
Created by 404labs

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on load:
 load yaml "plugins/bubble/config.yml" as "config"
 set {Prefix} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {Name} to yaml value "Name" from "config"
 set {VersionStatus} to yaml value "VersionStatus" from "config"
 set {Version} to yaml value "Version" from "config"
 set {CaptchaPrefix} to yaml value "CaptchaPrefix" from "config"
 set {Captcha} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {CaptchaDigit} to yaml value "CaptchaDigit" from "config"
 set {CaptchaDigit} to yaml value "CaptchaDigit" from "config"
 set {CaptchaStartWithDot} to yaml value "CaptchaStartWithDot" from "config"
 set {IPCheck} to yaml value "IPCheck" from "config"
 set {PlayersPerIP} to yaml value "PlayersPerIP" from "config"
 set {InstantKick} to yaml value "InstantKick" from "config"
 set {AutoWarn} to yaml value "AutoWarn" from "config"
 set {AutoBan} to yaml value "AutoBan" from "config"
 set {InstantKick} to yaml value "InstantKick" from "config"
 set {All} to yaml value "All" from "config"
 set {BanTime} to yaml value "BanTime" from "config"
 set {ChecksToWarn} to yaml value "ChecksToWarn" from "config"
 set {ChecksToKick} to yaml value "ChecksToKick" from "config"
 set {ChecksToBan} to yaml value "ChecksToBan" from "config"
 set {MemorySaver} to yaml value "MemorySaver" from "config"
 set {Delay} to yaml value "Delay" from "config"
 set {manage} to yaml value "manage" from "config"
 set {Bypass} to yaml value "Bypass" from "config"
 set {CaptchaBypass} to yaml value "CaptchaBypass" from "config"
 set {GUI} to yaml value "GUI" from "config"
 set {Notify} to yaml value "Notify" from "config"
 set {PerformanceRun} to yaml value "PerformanceRun" from "config"
 set {Player} to yaml value "Player" from "config"
 set {ReportSend} to yaml value "ReportSend" from "config"
 set {ReportReceive} to yaml value "ReportReceive" from "config"
 set {Status} to yaml value "Status" from "config"
 set {Theme} to yaml value "Theme" from "config"
 set {Error1A} to yaml value "Error1A" from "config"
 set {Error2A} to yaml value "Error2A" from "config"
 set {Error3A} to yaml value "Error3A" from "config"
 set {Error4A} to yaml value "Error4A" from "config"
 set {Error5A} to yaml value "Error5A" from "config"
 set {Error6A} to yaml value "Error6A" from "config"
 set {Error7A} to yaml value "Error7A" from "config"
 set {Forum} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {Store} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {NoFall} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {HighPingKick} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {MaxPing} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {FlightFalseFlagPrevention} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {ProAuraBlocking} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
 set {MaxCPS} to yaml value "Prefix" from "config"
on load:
 if file "plugins/bubble/config.yml" exists:
  send "Loading Config... Expect Lag" to console
  download file from "" to file "plugins/bubble/config.yml"
 wait 1 tick
 skutil delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
 wait 6 seconds
 download file from "" to file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
 set {Bubble.LastLoad} to now
 send "%{bubble.prefix}% &7has reloaded! The server is on %minecraft version%. The current prefix is %{Name}%" to {bubble.last.reload} parsed as player
 delete {bubble.last.reload}
 if file "plugins/bubble/config.yml" exists:
  send "Great, your installation is complete" to console
  download file from "" to file "plugins/skyaml.jar"
  download file from "" to file "plugins/skrayfall.jar"
  if first 3 characters of minecraft version is "1.8":
   download file from "" to file "plugins/skquery.jar"
   download file from "" to file "plugins/skquery.jar"
  download file from "" to file "plugins/skellet.jar"
  wait 120 seconds
  execute console command "kickall Finishing Installation"
  execute console command "restart"
every 8 seconds:
  if {FlightFalseFlagPrevention} is true:
    loop all players:
      if {HighPingKick} is true:
        if loop-player's ping is greater than or equal to {MaxPing}:
          kick loop-player due to "%{bubble.prefix}% &cPing is greater than &4{MaxPing}&c!"
      delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.slime}
      set {_find} to loop-player's location
      set {_count} to 255 - y coordinate of loop-player
      loop {_count} times:
        if block at {_find} is slime block:
          set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.slime} to true
          remove 1 from y coordinate of {_find}

every 5 minutes:
  if {MemorySaver} is true:
    set {_entity} to 0
    loop all entities:
      if loop-value is not a player:
        if loop-value is not a item frame:
          if name of loop-value is not set:
            add 1 to {_entity}
            kill loop-value
            set {_loc} to location of loop-value
            loop all dropped items in radius 1 of {_loc}:
              kill loop-value-2
    send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cKilled &a%{_entity}%&c entities!" to console
  if {All} is true:
    loop all players:
      wait 3 ticks
      if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if loop-player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
          if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn.all} is not set:
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToWarn}:
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&4%loop-player% &chas been warned!" to loop-player
              send "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              add 1 to {bubble.warn.amount}
              set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn.all} to true
          else if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.kick.all} is not set:
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToKick}:
              kick loop-player due to "%nl% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %nl% &8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&4%loop-player% &cwas kicked for:"
              broadcast "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              add 1 to {bubble.kick.amount}
              set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.kick.all} to true
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToBan}:
              if "{Forum}" is not "none":
                set {_display} to "%nl% &cForum: &7{Forum}"
              if "{Store}" is not "none":
                if {_display} is set:
                  set {_display} to "%nl% &cForum: &7{Forum} %nl% &cStore: &7{Store}"
                  set {_display} to "%nl% &cStore: &7{Store}"
              if {_display} is not set:
                set {_display} to ""
              execute console command "tempban %loop-player% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %{loop-player's uuid.bubble.cheat::*}% %{BanTime}%"
              kick loop-player due to "%nl% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %nl% &8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&4%loop-player% &cwas banned for {BanTime}&c for using:"
              broadcast "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn.all}
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.kick.all}
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble}
              add 1 to {bubble.ban.amount}
  if {AutoWarn} is true:
    loop all players:
      if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if loop-player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
          if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToWarn}:
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn} is not set:
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&4%loop-player% &chas been warned!" to loop-player
              send "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" to loop-player
              send " " to loop-player
              add 1 to {bubble.warn.amount}
              set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn} to true
  if {AutoKick} is true:
    loop all players:
      if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if loop-player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
          if {AutoWarn} is true:
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn} is not set:
            if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToKick}:
              kick loop-player due to "%nl% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %nl% &8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&4%loop-player% &cwas kicked for:"
              broadcast "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
              broadcast " "
              broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn}
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}
              delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble}
              add 1 to {bubble.kick.amount}
    if {AutoBan} is true:
      loop all players:
        if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
          if loop-player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
            if {AutoWarn} is true:
              if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn} is not set:
              if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble} >= {ChecksToBan}:
                if "{Forum}" is not "none":
                  set {_display} to "%nl% &cForum: &7{Forum}"
                if "{Store}" is not "none":
                  if {_display} is set:
                    set {_display} to "%nl% &cForum: &7{Forum} %nl% &cStore: &7{Store}"
                    set {_display} to "%nl% &cStore: &7{Store}"
                if {_display} is not set:
                  set {_display} to ""
                execute console command "tempban %loop-player% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %{loop-player's uuid.bubble.cheat::*}% %{BanTime}%"
                kick loop-player due to "%nl% %{Bubble.Prefix}% %nl% &8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
                broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
                broadcast " "
                broadcast "&4%loop-player% &cwas banned for {BanTime}&c for using:"
                broadcast "&8%{%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%"
                broadcast " "
                broadcast "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
                delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.warn}
                delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}
                delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble}
                add 1 to {bubble.ban.amount}

