Created by death source

Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# ######################################## #
#            By Death_Source		   #
#          Made August 28, 2020		   #
#        	 V-1.1.1		   #
# ######################################## #

#DO NOT set the difficulty to peaceful, I use zombies for each balloon!
#Reloading the script using the normal /sk reload command will probably crash the server! 
#Instead, restart the server after having added the script. 
#Requirements: Skript, SkQuery, SkBee. Works from Java 1.12-1.16 AND on minehut.
#If you need help, please DM me on discord: Death_Source#0336
#Have fun.

	#The prefix for messages sent!
	Prefix: &e&l[&bBalloonMaster&e&l]&8
	BalloonPerm: balloons
	Delete: balloon.delete

#messages (you can delete if you want)

on join:
	if player is op:
	send "{@Prefix}: &6Successfully loaded &aV-1.1.1 of Balloons by Death_Source!" to player
on script load:
	send "{@Prefix}: &6Successfully loaded &aV-1.1.1 of Balloons by Death_Source!" to console



#Edit at your own risk. For help, dm me!

on combust:
	if event-entity is a zombie:
		if metadata "balloon" of event-entity is true:
			cancel event

command /balloon [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@BalloonPerm}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &esmall &6(follow: true/false)&a(item name/'hand') &dto make a small balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &emedium &6(follow: true/false) &a(block name/'hand') &dto make a medium balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &ebig &6(follow: true/false) &a(item name/'hand') &dto make a big balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &edelete &dto get the deleter stick!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &cQuick tip: if you do write 'hand' as your 2nd argument, it will set the balloon to your held item!"
		if arg-1 is "help":
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &esmall &6(follow: true/false)&a(item name/'hand') &dto make a small balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &emedium &6(follow: true/false) &a(block name/'hand') &dto make a medium balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &ebig &6(follow: true/false) &a(item name/'hand') &dto make a big balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &edelete &dto get the deleter stick!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &cQuick tip: if you do write 'hand' as your 2nd argument, it will set the balloon to your held item!"
		if arg-1 is "delete":
			if player has permission "{@Delete}":
				set slot 0 of player to stick named "&rDelete Stick" with lore "&dWack a balloon to remove it!"
		if arg-1 is "medium":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie .2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:0,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					if slot 103 or 102 or 101 or 100 of last spawned entity is set:
						kill last spawned entity
						send "{@Prefix}: &dSorry, something went wrong with balloons! Please try again."
					spawn a sheep 1 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dMedium balloon spawned!"	
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie 4.2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:0,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a zombie:
									teleport loop-entity to location 4.2 meters above player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)
		if arg-1 is "small":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie .2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:1,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep .4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSmall balloon spawned!"	
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie 3.8 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:1,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a zombie:
									teleport loop-entity to location 3.8 meters above player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)
		if arg-1 is "big":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a giant 1.5 meters below player with nbt "{Age:6000,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 7.5 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 2 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:6000,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dBig balloon spawned!"
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a giant 2.5 meters below player with nbt "{Age:6000,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 7 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 1.5 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:6000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a giant:
									teleport loop-entity to location 2.5 meters below player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 7 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 1.5 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)

		if arg-1 is "delete":
			set slot 0 of player to stick named "&rDelete Stick" with lore "&dWack a balloon to remove it!"
on death:
	set {_loc} to player's location
	if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
on teleport:
	if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
on item spawn:
	if item is lead:
		loop all entities in radius 10 of last spawned entity:
			if metadata "follow" of loop-entity is true:
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					if loop-entity is not leashed:
						kill loop-entity
					loop all entities in radius 5 of loop-entity:
						if loop-entity-2 is a sheep:
							if loop-entity-2 is not leashed:
								kill loop-entity-1

on drop:
	set {_loc} to location of player
	if event-item is a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
		wait 5 seconds
		loop all entities in radius 20 of {_loc}:
			if metadata "passed" of loop-entity is true:
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					kill loop-entity
					kill loop-entity
on pickup:
	if event-item is string named "&rBalloon Holder":
		set {_ok} to false
		send "{@Prefix}: &dYou picked up a balloon string!" to player
		loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
			if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
				set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to false
				set metadata "ok" of player to true
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					leash loop-entity to player
		if metadata "ok" of player is false:
			send "{@Prefix}: &dUnfortunately, there was no balloon at the end of it." to player
		if metadata "ok" of player is true:
			set metadata "ok" of player to false
			set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
			while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:	
				if player has string named "&rBalloon Holder":
					set {_loc} to player's location
					loop all entities in radius 10 of {_loc}:
						if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
							if loop-entity is a zombie:
								teleport loop-entity to location 4.2 meters above player
							if loop-entity is a sheep:
								if loop-entity is leashed:
									teleport loop-entity to location 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
									loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
										if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
											kill loop-entity-2
				wait 3 ticks
on command "difficulty peaceful" or "minecraft:difficulty peaceful":
	if {%player%.warn} is true: 
		set {%player%.warned} to false
		set {%player%.warn} to true
		cancel event
		send "{@Prefix}: &6Be careful! Doing this will remove your balloons!" 

