Other available versions. Ordered by newest to oldest versions:
Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
#any help dm me on discord 2hmd#0069
#You can change it to what ever you want, the kit will despawn !
kitname: &c&lKIT
#The world you have the game on!
world: world
#spawn location, has to be like this X, Y, Z
spawn: 0.501, 91, 0.537
#RANKS PERMISSION "1 weakest rank" and member kit don't have permission
permission-rank-1: skypvp.kit.vip
permission-rank-2: skypvp.kit.vip+
permission-rank-3: skypvp.kit.mvp
permission-rank-4: skypvp.kit.mvp+
#Drop location, has to be like this X, Y, Z
droplocation: 0, 90, 20
#xp location, has to be like this X, Y, Z
xplocation: -121, 94, 23
#shop prices !
sword1: 16
sword2: 32
sword3: 48
sword4: 64
boots1: 16
boots2: 32
boots3: 48
boots4: 64
leggings1: 16
leggings2: 32
leggings3: 48
leggings4: 64
chestplate1: 16
chestplate2: 32
chestplate3: 48
chestplate4: 64
helmet1: 16
helmet2: 32
helmet3: 48
helmet4: 64
Apple1: 16
Apple2: 32
Apple3: 48
Apple4: 64
#shop don't have enough coins message
nocoins: &7You do not have enough &6Coins
#create where you want the void to start use worldguard for this ! "/rg create void "
region-void-name: void
#if you want to item to drop use "true or false"
item-drop: true
#command Stats "Your stats"
line1: &8&m----------------------------------
line2: &a
line3: &aYour kills %{skypvp.kill::%player%}% !
line4: &cYour deaths %{skypvp.death::%player%}% !
line5: &eYour coins %{skypvp.coins::%player%}%$ !
line6: &a
line7: &8&m----------------------------------
#command Stats "Another player stats"
line8: &8&m----------------------------------
line9: &a
line10: &a%arg 1%'s kills %{skypvp.kill::%arg 1%}% !
line11: &c%arg 1%'s deaths %{skypvp.death::%arg 1%}% !
line12: &e%arg 1%'s coins %{skypvp.coins::%arg 1%}%$ !
line13: &a
line14: &8&m----------------------------------
#Death messages, "%{deadFall.%victim%}%" is the attacker
killed-by-player: &7%victim% got killed by %{deadFall.%victim%}%
killed-by-quiting: &7%player% got killed by %{deadFall.%player%}% because he left the server while combat
killed-by-void: &7%player% died in the void
killed-by-void-player: &7%player% was knocked into the void by %{deadFall.%player%}%
#Join and quit message
join-msg: &7%player% joined the game !
quit-msg: &7%player% quit the game !
#chest message
chest-msg: &aCHEST RESPAWN
#chests locations, has to be like this X, Y, Z
chest-1: 0, 0, 0
chest-2: 0, 0, 0
chest-3: 0, 0, 0
chest-4: 0, 0, 0
chest-5: 0, 0, 0
chest-6: 0, 0, 0
chest-7: 0, 0, 0
chest-8: 0, 0, 0
chest-9: 0, 0, 0
chest-10: 0, 0, 0
chest-11: 0, 0, 0
chest-12: 0, 0, 0
chest-13: 0, 0, 0
chest-14: 0, 0, 0
chest-15: 0, 0, 0
chest-16: 0, 0, 0
chest-17: 0, 0, 0
chest-18: 0, 0, 0
chest-19: 0, 0, 0
chest-20: 0, 0, 0
chest-21: 0, 0, 0
chest-22: 0, 0, 0
chest-23: 0, 0, 0
chest-24: 0, 0, 0
chest-25: 0, 0, 0
chest-26: 0, 0, 0
chest-27: 0, 0, 0
chest-28: 0, 0, 0
chest-29: 0, 0, 0
chest-30: 0, 0, 0
chest-31: 0, 0, 0
chest-32: 0, 0, 0
chest-33: 0, 0, 0
chest-34: 0, 0, 0
chest-35: 0, 0, 0
chest-36: 0, 0, 0
chest-37: 0, 0, 0
chest-38: 0, 0, 0
chest-39: 0, 0, 0
chest-40: 0, 0, 0
chest-41: 0, 0, 0
chest-42: 0, 0, 0
chest-43: 0, 0, 0
chest-44: 0, 0, 0
chest-45: 0, 0, 0
chest-46: 0, 0, 0
chest-47: 0, 0, 0
chest-48: 0, 0, 0
chest-49: 0, 0, 0
chest-50: 0, 0, 0
chest-51: 0, 0, 0
chest-52: 0, 0, 0
chest-53: 0, 0, 0
chest-54: 0, 0, 0
chest-55: 0, 0, 0
chest-56: 0, 0, 0
chest-57: 0, 0, 0
chest-58: 0, 0, 0
chest-59: 0, 0, 0
chest-60: 0, 0, 0
chest-61: 0, 0, 0
chest-62: 0, 0, 0
chest-63: 0, 0, 0
chest-64: 0, 0, 0
chest-65: 0, 0, 0
chest-66: 0, 0, 0
chest-67: 0, 0, 0
chest-68: 0, 0, 0
chest-69: 0, 0, 0
chest-70: 0, 0, 0
#sb settings
sb-title: &9&lSKYPVP
sb1: &1
sb2: &7» &eKILLS&7: &f%{skypvp.kill::%loop-player%}%
sb3: &2
sb4: &7» &eDEATHS&7: &f%{skypvp.death::%loop-player%}%
sb5: &3
sb6: &7» &eCOINS&7: &f%{skypvp.coins::%loop-player%}%
sb7: &4
sb8: &7play.test.com
#clear lag messages
drop-clear-msg-1: &7Clearing dropped items on 5 seconds
drop-clear-msg-2: &7Killed %size of dropped items% dropped items.