command /bubble [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  aliases: /bp, /bubblespeed, /bubblelag, /bubble-optimize, /bubble-Performace, /bo, /bubbleoptimize, /bubbleanticheat, /ac, /bubbleinfo, /bubble-info, /bac, /bubble, /anticheat-info, /ac-info, /anticheat, /bubblegum, /stats, /cheater, /m, /check, /view, /checks
    if arg-1 is "help" or "?":
      send "&8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
      send "&8(1) &7/bubble bypass"
      send "&8(2) &7/bubble bypass <player>"
      send "&8(3) &7/bubble bypass clear"
      send "&8(4) &7/bubble bypass list"
      send "&8(5) &7/bubble notify"
      send "&8(6) &7/bubble notify <player>"
      send "&8(7) &7/bubble notify <player> -s"
      send "&8(8) &7/bubble player <player> clear"
      send "&8(9) &7/bubble theme"
      send "&8(10) &7/bubble themes"
      send "&8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
      send "&8(1) &7/bubblegui"
      send "&8(1) &7/flagtoggle <cheat>"
      send "&8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
    if arg-1 is not set:
      if {bubble.warn.amount} is not set:
        set {bubble.warn.amount} to 0
      if {bubble.kick.amount} is not set:
        set {bubble.kick.amount} to 0
      if {bubble.ban.amount} is not set:
        set {bubble.ban.amount} to 0
      send " "
      send "    &8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
      send " "
      send "            &cVersion: &7{VersionStatus} &7{Version}"
      send "            &cStatus: &7{Stable}"
      send "            &cDeveloper: &7Steviebeenz"
      send "            &cGithub: &7<link:>Click me!<reset>"
      send " "
      send "    &8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
      send " "
      send "            &cWarns: &7%{bubble.warn.amount}%"
      send "            &cKicks: &7%{bubble.kick.amount}%"
      send "            &cBans: &7%{bubble.ban.amount}%"
      send " "
      send "           &cTotal Detections: &7%{bubble.detections}%"
      send " "
      send "    &8-=-=-=-=-=&7[{Name}&7]&8=-=-=-=-=-"
      send " "
    if arg-1 is "player", "checks", "detects", "detect", "info", "playerinfo", "playerdetect", "userinfo", "check" or "view":
      if player has permission "{Status}":
        if arg-2 is not set:
          if arg-3 is not set:
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*} is not set:
              set {_cheatsfailed::*} to "Nothing!"
              set {_cheatsfailed::*} to {_cheatsfailed::*}
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            send "&8Player: &7%player%"
            send "&8UUiD: &7%player's uuid%"
            send "&8Detections: &7%{%player's uuid%.bubble}%"
            send " "
            send "&cFailed: &7%{_cheatsfailed::*}%"
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
        if arg-2 is set:
          if arg-3 is not set:
            if {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble} is set:
              if {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*} is not set:
                set {_cheatsfailed::*} to "Nothing!"
                set {_cheatsfailed::*} to {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              send " "
              send "&8Player: &7%arg-2%"
              send "&8UUiD: &7%arg-2's uuid%"
              send "&8Detections: &7%{%arg-2's uuid%.bubble}%"
              send " "
              send "&cFailed: &7%{_cheatsfailed::*}%"
              send " "
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-&8[{Name}&8]&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cCouldn't find that player!"
            if arg-3 is "clear":
              delete {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}
              set {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble} to 0
              delete {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.warn}
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cCleared &a%arg-2%&c's detections!"
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cCouldn't understand that command!"
    if arg-1 is "bypass", "tbypass" or "togglebypass":
      if player has permission "{Bypass}":
        if arg-2 is not set:
          if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "             &7Bypass&8[&aON&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            add "%player%" to {bubble.bypass.list::*}
            set {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} to "true"
          if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is set:
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "             &7Bypass&8[&cOFF&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            remove "%player%" from {bubble.bypass.list::*}
            delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
            delete {%player's uuid%::just.joined}
        if arg-2 is set:
          if arg-2 is not "list" or "clear":
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is set:
              send " "
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send "             &7Bypass&8[&cOFF&8]"
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send " "
              remove "%arg-2%" from {bubble.bypass.list::*}
              delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
            if {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is set:
              send " "
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send "             &7Bypass&8[&cOFF&8]"
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send " "
              remove "%arg-2%" from {bubble.bypass.list::*}
              delete {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
              send " "
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send "             &7Bypass&8[&aON&8]"
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
              send " "
              add "%arg-2%" to {bubble.bypass.list::*}
              set {%arg-2's uuid%.bubble.bypass} to true
          if arg-2 is "clear":
            loop {bubble.bypass.list::*}:
              remove "%loop-value%" from {bubble.bypass.list::*}
              delete {%loop-value's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cDisabled &4%loop-value%&c's bypass!"
            delete {bubble.bypass.list::*}
            send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cCleared bypass list!"
          if arg-2 is "list":
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[&6Bypass &eList&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-&7"
            send " "
            loop {bubble.bypass.list::*}:
              if loop-value is set:
                add 1 to {_check}
                send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &7%loop-value%"
            if {_check} is not set:
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cNo staff with bypass enabled!"
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[&6Bypass &eList&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-&7"
            send " "
    if arg-1 is "notifications", "notification", "notify", "viewdetect", "viewdetects", "viewdetections", "viewcheck" or "viewchecks":
      if player has permission "{Notify}":
        if arg-2 is not set:
          if {%player's} is not set:
            set {%player's} to true
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "         &7Notifications&8[&aON&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            delete {%player's}
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "         &7Notifications&8[&cOFF&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
          if {%arg-2's} is not set:
            set {%arg-2's} to true
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "         &7Notifications&8[&aON&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            if arg-3 is not "-s":
              send " " to arg-2
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-" to arg-2
              send "         &7Notifications&8[&aON&8]" to arg-2
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-" to arg-2
              send " " to arg-2
            delete {%arg-2's}
            send " "
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send "         &7Notifications&8[&cOFF&8]"
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-"
            send " "
            if arg-3 is not "-s":
              send " " to arg-2
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-" to arg-2
              send "         &7Notifications&8[&aON&8]" to arg-2
              send "&7-=-=-=-=-=&8[{Name}&8]&7=-=-=-=-=-" to arg-2
              send " " to arg-2
    if arg-1 is "theme" or "mode":
      if player has permission "{Theme}":
        if {Bubble.Theme} is "Bubble":
          set {Bubble.Theme} to "Ocean"
          send "&1[&9{Name}&1]&b Theme is now &6Ocean&b!"
          set {Bubble.Prefix} to "&1[&9{Name}&1]"
        if {Bubble.Theme} is "Ocean":
          set {Bubble.Theme} to "World"
          send "&6[&a{Name}&6]&e Theme is now &6World&e!"
          set {Bubble.Prefix} to "&6[&a{Name}&6]"
        if {Bubble.Theme} is "World":
          set {Bubble.Theme} to "Nether"
          send "&4[&c{Name}&4]&8 Theme is now &6Nether&8!"
          set {Bubble.Prefix} to "&4[&c{Name}&4]"
        if {Bubble.Theme} is "Nether":
          set {Bubble.Theme} to "End"
          send "&5[&d{Name}&5]&7 Theme is now &6End&7!"
          set {Bubble.Prefix} to "&5[&d{Name}&5]"
          set {Bubble.Theme} to "Bubble"
          send "&c[&8{Name}&c]&7 Theme is now &6Bubble&7!"
          set {Bubble.Prefix} to "&c[&8{Name}&c]"
    if arg-1 is "theme-list" or "themes":
      if player has permission "{Theme}":
        send "&c[&8{Name}&c]&7 Theme is now &6Bubble&7!"
        send "&1[&9{Name}&1]&b Theme is now &6Ocean&b!"
        send "&6[&a{Name}&6]&e Theme is now &6World&e!"
        send "&4[&c{Name}&4]&8 Theme is now &6Nether&8!"
        send "&5[&d{Name}&5]&7 Theme is now &6End&7!"

