Created by Nova

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	noperm: &cYou don't have permission!
	staff: spawn.admin

on load:
	if {spawn.onjoin} is not set:
		set {spawn.onjoin} to true
	send "&aEnabling &" to console
	send "&aSuccessfully enabled &" to console
	send "&aScript by: &fExtremeUltra" to console

command /spawn [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is "help":
				send "&6&l============================"
				send "&c&lForceSpawn &7by &3&lExtremeUltra"
				send "&8&l============================"
				send ""
				send "&bSet the spawn to your location"
				send "&f/spawn set"
				send ""
				send "&bDelete the current spawn"
				send "&f/spawn (delete|del)"
				send ""
				send "&bForce players to teleport to spawn on join"
				send "&f/spawn jointp [&atrue, &cfalse&f]"
				send ""
				send "&bTeleport to spawn"
				send "&f/spawn"
				send ""
				send "&8&l============================"
				send "&9Version: &f1.1.0"
				send "&6&l============================"
			else if arg 1 is "set":
				if player has permission "{@staff}":
					set {spawn.loc} to player's location
					send "&aYou have set the spawn to your location: &f%player's location%"
					send "{@noperm}"
			else if arg 1 is "delete" or "del":
				if player has permission "{@staff}":
					delete {spawn.loc}
					send "&aYou have deleted the spawn!"
					send "{@noperm}"
			else if arg 1 is "jointp":
				if player has permission "{@staff}":
					if arg 2 is "true":
						if {spawn.onjoin} is true:
							send "&cJOINTP is already enabled!"
							set {spawn.onjoin} to true
							send "&aJOINTP has been enabled!"
					else if arg 2 is "false":
						if {spawn.onjoin} is true:
							set {spawn.onjoin} to false
							send "&aJOINTP has been disabled!"
							send "&cJOINTP is already disabled!"
						send "&cCorrect Usage: &7/spawn jointp &a[true, false]"
					send "{@noperm}"
				send "&cCorrect Usage: &7/spawn &ahelp"
			if player has permission "{@spawntpperm}":
				if {spawn.loc} is set:
					send "&aTeleporting to spawn..."
					teleport player to {spawn.loc}
					send "&cCould not find the spawn! Please contact server admins if you believe this is not supposed to happen."
				send "{@noperm}"
on join:
	if {spawn.loc} is set:
		if {spawn.onjoin} is true:
			teleport player to {spawn.loc}

on right click on sign:
	if line 2 of event-block = "&3Click here to":
		if line 3 of event-block = "&3teleport to spawn!":
			execute player command "spawn"

on sign change:
	if player has permission "{@staff}":
		if line 1 of event-block = "[Spawn]":
			set line 1 of event-block to ""
			set line 2 of event-block to "&3Click here to"
			set line 3 of event-block to "&3teleport to spawn!"
			set line 4 of event-block to ""