{skypvp.kill::%player%} = 0
{skypvp.death::%player%} = 0
{skypvp.coins::%player%} = 5
#don't change any thing !!!
on projectile hit:
world is "{@world}":
if projectile is an arrow:
delete projectile
every 15 seconds:
loop all players:
if "%loop-player's world%" is "{@world}":
wipe loop-player's sidebar
set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@sb-title}"
set score "{@sb1}" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
set score "{@sb2}" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
set score "{@sb3}" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
set score "{@sb4}" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
set score "{@sb5}" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
set score "{@sb6}" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
set score "{@sb7}" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
set score "{@sb8}" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
every 3 seconds:
loop all players:
loop players in radius 15 of location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}"):
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
wait 5 tick
shoot bottle of enchanting from location({@xplocation}, world "{@world}") at speed 0
on region enter:
world is not "{@world}":
if "%event-region%" contains "{@region-void-name}":
if player is wearing helmet:
if line 1 of the lore of player's helmet contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's helmet to air
if player is wearing chestplate:
if line 1 of the lore of player's chestplate contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's chestplate to air
if player is wearing leggings:
if line 1 of the lore of player's leggings contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's leggings to air
if player is wearing boots:
if line 1 of the lore of player's boots contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's boots to air
loop items in player's inventory:
lore of loop-item contains "&4&lLOCKED":
remove loop-item from event-player's inventory
loop items in player's inventory:
add loop-item to {inventory.%name of player%::*}
add player's boots to {inventory.%name of player%::*}
add player's leggings to {inventory.%name of player%::*}
add player's chestplate to {inventory.%name of player%::*}
add player's helmet to {inventory.%name of player%::*}
drop {inventory.%name of player%::*} at location({@droplocation}, world "{@world}")
play sound "LEVEL_UP" with volume 2 with pitch 2 at location({@droplocation}, world "{@world}") for all players
apply potion of blindness to player for 1 seconds
remove speed from player
remove regeneration from player
remove Poison from player
remove strength from player
clear player's inventory
wait 3 tick
teleport player at location {@spawn} in world "{@world}"
play sound "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
delete {inventory.%name of player%::*}
if {deadFall.%player%} is set:
heal {deadFall.%player%} by 5 hearts
play sound "NOTE_BASS" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at {deadFall.%player%} for {deadFall.%player%}
broadcast "{@killed-by-void-player} &4&l[-%{skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.06%$]" in world("{@world}")
add 1 to {skypvp.kill::%{deadFall.%player%}%}
add {skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.06 + 0.5 to {skypvp.coins::%{deadFall.%player%}%}
broadcast "{@killed-by-void} &4&l[-%{skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.06%$]" in world("{@world}")
add 1 to {skypvp.death::%player%}
remove {skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.06 from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is less than 0:
set {skypvp.coins::%player%} to 0
clear {deadFall.%{deadFall.%player%}%}
clear {deadFall.%player%}
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-4}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with diamond boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-3}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-2}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-1}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
on damage:
if victim are not in world "{@world}":
if damage > victim's health:
if 4.5 > victim's health:
heal victim
cancel event
if victim is wearing helmet:
if line 1 of the lore of victim's helmet contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set victim's helmet to air
if victim is wearing chestplate:
if line 1 of the lore of victim's chestplate contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set victim's chestplate to air
if victim is wearing leggings:
if line 1 of the lore of victim's leggings contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set victim's leggings to air
if victim is wearing boots:
if line 1 of the lore of victim's boots contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set victim's boots to air
loop items in victim's inventory:
lore of loop-item contains "&4&lLOCKED":
remove loop-item from victim's inventory
apply potion of blindness to victim for 1.2 seconds
remove speed from victim
remove regeneration from victim
remove Poison from victim
remove strength from victim
if {@item-drop} is true:
add victim's boots to {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*}
add victim's leggings to {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*}
add victim's chestplate to {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*}
add victim's helmet to {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*}
drop all items in victim's inventory at victim
drop {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*} at victim
teleport victim at location {@spawn} in world "{@world}"
play sound "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at victim for victim
play sound "NOTE_BASS" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at attacker for attacker
clear victim's inventory
delete {inventorydrop.%name of victim%::*}
heal victim
heal attacker by 5 hearts
if attacker is a player:
add {skypvp.coins::%victim%}*0.04 + 1 to {skypvp.coins::%{deadFall.%victim%}%}
broadcast "{@killed-by-player} &4&l[-%{skypvp.coins::%victim%}*0.06%$]" in world("{@world}")
remove {skypvp.coins::%victim%}*0.04 from {skypvp.coins::%victim%}
if {skypvp.coins::%victim%} is less than 0:
set {skypvp.coins::%victim%} to 0
add 1 to {skypvp.kill::%attacker%}
add 1 to {skypvp.death::%attacker%}
wait 1 tick
clear {deadFall.%victim%}