on unload:
  delete {Bubble.Delay}
  loop all players:
    delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
    delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}

on break:
  if event-block is not player's targeted block:
    if "%event-block%" contains "bed" or "dragon egg":
      if distance between player and player's targeted block is less than distance between player and event-block:
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
        player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
        cancel event
        if "%event-block%" contains "bed" or "dragon egg":
          if "%event-block%" contains "bed":
            detect(player, "BreakAura", "|||", "Bed")
            detect(player, "BreakAura", "|||", "Egg")
      if distance between player and player's targeted block is less than distance between player and event-block:
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
        player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
        {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
        cancel event
        detect(player, "Invalid Block Breaking", "|||", "%event-block%")

on left click:
  if clicked block is not targeted block:
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
    player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
    if event-block is cake:
      cancel event
      if event-block is cake:
        detect(player, "BreakAura", "|||", "CakeEater")

on right click:
  if clicked block is not targeted block:
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
    player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
    if event-block is dragon egg or cake:
      cancel event
      if event-block is cake:
        detect(player, "CakeEater", "|||", "Cake")
        detect(player, "BreakAura", "|||", "Egg")

on any movement:
  {Bubble.Step} is true
  set {_loc} to player's location
  set {_y} to y coordinate of {_loc}
  wait 2 ticks
  set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
  player doesn't have jump boost
  block under player is not carpet or water
  if {_y} is greater than 1.25:
    wait 1 tick
    player's chestplate is not an elytra
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
    player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
    player's flight mode is false
    player is not riding
    player is not on ground
    if block under player is not air:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.step.player} is not set:
        detect(player, "Illegal Player Movement", "|||", "Speed/Step")
      {Bubble.Flight} is true
      detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Y-Coordinate")
    teleport player to {_loc}

on jump:
  set {_loc} to player's location
  set {_y} to y coordinate of {_loc}
  wait 2 ticks
  set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
  player doesn't have jump boost
  block under player is not carpet or water
  if {_y} > 1.1:
    wait 1 tick
    player's chestplate is not an elytra
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is not set
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is not set
    player's gamemode is not creative or spectator
    {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
    player's flight mode is false
    player is not riding
    if {_y} is between 1.1 and 2.5:
      {Bubble.Step} is true
      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.step.player} to true
      detect(player, "Illegal Player Movement", "|||", "Speed/Step")
      {Bubble.HighJump} is true
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.damage.other} is set:
        detect(player, "HighJump", "|||", "Damage")
        detect(player, "HighJump", "|||", "Vanilla")
    teleport player to {_loc}
    delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.step.player}

on load:
  loop all players:
    set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} to true
    set {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} to true
    wait 5 second
    delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
    delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}
  send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8TPS &cmay go down &7please wait a bit to &aoptimize&7!" to console
  if {Bubble.Delay} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Delay} to {Delay} * 5
  wait 2 ticks
  if "{InstantKick}" is not "true" or "false":
    send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error6A}" to console
  if {InstantKick} is true:
    if {AutoWarn} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error7A}" to console
    if {AutoKick} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error7A}" to console
    if {AutoBan} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error7A}" to console
    if {All} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error5A}" to console
  if {All} is true:
    if {AutoWarn} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error5A}" to console
    if {AutoKick} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error5A}" to console
    if {AutoBan} is true:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error5A}" to console
  if "{AutoWarn}" is not "true":
    if "{AutoWarn}" is not "false":
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error4A}" to console
  if "{AutoBan}" is "true":
    if "{AutoKick}" is "true":
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error3A}" to console
    else if "{AutoKick}" is not "false":
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error2A}" to console
  else if "{AutoBan}" is not "false":
    send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% {Error1A}" to console

on any movement:
  set {_y} to player's y coordinate
  wait 1 tick
  block under player is not air
  set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
  set {_loc} to player's location
  player's flight mode is false
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      if player doesn't have speed or jump:
        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is true:
        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
        if "%{_y}%" is "-0.08":
          {Bubble.Jesus} is true
          block at player's head is not water
          block at player is water
          wait 3 ticks
          block at player's head is not water
          block at player is water
          set {_y} to player's y coordinate
          wait 1 tick
          block under player is not air
          set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
          if "%{_y}%" is "-0.08":
            set {_tp} to true
            detect(player, "Jesus", "|||", "Bhop")
        if "%{_y}%" is "-0.14":
          {Bubble.Jesus} is true
          set {_y} to player's y coordinate
          wait 1 tick
          block 2 under player is water
          block at player's head is not water
          set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
          if "%{_y}%" is "0.1":
            set {_tp} to true
            detect(player, "Jesus", "|||", "Motion/Dolphin")
        if {_y} is 0.02:
          {Bubble.Jesus} is true
          block under player is water
          wait 3 ticks
          block under player is water
          set {_tp} to true
          detect(player, "Jesus", "|||", "Solid")
        if {_y} is -1 or 1:
          detect(player, "Illegal Player Movement", "||", "Y-Coord")
          set {_tp} to true
        if {_tp} is true:
          teleport player to {%player's}