on left click:
	if player is holding a stick named "&rDelete Stick":
		if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
			set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
		loop all entities in radius 8 of player:
			if loop-entity is a sheep or a giant or a zombie:
				set metadata "balloon" of loop-entity to false
				kill loop-entity
				add 1 to {_killed}
		send "{@Prefix}: &6Removing nearby balloons..." to player
		wait 5 ticks
		if {_killed} is set:
			set {_killed} to {_killed} / 2
		if {_killed} is not set:
			set {_killed} to 0
		send "{@Prefix}: &dDespawned &e%{_killed}% &dballoons!" to player
on death:
	if metadata "balloon" of entity is true:
		cancel event

# ######################################## #
#            By Death_Source		       #
#          Made August 28, 2020		       #
#        	      V-1.1.1		           #
# ######################################## #

#DO NOT set the difficulty to peaceful, I use zombies for each balloon!
#Restarting the script using the normal /sk reload command will probably crash the server! 
#Instead, restart the server after having added the script. 
#Requirements: Skript, SkQuery, SkBee. Works from Java 1.12-1.16 AND on minehut.
#If you need help, please DM me on discord: Death_Source#0336
#Have fun.

	#The prefix for messages sent!
	Prefix: &e&l[&bBalloonMaster&e&l]&8
	BalloonPerm: balloons
	Delete: balloon.delete

#messages (you can delete if you want)

on join:
	if player is op:
		send "{@Prefix}: &6Successfully loaded &aV-1.1.1 of Balloons by Death_Source!" to player
on script load:
	send "{@Prefix}: &6Successfully loaded &aV-1.1.1 of Balloons by Death_Source!" to console



#Edit at your own risk. For help, dm me!

on combust:
	if event-entity is a zombie:
		if metadata "balloon" of event-entity is true:
			cancel event

command /balloon [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@BalloonPerm}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &esmall &6(follow: true/false)&a(item name/'hand') &dto make a small balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &emedium &6(follow: true/false) &a(block name/'hand') &dto make a medium balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &ebig &6(follow: true/false) &a(item name/'hand') &dto make a big balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &edelete &dto get the deleter stick!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &cQuick tip: if you do write 'hand' as your 2nd argument, it will set the balloon to your held item!"
		if arg-1 is "help":
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &esmall &6(follow: true/false)&a(item name/'hand') &dto make a small balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &emedium &6(follow: true/false) &a(block name/'hand') &dto make a medium balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &ebig &6(follow: true/false) &a(item name/'hand') &dto make a big balloon!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &dDo &b/balloon &edelete &dto get the deleter stick!"
			send "{@Prefix}: &cQuick tip: if you do write 'hand' as your 2nd argument, it will set the balloon to your held item!"
		if arg-1 is "delete":
			if player has permission "{@Delete}":
				set slot 0 of player to stick named "&rDelete Stick" with lore "&dWack a balloon to remove it!"
if arg-1 is "medium":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie .2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:0,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					if slot 103 or 102 or 101 or 100 of last spawned entity is set:
						kill last spawned entity
						send "{@Prefix}: &dSorry, something went wrong with balloons! Please try again."
					spawn a sheep 1 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dMedium balloon spawned!"	
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie 4.2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:0,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a zombie:
									teleport loop-entity to location 4.2 meters above player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)
		if arg-1 is "small":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie .2 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:1,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep .4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSmall balloon spawned!"	
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a zombie 3.8 meters above player with nbt "{IsBaby:1,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:-25000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a zombie:
									teleport loop-entity to location 3.8 meters above player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 4 meters above and .1 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)
		if arg-1 is "big":
			if arg-3 is set:
				if arg-2 is "false":
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a giant 1.5 meters below player with nbt "{Age:6000,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 7.5 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 2 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:6000,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dBig balloon spawned!"
				if arg-2 is "true":
					if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						send "{@Prefix}: &dYou already have a follower balloon! Can't have two!"
					if "ignorethis %arg-3%" contains "_":
						send "{@Prefix}: &dDon't use &e_ &din your command, use spaces instead!"
					set {_loc} to player's location
					set {_loc}'s pitch to 22
					teleport player to {_loc}
					wait 1 tick
					spawn a giant 2.5 meters below player with nbt "{Age:6000,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					if arg-3 is "hand":
						set tool of last spawned entity to player's tool
						set tool of last spawned entity to arg-3 parsed as an item
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					spawn a sheep 7 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 1.5 meters right of player with nbt "{Age:6000,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1b,Silent:1,NoAI:1}"
					Apply potion of invisibility of tier 2 without any particles to last spawned entity for 1000000 seconds
					lead last spawned entity to player	
					set metadata "follower" of last spawned entity to true
					set metadata "balloon" of last spawned entity to true
					send "{@Prefix}: &dFollower balloon spawned!"	
					send "{@Prefix}: &dUse the delete stick to remove it!"	
					set slot 1 of player to string named "&rBalloon Holder"
					set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
					while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
						if player does not have a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
							loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
								if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
									set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to true
							set {%player%.balloonattached} to false