clear {deadFall.%attacker%}
if victim has permission "{@permission-rank-4}":
equip victim with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with diamond boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give victim iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if victim has permission "{@permission-rank-3}":
equip victim with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give victim iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if victim has permission "{@permission-rank-2}":
equip victim with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give victim stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if victim has permission "{@permission-rank-1}":
equip victim with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give victim stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with chain chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip victim with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give victim stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
command /stats [<offline player>] [<text>]:
world is not "{@world}":
send "&eYou can not use this command on this world"
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@line1}"
send "{@line2}"
send "{@line3}"
send "{@line4}"
send "{@line5}"
send "{@line6}"
send "{@line7}"
if arg 1 is set:
if {skypvp.kill::%arg 1%} is not set:
set {skypvp.kill::%arg 1%} to 0
if {skypvp.death::%arg 1%} is not set:
set {skypvp.death::%arg 1%} to 0
if {skypvp.coins::%arg 1%} is not set:
set {skypvp.coins::%arg 1%} to 5
send "{@line8}"
send "{@line9}"
send "{@line10}"
send "{@line11}"
send "{@line12}"
send "{@line13}"
send "{@line14}"
command /resettopcoins [<text>]:
permission: op
delete {skypvp.coins::*}
delete {_high.to.low.list::*}
delete {_size}
delete {_n}
delete {_high.to.low.list::%{_n}%}
command /topcoins [<text>]:
world is not "{@world}":
send "&eYou can not use this command on this world"
loop {skypvp.coins::*}:
add 1 to {_size}
if {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} is not set:
set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} to loop-index
set {_n} to 0
loop {_size} times:
set {_n} to {_n}+1
{_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} is not set
set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} to loop-index
stop loop
wait 1 tick
set {_n} to size of {_low.to.high.list::*}
loop {_low.to.high.list::*}:
set {_high.to.low.list::%{_n}%} to loop-value
set {_n} to {_n}-1
wait 1 tick
send ""
loop {_high.to.low.list::*}:
add 1 to {_result}
if {_result} is 1:
send "&6%{_result}% &f%loop-value%&8: &e%{skypvp.coins::%loop-value%}%$" to player
if {_result} is 2:
send "&b%{_result}% &f%loop-value%&8: &e%{skypvp.coins::%loop-value%}%$" to player
if {_result} is 3:
send "&7%{_result}% &f%loop-value%&8: &e%{skypvp.coins::%loop-value%}%$" to player
if {_result} is not 3 or 2 or 1:
send "&7%{_result}% &f%loop-value%&8: &e%{skypvp.coins::%loop-value%}%$" to player
if {_result} is 10:
on join:
world is "{@world}":
set join message to "{@join-msg}"
if {skypvp.world.%player%.firstjoin} is not set:
set {skypvp.world.%player%.firstjoin} to true
clear player's inventory
wait 1 tick
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-4}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with diamond boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-3}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-2}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-1}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
command /shop [<text>]:
world is not "{@world}":
send "&eYou can not use this command on this world"
set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&4&lShop"
wait 1 ticks
set slot 10 of {_gui} to diamond sword named "&c&lWEAPON"
set slot 13 of {_gui} to diamond chestplate named "&c&lARMOR"
set slot 16 of {_gui} to enchanted golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE"
open {_gui} to player
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&4&lShop":
cancel event
wait 1 ticks
clicked slot is 10:
set {_gui1} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&c&lWEAPON"
set slot 10 of {_gui1} to diamond sword named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&7Sharpness I||&bPrice: &a{@sword1} Coins"
set slot 12 of {_gui1} to diamond sword named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&7Sharpness II||&bPrice: &a{@sword2} Coins"
set slot 14 of {_gui1} to diamond sword named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&7Sharpness III||&bPrice: &a{@sword3} Coins"
set slot 16 of {_gui1} to diamond sword named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&7Sharpness IV||&bPrice: &a{@sword4} Coins"
open {_gui1} to player
clicked slot is 13:
set {_gui2} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&c&lARMOR"
set slot 10 of {_gui2} to diamond helmet named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&7Protection I||&bPrice: &a{@helmet1} Coins"
set slot 19 of {_gui2} to diamond chestplate named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&7Protection I||&bPrice: &a{@chestplate1} Coins"
set slot 28 of {_gui2} to diamond leggings named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&7Protection I||&bPrice: &a{@leggings1} Coins"
set slot 37 of {_gui2} to diamond boots named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&7Protection I||&bPrice: &a{@boots1} Coins"
set slot 12 of {_gui2} to diamond helmet named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&7Protection II||&bPrice: &a{@helmet2} Coins"
set slot 21 of {_gui2} to diamond chestplate named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&7Protection II||&bPrice: &a{@chestplate2} Coins"
set slot 30 of {_gui2} to diamond leggings named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&7Protection II||&bPrice: &a{@leggings2} Coins"
set slot 39 of {_gui2} to diamond boots named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&7Protection II||&bPrice: &a{@boots2} Coins"
set slot 14 of {_gui2} to diamond helmet named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&7Protection III||&bPrice: &a{@helmet3} Coins"
set slot 23 of {_gui2} to diamond chestplate named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&7Protection III||&bPrice: &a{@chestplate3} Coins"
set slot 32 of {_gui2} to diamond leggings named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&7Protection III||&bPrice: &a{@leggings3} Coins"