on any movement:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      player's flight mode is false
      set {_loc} to player's location
      set {_t.b} to player's targeted block
      wait 1 tick
      set {_loc2} to player's location
      set y coordinate of {_loc} to 0
      set y coordinate of {_loc2} to 0
      set {_dif} to distance between {_loc} and {_loc2}
      if {_dif} >= 0.18:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.walking} to true
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.walk.speed} to {_dif}
        wait 1 tick
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.walking}
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.walk.speed}
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is true:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
      player is not riding
      difference between {Bubble.LastLoad} and now is greater than 15 seconds
      if {_dif} >= 5:
        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.speed} to {_dif} * 20
        if block under player is not {_t.b}:
          if block under player is not air:
            {Bubble.Blink} is true
            detect(player, "Blink", "|||", "Vanilla")
            teleport player to {%player's}
            {Bubble.Flight} is true
            detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Vanilla")
            teleport player to {%player's}
          {Bubble.ClickTP} is true
          detect(player, "ClickTP", "|||", "Vanilla")
          teleport player to {%player's}
        teleport player to {%player's}

on eating:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      {Bubble.NoSlow} is true
      player's flight mode is false
      if player has speed:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is true:
        wait 1 second
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.walking} is set:
        cancel event
      if {%player's} is set:
        cancel event
        set {%player's} to true
        detect(player, "NoSlow", "||", "Eat")
        wait 5 seconds
        delete {%player's}
    if {%player's} is set:
      {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.reach} is set:
        set {%player's} to true
        detect(player, "Killaura", "||", "Malicious Hits")
        wait 5 seconds
        delete {%player's}
    {Bubble.NoSlow} is true
    set {_loc} to player's location
    set y coordinate of {_loc} to 0
    wait 1 tick
    set {_loc1} to player's location
    set y coordinate of {_loc1} to 0
    set {_loc} to distance between {_loc1} and {_loc}
    if {_loc} > 0.20:
      set {%player's} to true
      detect(player, "NoSlow", "|||", "Eat")
      wait 5 seconds
      delete {%player's}

on any movement:
  set {_loc} to player's location
  if player's chestplate is an elytra:
  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is true:
  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      player's flight mode is false
      if block under player is not air or water:
        set {%player's} to {_loc}
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.flight.delay} is not set:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.flight.delay} to true
        set {_y} to player's y coordinate
        wait 10 ticks
        set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
        set {_y} to floor({_y})
        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} is not set:
          if {_y} > 5:
            {Bubble.Flight} is true
            teleport player to {%player's}
            detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Vanilla")
          if {_y} = 0:
            {Bubble.Float} is true
            {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set
            block under player is air
            player is not on ground
            teleport player to {%player's}
            detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Float")
          if player's y coordinate is y coordinate of {_loc}:
            {Bubble.Float} is true
            {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set
            block under player is air
            player is not on ground
            teleport player to {%player's}
            detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Float")
        loop {Bubble.Delay} times:
          wait 0.21 second
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.flight.delay}

