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#Copyright (c) 2023 eult#0001
	#This option is meant to make it easier to add lifes
	#through commands so you don't have to change it
	#! It is impossible to go higher than 2147483647 lives.
	Base-lifes: 5

	#this is the permission that is required to to allow
	#the user to use the command
	permission: itemlife.admin

	#Change this to true if you want the item to
	#not be dropped after death
	#NOTE; only enabled on keep inventory false
	Drop-on-keepInventory: false

command /itemlife [<string>] [<integer>] [<player>]:
	aliases: il
	permission: {@permission}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&8» &a/il &8[&aslot number &8|| &atool&8] &8[&eLifes&8] &8[&eplayer&8]"
		if arg-2 > 2147483647:
			send "&8» &cIt is impossible to go higher than &42,147,483,647&c lives."
		if arg-1 is "tool" or "t":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				set player's tool to setItemLifeTag(player's tool, {@Base-lifes})
				if arg-3 is not set:
					set player's tool to setItemLifeTag(player's tool, arg-2)
					set arg-3's tool to setItemLifeTag(arg-3's tool, arg-2)
			play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 1 and pitch 2 to player
		if arg-1 partially matches "[A-Za-z]":
			send "&8» &eIt is not valid to enter &c/il %arg-1%&e."
			set {_number} to arg-1 parsed as integer
			if {_number} > 40:
				send "&8» &cIt is not possible to go higher than 40 slots."
			if arg-2 is not set:
				set slot {_number} of player's inventory to setItemLifeTag(slot {_number} of player's inventory, {@Base-lifes})
				if arg-3 is not set:
					set slot {_number} of player's inventory to setItemLifeTag(slot {_number} of player's inventory, arg-2)
					set slot {_number} of arg-3's inventory to setItemLifeTag(slot {_number} of arg-3's inventory, arg-2)
			play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 1 and pitch 2 to player
on death of player:
	if gamerule keepInventory of world of victim is true:
		loop drops:
			if getItemLifeTag(loop-item) > 1:
				remove loop-value from drops
				if {@Drop-on-keepInventory} is true:
					add removeLifeTag(loop-value) to {ilRespawn::%victim%::*}
					drop removeLifeTag(loop-value)
			if getItemLifeTag(loop-value) = 1:
				remove loop-value from drops
on respawn:
	if {ilRespawn::%player%::*} is set:
		give {ilRespawn::%player%::*} to player
		delete {ilRespawn::%player%::*}
function removeLifeTagInventory(p: player):
	loop all items in the inventory of {_p}:
		if getItemLifeTag(loop-item) > 1:
			set loop-item to removeLifeTag(loop-item)
		else if getItemLifeTag(loop-item) = 1:
			set loop-item to air
function setItemLifeTag(item: item, amount: integer) :: object:
	set {_n} to nbt compound of {_item}
	set int tag "life" of {_n} to {_amount}
	set {_item} to printItemLifeTag({_item})
	return {_item}
function printItemLifeTag(item: item) :: item:
	set {_loreSize::*} to lore of {_item}
	set {_lines} to 1
	loop {_loreSize::*}:
		if line {_lines} of the lore of {_item} contains "Lives left":
			stop loop
		add 1 to {_lines}
	#! Looking for changing the lore? check the line under
	if getItemLifeTag({_item}) is 1:
		set line {_lines} of lore of {_item} to "&c%getItemLifeTag({_item})% &7Life left"
		set line {_lines} of lore of {_item} to "&e%getItemLifeTag({_item})% &7Lives left"
	#! Looking for changing the lore? check the line above
	return {_item}
function getItemLifeTag(item: item) :: object:
	set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
	set {_i} to int tag "life" of {_nbt}
	return {_i}
function removeLifeTag(item: item) :: object:
	set {_n} to nbt compound of {_item}
	remove 1 from int tag "life" of {_n}
	set {_item} to printItemLifeTag({_item})
	return {_item}