set slot 41 of {_gui2} to diamond boots named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&7Protection III||&bPrice: &a{@boots3} Coins"
set slot 16 of {_gui2} to diamond helmet named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&7Protection IV||&bPrice: &a{@helmet4} Coins"
set slot 25 of {_gui2} to diamond chestplate named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&7Protection IV||&bPrice: &a{@chestplate4} Coins"
set slot 34 of {_gui2} to diamond leggings named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&7Protection IV||&bPrice: &a{@leggings4} Coins"
set slot 43 of {_gui2} to diamond boots named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&7Protection IV||&bPrice: &a{@boots4} Coins"
open {_gui2} to player
clicked slot is 16:
set {_gui3} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&c&lAPPLE"
set slot 10 of {_gui3} to 16 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&bPrice: &a{@Apple1} Coins"
set slot 12 of {_gui3} to 32 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&bPrice: &a{@Apple2} Coins"
set slot 14 of {_gui3} to 48 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&bPrice: &a{@Apple3} Coins"
set slot 16 of {_gui3} to 64 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&bPrice: &a{@Apple4} Coins"
open {_gui3} to player
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&c&lWEAPON":
cancel event
clicked slot is 10:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@sword1}:
give player diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@sword1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 12:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@sword2}:
give player diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@sword2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 14:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@sword3}:
give player diamond sword of sharpness 3 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@sword3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 16:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@sword4}:
give player diamond sword of sharpness 4 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@sword4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
if name of event-inventory is "&c&lARMOR":
cancel event
#ARMOR tire 1
clicked slot is 10:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@helmet1}:
give player diamond helmet of Protection 1 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@helmet1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 19:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@chestplate1}:
give player diamond chestplate of Protection 1 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@chestplate1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 28:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@leggings1}:
give player diamond leggings of Protection 1 named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@leggings1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 37:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@boots1}:
give player diamond boots of Protection 1 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@boots1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
#ARMOR tire 2
clicked slot is 12:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@helmet2}:
give player diamond helmet of Protection 2 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@helmet2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 21:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@chestplate2}:
give player diamond chestplate of Protection 2 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@chestplate2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 30:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@leggings2}:
give player diamond leggings of Protection 2 named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@leggings2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 39:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@boots2}:
give player diamond boots of Protection 2 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@boots2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
#ARMOR tire 3
clicked slot is 14:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@helmet3}:
give player diamond helmet of Protection 3 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@helmet3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 23:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@chestplate3}:
give player diamond chestplate of Protection 3 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@chestplate3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 32:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@leggings3}:
give player diamond leggings of Protection 3 named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@leggings3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 41:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@boots3}:
give player diamond boots of Protection 3 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@boots3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
#ARMOR tire 4
clicked slot is 16:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@helmet4}:
give player diamond helmet of Protection 4 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@helmet4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 25:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@chestplate4}:
give player diamond chestplate of Protection 4 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@chestplate4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 34:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@leggings4}:
give player diamond leggings of Protection 4 named "&c&lLEGGINGS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@leggings4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 43:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@boots4}:
give player diamond boots of Protection 4 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@boots4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
if name of event-inventory is "&c&lAPPLE":
cancel event
clicked slot is 10:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@Apple1}:
give player 16 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@Apple1} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 12:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@Apple2}:
give player 32 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@Apple2} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 14:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@Apple3}:
give player 48 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@Apple3} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 16:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to {@Apple4}:
give player 64 golden apple named "&c&lAPPLE" with lore "&c&lSHOP"
remove {@Apple4} from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
send "{@nocoins}"
on hunger meter change:
world is "{@world}":
cancel event
on drop:
if lore of item contains "&4&lLOCKED":
wait 5 tick
delete event-entity
play sound "ITEM_BREAK" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 at event-entity for all players
on damage:
if victim are in world "{@world}":
if attacker is a player:
set {deadFall.%victim%} to "%attacker%"
wait 30 seconds
clear {deadFall.%victim%}
on damage:
if victim are in world "{@world}":
damage cause is fall:
cancel event
on quit:
world is not "{@world}":
set quit message to "{@quit-msg}"
delete {anticlick.%player%}
if {deadFall.%player%} is set:
if player is wearing helmet:
if line 1 of the lore of player's helmet contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's helmet to air
if player is wearing chestplate:
if line 1 of the lore of player's chestplate contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's chestplate to air
if player is wearing leggings:
if line 1 of the lore of player's leggings contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's leggings to air
if player is wearing boots:
if line 1 of the lore of player's boots contains "&4&lLOCKED":
set player's boots to air
loop items in player's inventory:
lore of loop-item contains "&4&lLOCKED":
remove loop-item from event-player's inventory
if {@item-drop} is true:
drop all items in player's inventory at player
clear player's inventory
teleport player at location {@spawn} in world "{@world}"
add {skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.2 + 0.5 to {skypvp.coins::%{deadFall.%player%}%}
remove {skypvp.coins::%player%}*0.2 from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is less than 0:
set {skypvp.coins::%player%} to 0
broadcast "{@killed-by-quiting}"
add 1 to {skypvp.kill::%{deadFall.%player%}%}
add 1 to {skypvp.death::%player%}
wait 1 tick
clear {deadFall.%player%}
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-4}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with diamond boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-3}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player iron sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-2}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
if player has permission "{@permission-rank-1}":
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron helmet named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain chestplate named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with chain leggings named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
equip player with iron boots named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
Give player stone sword named "{@kitname}" with lore "&4&lLOCKED"
on click on chest:
world is not "{@world}":
cancel event
set event-block to air
wait 1 tick
set {random.%player%} to a random integer between 1 and 7
if {random.%player%} is 1:
chance of 1%:
drop diamond sword of sharpness 5 named "&d&LSWORD" with lore "&d&lMYTHIC"
play sound "ENDERDRAGON_GROWL" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
chance of 20%:
drop sword of sharpness 3 named "&6&LSWORD" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop sword of sharpness 2 named "&5&LSWORD" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop sword of sharpness 1 named "&9&LSWORD" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop sword named "&7&LSWORD" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.%player%} is 2 or 6 or 7:
set {random.armor.%player%} to a random integer between 1 and 4
if {random.armor.%player%} is 1:
chance of 1%:
drop diamond chestplate of protection 4 named "&d&LCHESTPLATE" with lore "&d&lMYTHIC"
play sound "ENDERDRAGON_GROWL" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
chance of 20%:
drop chestplate of protection 3 named "&6&LCHESTPLATE" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop chestplate of protection 2 named "&5&LCHESTPLATE" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop chestplate of protection 1 named "&9&LCHESTPLATE" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop chestplate named "&7&LCHESTPLATE" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.armor.%player%} is 2:
chance of 1%:
drop diamond helmet of protection 4 named "&d&LHELMET" with lore "&d&lMYTHIC"
play sound "ENDERDRAGON_GROWL" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
chance of 20%:
drop helmet of protection 3 named "&6&LHELMET" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop helmet of protection 2 named "&5&LHELMET" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop helmet of protection 1 named "&9&LHELMET" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop helmet named "&7&LHELMET" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.armor.%player%} is 3:
chance of 1%:
drop diamond leggings of protection 4 named "&d&LLEGGINGS" with lore "&d&lMYTHIC"
play sound "ENDERDRAGON_GROWL" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
chance of 20%:
drop leggings of protection 3 named "&6&LLEGGINGS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop leggings of protection 2 named "&5&LLEGGINGS" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop leggings of protection 1 named "&9&LLEGGINGS" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop leggings named "&7&LLEGGINGS" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.armor.%player%} is 4:
chance of 1%:
drop diamond boots of protection 4 named "&d&LBOOTS" with lore "&d&lMYTHIC"
play sound "ENDERDRAGON_GROWL" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
chance of 20%:
drop boots of protection 3 named "&6&LBOOTS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop boots of protection 2 named "&5&LBOOTS" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop boots of protection 1 named "&9&LBOOTS" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop boots named "&7&LBOOTS" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.%player%} is 3:
chance of 20%:
drop enchanted book of sharpness named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY"
chance of 30%:
drop enchanted book of protection named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
chance of 50%:
drop enchanted book of unbreaking 3 named "&9&LUNBREAKING" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop enchanted book of power named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.%player%} is 4:
chance of 50%:
drop bow named "&9&LBOW" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop 16 arrow named "&7&LARROW" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
if {random.%player%} is 5:
chance of 20%:
drop 16 golden apple named "&9&LAPPLE" with lore "&9&lRARE"
chance of 50%:
drop 16 lapis lazuli named "&7&LLAPIS" with lore "&7&lCOMMON"
chance of 55%:
drop 1 paper named "&c&lKEY" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
chance of 60%:
drop 1 fishing rod named "&9&LROD" with lore "&9&lRARE"
drop 1 Ender Pearl named "&5<ELEPORT" with lore "&5&lEPIC"
command /key [<text>]:
permission: op
world is not "{@world}":
give 1 paper named "&c&lKEY" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL" to player
on rightclick on Piston:
world is not "{@world}":
if {keychest.%player%} is set:
if slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} is bow or sword or chestplate or leggings or boots or helmet:
open {keychest.%player%} to player
send "&7You didn't got the old gift"
if player doesn't have paper named "&c&lKEY" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL":
send "&7You need a key for this"
remove 1 paper named "&c&lKEY" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL" from player
set {anticlick.%player%} to true
set {keychest.%player%} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&4&lKEYS"
wait 1 ticks
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
open {keychest.%player%} to player
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to sword of sharpness 5 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to bow of power 5 named "&c&lBOW" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to chestplate of protection 4 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to boots of protection 4 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to helmet of protection 4 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to leggings of protection 4 named "&c&lleggings" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to sword of sharpness 5 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
loop 100 times:
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to sword of sharpness 5 named "&c&lSWORD" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to bow of power 5 named "&c&lBOW" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to chestplate of protection 4 named "&c&lCHESTPLATE" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to boots of protection 4 named "&c&lBOOTS" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PLING" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to helmet of protection 4 named "&c&lHELMET" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
play sound "NOTE_PIANO" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to leggings of protection 4 named "&c&lleggings" with lore "&c&lSPECIAL"
set slots (all integers between 0 and 12) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
set slots (all integers between 14 and 26) of {keychest.%player%} to glass pane named "&a"
chance of 10%:
delete {anticlick.%player%}
wait 3 tick
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&4&lKEYS":
clicked slot is not 13:
cancel event
clicked slot is 13:
if {anticlick.%player%} is not set:
if slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} is bow or sword or chestplate or leggings or boots or helmet:
wait 1 tick
set slot 13 of {keychest.%player%} to 166 named "&a"
cancel event
cancel event
on place:
world is not "{@world}":
if player's tool is a anvil:
set event-block to anvil
on rightclick on anvil:
world is not "{@world}":
cancel event
set {_guianvil} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&4&lANVIL"
if player's tool is a sword or helmet or chestplate or leggings or boots or bow or fishing rod:
set slot 11 of {_guianvil} to anvil named "&c&lREPAIR" with lore "&7Cost you 1 coin to repair your item"
set slot 15 of {_guianvil} to book named "&c&lENCHANT" with lore "&7Cost you an enchanted book and 1 exp level"
if player's tool is sword or chestplate or leggings or boots or helmet:
set slot 13 of {_guianvil} to bottle of enchanting named "&c&lUPGRADE" with lore "&7Cost you 1 coin and 3 exp level"
open {_guianvil} to player
set slot 13 of {_guianvil} to anvil named "&c&lNONE" with lore "&7This item is not approved||&7Try one of these:||&7Sword, &7Bow, &7Armor, &7Rod"
open {_guianvil} to player
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&4&lANVIL":
cancel event
wait 1 ticks
clicked slot is 13:
if player's tool is not sword or chestplate or leggings or boots or helmet:
if player's tool is diamond sword or diamond chestplate or diamond leggings or diamond boots or diamond helmet:
send "&7This item has already this upgraded"
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is not greater than or equal to 1:
send "{@nocoins}"
if player's level is greater than or equal to 3:
remove 3 from player's level
remove 1 from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
play sound "ANVIL_USE" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
set {item.lore} to lore of tool of player
set {item.name} to name of tool of player
set {item.durability} to durability of tool of player
if player's tool is not enchanted with unbreaking 3:
delete {item.unbreaking}
set {item.unbreaking} to true
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 5:
set {item.enchant} to 5
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 4:
set {item.enchant} to 4
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 3:
set {item.enchant} to 3
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 2:
set {item.enchant} to 2
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 1:
set {item.enchant} to 1
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 4:
set {item.enchant} to 4
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 3:
set {item.enchant} to 3
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 2:
set {item.enchant} to 2
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 1:
set {item.enchant} to 1
if player's tool is not enchanted:
delete {item.enchant}
if player's tool is sword:
if player's tool is iron sword:
set player's held item to diamond sword named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is stone sword:
set player's held item to iron sword named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is wooden sword or golden sword:
set player's held item to stone sword named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if {item.unbreaking} is true:
enchant player's tool with unbreaking 3
if {item.enchant} is 1:
enchant player's tool with sharpness 1
if {item.enchant} is 2:
enchant player's tool with sharpness 2
if {item.enchant} is 3:
enchant player's tool with sharpness 3
if {item.enchant} is 4:
enchant player's tool with sharpness 4
if {item.enchant} is 5:
enchant player's tool with sharpness 5
if player's tool is helmet or chestplate or leggings or boots:
play sound "ANVIL_USE" with volume 100 with pitch 1 at player for player
if player's tool is iron helmet:
set player's held item to diamond helmet named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is chain helmet:
set player's held item to iron helmet named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is leather helmet or golden helmet:
set player's held item to chain helmet named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is iron chestplate:
set player's held item to diamond chestplate named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is chain chestplate:
set player's held item to iron chestplate named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is leather chestplate or golden chestplate:
set player's held item to chain chestplate named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is iron leggings:
set player's held item to diamond leggings named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is chain leggings:
set player's held item to iron leggings named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is leather leggings or golden leggings:
set player's held item to chain leggings named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is iron boots:
set player's held item to diamond boots named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is chain boots:
set player's held item to iron leggings named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if player's tool is leather boots or golden boots:
set player's held item to chain boots named "%{item.name}%" with lore "%{item.lore}%"
set damage value of player's tool to {item.durability}
if {item.unbreaking} is true:
enchant player's tool with unbreaking 3
if {item.enchant} is 1:
enchant player's tool with protection 1
if {item.enchant} is 2:
enchant player's tool with protection 2
if {item.enchant} is 3:
enchant player's tool with protection 3
if {item.enchant} is 4:
enchant player's tool with protection 4
if {item.enchant} is 5:
enchant player's tool with protection 5
send "&7You need at 3 exp level"
clicked slot is 11:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
repair tool of player
send "&7This item has been repaired"
remove 1 from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
close player's inventory
send "{@nocoins}"
clicked slot is 15:
set {_guianvil2} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&4&lANVIL ENCHANT"
wait 1 ticks
set slot 11 of {_guianvil2} to book named "&9&LUNBREAKING" with lore "&7You need unbreaking book to use this"
if player's tool is a sword:
set slot 15 of {_guianvil2} to book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&7You need a shaprness book for this"
if player's tool is a boots or helmet or chestplate or leggings:
set slot 15 of {_guianvil2} to book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&7You need a protection book for this"
if player's tool is a bow:
set slot 15 of {_guianvil2} to book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7You need a power book for this"
if player's tool is not a sword or bow or boots or helmet or chestplate or leggings:
set slot 15 of {_guianvil2} to gray glass pane named "&7&lNONE" with lore "&7You can not add enchanted book to this item"
open {_guianvil2} to player
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&4&lANVIL ENCHANT":
cancel event
wait 1 ticks
clicked slot is 11 or 15:
if player's level is not greater than or equal to 1:
send "&7You need at 1 exp level"
clicked slot is 11:
if player's tool is not enchanted with unbreaking 3:
if player has enchanted book named "&9&LUNBREAKING" with lore "&9&lRARE":
remove 1 enchanted book named "&9&LUNBREAKING" with lore "&9&lRARE" from player
enchant player's tool with unbreaking 3
remove 1 from player's level
send "&7You need unbreaking book for this"
send "&7This item has already this max enchant"
clicked slot is 15:
if player's tool is a sword:
if player has enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY":
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 5:
send "&7This item has already this max enchant"
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 4:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY" from player
enchant player's tool with sharpness 5
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 3:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY" from player
enchant player's tool with sharpness 4
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 2:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY" from player
enchant player's tool with sharpness 3
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with sharpness 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY" from player
enchant player's tool with sharpness 2
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is not enchanted with sharpness 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&6&LSHARPNESS" with lore "&6&lLEGENDARY" from player
enchant player's tool with sharpness 1
remove 1 from player's level
send "&7You need sharpness book for this"
if player's tool is a boots or helmet or chestplate or leggings:
if player has enchanted book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC":
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 4:
send "&7This item has already this max enchant"
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 3:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC" from player