on any movement:
  set {_loc} to player's location
  if player's chestplate is an elytra:
  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
  else if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is set:
      wait 1 second
      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown} is not set:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown} to true
        if block under player is not air or water:
          set {%player's} to {_loc}
        {Bubble.NoFall} is true
        if {NoFall} is true:
          if player's flight mode is false:
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set:
              if block under player is air:
                set {_yloc} to player's y coordinate
                set {_health} to player's health
                wait 0.5 seconds
                set {_yloc1} to player's y coordinate
                if player is on ground:
                  block under player is not slime block
                  set {_dis} to {_yloc} - {_yloc1}
                  block under player is not air
                  block at player is not cobweb, ladder, water or flowing water
                  {%player's uuid%.bubble.nofall} is not set
                  if {_dis} is greater than or equal to 5.5:
                    if player's health = {_health}-0.5:
                      set {_dmg} to floor({_dis} / 1)
                      detect(player, "NoFall", "||", "Damage")
                      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.nofall} to true
                      wait 1 second
                      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nofall}
                      damage the player by {_dmg} heart
                  if {_dis} is greater than or equal to 4.25:
                    if player's health = {_health}:
                      set {_dmg} to floor({_dis} / 1)
                      detect(player, "NoFall", "|||", "Vanilla")
                      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.nofall} to true
                      wait 1 second
                      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nofall}
                      damage the player by {_dmg} heart
        {Bubble.Spider} is true
        if block under player is air:
          if block 2 under player is air:
            if block 3 under player is air:
              set {_y} to player's y coordinate
              wait 1 tick
              player's targeted block is not ladder
              block at player is not water
              if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set:
                if difference between {_y} and player's y coordinate is greater than 0.5:
                  if difference between {_y} and player's y coordinate is less than 1:
                    if distance between player and player's targeted block is less than 1.25:
                      detect(player, "Spider", "|||", "Vanilla")
                    if distance between player and player's targeted block is less than 1.25:
                      {Bubble.Speed} is true
                      detect(player, "Spider", "|||", "Speed")
                if difference between {_y} and player's y coordinate is greater than 0.5:
                  if distance between player and player's targeted block is less than 1.25:
                    detect(player, "Spider", "||", "Jump")
        if player's flight mode is false:
          if block under player is air:
            if player's chestplate is not an elytra:
              if player doesn't have jump boost:
                set {_y} to player's y coordinate
                wait 10 ticks
                if block under player is air:
                  set {_y} to player's y coordinate - {_y}
                  if {_y} >= 2:
                    wait 1 tick
                    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.fix.slime} is not set:
                      set {_find} to player's location
                      set {_count} to 255 - y coordinate of player
                      loop 255 times:
                        if block at {_find} is slime block:
                          set {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} to true
                          wait 10 second
                          delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime}
                          remove 1 from y coordinate of {_find}
                      if {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} is not set:
                        if block under player is air:
                          if {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} is not set:
                            {Bubble.Flight} is true
                            player's targeted block is not ladder
                            block at player is not water
                            teleport player to {%player's}
                            detect(player, "Flight", "|||", "Vanilla")
                            set {%player's uuid%::bubble.flight.status} to true
                            wait 5 second
                            delete {%player's uuid%::bubble.flight.status}
                  else if {_y} = 0:
                    if block under player is air:
                      set {_y} to y coordinate of player - y coordinate of {%player's}
                      if {_y} = 0:
                        set {_b} to block under player
                        set {_b1} to block under {_b}
                        if {_b} is air:
                          if {_b1} is air:
                            if player is not on ground:
                              {Bubble.Float} is true
                              remove 1 from y coordinate of {%player's}
                              teleport player to {%player's}
                              detect(player, "Flight", "|||", "Float")
                              add 1 to y coordinate of {%player's}
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is true:
              wait 1 second
              delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
            else if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is true:
              if {%player's uuid%.bubble.falldmg} is not set:
                if player's chestplate is not an elytra:
                  if player is not on ground:
                    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set:
                      set {_loc1} to player's location
                      set {_ycheck} to player's y coordinate
                      set {_123.loc} to player's location
                      wait 10 ticks
                      set {_ycheck1} to player's y coordinate
                      if {_ycheck1} >= {_ycheck}:
                        if player is not on ground:
                          set {_loop} to 255 -  y coordinate of player
                          set y coordinate of {_123.loc} to 255
                          loop {_loop} times:
                            if block at {_123.loc} is slime block:
                              set {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} to true
                              wait 10 second
                              delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime}
                            if block at {_123.loc} is air:
                              remove 1 from y coordinate of {_123.loc}
                        if {_loc1} = {_123.loc}:
                          if player is not on ground:
                            wait 3 ticks
                            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} is not set:
                              if {%player's uuid%.bubble.damage} is not set:
                                if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} is not set:
                                  wait 2 ticks
                                  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.fix.slime} is not set:
                                    set {_find} to player's location
                                    set {_count} to 255 - y coordinate of player
                                    loop 255 times:
                                      if block at {_find} is slime block:
                                        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime} to true
                                        wait 5 second
                                        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime}
                                        remove 1 from y coordinate of {_find}
                                    wait 1 tick
                                    if player is not on ground:
                                      if block under player is air:
                                        player's chestplate is not an elytra
                                        set {_b} to block under player
                                        set {_b1} to block under {_b}
                                        if {_b1} is air:
                                          {Bubble.Flight} is true
                                          detect(player, "Flight", "|||", "Vanilla")
                                          teleport player to {%player's}
                                        if {%player's uuid%.bubble.falldmg} is not set:
                                          if block at player is not water:
                                            wait 1 tick
                                            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.damage} is not set:
                                              if block at player is not ladder:
                                                {Bubble.Hover} is true
                                                detect(player, "Flight", "||", "Hover")
                                                teleport player to {%player's}
                                                detect(player, "Illegal Player Movement", "||", "NoFall")
                                                teleport player to {%player's}
                                              {Bubble.Criticals} is true
                                              detect(player, "Criticals", "|||", "Vanilla")
                                {Bubble.Criticals} is true
                                detect(player, "Criticals", "|||", "Vanilla")
        if player's flight mode is false:
          if player doesn't have speed or jump boost:
            if {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} is not set:
              if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
              else if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
                set {_x} to player's x coordinate
                set {_z} to player's z coordinate
                set {_bap} to block above player's head
                wait 5 ticks
                set {_bap2} to block above player's head
                set {_x1} to player's x coordinate
                set {_z1} to player's z coordinate
                set {_x} to difference between {_x1} and {_x}
                set {_z} to difference between {_z1} and {_z}
                replace all "-" with "" in {_x}
                replace all "-" with "" in {_z}
                if {_x} > {_z}:
                  set {_speed} to {_x}
                if {_z} > {_x}:
                  set {_speed} to {_z}
                if {_x} = {_z}:
                  set {_speed} to {_x}
                player's walking speed is between 0 and 0.3
                if {_speed} is greater than 2.1:
                  if {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} is true:
                  else if {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} is true:
                  set {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.speed} to {_speed} * 4
                  if player is not riding:
                    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump.bhop} is not set:
                      if player is not flying:
                        if block under player is not air:
                          if block 2 under player is not air:
                            {Bubble.Speed} is true
                            teleport player to {%player's}
                            detect(player, "Speed", "|||", "Vanilla")
                            {Bubble.Speed} is true
                            teleport player to {%player's}
                            detect(player, "Speed", "|||", "Flight")
                        {Bubble.Speed} is true
                        teleport player to {%player's}
                        detect(player, "Speed", "|||", "Flight")
                      {Bubble.Bhop} is true
                      {_bap} is air
                      {_bap2} is air
                      block above player is air
                      teleport player to {%player's}
                      detect(player, "Speed", "||", "Bhop")
        if player's flight mode is false:
          if block under player is water:
            if block at player is not water:
              loop 3 times:
                wait 4 ticks
                if block under player is water:
                  if block at player is not water:
                    add 1 to {_check}
              if {_check} is greater than or equal to 2:
                set {_loc.check} to player's location
                remove 0.5 from y coordinate of {_loc.check}
                player is not on ground
                set {_locj} to player's location
                remove 1 from y coordinate of {_locj}
                teleport player to {_locj}
                {Bubble.Jesus} is true
                if {_check} is 2:
                  detect(player, "Jesus", "|||", "Solid/Bhop")
                  detect(player, "Jesus", "|||", "Solid")
      loop {Bubble.Delay} times:
        wait 0.21 second
      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown}

on jump:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      if difference between {%player's uuid%.bubble.last.jump} and now is less than or equal to 1 seconds:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump.bhop} to true
        wait 10 ticks
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump.bhop}
      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.last.jump} to now
      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump} to true
      wait 10 ticks
      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump}

on teleport:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      set {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport} to true
      wait 1 second
      delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.teleport}

on right click:
  if player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
    if {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
      if player's held item is an enderpearl:
        set {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport} to true
        wait 1 second
        delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.epteleport}

on damage:
  if {Bubble.Autoclicker} is true:
    if attacker's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
      if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        add 1 to {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cps}

every 2 seconds:
  if {Bubble.Autoclicker} is true:
    loop all players:
      if loop-player's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
        if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
          if {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} >= {MaxCPS}:
            detect(loop-player, "Autoclicker", "||", "%{_cps}%")
          delete {%loop-player's uuid%.bubble.cps}

on death:
  if victim is a player:
    set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.death} to true
    wait 5 second
    delete {%victim's uuid%.bubble.death}
  if victim is a chicken:
    if name of victim is "Choinky":
      clear the drops
    else if name of victim is "Choinken":
      cancel event
  if attacker is a player:
    if attacker's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
      if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} is not set:
          set {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} to true
          if "%damage cause%" is not "fall", "void" or "unknown":
            if projectile doesn't exist:
              set {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.damage} to true
              wait 1 second
              delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.damage}
  if victim is a player:
    if victim's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
      if {%victim's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if damage cause is fall:
          set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.falldmg} to true
          wait 10 ticks
          delete {%victim's uuid%.bubble.falldmg}
        if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.killaura.check} is not set:
          if name of victim is "Choinky":
            set {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.killaura.check} to true
            set {_loc} to attacker's location
            add 3 to y coordinate of {_loc}
            wait 2 ticks
            spawn chicken at {_loc}
            hide spawned chicken from all players
            set name of last spawned chicken to "Choinky"
            wait 3 ticks
            set y coordinate of {_loc} to 255
            teleport last spawned chicken to {_loc}
            kill last spawned chicken
            wait 1 second
            delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.killaura.check}

on damage:
  victim is a player:
    set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.damage} to true
    set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.damage.other} to true
    wait 2 ticks
    delete {%victim's uuid%.bubble.damage}
    wait 2 ticks
    delete {%victim's uuid%.bubble.damage.other}

