Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:
Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
item: diamond #item for exchange (e.g. it's diamond)
amount: 1 #change the conversion amount for item to money (e.g. 1 diamond = $1. set the amount to 1 as if it's $1)
{amt} = 10
function cgui(p: player):
set metadata tag "cGui" of {_p} to chest inventory with 1 row named "Bank"
set slot 3 of metadata tag "cGui" of {_p} to sunflower named "&eBalance" with lore "&7Click to check balance.%nl%&7You have &c%{_p}'s balance%"
set slot 4 of metadata tag "cGui" of {_p} to 1 of diamonds named "&bReceive" with lore "&7Click to claim."
set slot 5 of metadata tag "cGui" of {_p} to 1 of barrier named "&cCancel" with lore "&7Click to cancel transaction."
play sound "block.chest.open" with volume 10 to {_p}
open (metadata tag "cGui" of {_p}) to {_p}
function guide(p: player, type: integer):
if {_type} is 1:
set {_a} to a new text component from "&6Use"
set {_b} to a new text component from " &c&l/convert gui "
set {_c} to a new text component from "&6to complete the transaction."
set hover event of {_b} to a new hover event showing "Click to use /convert gui."
set click event of {_b} to a new click event to suggest command "/convert gui"
send component {_a}, {_b}, {_c} to {_p}
on join:
if {balance::%player%} is set:
if {balance::%player%} > 0:
play sound "entity.player.levelup" to player
message "&6You have a &ctransaction &6to be complete."
guide(player, 1)
function convertForce(p: player):
make {_p} execute "/convert help"
command /convert [<string>] [<string>]:
usage: &6Convert {@item}s to economy money. Use &c/convert help
executable by: player
permission: convert
permission message: &cYou do not have permission!
aliases: cc
description: Convert {@item}s to economy money.
set {_i} to arg-2 parsed as integer
set {_convert} to {_i} * {@amount}
set {_ii} to arg-2
set {_algo} to item amount of player's tool
set {_bal} to player's balance
if arg-1 is not set:
stop trigger
if arg-1 is not "?", "help", "add", "withdraw", "cancel", "balance" or "gui":
stop trigger
if arg-1 is "add":
if {_ii} is "all":
if 1 of player's held item is a {@item}:
if item amount of player's tool >= 5:
set {_toolamt} to item amount of player's tool
remove {_toolamt} of {@item} from player's tool
add {_toolamt} to {balance::%player%}
guide(player, 1)
play sound "entity.player.levelup" to player
wait a tick
clear {algorithm::%player%}
stop trigger
else if item amount of player's tool < 5:
message "&6To send {@item}s, you must have atleast up to &c5 {@item}s"
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
stop trigger
message "&6This is not {@item}s nor not enough {@item}s."
message "&6To send {@item}s, you must have atleast up to &c5 {@item}s."
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
stop trigger
if 1 of player's held item is a {@item}:
if item amount of player's tool >= 5:
if {_i} >= 5:
add {_i} to {algorithm::%player%}
if {_algo} is less than {algorithm::%player%}:
message "&6You must not exceed to amount of your &{@item}s&6!"
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
clear {algorithm::%player%}
stop trigger
if {_algo} >= {algorithm::%player%}:
remove {_convert} of {@item} from player's tool
add {_convert} to {balance::%player%}
guide(player, 1)
play sound "entity.player.levelup" to player
wait a tick
clear {algorithm::%player%}
else if {_i} < 5:
message "&6To send {@item}s, you must have atleast up to &c5 {@item}s"
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
stop trigger
else if item amount of player's tool < 5:
message "&6To send {@item}s, you must have atleast up to &c5 {@item}s"
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
stop trigger
message "&6This is not {@item}s nor not enough {@item}s."
message "&6To send {@item}s, you must have atleast up to &c5 {@item}s."
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
stop trigger
if arg-1 is "cancel":
play sound "entity.player.levelup" to player
give player {balance::%player%} of {@item}
clear {balance::%player%}
if arg-1 is "withdraw":
if inventory of player doesn't have enough space for {@item}:
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
send "&6Not enough space for &c{@item}s&6. Check your inventory if it is full."
stop trigger
add {_i} to {algorithm::%player%}
#broadcast "%{_bal}% %{algorithm::%player%}%"
if {_bal} is less than {algorithm::%player%}:
message "&6You must not exceed to the amount of your &cbalance&6!"
play sound "block.basalt.fall" with volume 10 to player
clear {algorithm::%player%}
stop trigger
if {_bal} is more than or equal to {algorithm::%player%}:
remove {_convert} from player's balance
give player {_convert} of {@item}
message "&c&l$%{_i}% &6has been withdrew from your account's balance."
make player execute "/balance"
play sound "entity.player.levelup" to player
clear {algorithm::%player%}
if arg-1 is "gui":
if arg-1 is "balance":
make player execute "/balance"
if arg-1 is "help" or "?":
send "&2&lEconomy | Convert v1.0 - Peezzied"
send "&6Convert your {@item}s to economy money."
send "&6The server uses: &oVault, TheNewEconomy, ChestShop"
send " &r• &6Use &c/convert add <amount> &6while holding {@item}s."
send " &r• &6Use &c/convert withdraw <amount> &6convert balance to {@item}s."
send " &r• &6Use &c/convert balance &6to check balance."
send " &r• &6Use &c/convert gui &6to open gui — claim money."
send "&6&lGUI &6- used to check balance, &ncomplete transaction&6, and cancel transaction"
on inventory close:
if event-inventory is (metadata tag "cGui" of player):
play sound "block.chest.close" with volume 10 to player
on inventory click:
if event-inventory is (metadata tag "cGui" of player):
if index of event-slot is 4:
cancel event
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 10 to player
if {balance::%player%} is set:
message "&6You have receive &c&l%{balance::%player%}% &6to your balance"
add {balance::%player%} to {_amt}
add {_amt} to balance of player
make player execute "/balance"
clear {balance::%player%}
clear {_amt}
message "&6You do not have a &ctransaction &6to be processed."
close player's inventory
if index of event-slot is 3:
cancel event
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 10 to player
make player execute command "/balance"
close player's inventory
if index of event-slot is 5:
if {balance::%player%} is set:
cancel event
make player execute command "/cc cancel"
message "&6Transaction Canceled!"
message "&6You do not have a &ctransaction &6to be canceled."
close player's inventory
on tab complete of "convert" and "cc":
set tab completions for position 1 to "?", "help", "add", "withdraw", "cancel", "balance" and "gui"
if tab arg-1 is "add":
set tab completions for position 2 to "5"
if {balance::%player%} is not set:
remove "cancel" from tab completions