enchant player's tool with protection 4
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 2:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC" from player
enchant player's tool with protection 3
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with protection 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC" from player
enchant player's tool with protection 2
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is not enchanted with protection 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&5&LPROTECTION" with lore "&5&lEPIC" from player
enchant player's tool with protection 1
remove 1 from player's level
send "&7You need protection book for this"
if player's tool is a bow:
if player has enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON":
if player's tool is enchanted with power 5:
send "&7This item has already this max enchant"
if player's tool is enchanted with power 4:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON" from player
enchant player's tool with power 5
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with power 3:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON" from player
enchant player's tool with power 4
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with power 2:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON" from player
enchant player's tool with power 3
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is enchanted with power 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON" from player
enchant player's tool with power 2
remove 1 from player's level
if player's tool is not enchanted with power 1:
remove 1 enchanted book named "&7&LPOWER" with lore "&7&lCOMMON" from player
enchant player's tool with power 1
remove 1 from player's level
send "&7You need sharpness book for this"
command /pay [<offline player>] [<integer>] [<text>]:
world is not "{@world}":
send "&eYou can not use this command on this world"
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
if {skypvp.coins::%player%} is greater than or equal to arg 2:
remove arg 2 from {skypvp.coins::%player%}
add arg 2 to {skypvp.coins::%arg 1%}
send "&7You send to %arg 1% &e%arg 2%$" to player
send "&7%player% send you &e%arg 2%$" to arg 1
send "&7You do not have enough money!"
send "&7You must enter a amount!"
send "&7You must enter a player!"
every 5 minutes:
broadcast "{@drop-clear-msg-1}"
wait 5 seconds
broadcast "{@drop-clear-msg-2}"
kill dropped items
wait 5 seconds
set block at location at ({@chest-1}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-2}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-3}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-4}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-5}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-6}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-7}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-8}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-9}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-10}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-11}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-12}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-13}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-14}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-15}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-16}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-17}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-18}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-19}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-20}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-21}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-22}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-23}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-24}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-25}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-26}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-27}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-28}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-29}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-30}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-31}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-32}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-33}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-34}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-35}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-36}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-37}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-38}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-39}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-40}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-41}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-42}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-43}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-44}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-45}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-46}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-47}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-48}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-49}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-50}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-51}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-52}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-53}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-54}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-55}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-56}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-58}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-59}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-60}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-61}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-62}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-63}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-64}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-65}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-66}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-67}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-68}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-69}) in world "{@world}" to chest
set block at location at ({@chest-70}) in world "{@world}" to chest
broadcast "{@chest-msg}"