on damage:
  {Bubble.Reach} is true
  delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}
  if distance between attacker and victim is greater than 4.25:
    set {_r} to distance between attacker and victim
    if attacker is a player:
      if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} is not set:
          set {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} to true
          if "%damage cause%" is not "fall", "void" or "unknown":
            if projectile doesn't exist:
              if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.autoclicker.check} is not set:
                if {_r} is less than 4.5:
                  detect(attacker, "Reach", "||", "Ghost")
                else if {_r} is less than 5.5:
                  detect(attacker, "Reach", "||", "Vanilla")
                  detect(attacker, "Reach", "|||", "Blatant")
                set {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.reach} to true
                wait 2 seconds
                delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.reach}
                if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble} > 5:
                  detect(attacker, "Killaura", "|||", "Vanilla")
          delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}

on damage:
  #Velocity or AntiKB
  if victim is a chicken:
    if attacker is a player:
      if attacker's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
        if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
          if name of victim is "Choinky":
            detect(attacker, "Killaura", "|||", "MobAura")
          else if name of victim is "Choinken":
            detect(attacker, "Killaura", "||", "MobAura")
  if victim is a player:
    {Bubble.Velocity} is true
    victim's gamemode is survival or adventure
    {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set
    set {_loc} to victim's location
    if {%victim's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} is not set:
      set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} to true
      if damage cause is not contact, fall, burning, hunger, drown or unknown:
        "%damage cause%" is not "unknown"
        push the victim backwards with force 0.1
        wait 2 ticks
        set {_d} to distance between victim's location and {_loc}
        if {_d} is between -0 and 0.2:
          if {%victim's uuid%.bubble.death} is not set:
            loop all blocks in radius 1 around victim:
              if loop-block is not air:
                if loop-block is not block under victim or block above victim's head:
                  add 1 to {_count}
            set {_loc.player} to victim's location
            add 1 to y coordinate of {_loc.player}
            loop all blocks in radius 1 around {_loc.player}:
              if loop-block is not air:
                if loop-block is not block under victim or block above victim's head:
                  add 1 to {_count}
            if {_count} > 1:
            projectile doesn't exist
            block at victim is air
            detect(victim, "Velocity", "||", "%damage cause%")
    loop {Bubble.Delay} times:
      wait 0.21 second
    if victim is a player:
      delete {%victim's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}
    if attacker is a player:
      delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}

on damage:
  if attacker is a player:
    set {_a.v} to distance between attacker and victim
    set {_a.atb} to distance between attacker and attacker's targeted block
    attacker's targeted block is not block under victim
    if attacker's gamemode is not creative or spectator:
      if {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.bypass} is not set:
        set {%victim's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage} to true
        if projectile doesn't exist:
          if {_a.v} > {_a.atb}:
            detect(attacker, "Killaura", "|||", "Malicious Hits")
        delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.killaura.check}
  loop {Bubble.Delay} times:
    wait 0.21 second
  delete {%attacker's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}

function reload(p: text):
  if {Bubble.Theme} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Theme} to 1
  if {Bubble.Prefix} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Prefix} to "{Prefix}"
  if {Bubble.Autoclicker} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Autoclicker} to true
  if {Bubble.Criticals} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Criticals} to true
  if {Bubble.Reach} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Reach} to true
  if {Bubble.Velocity} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Velocity} to true
  if {Bubble.Bhop} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Bhop} to true
  if {Bubble.Blink} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Blink} to true
  if {Bubble.ClickTP} is not set:
    set {Bubble.ClickTP} to true
  if {Bubble.Flight} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Flight} to true
  if {Bubble.Float} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Float} to true
  if {Bubble.HighJump} is not set:
    set {Bubble.HighJump} to true
  if {Bubble.Hover} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Hover} to true
  if {Bubble.Jesus} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Jesus} to true
  if {Bubble.NoFall} is not set:
    set {Bubble.NoFall} to true
  if {Bubble.NoSlow} is not set:
    set {Bubble.NoSlow} to true
  if {Bubble.Scaffold} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Scaffold} to true
  if {Bubble.Speed} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Speed} to true
  if {Bubble.Spider} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Spider} to true
  if {Bubble.Step} is not set:
    set {Bubble.Step} to true
  if {_p} is "console":
    send "%{bubble.prefix}% &7has reloaded!" to console
    send "%{bubble.prefix}% &7has reloaded!" to {_p} parsed as player

function detect(p: player, cheat: text, vl:text, type: text):
  set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  if {_vl} is "||":
    add 0.5 to {bubble.detections}
    add 0.5 to {%{_uuid}%.bubble}
  if {_vl} is "|||":
    add 1 to {bubble.detections}
    add 1 to {%{_uuid}%.bubble}
  set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  loop all players:
    if {%loop-player's} is set:
      if {Bubble.Theme} is "Bubble":
        if {_type} is not set:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &4%{_p}% &7failed &6%{_cheat}%&7! &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_type} is "Autoclicker":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &4%{_p}% &7failed &6%{_cheat}%&7! &8[&7CPS: &c%{_type}%&8] 8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_cheat} is "Speed", "ClickTP" or "Blink":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &4%{_p}% &7failed &6%{_cheat}%&7! &8(&7Speed: &e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat.speed}%&6/s&8) &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &4%{_p}% &7failed &6%{_cheat}%&7! &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
      if {Bubble.Theme} is "Ocean":
        if {_type} is not set:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &1%{_p}% &bfailed &6%{_cheat}%&b! &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_type} is "Autoclicker":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &1%{_p}% &bfailed &6%{_cheat}%&b! &8[&7CPS: &c%{_type}%&8] &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_cheat} is "Speed", "ClickTP" or "Blink":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &1%{_p}% &bfailed &6%{_cheat}%&b! &8(&7Speed: &e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat.speed}%&6/s&8) &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &1%{_p}% &bfailed &6%{_cheat}%&b! &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
      if {Bubble.Theme} is "World":
        if {_type} is not set:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &6%{_p}% &efailed &6%{_cheat}%&e! &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_type} is "Autoclicker":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &6%{_p}% &efailed &6%{_cheat}%&e! &8[&7CPS: &c%{_type}%&8] &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_cheat} is "Speed", "ClickTP" or "Blink":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &6%{_p}% &efailed &6%{_cheat}%&e! &8(&7Speed: &e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat.speed}%&6/s&8) &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &6%{_p}% &efailed &6%{_cheat}%&e! &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
      if {Bubble.Theme} is "Nether":
        if {_type} is not set:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%{_p}% &4failed &6%{_cheat}%&4! &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_type} is "Autoclicker":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%{_p}% &4failed &6%{_cheat}%&4! &8[&7CPS: &c%{_type}%&8] &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_cheat} is "Speed", "ClickTP" or "Blink":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%{_p}% &4failed &6%{_cheat}%&4! &8(&7Speed: &e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat.speed}%&6/s&8) &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%{_p}% &4failed &6%{_cheat}%&4! &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
      if {Bubble.Theme} is "End":
        if {_type} is not set:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &d%{_p}% &5failed &6%{_cheat}%&d! &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_type} is "Autoclicker":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &5%{_p}% &dfailed &6%{_cheat}%&d! &8[&7CPS: &c%{_type}%&8] &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
        else if {_cheat} is "Speed", "ClickTP" or "Blink":
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &5%{_p}% &dfailed &6%{_cheat}%&d! &8(&7Speed: &e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat.speed}%&6/s&8) &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &5%{_p}% &dfailed &6%{_cheat}%&d! &8(&7Type: &c%{_type}%&8) &4[&8VL: &c%{_vl}%&4] &8(&e%{%{_uuid}%.bubble}%&8) &8(&7Ping: &a%{_p}'s ping%&8)" to loop-player
  if "%{_cheat}%" is not "Illegal Player Movement":
    if {%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat::*} doesn't contain "%{_cheat}%":
      add "%{_cheat}%" to {%{_uuid}%.bubble.cheat::*}
  if {*} is not set:
    add {_p} to {*}
  if {InstantKick} is true:
    kick {_p} due to "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &c%{_cheat}%"

