Created by MattyHD0

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	prefix: &2[SignEditor] &a
	signEdited: Line &7%arg 2% &awas changed to &7%colored arg 3% 
	needHelp: &aUse: /signedit help
	lineNotSet: You did not select a line
	lineNotIsANumber: The line has to be a number
	skReloaded: Script reloaded! (if you have any error check console)
	errorNotTargetSign: &cThe block you are looking at is not a sign
	errorSignOnly4Lines: The signs only have 4 lines
	noPermission: &cYou do not have permissions to do that!
	version: 1.0.1
command /signeditor [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
	permission: signeditor.command
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@prefix}{@needHelp}"
		else if arg 1 is "help":
			send "{@prefix}Command list:"
			send "&2> &a/signedit edit <line> <text> &2- &fEdit the poster you are looking at"
			send "&2> &a/signshop reload &6- &fReload the script"
		else if arg 1 is "edit":
			if player has permission "signeditor.edit":
				if target block is sign:
					if arg-2 is between 1 and 4:
						if arg 2 is 1:
							set 1st line of target block to "%colored arg-3%"
						else if arg 2 is 2:
							set 2nd line of target block to "%colored arg-3%"
						else if arg 2 is 3:
							set 3rd line of target block to "%colored arg-3%"
						else if arg 2 is 4:
							set 4th line of target block to "%colored arg-3%"
						send "{@prefix}{@signEdited}" to player
						send "{@prefix}{@errorSignOnly4Lines}"
			else if player doesn't have permission "signeditor.edit":
				send "{@prefix}{@noPermission}"
		else if arg 1 is "reload":
			if player has permission "signeditor.reload":
				execute console command "/sk reload %script%"
				send "{@prefix}{@skReloaded}"
			else if player doesn't have permission "signeditor.reload":
				send "{@prefix}{@noPermission}"
			send "&6[SignShop] &eThe subcommand does not exist! &e" to player