny":
                set {cutrg.flag.%arg-1%} to arg-2
                set {cutrg.y/n.%arg-1%} to arg-3
                add arg-1 to {custm.numbers}
                send "&4Error: &cI can't find %arg-3%(your third argument in the command) you need to use &aAllow &cor &4Deny" to player

command /viewcustomnumbers:
    usage: The correct usage is /viewcusnum
    aliases: /viewcusnum
    permission: skript.viewcusnum
    permission message: Invalid Permissions!!!
        send "%{custm.numbers}%" to player

on script load:
    if {worldname::*} is not set:
        set {worldname::*} to world