command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  permission: {ReportSend}
  permission message: %{bubble.prefix}% &cNo Perms!
    if arg-1 is not set:
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cInvalid Usage! &4(&c/report <player> <reason>&4)"
      if arg-2 is not set:
        send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cInvalid Usage! &4(&c/report <player> <reason>&4)"
        if arg-1 is offline:
          send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cThat player is offline!"
          if arg-1 is sender:
            send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cYou can't report yourself!"
            if {'s uuid%::*} contains "%sender%":
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cYou have already reported that player!"
              send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &e%sender% &7reported &e%arg-1% &7for &6%arg-2%&7!" to all players where [player input has permission "{ReportReceive}"]
              if {*} doesn't contain arg-1:
                add argument 1 to {*}
              add argument 2 to {'s uuid%::*}
              add "%sender%" to {'s uuid%::*}

command /flagtoggle [<text>]:
  permission: togglecheat, tc
  permission: {manage}
    if arg-1 is "Autoclicker", "Criticals", "Reach", "Killaura", "Velocity", "Bhop", "Blink", "ClickTP", "Flight", "Float", "HighJump", "Hover", "Jesus", "NoFall", "NoSlow", "Scaffold", "Speed", "Spider" or "Step":
      if {Bubble.%arg-1%} is false:
        send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &e%sender% &7has &aenabled &6%arg-1%&7!" to all players where [player input has permission "{manage}"]
        set {Bubble.%arg-1%} to true
        send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &e%sender% &7has &cdisabled &6%arg-1%&7!" to all players where [player input has permission "{manage}"]
        set {Bubble.%arg-1%} to false
      send "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &cInvalid Argument! &8(&6Autoclicker, Bhop, Blink, ClickTP, Criticals, Flight, Float, HighJump, Hover, Jesus, Killaura, NoFall, NoSlow, Reach, Scaffold, Speed, Spider, Step, Velocity&8)"

command /bacgui [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  aliases: /reports, /reportlist, /reportslist, /bubblegui
  permission: {GUI}
  permission message: %{Bubble.Prefix}% &cNo Perms!
    if arg-1 is not set:
      open chest with 1 row named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\" to player
      set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 1 of player's current inventory to paper named "&7Reports" with lore "&7", "&7View bubble reports and player reports." and "&7"
      set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 3 of player's current inventory to arrow named "&7Detections" with lore "&7", "&7Enable or disable detections." and "&7"
      set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 5 of player's current inventory to redstone torch named "&7Skript" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 7 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cComing Soon!" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
    if arg-1 is "detections":
      if arg-2 is not set:
        open chest with 1 row named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\&8Detections" to player
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 1 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 3 of player's current inventory to diamond sword named "&6Combat Detections" with lore "&7", "&7Manage Combat Detections" and "&7"
        set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 5 of player's current inventory to diamond boots named "&6Movement Detections" with lore "&7", "&7Manage Movement Detections" and "&7"
        set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 7 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
      if arg-2 is "movement":
        open chest with 2 rows named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\&8Detections\&8Movement" to player
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 9 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 16 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 17 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Bhop} is false:
          set slot 1 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cBhop" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 1 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aBhop" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Blink} is false:
          set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cBlink" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 2 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aBlink" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.ClickTP} is false:
          set slot 3 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cClickTP" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 3 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aClickTP" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Flight} is false:
          set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cFlight" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 4 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aFlight" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Float} is false:
          set slot 5 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cFloat" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 5 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aFloat" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.HighJump} is false:
          set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cHighJump" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 6 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aHighJump" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Hover} is false:
          set slot 7 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cHover" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 7 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aHover" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Jesus} is false:
          set slot 7 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cJesus" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 7 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aJesus" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.NoFall} is false:
          set slot 10 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cNoFall" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 10 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aNoFall" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.NoSlow} is false:
          set slot 11 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cNoSlow" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 11 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aNoSlow" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Scaffold} is false:
          set slot 12 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cScaffold" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 12 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aScaffold" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Speed} is false:
          set slot 13 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cSpeed" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 13 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aSpeed" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Spider} is false:
          set slot 14 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cSpider" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 14 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aSpider" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Step} is false:
          set slot 15 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cStep" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 15 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aStep" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
      if arg-2 is "combat":
        open chest with 1 row named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\&8Detections\&8Combat" to player
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 1 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Autoclicker} is false:
          set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cAutoclicker" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 2 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aAutoclicker" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Criticals} is false:
          set slot 3 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cCriticals" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 3 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aCriticals" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Killaura} is false:
          set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cKillaura" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 4 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aKillaura" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Reach} is false:
          set slot 5 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cReach" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 5 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aReach" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        if {Bubble.Velocity} is false:
          set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cVelocity" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Enable!" and "&7"
          set slot 6 of player's current inventory to lime wool named "&aVelocity" with lore "&7", "&7Click to Disable!" and "&7"
        set slot 7 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
    if arg-1 is "skript":
      if arg-2 is not set:
        open chest with 1 row named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\&8Skript" to player
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 1 of player's current inventory to redstone repeater named "&6Reload &8(&7Player&8)" with lore "&7", "&7Reload this skript!" and "&7"
        set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 3 of player's current inventory to redstone repeater  named "&6Reload &8(&7Console&8)" with lore "&7", "&7Reload this skript!" and "&7"
        set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 5 of player's current inventory to redstone torch named "&eSoft Reload &8(&7Player&8)" with lore "&7", "&7Reload this skript!" and "&7"
        set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 7 of player's current inventory to redstone torch named "&eSoft Reload &8(&7Console&8)" with lore "&7", "&7Reload this skript!" and "&7"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
    if arg-1 is "reports":
      if arg-2 is not set:
        open chest with 1 row named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\Reports\" to player
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 1 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 2 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 3 of player's current inventory to paper named "&7By Player" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 4 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 5 of player's current inventory to redstone named "&7By Bubble" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 6 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 7 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
      if arg-2 is "player":
        open chest with 6 rows named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\Reports\Player\" to player
        set {_count} to 44
        loop 9 times:
          add 1 to {_count}
          set slot {_count} of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set {_count} to -1
        loop {*}:
          if {_count} is less than 45:
            if loop-value is online:
              add 1 to {_count}
              set slot {_count} of player's current inventory to paper named "&c%loop-value%" with lore "&7", "&8Reason: &7%{'s uuid%::*}%" and "&8Reported By: &7%{'s uuid%::*}%"
        set slot 49 of player's current inventory to door named "&eBack" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        if {_count} is -1:
          set slot 22 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cNo Players Found!" with lore "&7" and "&7"
      if arg-2 is "bubble":
        open chest with 6 rows named "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\Reports\Bubble\" to player
        set {_count} to 44
        loop 9 times:
          add 1 to {_count}
          set slot {_count} of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
        set {_count} to -1
        loop {*}:
          if {_count} is less than 45:
            add 1 to {_count}
          set slot {_count} of player's current inventory to black stained glass pane named "&7" with lore "&7", "&7" and "&7"
          set {_count} to 8
        set {_count} to -1
        loop {*}:
          if {_count} is less than 45:
            if loop-value is online:
              add 1 to {_count}
              set slot {_count} of player's current inventory to paper named "&c%loop-value%" with lore "&7", "&8Reason: &7%{%loop-value's uuid%.bubble.cheat::*}%" and "&7"
        set slot 49 of player's current inventory to door named "&eBack" with lore "&7" and "&7"
        if {_count} is -1:
          set slot 22 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cNo Players Found!" with lore "&7" and "&7"