						set {_loc} to player's location
						loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
							if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
								if loop-entity is a giant:
									teleport loop-entity to location 2.5 meters below player
								if loop-entity is a sheep:
									if loop-entity is leashed:
										teleport loop-entity to location 7 meters above and 4 meters in front of and 1.5 meters right of player
										loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
											if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
												kill loop-entity-2
						wait 3 ticks
					send "{@Prefix}: &dSpecify if your balloon will follow you! &6(true/false)"

		if arg-1 is "delete":
			set slot 0 of player to stick named "&rDelete Stick" with lore "&dWack a balloon to remove it!"
on death:
	set {_loc} to player's location
	if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
on teleport:
	if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
on item spawn:
	if item is lead:
		loop all entities in radius 10 of last spawned entity:
			if metadata "follow" of loop-entity is true:
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					if loop-entity is not leashed:
						kill loop-entity
					loop all entities in radius 5 of loop-entity:
						if loop-entity-2 is a sheep:
							if loop-entity-2 is not leashed:
								kill loop-entity-1

on drop:
	set {_loc} to location of player
	if event-item is a string named "&rBalloon Holder":
		set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
		wait 5 seconds
		loop all entities in radius 20 of {_loc}:
			if metadata "passed" of loop-entity is true:
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					kill loop-entity
					kill loop-entity
on pickup:
	if event-item is string named "&rBalloon Holder":
		set {_ok} to false
		send "{@Prefix}: &dYou picked up a balloon string!" to player
		loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
			if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
				set metadata "passed" of loop-entity to false
				set metadata "ok" of player to true
				if loop-entity is a sheep:
					leash loop-entity to player
		if metadata "ok" of player is false:
			send "{@Prefix}: &dUnfortunately, there was no balloon at the end of it." to player
		if metadata "ok" of player is true:
			set metadata "ok" of player to false
			set {%player%.balloonattached} to true
			while {%player%.balloonattached} is true:	
				if player has string named "&rBalloon Holder":
					set {_loc} to player's location
					loop all entities in radius 10 of {_loc}:
						if metadata "follower" of loop-entity is true:
							if loop-entity is a zombie:
								teleport loop-entity to location 4.2 meters above player
							if loop-entity is a sheep:
								if loop-entity is leashed:
									teleport loop-entity to location 5 meters above and .2 meters in front of and .3 meters right of player
									loop all entities in radius 10 of player:
										if metadata "follower" of loop-entity-2 is true:
											kill loop-entity-2
				wait 3 ticks
on command "difficulty peaceful" or "minecraft:difficulty peaceful":
	if {%player%.warn} is true: 
		set {%player%.warned} to false
		set {%player%.warn} to true
		cancel event
		send "{@Prefix}: &6Be careful! Doing this will remove your balloons!" 

on left click:
	if player is holding a stick named "&rDelete Stick":
		if {%player%.balloonattached} is true:
			set {%player%.balloonattached} to false
		loop all entities in radius 8 of player:
			if loop-entity is a sheep or a giant or a zombie:
				set metadata "balloon" of loop-entity to false
				kill loop-entity
				add 1 to {_killed}
		send "{@Prefix}: &6Removing nearby balloons..." to player
		wait 5 ticks
		if {_killed} is set:
			set {_killed} to {_killed} / 2
		if {_killed} is not set:
			set {_killed} to 0
		send "{@Prefix}: &dDespawned &e%{_killed}% &dballoons!" to player
on death:
	if metadata "balloon" of entity is true:
		cancel event