on inventory click:
  if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "%{Bubble.Prefix}%":
    if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "%{Bubble.Prefix}% &8%player%&8\&8Detections\&8":
      if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "Movement":
        close inventory of player
        set {_name} to uncolored name of clicked item
        if {_name} is "Autoclicker", "Criticals", "Reach", "Killaura", "Velocity", "Bhop", "Blink", "ClickTP", "Flight", "Float", "HighJump", "Hover", "Jesus", "NoFall", "NoSlow", "Scaffold", "Speed", "Spider" or "Step":
          player command "/flagtoggle %{_name}%"
        player command "/bacgui detections movement"
      else if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "Combat":
        close inventory of player
        set {_name} to uncolored name of clicked item
        if {_name} is "Autoclicker", "Criticals", "Reach", "Killaura", "Velocity", "Bhop", "Blink", "ClickTP", "Flight", "Float", "HighJump", "Hover", "Jesus", "NoFall", "NoSlow", "Scaffold", "Speed", "Spider" or "Step":
          player command "/flagtoggle %{_name}%"
        player command "/bacgui detections combat"
    if clicked slot is 3:
      if clicked item is arrow:
        if name of clicked item is "&7Detections":
          close inventory of player
          player command "bacgui detections"
      if clicked item is diamond sword:
        if name of clicked item is "&6Combat Detections":
          close inventory of player
          player command "bacgui detections combat"
    if clicked slot is 5:
      if clicked item is diamond boots:
        if name of clicked item is "&6Movement Detections":
          close inventory of player
          player command "bacgui detections movement"
    if clicked slot is 1 or 3:
      if clicked item is redstone repeater:
        if name of clicked item is "&6Reload &8(&7Player&8)":
          close inventory of player
          player command "skript reload %script%"
          if name of clicked item is "&6Reload &8(&7Console&8)":
            close inventory of player
            console command "skript reload %script%"
    if clicked slot is 5 or 7:
      if clicked item is redstone torch:
        if name of clicked item is "&eSoft Reload &8(&7Player&8)":
          close inventory of player
          if name of clicked item is "&eSoft Reload &8(&7Console&8)":
            close inventory of player
    if clicked slot is 5:
      if clicked item is a redstone torch:
        if name of clicked item is "&7Skript":
          close inventory of player
          player command "/bacgui skript"
    if clicked slot is 49:
      if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "\Reports\Bubble\" or "\Reports\Player\":
        if clicked item is a door:
          if name of clicked item is "&eBack":
            close inventory of player
            player command "/bacgui reports"
    if clicked slot is 1:
      if clicked item is a paper:
        if name of clicked item is "&7Reports":
          close inventory of player
          player command "/bacgui reports"
    if clicked slot is 3:
      if clicked item is a paper:
        if name of clicked item is "&7By Player":
          close inventory of player
          player command "/bacgui reports player"
    if clicked slot is 5:
      if clicked item is a redstone:
        if name of clicked item is "&7By Bubble":
          close inventory of player
          player command "/bacgui reports bubble"
    if clicked slot is between 0 and 44:
      if clicked item is a paper:
        if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "\Reports\Player\":
          close inventory of player
          set {_player} to uncolored name of clicked item
          loop {*}:
            if loop-value's name is {_player}:
              set {_player} to loop-value
              set {_player.uuid} to loop-value's uuid
              set {_player.loc} to loop-value's location
          add 3 to y coordinate of {_player.loc}
          remove {_player} from {*}
          delete {{_player.uuid}%::*}
          delete {{_player.uuid}%::*}
          teleport the player to {_player.loc}
          player command "/bacgui reports player"
        if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "\Reports\Bubble\":
          close inventory of player
          set {_player} to uncolored name of clicked item
          loop {bubble.bubble.players::*}:
            if loop-value's name is {_player}:
              set {_player} to loop-value
              set {_player.uuid} to loop-value's uuid
              set {_player.loc} to loop-value's location
          add 3 to y coordinate of {_player.loc}
          remove {_player} from {bubble.bubble.players::*}
          teleport the player to {_player.loc}
          player command "/bacgui reports bubble"
        cancel event
      cancel event

on any movement:
  if {ProAuraBlocking} is true:
    set {_uuid} to player's uuid
    if {%{_uuid}%.last.spawn.chicken} is not set:
      spawn chicken 1 meter below player
      apply invisibility to last spawned chicken for 9999 days
      set name of last spawned chicken to "Choinken"
      set health of last spawned chicken to 1000000
      heal last spawned chicken
      set {%{_uuid}%.last.spawn.chicken} to "%last spawned chicken%"
    else if last spawned chicken is alive:
      teleport {%{_uuid}%.last.spawn.chicken} parsed as entity 3.5 meters above player
      delete {%{_uuid}%.last.spawn.chicken}

on command:
  if full command is "sk reload %script%" or "skript reload %script%":
    set {bubble.last.reload} to "%sender%"

on chat:
  if message contains "stupid", "dumb", "bad", "garbage", "aweful", "suck" or "shit":
    if message contains "anti cheat", "anticheat" or "bubble":
      kick the player due to "{Prefix} &cdetected &cidiot!"

on disconnect:
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.flight.delay}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.cheat.cooldown.damage}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}
  delete {%player's}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.jump}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.slime}

on join:
  set {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass} to true
  set {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks} to true
  wait 3 seconds
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.bypass}
  delete {%player's uuid%.bubble.nochecks}